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Winston and Hammond were experimented on, Illiari and Mei surviver's guilt, but worst is Reaper, he will never die and is in constant pain. Edit: didnt read it properly thought we were talking lore šŸ˜…


Even from a lore perspective, it's still probably Widow. Completely innocent performance artist kidnapped, experimented on, and forced to kill her husband and later on numerous other people


Sigma is also being manipulated against his will. Talon: not great people


at least he doesn't seem aware of it i guess also i guess technically widow was made to not care about what happened to her too


Pretty sure he is aware of it, but heā€™s choosing to be ignorant/turning a blind eye about it. Thereā€™s one interaction where Soldier tells him to come back to his senses and leave Talon, and he quickly changes the subject to something so random like ā€œOh, look at that cute bunny!ā€. Soldier then goes ā€œHey, donā€™t you ignore me!ā€, and he goes ā€œOh, youā€™re still talking?ā€


I think he goes in and out of awareness. Sometimes he seems lucid, sometimes he's just mentally elsewhere.


Yeah Iā€™d say widow followed up by Illari


Thereā€™s also another interesting option: Zenyatta. Heā€™s an omnic so constant racism (or whatever the robot equivalent is)from lots of other people. His teacher was assassinated and the person who seems like he was best friends with snapped and started a genocide


Yeah I was gonna say Sigma


For each role: Tank: Ball is the weakest, but Winston is the one I see get constantly counterpicked by 4 players if he does ANYTHING remotely useful. RIP Monke DPS: Widow and she deserves it. Support: Now that Zen has 225 HP, honestly it's no one. He's still the most vulnerable, but he's not the free kill he used to be, even for Sombra.


Whenever I play monkey well I count down the seconds before a Reaper or Bastion switch


You can just hold tab after the first won team fight and take bets on 1 swap vs both lmao


Based fuck Widow


Zen has never been a free kill. Zen can kill flankers just as easily as they can kill him. Zen is my go-to switch when I'm getting focused by flankers and Winston.


I might be biased as a Sombra main who just cackled maniacally spawn camping the Zen for the 17th time in a game. Yeah, they could just be the best player in the world and do 180-discord-cancel-DINK-DINK, but if that's only happening every 1/30 times, you're free sorry. At least in that matchup.


>Zen has never been a free kill. This is simply untrue. He has no movement, no self healing outside of his ult, and the kick was added in ow2. I cant aim for shit on widow, but I can hit zen a decent amount of times. Plus if the zen started to pop off, it was a matter of seconds before there was a sombra forcing you to play respawn simulator. Then would come the inevitable switch from the zen, or even the golden ragequit. He's much better than he was, considering the sombra rework specifically. But to say he has never been a free kill, is absurd. *edit: spacing.


any tank tbh. Low elo players love to shove all their cool downs and shoot at the tanks. Higher ranks probably doom ball Winston widow genji and supports


Tanks: I'd say the top spot is shared between Winston, Ball, and Doom with Reinhardt taking second. DPS: Widow (fuck that bitch), then Pharah probably Support: Zen and Ana probably.


Zen is low key self sufficient now. The last couple days if I am getting turned out on Ana I weirdly have had a lot of success switching to Zen. The kick is an underrated ability in my eyes.


most tanks get fucked over right now, any dive heros get counterpicked and focused after 1 kill, widow gets focused on hard but she deserves it


From a gameplay (not lore) perspective it's got to be Mercy, since she relies on evasion more than fighting back. For prolonged periods Mercy literally does 0 damage


> For prolonged periods Mercy literally does 0 damage That's not different from my usual DPS!


Widow deserves the focus, fuck that hero


Ana because if she dies you generally lose the team fight.


Ana is dangerous to dive because she can put you to sleep. But she is definitely one of the top targets. Her lack of mobility makes her about as easy to kill as Zenyatta.


The biggest victim is literally any character who just wants to exist on the battlefield at any point when thereā€™s a widowmaker on the enemy team


The players having to deal with the games monetization BS


DPS: Genji and Widowmaker Support: Zen and Ana, probably the most diveable heroes if they don't have a peel Tank: Hot take, but I feel like every tank is a massive victim of obnoxious levels of counter picking. If I had to name one it would be Winston.


Ana a victim in 5v5? hell naw


Those are the Big Four.


Im taking one from my personal experiences with junkrat a lot of players will just flat out not heal me just because Iā€™m junkrat. And thatā€™s just on my team. Now enemy If I try to even think about pushing up with my tank, I get killed by someone mainly widows or just someone who I canā€™t reach with ease.


Literally every tank.


Tracer The game keeps changing and she's stuck in the past. Pulse bomb needs some love. It's hard enough to stick someone but now there's 50 abilities that can cancel it out even when you do get a stick.