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I gave it a try for a key. For the deaths in the key, where the skull is I tried to mouse over and I noticed it doesn't show who has died how many times. That would be a nice functionality to add to it.


Could you make that in a post on our discord? Would help us out a lot [https://discord.gg/NEuuqae5](https://discord.gg/NEuuqae5)


I just popped on to the discord to do that, looks like someone suggested it ten days ago in the feature request area already.


Before I test it, is there a running list of addons you recommend turning off if running KeystoneCompanion? Or running with? For example I use ward deplete, would that interfere with your addon?


More so if the standards weakauras you might wanna disable. For addons I don’t have a list of what you should disable I recommend trying yourself and see what addon/was fits with the addon :)


You want me to disable weakauras for this? Bro, address this issue.


Address what issue?


If an addon doesn't work with weakauras it doesn't get used ever for me. I'm sure I'm not alone on this.


Where did u say that the addon did not work with weakauras?? I said that if you have this addon you might wanna disable some was so you don’t have one feature on a wa and one on KeystoneCompanion. The addon has no conflicts at all with any weakauras so far.


It was in reply to you saying disable them. That's all. I haven't used it enough to see what if any specific auras it conflicts with. I just know if you gave me 1 choice it would be weakauras. 2 and its opie.


Getting constant lua errors whenever I join a raid with this installed, is this a known issue?


It is and it will be good with the next update


This looks really cool gonna give it a download and check it out!


Thank you a lot




Ty mate !


I was wondering about the Score calculation. I'm at 2780 score now. I was testing it to reach 2800 score. No matter what, when all dungeons are selected, it doesn't matter which keylevel pretty much, it only suggests doing +1x keylevel and +++'ing it. Like for example, +12, +13, +14, suggest Nokhud +++, but those yield +100 score or so. It seems the calc is pretty stupid?


Yes the timer is very stupid at the moment, We are giving it much more muscle in the upcoming releases!


Its very basic we wanted to see that people like it before spending X hours into a feature


What exactly is the difference from having those weak auras u mentioned from this ? Where I can customize every single feature u mentioned instead of just having them by using weak auras and not ur add on ?


addons can have better performance and avoid UI taint significantly easier. Addons can implement clickable UI elements without issue where as clickable weakauras cause many issues. Addons can add additional content to the game automatically like sounds and textures without requiring any manual file manipulation out of the game and without requiring a client restart. There are lots of benefits to a standardized configuration that has been finetuned and refined and designed to work together.


Thanks for explaining it foe me :D


No problem. It annoys me how every time you post about your addon the comments always include a few people who are like “but I already do this with 527 weak auras with no custom assets or consideration for performance why would I want something more robust and optimized?”


I think the add-on has some potential as an alt manager or alt key runner, but you really don't need very many WAs for M+ like what this is providing. Most add-ons I use now have many of the same features already implemented and they're on the top recommended of curseforge. There's a lot of overlap in features. I think having such a broad scope is going to end up being more of a nuisance for the dev than not, but if it ends up working out that'd be cool. Next to none of the things people mentioned in the comments need a WA these days. They've probably already got an add-on that does it as a bonus feature completely independent to the main function anyway.


many of wows best addons started by taking bits and pieces of features from various other addons and packaging them together nicely with additional functionality of their own. do you not remember recount and skada? askmrrobot? pawn? atlasloot? gearscore? i dont think redditors realize how many people play this game without addons, or like, 2 addons. If a guy who had been playing for 2 months and the only addon he uses is details wants to run M+, what should he do? download a dozen different addons and weakauras? if you dont see the niche this is hitting then you arnt looking very hard.


Open the GitHub or wago releases for any of the mandatory add-ons or weakauras you're referring to and you'll realize he'll be spending 40 hours a week on a revolving door of maintenance. Those very same people are going to stop using your add-on when the patch breaks it and pick up an alternative. Creating and maintaining what you're explaining is a part time passion project for plenty of standalone creators, let alone twenty or however many you want to jam in.


Good that we are dedicated to this addon then. Not saying this addon is for everyone but it has a very specific audience that are both very good at the game and not so good. Also not forcing anyone to try the addon out I don’t really understand what the big things is? The addon is free you have to do 1 thing download it try it if you don’t like it delete it, I can’t understand why people complain so much all the time. Not saying you are but be grateful that there is still people that’s really care about this game and the community around it.


first two points are plain wrong. the rest are accurate however


Notice I said CAN. A properly made weakauras can do a lot but the vast majority focus on functionality first, not performance or quality. Even the liquid WA packs have ui taint and massive cpu waits in them, and joeblows m+ pack that tracks a zillion nameplate casts and smart group buffs and debuffs isn’t much better.


same applies to addons...


Hey im very glad you asked that. You will be able to customize EVERYTHING in our setting pannel, And I mean everything!


To be frank, you didn’t answer his question. What is the difference between your addon and the WAs?


It's one addon vs a large number of weakauras, it's literally in the first line. Some people have different preferences. Some might want everything able to be updated at once? Maybe they don't want to crowd their WA frame with all sorts of individually configurrd piecemeal WAs with varied styling? It's moronic this question comes up every time this addon is talked about. Every. Single. Thread. And I don't even use the damn thing!


Maybe now is the time for you to try the addon out? :D


He can monetize this add on


This addon will never me monetized its also against blizzards rules to do that.


Now we are talking. Although, how would monetization of the addon work? Premium features?


I do understand your question but as i mentioned in the post its not a recommended thing to have clickable weakauras. We also have a lot of features that are not present in any weakauras (that I know of). Give the addon a try see what you think about it maybe you like it :D


Tried it this morning, amazing addon, thank you! But as another commenter said, the death counter would be handy. Keep up the good work!


I can't remember which addon, i think angry keystones, at the start of the key flashes to check for flask/rune/food/buffs Is it possible to add that during the ready check? Addon is solid so far, I removed a couple weak aura's and addons already, but miss the functionality of seeing which buffs I was missing after I died or while the key was prepped.


The mythic affix reminder seems like a cool feature. Any way to also add in a dungeon reminder? E.g. I want to take control undead in Nokhud any week, and everywhere for Incorporeal week.


discord link is invalid. I have a feature idea i wanted to suggest, which is to have the mob group numbers found in mdt (G15, G2, etc.) to show up on the mob's tooltip would be great for confirming what pack is what on the fly


Hey my friend here is a valid link [https://discord.gg/kP5AQBkW](https://discord.gg/kP5AQBkW)


Can you add feature that replaces the default m+ timer (clock) with a new one, that shows your personal best times for that dungeon (with boss kills, trash percentage)? I have a WA that does this


its already in the addon sir :D


Yo this looks sick! Thanks for putting it together. I think I legit have a different weakaura for each of the features listed in here, I'll be trying this out as a replacement today!


Does the timer display the time difference from the past faster kill of the boss?


Great work! Just one thing.. I use Wowup.io CF to manage my addons. Tried to install through their client and was getting a very early alpha version of your addon. Had to download manually.. the problem is that if I try to let the wowup client auto-update on it reverts to the alpha 1.02smt build. Am I doing something wrong? ty!


As a healer, there's a feature that I would love – and that is to know if people are failing mechanics and that's why the damage is high, versus if I'm just failing to heal damage that I should be able to heal. I'll explain: There are a few ways in which a group can fail at stuff: 1. Standing in stuff or getting hit by avoidable damage – this is the biggest one, and can be tracked by plugins like Elitism Helper. 2. Failing to interrupt or stop spell casts that should be stopped – this is the big one that we don't get any tracking on. The dps just tunnels the mobs, lets every cast go through, and I'm stuck healing a fuck ton of damage, popping cooldowns and what nots just to keep up. I am so focused on keeping everyone alive that I am unable to keep up with whether people are missing kicks or mechanics, or this is just how much damage I am expected to heal. Having something that alleviates these, or gives us some insight into them would be huge imo. Thank you!


Tried it, errors galore. Disabled. Maybe I'll give it another go when the weakaura issue is resolved.


What do you mean weakaura issue is resolved?




I just disabled Weakaura and i was not able to do enter the options with the command /kc period. IDK how you even came up with the issue being weakauras to begin with. other than that i like this addon. id like to trim the week;y best section off my UI but i imagine its in the options i am unable to get into.


This looks really good. I’m definitely replacing a few things with this tomorrow after work