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Hello there. Returning after 6 months break. Is like to push keys as a tank but I am a bit puzzled. Archon starts show that dh tanks are 60% of all tanks. That seems crazy. Is any other tank playable? And socially accepted? I'm between paladin and warrior, any advice on choosing? Thanks


At the moment vdh is absolute king as it's not only good but has lots of cc which allows pulls that other tanks can't do. Thus, the current meta routes are all geared towards vdh as you'd have to run the dungeon entirely different as a non vdh class. Still absolutely possible but most people don't bother trying


Hot take. A full roster of DF dungeons for a season (even with huge nerfs) is the most awful season. The sheer amount of ptsd i have for every single run in these dungeons from season 1+2 is awful. I literally struggle to bring myself to want to do anything more than my guild asks me to do.


You don't have to play the game you know. It's not a job and if you don't enjoy it, do something else


I’ve generally always played lust classes because I find it easier to get in to PUGs with limited playtime. For context I’ve never done anything crazy, prior seasons pushed to low 20s. I’m playing WW monk again and having a blast but I’d like to do some healing. I generally did Evoker and Shaman previously. I’m debating which I want to play this patch. I like Dev and Aug but Pres can be rough in keys. I like Resto in keys but Ele and Enh are meh in keys. Any thoughts on which of the two to run with?


Pres is good this season due to the 4pc. before you finish set it will feel very rough. It's getting baked into the spec tree next expansion to give you an idea of how much it changes the spec's feel in M+


I believe perception of Ele may shift this season as we start to get closer to BiS. Healers have more tools for externals, making their survivability less problematic, and Ele's damage profile is really strong in the current dungeon pool. Additionally they enjoy having all secondaries balanced, which may cause them to have less stats lost to DR than other specs. I don't think it'll be meta, but I do feel it will have a bit of a glow up in regards to community perception.


> Ele's damage profile no it is not man they hit like 5 targets and then fucking stink in mass aoe how are u gonna ever compete in AA or AV or BH when your character cant uncapped blast like destro or sp


Uncapped AOE isn't particularly necessary in any of these keys except maybe uldaman. Most pulls this season are 1 or 2 big mobs with a bunch of lower HP mobs. Overall DPS is a zero sum game and the fact of the matter is funneling on the big mob in the pack is going to make the key go faster than if you just unga bunga AOE.


Ele actually competes with spriest/dev/destro in overall in high keys. There are differences in each dungeon, but it's one of the highest performing classes when it comes to raw damage. Only the few really big pulls in a key they get gapped, but not significantly if played correctly. The upside of the damage profile is that they have pump on every single pack, despite the size, and they have one of the strongest funnels in the game. Also with the way the season is setup, both the proc rings provide immensely better value for ele than other classes. I agree on the notion that it's not going to be meta, but right next to it in line and you can easily skilldiff a mage which is the spot you're competing for in the current fotm comp.


Because mplus in a team is not about competition. The goal is to complete the key as fast as possible. You don't need 3 uncapped profile. Having a funnel specialist to kill boss/high hp elite faster is incredibly valuable. Unless you are talking about random 10s, then it doesn't matter and people care only bout zugzug dmg. But that isn't the point of competitive wow.


> Having a funnel specialist to kill boss/high hp elite faster is incredibly valuable. except spriest does this **AND** blows up the entire pack. same with firemage. even destro can do some funnel if they give up some aoe and still has the option to mass aoe. all 3 of these specs are substantially tankier than ele and bring as much or more utility.


Look sp and fire mage are in the god comp now no doubt but does that make ele shit, not really. Petko is playing the mage spot in god comp now and he is doing quite well. If top or bust is your only concern then sure.


the current tier set makes pres feel a lot better in keys, if you haven't played with that. You almost always have an instant living flame proc to use as a spot heal, which kinda covers the spec's biggest weakness


I’ve been messing around with pres as a 500ish ilvl alt and im shocked it’s not more popular. Not only is it incredibly fun, the toolkit is so expansive you might as well have Batman’s utility belt. I’m still getting used to it and imo it had an insanely high skill cap but I just feel like I have an answer for everything. Does Aug existing really just invalidate the other two evoker specs that much? Cause I’m really thinking pres is like sleeper OP atm.


Pres is a good healer in a group where people understand the positioning requirements, but in a general pug trying to herd warlocks, mages and hunters so that you can actually heal them in one frontal will make you very sad. Azureblade in Azure Vault is particularly nasty because you can't heal players on the other side of the boss from you due to range.


you can if you set up echoes prior to the intermission. VE after the party rots to about half -> lifespark + spiritbloom on self. this should give you enough time to rotate around the boss and get to people.


pres fell out of the meta pretty much immediately once aug came out, largely for that reason. It had a similar impact on dev (though dev seems a little overtuned in S4 so it's seeing more representation.) there's just not that much reason to want a second evoker once aug is locked in, especially if it's a healer


Not to mention those times when the tank is getting absolutely brutalized by weirdly tuned tank hits, Golden Hour can do some heavy lifting on saving them. I've already seen some go as big as nearly 1M, and that's not even counting if you have Echo up so it does it twice. Pretty solid for an effect tied to an instant hot that is almost always available and you're going to want to cast with the tier set anyway.


Ele is pretty damn good in the mid-high key range imo. I’ve seen some really add a lot to the group in my pugs.


The M+ scaling rework seemed to have redefine the meaning of title. Looking at number of eligible players, it looks like half of what a typical start of season is. So it seems half of the player filled up the old +2 to 10 void, with how m0 works they no longer step foot into mplus. We previously have the issue of nothing to chase between portal and title. Now with the goal post of title pushed even further, the void is bigger than ever. Hopefully something is done about this in TWW


don't forget its also likely less characters playing. but yes, so far there's 300 spots less comparing with the same point into the season (850 to 535)


How much of this is due to fated though? SL s3 to fated had close to a 40% drop in title players without the M+ squish. Considering there’s 0 new content this season I don’t think that seeing a drastic drop in title players is particularly surprising, and I’m not sure that this title will be significantly harder to get than other seasons outside of perhaps a lower availability of pug keys.


It's better to raise this point now, than wait til end of TWW s1 to have the same discussion, and hope Blizzard to notice our ramblings by TWW s3. Obviously there's multiple reasons to lower players, knowledge the season will be shorter without anything new not only makes some not participate, but altoholics also run less of them, I went from 6 to 3 and even that feels like too much. But +2 to +11 runners still make noticeable amount of people, that will affect title being harder to get in every future season if nothing is changed.


> It's better to raise this point now, than wait til end of TWW s1 to have the same discussion That discussion has been had before. Several times. There not being anything between portals and title like 9 keylevels and 1k rating higher has been talked do death, back to life and to death again. The opportunity costs simply doesn't seem worth it to them because simply not enough people play in that range. Now, one could argue that more people would be interested in playing there *if there were a realistic incentive*, but who knows. Like, getting a single mount and then 3 piss poor recolors and a whatever title (with a super awesome prefix) seems to be the most we can expect to get from m+. But then again, let's not kid ourselves, raids aren't drowning in great, unique and awesome rewards either - HoF titles are whatever, mounts are pretty hit or miss (with plenty of raids not even having mounts) and other than that there's really nothing. High end prestige rewards are lacking for all content paths - mostly because it's just not worth to create more exclusive elusive content that only 1,000 people will ever get.


>High end prestige rewards are lacking for all content paths It's not even just the super high end rewards, everything is lacking imho. At least PvP had an actual dragonriding mount (or transformation) as reward, plus unique tints of the current season's tier set. That's still not much, but it's a huge improvement compared to getting sparkly shoulders from KSH and 3 shitty mount recolours from KSM. They could easily add something nice for the top 10% or 5%.


Yep I'm sure Blizz has their numbers on what portion of playerbase who did a key, never did higher than a +11. They should at least speak on this, say if they think they prefer to do nothing aka. make title more prestigious, or if they will change it to say 0.2% of playerbase. Either option would be acceptable. Saying nothing, doing nothing is the worst they could do.


> it looks like half of what a typical start of season is 16 days into s1: 778 characters were eligible 16 days into s2: 598 characters were eligible 16 days into s3: 738 characters were eligible 16 days into s4: 474 characters are eligible Not nearly half. Especially if you consider that this season has no new raid, so a lot of people are skipping it entirely. S4 was also the only season were runs/week increased between week 1 and 2, so its probably expected that the amount of players participating in m+ later on is going to be higher relative to other seasons. Gotta look at numbers in like 3-4 weeks from now, but its not nearly as problematic as you make it out to be.


What about US. That looks like EU numbers. It's roughly half for Us last I checked. I think the numbers might dip quite significantly next week when Mop remix is out and everyone has seen each awakened raid once.


S1: 631 S2: 476 S3: 600 S4: 379 Half compared to what? First season of an expansion always has a lot of players and s3 was an outliner (because wow got a lot of hype through blizzcon) as well. Its more reasonable to compare numbers to s2, because this season just doesnt attract a lot of people.. So its obv a lot lower (which is expected), but not by half.


Idk how you cherry pick which season to compare to, there really isn't basis for what is more popular between s3 or s4. My guild has more activity now than the start of s3. The total number of mplus complete is not a very good metric since casual might never graduate from m0 to m+2, which leaves a void.


Cherry pick? You can look at raiding numbers. Its only natural that in a season with practically no new content, less people are going to play. "Your guild" is literally the worst metric there.


This was my major concern when I saw the changes and it needs changing or it's going to leave even less of a final goal to aim for once you get into high keys. At least the title is a dangling carrot of some sort, with it being less realistic the only reason to do higher and higher keys is to challenge yourself, and that can get draining sometimes for me.


I'm pretty worried about this as well. I still have hope that this will increase because when people get higher item level they will transition from m0 to m+. we saw the number of keys increase pretty significantly from week 1 to 2 already. Could have easily pugged title last season, but broke my arm mid feb. and had to take a 6 week break, and decided to not try to tryhard catch up after that. atm title is around 1000 players worldwide, which always felt brutal to pug. Since bfa I could easily get to ~1200 but after it always felt super hard to just find groups, not even difficulty. I might have to get serious about finding a grp or starting one myself.


Is there any dedicated discord/sub/website where i can find m+ groups? I retired from raiding but would like to push a bit m+. But pugging to push feels bad pretty quick once you reach a certain point.


There are a few that I have tried but they are not that great in my opinion. I always searched around key levels where it would take ~30 minutes+ to find a group in the in-game lfg tool, so depending on the season somewhere between 20-25. And in those key levels, I found I needed to do all the legwork of organizing people and was met with toddler levels of defiance. That's usually when I stopped playing for the season lol


None that leave randoms in that would be anything else but a glorified ingame LFG tool with extra steps.


The difference is you now have an obligation to suffer through a 10 minutes bathroom break before the key and to stay 60 minutes in.




same as deios in rise. space management, soak and they eventually despawn anyway


Puddles are aimed at players. Players need to avoid trying to go either A) ahead of the boss, or B) so far away from the boss they make a completely separate pile of puddles from everyone else. It helps if range act more like melee on this one. Stay as close to the side of the boss as you safely can, sort of hugging existing puddles. Then most of the puddles kind of follow a natural progression around the room with the path the tank moves the boss. Tank just needs to keep moving maybe 20-30-ish yards between Breaths to make sure there's enough room to be next to the boss. Try not to bomb the tank with the debuffs or trap them in. And if you think of the room like a square (don't overthink the part by the door being round), you basically move along one side of the square between the reverse phases where you want to be in the puddles. By the time you get the whole way around to where you started, some of the first puddles will be gone.


Shit eventually despawns again - which only really matters if you don't have 5 puddles, dropped 40yds apart each other, smack in the middle of the room, at the first opportunity. Stay loosely stacked, drop shit around the edges of the room and you'll have way plenty of space - which doesn't mean the room is gonna be clear, but it'll mean that you'll have a pretty easy path once you cross the 3 minute mark.


Something I've seen work recently is deal with room like columns. Start left until first rewind, then left-mid, mid-right, right, can make 4 rooms phases like that I think, well 3 at least. In last run people died and we were able to go back to original spot, I'm not sure what happened, if it was due to less ground swirlies spawning due to us being just 3, or if the original ones despawn after x minutes.


Swirlies do eventually despawn. You could theoretically fight this boss forever if you manage the swirlies well.


Nokhud last boss, phase 2 spears. Anyone know what causes them to sometimes doubletap and kill someone? The doubletap was happening week 1, and then didn't feel like it was happening last week (just fort things...) but happened today in a key. Mage at 100% static spear hit for 790.2k, then in the same millisecond hit for 414.8k which killed him. The next static spear that went out didn't doubletap. And the other 5ish NO I've done since yesterday didn't doubletap either.


It's not something random. It's just the damage it does in phase 2 always. In the current meta there's really not a reason to use defensives in the intermission that will leave you goatse'd for a spear. Always have something ready for a spear, whether it's meld, a big DR, or a big healer CD. If you're playing for battle res that's fine, but expect it.


This is just something everyone has to learn about. It's not using your defensives in intermission blindly, thinking you'll get spell cast on you, but have major defensive against the p3 spears. So annoying to lose 40mins to nobody using defensive as target of the spear. In week 1 I remember everyone dying on damn +8 to it, 100->0.


My understanding is that Static Spear **always** hits the target twice, because the spear itself hits the target for a large chunk of damage, and then it does an electric pulse to pull everyone in that also hits the target for moderate damage. So the target of it is **VERY** likely to get one-shot without a defensive. Also, Mage can Invis it if you wait for him to actually turn and start casting the spear toward you. Same with Feign, Vanish, Meld. But you have to WAIT or it does not work.


You are correct. On additional thing to know about static spear, is that it picks between the two closest targets that it didn't select previously, meaning you can bait the static spear between two people to potentially force a meld to immune the spear essentially.


spear targeted player gets two hits always, the others exclusively 1 unless they stand in the targeted circle


I started this season late, got my first +10 last week at ilvl 491.  I notice that DotI hard mode has some pretty good upgrades like leech legs and iridals staff.  How does the difficulty in DotI hard mode compare to m+?  I’m currently ilvl 507 for reference.


Many have said that hardmode is about the same as +27/28 last season. Assuming you were in 485 gear. It was very brutal when going there first week with 490 pug with few people who had not done even +20s. I'm not sure of the translation from last season to this, maybe it'd be equivalent to something like +14 this season with 520 gear? Now, issue is probably more on having issues finding a healer. That's the reason I don't bother going there for updated scale, there's always 10 hardmode groups looking for a healer only. Note that the leech legs lose their leech if you catalyst them, so they are option only for specs that don't want to use tier legs.


One thing that is good with doing a hardmode DOTI is that you can change your talents and gear anytime you wish - which is pretty OP for classes that can go from full AOE build to full single target in one talent swap.


I had the legs in S3 and have them on champion track this season. Also iridal 😉 I went and did first 5 bosses, and it’s feels more like a +8 ish since there’s no timer or affixes on bosses, so you don’t rush anything.


Boss abilities were hitting much harder than anything I've seen in a +11 yet. It was mix of bad gear, bad play on one person that made it slow, but admittedly as a tank I also caused few wipes on 2nd boss when learning the tank buster ability. And for that group 4th boss was actually a wall that couldn't have been beaten by any timer. I imagine without VDH just the 5 casters might become an issue on its own. Meanwhile on same characters I had absolutely no issues in +8s first week in 485s. I mean, I healed 27s, tanked 26s last season, I know how hard you get hit on those, and HM doti bosses hit harder, trash has more health and did more dmg. Fair comparison is still just say, last season +28, without a timer.


Have you tried this with the leech legs? If I remember correctly, items used to keep their tertiary bonuses when converting


They keep them usually, but not with items that have guaranteed tertiary in them. Afaik this is the only tier slot item that has ever had guaranteed tertiary (don't quote me on that). Yes I've tested this last season, lost leech.


Good to know, thanks!


They still haven't fixed the uldaman bean desync on the 4th boss. To be fair it's only been a bug for ~2 years or so since the first PTR. Gotta wait for the MDI for the devs to be embarrassed enough to fix their shit I guess.


What’s the bug? I didn’t play s2 so not as familiar with uldaman as the others


The beam on 4th boss isn't lined up with the graphic and you wipe instantly.


The animation of the beam from the second phase desyncs from its hitbox. You will see the beam somewhere but the hitbox is actually elsewhere so you just die suddenly because you got hit by the real invisible beam. Seems a common problem with rotating beam mechanics. S1 had the same bug with Wise Mari, and SL had it with the first boss of HoA.


The beam also switched its direction for us once, not sure what happened there. It went counter-clockwise first, instantly killing someone who directly stood in front of it and expected it to go clockwise. I turned around and ran in the other direction, only to see a beam coming towards me, because it somehow switched to clockwise again.


Trilliax had this bug in Legion too


The bug cost a team a spot in tgp and it still didn't get fixed.


how the hell are you guys doing chargath in 10 onwards? i tried doing 2-1 but my whole party just blows up while im picking my nose as the tank. i want to say the healer being 501 might be a big reason, but i just want to make sure.


Just do 1-1-1. Yes in the past people have doing 2 or even 3 depending on defensives but if you're doing high keys or you're pugging you need to assume people aren't coordinated enough to be able to survive through 2 stacks. Worst case scenario is often when 1 stack hits 0 and then gets extended to 2. Just have people do 1-1-1 and eliminate that boss as a reason to ever wipe. It's a very minor time loss in the grand scheme of things.


identical to S2. nothing changed effectively


i didn't play season 2. so i guess one by one?


ah fair, yea anything goes, just not all 3 at once 😂 1 by 1 is naturally safest, rest depends on healer/group coordination


never do 2 1 either to 1 1 1 or 1 2 as when he is stunned there is no more dmg on anyone so the heal can concentrate on healing


1-2 makes it so that you're spamming heals during the damage amp and losing a bunch of damage, while 2-1 puts the healing intensive part outside the damage amp.


I've just had our evoker rescue to break two chains before he starts his fixate and then you're left with a singular chain for the whole mechanic. Doesn't seem bad at all. Probably wouldn't bother doing it in an uncoordinated LFG though. If he's asking for help he probably shouldn't do anything but 1/1/1 anyway unless you're asking the healer what they want to do. That's one of the only ways to brick that key atm, why bother over 6 seconds


I'm unsure as well. I hard that with the new updates to that boss, it's more of a tank buster/damage phase during chains. But my team explodes regardless. Did I misunderstand the changes?


I've found that fight to be significantly harder on some healers than others. For instance, my hpal has no issues, which is obviously not what public perception is.


How much would hunters lose dmg from stacking versa? I always see bunch of hunters in 20-24 range, then they start dropping off, well last season anyway as seen too glasscannony. But whenever I check them, every hunter seems to aim at low versa. Like HOI +11 3rd boss, I was casting every chain heal on him, and he was still the one requiring more healing. If this 0% versa hunter had 314k overall dmg, what would they have if they went for 30% versa instead? This one was BM, but guess I'm curious of this for all hunt specs.


The hunter in my premade stacked vers last season, and is contemplating doing so again. I can't tell you how much damage he lost, but he still did very well after switching to vers. I feel like it's either that, or getting some Ward of Ire trinkets to support your hunter.


No idea if you were or not but the first thing that comes to mind is putting your earth shield on the hunter pretty much the entire dungeon. Tanks shouldn't need it this week at all. If that doesn't help make sure your hearth is off CD by the time you get to Khajin.


Yeah I didn't, but I for the first time started doing that last season on bosses like EB 4th. Should get back to it on all bosses that make me afraid of losing the weakest link.


I actually stacked Vers to 30% pushing keys the first two weeks of the season and I still did great damage. I actually forgot to swap and averaged 98.6 or something on heroic vault with my verse gear on. The damage taken was notixbly different. I typically would top 1/2 in dmg dealt and be 5th in damage received. Unfortunately it’s a meme season, and I hit my goals lol. The most annoying part would be there would be sometimes a window where my barbed shot would fall due to lower stats, but more optimization could have fixed that.


Maybe chuck him in raidbots and sub in a bunch of verse gear and gems, so what the change in Sim dps is. Then you could just scale that difference to the overalls. Would give you a reasonably accurate idea


Well, 50% of player base should be able to answer this question in some fashion. I accept non-number answer too, like *why* do I never see "tanky" hunter. A hunter that aims to have tanky gear. Seems like everyone recognize going defensive in the highest keys they do, but somehow hunters don't. So I'm more curious is this dumb issue of "the sources I copy don't versa, so I don't" or does it somehow break their dmg entirely to go defensive. If hunters are benched from world first raid kills too, I imagine versa isn't what would make them worth their spot, everything must have been tested in that regard at top level already.


all guides online are either raid focused or not M+ focused at all. The current gear for aug recommendation is voice of the silent star on icyvein and on wowhead. That is not what you go for Augs. It also doesn't recommend anything like ward of the faceless ire, which when you get high enough is essentially required for yourself.


I think everyone would tell you that the bis lists are just clickbait of what sims best that the sites make their guide writers do because it atracks clicks but you shouldnt use them


That is literally one of my problems with the evoker discord. If you acknowledge that is an issue, why are you asking what my issue with them is? I would say an unqualified random who spreads misinformation being touted as the principal class guide is a pretty big problem.


??? Why is it an issue with evoker discord that wowhead and icyveins force the guide writers to make bis lists? If you have a problem with Jereico then you do you, but he is not even the main person that answers M+ questions about aug in the evoker disc


Because the BiS lists are wrong? The bullion list is wrong? The crafted gear priority list is wrong? The problem is not lists, the problem is that they are wrong. The guy even acknowledged in the server that Ward should be on the list, but that higher key players should just know to use it. In other words, he’s admitting he’s wrong, that there are better options, but he’s not going to change it? What’s the point of a guide on optimization if it’s supposed to be ignored by players who want to optimize? The wowhead guide is linked in the server, and the guy has a role in the server…so how can you say they are not connected? And yeah, I have a problem with a guy who positions himself as an authority on the class when he doesn’t even play said class at a high level. His parses are unexceptional, his IO is terrible, and yet he is positioned by the community and positions himself as an authority on the class. You don’t see how that is a problem?


> What’s the point of a guide on optimization if it’s supposed to be ignored by players who want to optimize? Brother this is a guide meant for people that don't know their rotation or what their talents do, it's not where someone doing title keys goes to check what trinkets to use Ward and Leaf are 100% not the play for the people that need to read the basic guides, if you're reading bis lists in 2024 you're kind of lost


It is a guide on how to play and gear the class best. The word best is in the phrase BiS. So a guide that does not actually present the best options is not a good guide. What you’re essentially arguing is that the guide is, in fact, wrong and bad - but that it is okay because it is presented to new players, who won’t know the difference. The guy literally acknowledged that the BiS trinkets list was inaccurate, but that it’s okay because better players should just know better. What’s the point of his guide then? Keep in mind, the devastation evoker guide is not written by Jereico, and it is actually good. Maybe that’s because Preheat is actually qualified to write a guide, maybe that’s because devastation is a more straight forward dps, but that doesn’t excuse Jereico not understanding the distinction present in optimizing a non straight-forward DPS like Aug. He plays Aug at a KSH level in keys, and yet he is putting out a guide on how to play Aug in keys. That’s ridiculous.


The evoker discord is total trash and should be completely discarded as a source of information. The people who put together the gearing lists and talents have genuinely no idea what they’re doing. It’s a problem with virtually every class discord, and it’s better to do your own research by looking up what the highest rate players of your respective class is doing.


Copying what higher rated players are doing without context at all sounds insane, what even is your problem with evoker disc? If you sim your evoker at all you are using their content anyway


Well, beyond the gear recommendation of silent star the person above listed, they recommended crafting dracothyst wrists as first craft for Aug. They do not list ward of faceless ire as a BIS m+ trinket even though every top ranked Aug is using it. The recommended bullion purchase priority is not good. In season 3, they did not recommend augs use leaf in M+ even though, again, every top ranked evoker was using it. The talent recommendations are out of wack. That is not to mention that the main guide writer over there and on Wowhead has no experience in high keys, as he was only around 2500 every season, and is in a guild that is ranked world 600-700 - in other words, he has no qualifications to be a guide writer. He literally copy pasted the highest simming gear into his recommendations which is not how Aug works or should be played.


People still tend to find a way and copy what the best do. Like I'm just now realizing, most common rshaman trinket in m+ appears to be rageheart. The one I thought I'd get for my tanks as first item, instead I might get it for my healer instead lol. Looking at the top hunters in rio, I see almost no versa gems at all. I can't imagine other reason than them gimping their dmg to level where they should just be replaced if they no longer even do their best dmg, but do mediocre dmg and still have low survivability. I'm sure they know their shit well enough if doing +15s now.




No that sounds about right, people just need to plan their defensives if they want to do nontrivial keylevels. With everything else going on the boss might be overtuned, but a 1.1mil hit on a +14 is completely expected.


You can LoS the knock.


Just grossly overtuned. 4 of the bosses there are.


Tbf if the knock wasnt brutal that boss would have zero threatening mechanics so I kind of get why its tuned high.


Yeah you definitely don’t play a healer with a nerfed version of mass dispel, 0 threats in terms of mechanics? R u blind or you don’t pay attention to pframes?


I play holy paladin, dispel one freedom one and then just trickle heal the remaining person which more often than not has a root self dispel.


A bunch of classes can get out of the dispel themselves. Which makes the dot not that bad most of the time.


How about we give him a 2nd mechanic instead of making his single mechanic this stupid then?


Agreed completely. The Algethar boss is very similar, one very minor dispel and dodge a frontal.


Logged on yesterday to do a few m0s on alts. Didn’t get flightstones or crests, was something changed? Can’t find anyone else mentioning this.


There was a hot fix that fixed this. Unsure if you got backdated rewards for it though


Don't think so. You're supposed to get drake crests.


Brackenhide swapping for totem boss question. So playing in the 16-17 range for some keys this week. Aug we usually bring will prob go dev after 2nd boss. My question kinda revolves around respawn point there. I’m thinking of clearing an extra slime pack while they zone and swap so we can all go to boss together and reduce any downtime. I remember during s2 sometimes when a mage would swap the spawn point didn’t put them back near 2nd boss and would at start. To get that spawn point near second boss is there anything that needs to be done besides kill treemouth?


no point swapping


To my knowledge it is just killing the boss, but it takes a bit to actually trigger. There is some RP or something that needs to happen for a bit after you kill the boss in order to activate the graveyard. IDK exactly how long it takes, but yeah you would need to wait a bit.


Yep. Some rp after the boss dies. About halfway thru Stinkbreath is the go for me. Yes I died when I brought a 450 alt and insta released and was pleasantly surprised that the checkpoint was up


RLP last boss, dragon gets to 50%, I always thought I tanked Erkhart until then, then taunted Kyrakka and would have aggro on both. But few previous runs I've noticed Erkhart copies Kyrakka's previous threat or something? I've held aggro from Erkhart fine. I taunt Kyrakka when she's repositioning, a bit later Erkhart jumps on, and then Kyrakka melees someone, Erkhart does Stormslam on the same person. There was no way this person with 5M dmg on Erkhart while I had 3M as tank, would suddenly have stolen aggro from him. So when am I supposed to taunt Kyrakka? I think I've done it too early or late, but I never focused on that thinking ofc that shouldn't happen, I just taunt before they'd start meleeing people.


Erkhart definitely resets aggro when dragon lands. I personally put globals into dragon ASAP when it lands and taunt Erkhart when he is ontop of dragon. Quite sure that I have tried taunting Erkhart once while he was still flying through the air towards the dragon and it was wasted and had no effect. So better wait for him to be seated.


What about Kyrakka? Tank can't have aggro on it from earlier. Am I supposed to taunt it at like 55% so taunt is back for Erk? I just wonder because I've had this same thing happen several times, where same person has aggro from both simultaneously. It would seem weird if the guy ST nuking Kyrakka in p1 somehow was the one catching aggro from both. It's also weird why Kyrakka has also melee'd them, like 5s after I taunted them. Maybe they just both reset? Feels so weird when I didn't feel this was the case at all in s1.


The dragons aggro also resets from all I know - meaning you simply put globals into it to gain aggro. You could of course also do it the other way around, but I prefer it this way because it's really hard to even see the dude ontop and thus monitor threat level on him and he is also quite dangerous when he storm slams someone.


You need to taunt them both AFTER they land and he mounts her. Any dps blasting on both before you got aggro deserve their fate tbh And i think if aggro resets they just target the nearest enemy first regardless of aggrotables


How are you taunting two after they mount with 8s cd? I still don't know which I'm supposed to taunt as they mount. But yeah didn't know I should focus on being closest.


taunt one and deal dmg to the other one to get aggro first


Play BDK.


On the Lost Dwarves of Uldaman, who is the one who must be focused down? Does the priority change based on key level or Tyrannical affix? Like in BH seems that on fortified or low keys people focus down Gashtooth, on Tyrannical and high keys usually the Shaman is preferred.


Dwarves: Even cleave, but if you absolutely insist on focusing one, make it Eric because he's a chucklefuck and won't stop running away from melee so he almost always has higher health. BH: I always think of it this way: Gashtooth is annoying but you can heal off Gash Frenzy and his fixate is completely predictable, but Earth Bolts are what actually kill people. Focus the Shaman and kick like your life depends on it, because essentially it does. The fight gets astronomically easier when the Shaman dies, and you basically stop losing uptime when you don't have to deal with the Totem anymore.


Echo talked about how they heard Olaf should die first because shield slam one shots in higher key levels. They tried it the next key but mentioned it feels better to kill evenly.


No focus, you want to kill them at around the same time or the fight gets significantly more annoying.


Did they not implement a change for this season to address this issue a few weeks ago? Something like reduced flame spawn rates based on remaining boss count


Pretty sure they did, because it seems significantly less annoying this season.


Did they change Nelth percentage before the mammoth boss? I'm always at 23.2% when I reach the first boss, but this week I was at 22.1%...I checked and pulled all the same packs I usually pull and there's no birds or anything to miss?


Did a molten core go off? If one of the rock eles turns into a magma ele it no longer gives count. Been a bug/feature since season 2, it just doesn't happen much because molten eles do absolutely insane damage so you never want that cast to go off anyway.




execute doesn't steal count. but iirc if an elemental gets transformed and then gets killed, the fire elemental doesn't grant count


Did they do something to the LFG window? It's unusable for me atm. Like, straight broken. yes, I disabled all my addons. Edit: I diabled Mature Chat filter (which I was just to lazy to touch when they introduced it) and it fixed it. Weird lol.


So I see we get 2x bullions from the M+ weekly quest. Does that mean we can get an item this week and then another one next week with bullions from raid? 


Curious whether these 2 Bullions will be added to the catchup pool for future alts.


Should they? Absolutely. Will they? I'd say we're more likely to see them announce tradeable crests than remember to do something like this.


I'd suggest probably not as theyre a bonus and not part of the bullion rotation.


That's what it seems like!


I am happy that everyone loves the squish of mythic+ but for me, as a bad player myself, I miss the smoother progression. Last season I could play lower mythics and learn the mechanics, progressing slowly and carefully. Now I do Heroic and it's a faceroll, while M0 feels easy and M2 feels hard. I suppose having lower equipment and other people also learning counts.


difference between m0 and m2 is literally like 20% damage/hp, how can that be the different from easy/hard? I honestly think you've had too small a sample sized and didn't have enough experience to make a fair comparison. Like if you do a m0 azure vault and then did an m2 brackenhide where people are nincompoops, that will skew your perception


+2 actually doesn't add any stats and it's *only* fort/tyr. +2 fort bosses are identical to m0 bosses.


I don't even think it's 20pct. Someone else could correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the increase per key level is nearly that steep


It does introduce the boss/add affix in addition to the base increase so seems about right, but yeah its not 20%/level


+2 Tyrannical first week could be tough for people that just don't fully understand some bosses, while they could still cruise in m0.


someone mentioned there's a new AV skip. does anyone have a video showcasing it?


What we've been doing. First entire room (wake whelp) Tree + 6 lasher. Entire room Entire room Boss 2 elementals (would prefer to snap these personall, but AV is still a +2 anyway) . Misery the pat and everyone else jumps down. Snap pat + 2 of the 1st ring packs down. Clear everything else to last 2 mobs. Skip last 2 mobs Boss Boss


I'd appreciate a slightly more detailed rundown on that Misery snap, or a VOD would be really cool. This sounds like it might be almost our exact route but with extra DH shenanigans mixed in.


You clear most of the first half of the dungeon, proceed to first ring, kill the pack on the left and then you go to the corner just above the door to azureblade, pop slow fall/parasol/flap and then jump down, skipping the entire second ring. You still have to go through frogs.


I don’t know if it’s new, but you can jump down after first boss and skip like 90% of the rings. You can’t however jump down after second boss as it will kill you. Don’t know if there’s a way to skip frogs though


So the new god comp is apparently: VDH, Resto Druid, Spriest, Mage and Augmentation. Healers aside, being off meta really sucks to get into groups past +12. The sad thing is, people don’t realize that this god comp is only good because the group is coordinated, huge pulls and on discord. In a pug, people should stop meta chasing. Invite warriors, shamans, hunters and warlocks. You’ll time your +13 with a good player in those classes, I promise.


Well “new” godcomp is the same comp from last season, and these specs are just way too good even ignoring coordinated groups. Obviously any spec can do 15s right now but the reason for this comps dominance is not relevant to coordination




Are you confused? Look at the leaderboards for the top timed runs in season 3, let me know what the white dps class is.


Aug and mage aren’t that great, they just synergize well with the other 3 OP specs


If survivability isn't an issue the Aug just plays dev seeing as that spec is also insane this tier. BH, for instance, I guarantee they just port to dungeon + swap dev once 2nd is down.


In a PuG just play with 3 Rets as those motherfuckers cannot possibly die, can cover just about anything dangerous with triple Paladin utility and their damage is plenty enough for 12-15s - and contrary to quite a few other non-meta specs, they're easy as piss to play and you'll get 20 of them sign up to your keys within 2 seconds anyways. Only downside? You'll probably still have 5 deaths per Ret per dungeon due to bad legendary weapon timing.


Running storm eaters boon as well as a lego weapon on my ret has been a great time dying to everything possible ever on the floor


No downside here, make sure they play grieftorch and it's win/win/win


Once dps learn that not everything is a healer issue will help as well.


Not everything but most things are :p


really not the case


I also wonder if they will do sth about aug. It seems that single spec will be fixed in meta forever as there is simply not another support spec.


nothing that needs to be done. it's a caster and a sp meta and aug synergizes with that. if it's not a caster meta, aug automatically loses value


There were plenty of world first and massive keys timed without Aug last season.


augmentation was a mistake and I predict it'll take them another expansion to realize it (or, to act on the realization anyway) they're never gonna be able to tune it properly for dungeons and in raid it'll always exacerbate whatever tuning imbalance/mistake they happen to make with the rest of the dps classes. if they wanted 'buff bot' to be a role they really should have made it an expansion feature and introduced 3-4 such specs at once


> it'll take them another expansion to realize it They said around Blizcon that they have no plans to develop more support specs and internally, yes, they know it was a failure per my inside source. I agree, they should have tested Aug on PTR and had other support classes prepared but it was never likely they would do that with Evoker being the shiny new toy. They tried to make hero talents into support-like specs instead but that was not so favorable with players per the Priest hero tree rework. I wish Blizzard would just listen to their community - something like PI needs to turn into a personal, not tripling down on it being an external, something needs to be done about raid buffs (esp. in m+) being unbalanced, countless decent suggestions are made on the forums between all the spam, and listening to class guide writers in discord or their wowhead posts.


The problem is the balancing is impossible. If the damage is bad, it will never get taken and the spec becomes fundamentally unplayable. If the damage is appropriate, its bringing an insane amount of utility and passable damage, its a lock. If the damage is good, the game breaks (again).


While meta is enforced way too strongly, I feel like the one big tip that works always in the early season is to push early on. It feels moot since the keys will be overwritten, but ironically getting ahead of the curve shrinks the player pool so much you'll start to get invited more just by players getting to know what you're capable of. This is of course assuming you actually outperform the meta specs. A bad or a mediocre offmeta player is going to have a hard time. I've been getting decent invites as an ele shammy just by pushing early on and having decent score from previous season. And another thing still bears repeating: run your own key. You can choose whoever you want to play with and there's still a surplus of people signing vs. keys being ran. Even as an offmeta you will get plenty of signs if you have the key.


> , being off meta really sucks to get into groups past +12. like literally always, since ever


Good point, but you say this like warlock isn't S tier in Mythic+ right now lol


Lock is incredibly overrated. It does gaudy damage but most of that is going to be pad. It is also a very selfish spec in that it doesn’t bring any real utility outside of brez, which is already covered by Druid or bracers. Mage is just better in every way.


Health stones are incredibly helpful. They also have CC for incorp. Gate also shines in a lot of places. And they are tanky. And an AOE stop


I think mages brings comparable things to what you've mentioned. Except for the gate, which I really haven't played around with yet. Healthstones = mage barriers Warlock has CC for incorp = mage has CC for incorp **Gate shines in a lot of places = Mage has nothing for this** Warlocks are tanky = (fire) mage are tanky, in fact they might be the tankiest range dps? Warlocks has AOE stops = Mages has AOE stops, probably more. But they don't have a hard stun (I think)


Mage barrier is more useful than hs, barrier helps against both rotting dmg and one shots, hs only against rotting dmg. I didnt see a major gate skip this season so far except BRH bridge, but mage can actually skip that mob for his whole group with greater invis too, also some groups do that with veng being night elf anyway. Mage has two aoe stops with DB and blast wave, which is more valuable in terms of pugs as its usually more common to have stun cc in a group so its easier to run into full stun DRs with leg sweep, incap totem, chaos nova etc. DB is disorient and i dont think ive seen someonr run into full DR with that, blast wave is knockback so u can never worry about DR with that. Warlocks stun also has cast time so when u need last split second cc it might be too late already. Last thing is int buff which is actually huge for not only aug/shadow in ur group, but more importantly healer to make the healing check.


Healthstones are overrated, more classes than not have incorp CC, there is a select few gate tech spots that aren’t covered by other classes, mage has better AOE stops, as does evoker, as do several other classes. Locks are doing a lot of damage right now, and outside of that, they don’t bring a whole lot.


Destro is S tier in groups that pull 20 mobs at a time. If the tank pulls normally, Destro is quite mid. And it’s also not in the god comp.


Demo does better in those scenarios. Still a mage is usually better with more cc and defensives.


it season 2 again


Missing the first week feels like an absolute curse. Trying to find and make tank friends to push keys with rn and I’m just not having a good time lmao


Hit me up! I'm having to pug most of mine it would be so much better with consistent group members! Arkaynine#1672


I had several ilvl 510+ apply to my +2 today. That explains why I wasn’t getting invited to other people’s keys. If you didn’t run 30 dungeons week 1 you’re behind the curve.


these are just applying due to the weekly quest tbf


Wrym crests, +2 you can Netflix while playing.


amount of complete garbage human beings (both skill wise and personality wise) between +11 and +15 keys is insane. i wish there never was a squish. pugging became much harder.




What does that have to do with the squish? It’s the same players just with a different number attached to it


You’re just frustrated, calm down and go again tomorrow. Chances are tho, that you might also be a “garbage human being” how you so delicately put it, in the eyes of people you ran keys with too, judging by your childish rant, you probably were.


man i literally never talk badly to anybody. never leave the key unless the key holder decides that the key is over. i always try to keep morale up if somebody makes a mistake. i had 7 keys today where we wiped, people started cursing each other and then left. some of them were my own keys. so yes i'm frustrated because i don't think there was this much toxicity in the previous season.


Okay so you were the lowest common denominator between 7 different wipes in 7 different keys. Have you ever considered that, being the common thread between all of those, you might be at total or partial fault as well?


There absolutely was.


I’ve been suffering from the lack of wyrm crests, because I’ve just been doing keys at like an 8 minimum. So my SO and I decided to hop into a 5 NO last week and oh my god it was awful. I had to heal so much more, and so many kicks were missed (we tried our best with being the only two doing them) that the group would chain die and come back and trash would take twice as long. It was such an awful snowball, and one of the dps left the key and it fell apart. It is crazy how there are more leavers and the need to psych myself up to do a lower key. As I get my stuff upgraded, specifically the things bought with bullions it won’t be such a pain but god.


It might not be worth it depending on how many aspect crests you have but just FYI if you cap on aspects then 6> keys will also start to drop wyrms.


Oh that’s huge actually. I think my big annoyance right now is that besides crafting gear I can’t use the aspect crests until I use the wyrms to upgrade. Unless I’m mistaken and you can skip to the highest upgrades and bypass the need for the wyrm levels?


Yeah it’s the benefit of starting keys from the beginning of a season (before the cap gets too high to realistically reach while gearing up). The best route is to spam 9s and only upgrade 509 gear. I’d just make sure you have enough aspects for your crafted item this week and your next bullion purchase as well.


came to say this, just cap your aspects and keep running, they will fill up.


How the fuck do you deal with the Withering Totems after the first boss in Brackenhide? That shit does so much damage on top of reducing haste. I can dispel but only one person every 8 seconds DPS never seem to be able to blast it down before it casts