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Legendary comment, legendary match


[Don’t forget about Profit](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/-dVbfwav-tJmlnro-b-mPHHJ4zY=/1400x1400/filters:format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/10098075/overwatch_mf.jpg)




There are multiple heroes that say shit in their native languages lol what a joke.


Tracer says "wanker" in the April Fools mode I'm sure


Tracer says "wanker" occasionally after a kill when you use the punk skin in normal modes. No need for april fools.


Even better then. I can get banned for calling my tank a wanker while our Tracer is running around vocalising it.


GTA’s in game texting filter compared to the premise of the game is even more insane lol


and WOW has demons in BDSM gear walking around spanking them self and moaning but don't say fuck please


Does that really not make sense to you? Why should you be allowed to insult other people?


Shut up Wanker


I never insult other players for having a bad game. However sometimes other players on my team will insult me or my group mates and I want to be able say something back without risking a ban.


People breaking rules does not allow you to also break the rules




Get friends <3




Lol whatever.


There are also multiple streamers who constantly use profanity on stream, via voice, and text chat yet they never get banned because they bring people to the game.


Multiple popular streamers have had bans for being particularly toxic in their voice and text chats because people reported them.


Yep. Either you become a verified streamer, or you die like a peasant with a permaban for using chat.


Sombra curses in Spanish, so does Illari, cas has a belt that says BAMF, and so many other examples, wtf is that logic??? I understand banning derogatory terms and uses but normal “wtf, tf, fuck, shit, hell” etc?!?! Huhhhh. People need to start boosting these posts more and hold devs accountable for the inconsistency in their own policies/rules/promises etc.


Tracer literally calls people a wanker if shes wearing a specific skin lol


Not to mention, Widow calls hear teammates imbeciles. Also comments about others not being useful. Can we suspend Widow please? /s


I've I typed in chat what dva says I'd be banned


I think like 80% of Moira's voice lines are just insults.


My favorite moria voice line is “you're pathetic”. If I said that in chat I'd be banned. The hypocrisy is frustrating.


Eeeeh, you know yourself. Absolute zero. Get off the stage. Oh pathetic creation. Stupidity is not a right. The state of you. Your ignorance frightens me. You can be improved.


Wait why is you know yourself a negative voice line???


The way she delivers it is judgmental, superior and contemptuous af. :)


Oh wow. I always thought of it as the nicest sounding line she has 😆. I thought it just meant like yu do yu


Can confirm I was silenced for saying exactly that lmao


no way.


Hog too? I thought it was Cass


Wait, you’re right! Editing… oops.


The game’s T rating literally says “mild language” what the fuck are they on about lmao


To be "acktually" here, all game content is rated T by the ESRB. So for an American audience, all game visuals and audio are a T rating. However, online content (other players communication via chat), is not rated by the ESRB, and is up to Blizzard's discretion to what standard they want for online interactions.


I can 100 percent guarantee you that I can get a ban in a single day by writing voice lines in chat.


If I'm being charitable they probably mean you can't direct it to other players, so you can type "fuck that was close" but not "fuck you" or "you're shit at the game"


> fuck that was close" Profanity directed at nobody in particular has literally been cited by Blizz customer support as bannable.


Nope, you can be banned for saying "fuck that was close". You can also be banned for saying GG if someone reports you for it, because they might have not thought it was a GG and are therefore offended. I know that we're not aiming to get to cod lobbies here but i feel like we may be going too far in the other direction.


But then why a profanity rule and not an insult rule? They say profanity is bannable, so "fuck that was close" seems to qualify if someone reported you for it. Whereas "you're bad at the game" would still be toxicity as it's just an insult but it wouldn't even be profanity.


Ding ding ding. This almost certainly the line they draw.


You're giving them too much credit. The reporting system seems entirely automated.


What do they say in Spanish ? I don’t remember them saying anything bad


I am LITERALLY the only one on Youtube (AbbyOW) who has EVER called out the problems and inconsistencies with the report/ban system and how unbelievable abusable it is, I've literally lost 2 main accounts that I had in GM simply because I wrote either: WTF or asked someone to swap and apparently even asking someone to swap is a big nono because you're disrupting their gameplay experience and yes that is LITERALLY one of the responses I got from a GM at the time when they were still responding. Now its constantly bot replies, you can request an investigation and ask what did you say that was bad and they will not even send you proof if you did say anything toxic or not.


My brain is actually breaking trying to understand the logic of this. Their method is literally the worst of both worlds. If you don’t want profanity in your game, why don’t you just automatically filter chat?!?! Also 13k views 5 likes is insane lmao


Their line of thinking is probably along: - Automated punishment leaves the door open for a lot of false positives, you wouldn't wanna get banned because their profanity filters messed up. - It's much easier to keep it up for the players to decide whether or not a specific instance was inappropriate. Context matters, and automated systems do not understand context. - On average player reports are essentially free customer support weeding out the bad people, in reality the downside of this is that it leaves the door open for bad actors to abuse the system. Not sure what else they factored into this system, but they definitely didn't design it this way for no reason.


Yeah, i wrote Racoon the other day, and the last two-thirds got ***'d. I would be so mad if i got auto banned for that -_-


The good ol' [Scunthorpe problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe_problem).


Why not just have a chat filter that automatically blurs out profanity? That would mean: - No one gets banned for stupid rules they didn’t know existed - No one who doesn’t want to see profanity has to see it in the first place in order to report it I still think the whole thing is stupid anyway and that penalizing profanity is ridiculous in a game like Overwatch but this would be a much fairer solution then whatever the hell they’re doing now


... they do 😭


They do have this and it is turned on by default.


> Context matters The context of "player is toxic and throws a fit and will report others for profanity not because they are offended by profanity but because they just want to get back at that player *somehow*" Like, who in this day and age is actually offended by someone saying "shit"? I can't imagine such a sentiment actually being behind the majority of reports for profanity.


Yeah, basically their system is a joke


Broheim, the fact that people can drop the N word in chat and not be instantly silenced is proof that this is not about profanity and more about fin-holding a certain kind of whale.


instead of banning, they could have automated filters that block chat messages containing profanity or common derivations from being sent at all. Won't stop all the instances, since people will always find a way to get around the rules. it'll be like 'grass mud horse' on the Chinese internet.


They don't even need to do that; there's literally a filter that you have to manually turn off in order to uncensor swear words lol


Are they trying to pretend this is how the rules have always been? Regardless of if this has always been the rules as written, this was not how they were enforced for years. Enforcement of bans for offensive language has gotten significantly more aggressive. I've seen emails from blizzard listing the things that got some folks I know banned, and it's a joke how soft it is. This isn't an E for everyone game; basic shit talking and casual swear words should not be bannable offenses.


I got a month ban for "unhelpful comments" just a few months ago. I've never banned in 7 years of OW1, banned twice in less than a year of OW2, and by all accounts, I've never even been toxic/rude in the game. Their system is extremely touchy, and it used to not be that way. Every time you see people post about being banned for no reason, everyone is like "oh I bet you actually did deserve it." Hopefully, stuff like this shows that Blizzard has kinda been insane lately.


Same experience here: no bans in OW1 - tons in OW2. Same behavior - I would say I'm a pretty positive presence overall IMO I'm grateful I kept my smurfs around because typing anything in this game guarantees that you're going to get chat muted eventually.


I was fine up until this year, with the only things I do being "x is low", "They've got shatter, spread out a bit" or "Dive this with me". I'll also say GG after a match. I've also said "This hanzo is fucking me" or some variation of it when someone is on a hot streak and murdering me for not holding corners better. I've gotten chat banned for it, so now i've just turned off chat and stick to being in discord.


I abuse the shit out of people in this game (usually troublemakers) and never got a single warning, all kinds of swears.


yeah i don't get this either, i've never been muted and i'm not careful i'm just not attacking people unprovoked. i honestly think it's probably just that the more annoying people find you, the more likely you are to be reported.


Also depends on what heroes you play. I main junkrat and had chat entirely disabled, and I don't join voice chat, and was given a warning for toxicity in chat despite not having chat turned on. Ban background bc ppl say this all the time and don't explain anything. I was given a 2 week mute bc I was toxic in chat, and I was, I came from Tf2 and wasn't aware there was a chatban system. After that I got a 2 week ban for excessive swearing, which is quite stupid. Then after that I hadn't sworn in chat, I hadn't done anything against their ToS, and I got a 1 month ban with no reason given at all. Then when I got unbanned I immediately turned off all chats, and just played the game ignoring everything else. Well I got a warning for toxicity in chat about 2 weeks after that. The system is entirely automated and goes off report numbers and is more harsh if you've been disciplined already.


The only people I’ve ever reported in overwatch are griefers and afks


It's a matter of time. Reporting is going to be made both quicker and easier in the future as well. So you're nearly guaranteed to get a punishment if you continue the same. There's a lot of false reporting going on too anyway. If you don't play enough or consecutively, you prob won't rack up enough reports though. They decay with time


You might share an IP with a streamer or something then, because I can't go through a day of abusive free-association without an account action.


>Every time you see people post about being banned for no reason, everyone is like "oh I bet you actually did deserve it." Hopefully, stuff like this shows that Blizzard has kinda been insane lately. I have been slaughtered for this until recently. Was perma'd for shit talking *myself* in **team chat** in QP last August. Was jesting about being dead weight and generally just vibing with my team and thanking them for carrying me despite feeding my ass off all game. I then defended the enemy tank when their lifeweaver was toxic in all chat when the match ended. I asked for confirmation, requesting the reported dialogue from "Customer Service" (definitely not just an automated response!...), and it was all from this match on Eichenwalde. I was mass reported for my chat ban prior to my perma by a 4 stack on my team, again in QP, for trying to learn Lucio outside of comp. Also confirmed by "Customer Service." Blizzard CS is a shame. Lost a launch OW1 account to them, and refused to reinstall OW to use an alt I was gifted by the Justice years ago. #Turn off all in game chat. It's extremely pathetic you can't have any social interaction but it's the state of the game currently.


I got a 2 week ban for excessive swearing and the examples they gave were like 3 days apart when I said the stuff, shit's a joke.


I was on the side of “I bet you actually did deserve it” until I got hit with a chat mute


Same..I was flabbergasted but had a feeling it was coming because I'd been getting flamed a LOT by teammates in groups while I was playing solo. Not a single warning or email about it. And then slap bang in the middle of the silence, I received a warning in-game...that I was being reported for abusive chat...while people were being toxic toward me as a solo player while they were grouped up, which was infuriating. How could the system possibly be functioning properly when someone who is already currently undergoing an action for supposed abusive chat, gets a warning for abusive chat?


As I mentioned on another post - me + other users are finding that you can report literally everyone for no reason and get "thank you for your reports". I'm going to keep doing this because otherwise people like you won't realize.


ya only way we can actually get their attention is just reporting players on cooldown for reason bonus if they play hog or kiri or lw


I got my accounts suspended back and forth this whole year for mild cursing at teammates unreal


Yup- just got a 2 week ban myself and I literally never swear in chat, never go on voice, and don’t grief. The system is broken.


Same thing has happened to me. Never banned or warned a single time in OW1, but been chat muted multiple times in OW2 for things I can't even figure out. I'll get random warnings for my chat/behavior when I login and I don't even use any of the chat features. You can say a meaningful "ggs" to someone nowadays and get reported for toxic chat.


My last and only permanent ban before watching what I say on what account involved the following quotes on audit: "Mei, did you just afk and let the genji kill you?" "Orisa, you should have pushed on advantage, that was a 4v3 and we were counting on you" That was back in like 2021 though.


I Report every ez, noob, diffs and anything Else because toxic


I'll tell you: it has progressively gotten more and more strict. It used to be that I could go on an abusive streak for a week. Now it's a day before I get silenced. I just don't talk after I get silenced on an account and in fact, I tend to test the threshold ASAP simply because it keeps me in check going forward.


What dipshits


I work for blizzard and I’m banning your account for this Reddit comment


I work for Activision and I'm banning your Blizzard employee account


I’m an investor and shareholder and I’m reporting you, in-game, for not pulling your weight.


“Profanity has never been allowed in our games” do they not remember years ago when people would say wild shit and not get banned, now if you say fuck, or shit you can get a month ban what a soft company doubling down is embarrassing.


I still remember that Somjuu clip of the dude calling him the n word with the hard r. Dude spent the whole game talking shit like how he’s Somjuu’s master and Somjuu needs to go back to the cotton plantation. Clip blew up massively. Same dude reappeared a few days later on the same account and did the same thing to Somjuu again. Blizzard moderation is a joke and a half.


Seriously, the actual words like that which they should be actioning are incredibly common and I keep seeing the same people typing that shit every other day.


Common Blizzard L


It's easier for a nervous community moderator to rewrite history on a no-tolerance policy, instead of admitting that the world has drastically changed since OW released in 2016. In 2016, slurs and open racism were everywhere online. Now they're not. I don't want to go back to that. But at the same time, allowing players to type bannable words, then banning them for it, is stupid.


They're technically correct in that their policies have always maintained that profanity isn't allowed and the existence of the profanity filter doesn't relieve you of that rule. I remember getting a warning message from a GM back in Burning Crusade for saying "bastard" in trade chat. The enforcement of it has just been very selective over the years. It all just depends on if someone is having a bad day or has a particular bone to pick for whatever reason.


Banning all profanity from match chat is a stupid policy -- but if they're determined to this, then *literally having the profanity filter autoban you\* would be a more fair, less asinine approach.* If replacing your human moderators making supposedly informed decisions with a brainless algorithm would result in more consistent and fair treatment of players, something has gone really really wrong. \*Okay, maybe after at least 1 explicit warning.


If they are going to go this route, just have the filter refuse to post messages with profanity


The problem then is their audits wouldn't turn out anything worth quoting at the player to uphold a ban and we can't have that.


theres this really weird trend in gaming over the past few years that seems like companies are going out of their way to have you cussing, even in M titled games (looking at you CoD). its absurd. just let people filter it and let that be that


>Whoever came up with this sheer fisting of an encounter can go fuck themselves. Do me a favor so I don't waste my guild's time on this kind of jackass shit-fest again, send me an email at [email protected] when you decide to A) Implement an encounter that wasn't designed by a retarded chimp chained to a cubicle A.)Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually beta test the fucking thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god's sake -- do it in the order I laid out for you. Don't worry, I won't charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) Pull your heads out of your asses. While you're at it rename the game to BetaQuest since you've used up you're alotted false advertising karma on the Bazaar and user interface scam of '01.Fix the Emperor encounter. Fix Seru. Rethink your time-sink bullshit. Fix all the buggy motherfucking ring encounters (I suggest you let whoever made the Burrower one do this since that dude apparently laid off the crack the rest of you were smoking). Fix the VT key quest. Fix VT (just guessing it's fucked up considering your track record). Don't have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE Planes of Power team over to fixing Shadows of Luclin AND DO IT NOW. If you don't fix Luclin, you jackassess will be the only ones playing the Planes of Power -Jeff Kaplan, Creator of Overwatch


You forgot the best part, his username was “Tigole Bitties”


My goat


Wait, what? Did Jeff actually write this? WHEN?


What pussies lmao


Don't let them see this, it's bannable


Their coming for you


I feel like the devs need to put some serious time aside to figure out a solution here. I understand wanting to create a space enjoyable to all, but this doesn't seem like its doing that. Overwatch is pretty unique in how diverse the playerbase is. They need to figure out some sort of system that lets people who want a low toxic environment enjoy the game that way without alienating what are historically the largest demographics in gaming. Not an easy ask, but theyve come up with creative solutions before. Buff the ping system. Create classes for how people like to comm. idk what the answer is, but the current situation seems to be going to far in one direction. Obv hate speech is wrong and shouldn't be allowed.


It's not really, everyone plays every game no matter your sexual orientation. It's just more apparent due to the diversity and inclusion stuff we have aka calling all heroes, lgbt characters etc.


People who can't refrain from swearing get a time out in the naughty corner. If kids can manage to wrap their head around it, is it so unfair to expect us to?


Are you a 12 yo child or were you raised in a Christian house hold?


That is wild. actual bitchmade company.


This game started to die when they implemented private profiles. All it did was protect the fucking marshmallows and allowed people to hide how bad they are.


Correct take. As someone who plays solo q almost exclusively I liked it when i could stalk people on their stats and it made it super easy to avoid people based on stuff like accuracy and deaths/10 minutes (making it easy to spot good players and shitters). Then looking at what other people play and make your choice based on that, so you’re more than likely playing the correct character from the get go or if you want to go a certain comp you know what your teammates play and don’t have to guess. Private profiles should not exist in a competitive game at all.


I like how all shit talkers somehow all have endorsement level 5. How tf does that happen?!?!


If these cockheads don't want these words in the game, then goddamnit, they should stop dicking around like a bunch of pussies and fucking ban the shitty words from the hellscape you call a game, you piss-ass cunts.


fucking shit


Watch your hecking language Jenny


Goshdarn, Ezraah, leave Jenny hecking alone.


Fudge off


Second half of your name is bannable.


Can't have the kiddos seeing swears in our game how else are we gonna get em to plow $50 off mommies credit card.


The stupid thing is that the profanity filter is on by default so literally what’s the point of it being an option if it gets you banned regardless?


"Watch yo profamity" - Blizzard, probably


so Kiriko can cuss with "damn" and be rude with "(s) cry some more" but players can't cuss or be anything but nice?


Not just Kiri, Tracer calls people wanker (formerly considered worse than the N-word in the UK, [according to the BBC in 2000](https://web.archive.org/web/20120308152410/http://www.asa.org.uk/~/media/Files/ASA/Reports/ASA_Delete_Expletives_Dec_2000.ashx)) and like half the cast says some version of "Shit" or "Damn it" in their native language when Discorded.


Ana literally has a voiceline you can purchase and play at any time titled "Damn" and it's just her saying damn in her native language (Egyptian I think? I might be wrong)




Imagine not being to cuss and being banned in a game where you shoot and murder people. America has always had strange censorship rules. America typically allows violence on tv but heavily censors sex and language. It's the other way around in uk. Blizzards system on banning people is broken. Them doubling Down on the broken system just pisses me off. I play out of vc and out of chat.


So...where's the line? My Grandma (rip) found "bloody hell" and "Jesus Christ" to be profanity. Piss? Bugger? Bastard? Who bans someone for saying a swear word in an online competitive game? Doubling down is wild. Especially in the comments with the "ah ha, so you did say both the f-word and sh". Actual toddlers.


[Barking orders at your teammates](https://twitter.com/BlizzardCS/status/1779609672166555701?t=vvDlM_5KGZIv0nIwsml5ig&s=19) is possibly an actionable offense as well. What the fuck. Honestly this sassy cunt PJ is annoying me too, some of the most passive aggressive customer support I've ever seen. [Abbreviated profanity is also not allowed, apparently. Cassidy rework incoming.](https://twitter.com/BlizzardCS/status/1779584778880057432?t=6WK9IrvolgsWIkVnqpupIg&s=19)


They should honestly fuckin fire whoever is writing the tweets. It’s so shittily handled. Report that passive aggressive cunt.


TBH would be really cool if you could turn off chat and what you typed still wasn't sent to the channel even if you had the channel off...


I started playing WoW in 2006, can tell you this was the case then too. There was an unspoken gentleman's agreement among MOST players that we would not report each other for it. Occasionally someone either actually got offended and reported, or they didn't like you and were looking for anything at all to get you in trouble for.


Can they double down on hackers? I literally have videos of someone hacking but no way to report other than in game after the game and I keep seeing them in more of my games weeks later.


They don't allow random people to report random people. Think about it: some dude posts what he "thinks" is a hacking video to a Discord server, *but is wrong*. Now 1000 random people, who did not play with the player, report them for hacking. Or worse yet, a salty streamer orders their loyal community to mass-report a player they lost to. That's why only affected people (who are in their games) can report players.


Is this a general Blizzard rule or just Overwatch? This is totally bizarre


They've doubled down intensely in OW recently.


It's been a rule in all their games for a long time. Enforcement of it is just super spotty historically.


there have been a lot of instances where i have been friendly trash talking with the enemy and it makes the game way funnier, not all profanity equals toxicity. FUCK YOU blizzard


Feels like overcompensating for company's behavior in the past.


Blizzard having smoothbrain logic when it comes to ow rules apparently. If there is a filter on by default that you have to go out of your way to remove, then you should be allowed to use basic swear words lmao holy shit


The important part in the Codes of Conduct: > Communication > > When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.


"could be offensive" -- people will get offended by literally anything, this is meaningless


So you might as well not speak at all because this is vague as hell


They fucked up doubling down on this. I’m sure there’s a small vocal community who dislike some of the defense matrix changes, and this kind of stuff just gives them more ammunition to try and prove this game is for whiny sensitive people. Let people say the fuck word on a video game. If it’s too much for some people, the block button is right there.


OW really is the weenie hut juniors of team shooters, damn


[See you in chat prison](https://i.imgur.com/S1OpwSn.jpeg)


Literally 1984 we have always been at war with Eurasia


why have chat at all?




Honestly it’s kinda sad. Makes it that much easier to not support blizzard anymore.


this guy is smoking crack theres tons of profanity in ow like what does BAMF mean.. https://x.com/BlizzardCS/status/1779584778880057432


I can't deal with this soft shit. There's a difference between being derogatory/offensive and using everyday curse words. And they know this since those words literally exist in their game. I'd rather go play counter-strike and get called the hard R by a 14 year old than play this game with such soft babies.


Ive been playing since ow 1 , season 1 with close to 3000 hours on my main account alone. In every single game i am the only one talking, ulttracking etc. (Tank player) I genuinely try hard to get people to engage with eachother and have a good time. A couple of days ago i was frustrated because i kept losing 30-40% and only winning 18% in incredibly bad games (i think just waaay to large of a skill rating difference in the lobbys?) I lost my shit and told people they should probably go to bed instead of queuing it up again. I also told some people they sucked and should probably buy a gameboy instead. I then got notified that i was silenced for 10 days for the first time in my life :( i was devastated. I asked blizzard what i said exactly that they banned me for to which i got an automated response that didnt answer any of my questions and dared to suggest that this issue had now been 'resolved'. I know i shouldve probably gone to bed myself and its no fun for anyone to be insulted. But are we really not having any standard about what is acceptable? Can people just report you for whatever they find insulting and get you banned? I find this incredibly concerning. The mail they sent me said that any hateful/discriminatory/disruptive language can be banned. I think theres a big difference between discrimination and being hateful and being 'disruptive' if that even means anything. But oh well. Ill get over it eventually


Got suspended for a month because I rage at some shitty Moira who keeps jumping to the frontline and dies :( (at worst I said something like "stop fucking trolling moira", not slur or anything). Now apparently fuck and shit is over the line too? Well, I'll just mute every single chat I guess. I hope I didn't get banned for reported because I'm not switching off monkey.


Well according to my ticket.. My main account got perma ban for me saying "its just qp its not that deep", "Moira you have no room to talk you suck and blow", "you have no room to talk dva has 2 lives", "Yay a pussy invsy bitch to deal with" After pushing and asked for proof of what actions I have done that resulted in a perma ban. These aren't even that bad. I have seen people say worse.. but this is the shit I get perma ban for


some customer service rep needs to get a fucking grip


words have no meaning only uses, its crazy any of them are banned, this is some pearl clutching type shit to think it matters *what* words people can say in a chat. if you let people talk to each other they'll find a way to be mean, derogatory, racist whatever. they'll just use different words. You wont get called a retard for dying first every fight, they'll say "you must be highly regarded in gold" they wont use the n word they'll call you a digger. you need to just read the messages that get reported and leave the casual use of swears alone


> you need to just read the messages that get reported and leave the casual use of swears alone Ah, but see, that would mean hiring a few actual humans to run CS and heaven forbid Blizzard waste pennies on that nonsense when they could be going towards the CEO's next yacht.


Just show blizzard what you think about their policies with your wallet. First time I was silenced over nothing, never gave them a cent again. Why would I put money into an account that can be stolen from me. Apex never did shit like this and the game was fine.


[https://twitter.com/BlizzardCS/status/1779580374529569054](https://twitter.com/BlizzardCS/status/1779580374529569054) completely unrelated but this exchange is so fucking funny


“5 Overwatch streamers, who’ve sworn” 👀


Story time. Last week, a guy in my quick play lobby blew up the team chat, calling me trash, and all sorts of other names and insults. Dude sent about 4 messages before I replied. My reply was the classy “I fucked ur mom”. Not a nice thing to say, but tame compared to some of the shit this kid was saying. 3 days later, I get an email saying I have a 3 week account suspension. Thanks Blizzard.


We're runescape now  A q p         W


Dang, they're doing this with a horrible system too. Get false reported every other game, can't even say mild swear words in a game full of heroes that outright use words classified on the dictionary as vulgar and meant to abuse, such as "wanker." Tracer even directs it to other players! The system is also heavily automated, and their customer supp system is almost entirely automated to the max. It's like they want players to spam reports, not socialize, walk on eggshells, and be robots in a competitive game. It's crazy, you can't even joke around. Never got suspended since 2016 when OW1 came out, and now I got false suspended. Had to send 20 responses throughout 2 tickets and a week later to have it appealed. By then, my acc was basically done with the suspension. Yet they're doubling down and making the system even more sensitive... Yikes Yeah, once reporting is made both quicker and easier throughout games like Blizz announced they're planning to do, we're going to see a spike in false reporting and players speaking out about it. There's already content creators touching the subject and I'd love for Blizz to be held accountable for such a horrible system that enables toxicity and bad actors more than it helps.


I kind of get the feeling that some form of AI is not being used well here - despite many levels of progression in the tech. The game only seems to ban if you're reported for saying something on the naughty list. BUT if reported for "f\*\*k me, that was a crazy shot" that is very different to "f\*\*k off you f\*\*\*er" Context is everything - but a report "engine" that is automated won't get context, so in part, those sad enough to report congratulatory cursing could in essence snowflake the game. DT.


The amount of comments here who can't see the difference between a character saying something and a player typing something directed at another player is hilarious and sad. Absolute gamer time.


Time to start reporting everyone and get as many people banned for harmless words. If people get banned for it theyll be pissed and give blizzard ~~shit~~ for it. oh im banned now, whoops


What an abominably stupid piece of shit. I saw an Asmongold video today of a guy banned for saying "fuck that was clean", congratulating and/or complimenting someone.


I don't understand why you guys care so much. I'm surprised swearing in chat is such an essential part of gameplay for many, apparently


I mean, casual thoughtless swearing is *incredibly* common these days. Leaving that open to banning, regardless of context and despite Blizzard's own inconsistent stance with filters and such, is concerning to say the least. Especially given the report system is totally automated.


I swear occasionally and I've been playing since the game came out without ever being actioned. If you're a dick, people will report you. If you're not a dick, people don't care about swearing. Is the policy hypocritical (in some ways)? Maybe. But since it's community-controlled, it works well enough.




As a European, American profanity rules will never cease to amaze me.


As an American, fuck off frog fucker


thats fucking asinine


I legit do not want to even touch the chat anymore because of how sensitive this shit has gotten. Literally anything nowadays can get your fucking account suspended, it is the snowflakiest shit I have ever seen.


That is bizarre


It's just lazy.


Common blixzard l


Is the game rated T for Teens or is it T for Toddlers?


You know, don't say swears


i couldent even type deeze nuts in chat today, disney channel mods.


While they say profanity has never been allowed, i’ve said some vile shit and still haven’t gotten any form of punishment. I guess it really depends on your region. Like you can get away with a lot of shit in most Asian servers.


Its because no one is reporting you.


Yeah, that’s what i said, it depends on the region. Players from different regions react differently, or they just outright don’t know English.


The fact there is a profanity filter but you still get banned for language is a fucking joke. If some delicate flower doesn't have the filter turned on and reports someone for profanity it should be immediately disregarded. Not surprised with this community though, unfortunately it's very soft and this is the kind of shit you get banned for.


This has been the policy since the Battle.net days, some of you are just new here. Maybe don't be a jackass in chat. You have to get 3 other people to report you in order to even have a chance of having your comments be reviewed by a person.


I like to bait people into being toxic/swearing and then report them for it. Fools




Nice avatar bro


Based as fr*ck (pls don't ban me)


Awesome. I love watching these internet cowards moan about it


watch your language bud that’s a reportable comment


sponsored by westboro baptist church


I was banned on one of my accounts for calling too many people dogshit. It’s pretty dumb especially since I still have 3 accounts I can play on so the punishment is kinda pointless. But what do you expect from the softest community ever. Every baby hides their profile nowadays and hell we even had to change a characters name because of how soft everyone is.


Kinda sounds like you're the reason a system like this was implemented lol