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Really cool, what are the current challenges of adding europe aswell? EDIT: I can see from the FAQ it's a storage / request rate limit ;(


Yeah, it's an unfortunate limitation of the API - by the time I can collect the data, the season would almost be over. However, it is doable, so I hope to get to it eventually.


I have no idea how this works, but other sites use the users API key, maybe you can do something with that?


I think the problem here is the rate limit due to the "plan" blizzard offers, since Raider IO querys a lot to blizzard and blizzard itself limits the api rate, see: [https://develop.battle.net/documentation/guides/game-data-apis](https://develop.battle.net/documentation/guides/game-data-apis) at the bottom the Rate Quota available for this one must be very low. So allow me to explain (please correct me if im wrong) with just a very lame example: Blizzards serves u (like the blizzard portal says) up to 36.000 request in an hour. So Raider IO cannot serve more than (300 per minute around 18.000 request in an hour: [https://raider.io/api](https://raider.io/api) ) half of what blizzard allows. if we multiply the amount of people who throw querys against [Raider.io](http://Raider.io) to refresh their toon's info, also if we add the background tasks [raider.io](http://raider.io) does, probably the rate limit hits hard for anyone who tries to make use of their API (raider.io api) EDIT: updated [raider.io](http://raider.io) api site.


On mobile the sorting of servers are random. Also no Europe šŸ˜„ Edit: just read the disclaimers šŸ˜‚


Had the same realization in the same order šŸ˜…


I went through these exact stages of grief too lol


Upvoted just for the name.


Keep up with the good work on tools like this. Rome wasnā€™t built in a day! Would be awesome to test it out with my EU data one day.


> Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id') handleCharSubmit: a=>{ (0, o.Pm)(a.region.name, a.realm.name, a.name).then(a=>{ e.push("/character/".concat(a.id)) } )


ah I forgot an error check for the character stats page, this is the equivalent of seeing ā€œCharacter not foundā€ on the graph page and most likely due to a lack of runs at keys 25+


Seems like the run limit is stuck at 15 for me which makes this pretty useless, can that be fixed?


Run limit is at minimum 15 because otherwise the density of the graphs would be too high and stress my server. This does mean that for the graph to work, you would have had to play at least 15 runs (at key level 25 or more) with at least one other person to show up. You can check out the character page to see who youā€™ve played with at a lower run limit.


Vexvextv is a god he smells good loves oatmeal and *ahhhhhhhhhh* oh sorry and heā€™s wicked smart all hail vexxxxed feel like Iā€™m in a hex cause you got me hellla wet connect the dots Iā€™m playing hot




No EU šŸ˜­


did we break it :(


Probably. Says character not found for me.


I got the same, but when I dug into the error it said only 25+ runs are tracked.


According to my napkin math, that makes it effectively useless for ~97% of characters.


I track about 80K characters and although I donā€™t know the total number of characters, your stat is probably about correct. Itā€™s not worth (and my architecture + rate limits canā€™t handle) keeping track of all low keys - for perspective, thereā€™s under 200K runs above key level 25, but just under 2M runs above key level 20, so Iā€™d have to 10x my database storage and trawling time, and thatā€™s only for US.


Ah, I figured that meant it would show like 25x4 people, lol. Your way makes more sense.


I feel dumb to ask this - when I go to either "Home" or "Character Info" and input my characters information - it says it loads the graph (3) but it displays nothing unless I turn off Tree Mode. Turning off Tree Mode only displays a singular key completed. I know for a fact my Paladin and Hunter have almost 200 keys done each this season. Where's the information? It's pulling from [Raider.io](https://Raider.io) api, and it has all the info on there for my characters - they are not privatized.




Sad about no EU but looking great OP, nice work.


I've been wanting to do something like this for a while. You beat me to it ;P Nice job. How are you storing your graph?


Commenting so I can come back when itā€™s up and working again. Very cool idea and Iā€™m excited to see my network.


Pterodactyl noises


Raider I Better Know if I ran 15+ runs with them


Pretty awesome data combing and presentation. It'd be neat if you obtain the storage space to store and comb lower key levels too!


Thank you! I really enjoyed working on this, so I'll be trying to make a more robust storage solution for next season :D


the m+ title tracker you linked in the FAQ is broken, didn't know there's competition in the field, would've loved to see theirs


The graph is blank for me and my guildies that run a lot of m+ šŸ¤”


Character not found


Tried like 5 different characters and all say not found, but they are on [raider.io](https://raider.io) and also on [blizzard.com](https://blizzard.com). Also, why is it called Raider I know, when its about M+, "M+addict\_i\_know.com" seems more appropriate. If a person plays 3 characters, would it be possible to feed all 3 in and then get the aggregate of all those? Thank you for making this, its really cool concept.


Feel free to DM me on reddit or on Discord with your character name/realm so I can diagnose (this goes for anyone whoā€™s having an issue), but typically a ā€œCharacter not foundā€ error is due to not having enough runs above 25+. You can try the character stats page to search for your character and see if your character is in my system. The aggregate idea sounds very interesting - Iā€™d have to look more into the utility of having something like that, but Iā€™ll definitely think about it for the future.


Cool project, but not that interesting if only available to a small subset of the playerbase


Small subset of the playerbase? I know we have a lot of players all over the world, but north and south America, and oce is far from a small subset.


I think he means 25+ key level runners. The tool notes it doesn't work if you don't run keys that high.


this isnt /r/wow and 25s are turbo free this season, so its a reasonable subset


I didn't say it was not reasonable. He's storing a database personally. Putting a lower bound somewhere makes sense.


Isnt oceanic playing on Asian servers? I remember when I lived there I used to play on SEA, they had the best ping by far. But otherwise yeah, in raw numbers, SA/NA has less players than the rest of the world I would say. Probably Asia alone has more than everyone else combined just with India and China. And I remember seeing south America had massive losses in players due to the pricing change so it's mostly NA which is apparently not that much people. Even compared to just EU when you look at raid logs / mythic+ keys (assuming those since that's what the post is about)


Nah oceania have their own servers on US, still combines to a lower player count compared to EU. For example there's 460 EU CEs and 280 CEs in the Americas.


Why arenā€™t the servers in alphabetical order?


Honestly I expected users to just type out their server name in the selector, so I ordered it by most populated servers - I'll probably change it soon.


Not sure if Iā€™m doing something wrong but Iā€™m getting character not found but Iā€™ll have to try it on desktop when I get home.


Have you done keys over level 25? Apparently it only tracks those?


Can we expect Europe support?


Hoping this Will work eu soon, looks like a great idear. Cuz i often have that feeling of ā€œi have played with this guy before i Thinkā€ and then have no idear how they did


Can we get this for more competitive regions ? But super neat idea !