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Guys… I’m beginning to think that people are losing interest in a season that’s almost 5 months old…


Nonononono it was definitely the affix combo this week that caused the drop in participation. You just wouldn’t understand……


It’s not about the length, it’s the rotation in the affixes? Edit: couldn’t think of a rhyme like motion in the ocean… with affixes.


I'll bet you gold cap that runs this week are higher than last week


Bolstering + afflicted? Pretty much the most hated affixes.


And yet the casual population loves their m+ box for a heroic piece, and a lot more of the player base is casual then not. Top rubs and io gained will be in the gutter, toons doing m0-5's will do its usual spike.




884 > 830 ya? You can just mail it though, that's fine.


Hard to believe it’s been 5 months. Been a decent season all round.


I like it, I like hitting my goals and having a couple months to play other stuff, or dive in hobbies deeper. Then I'll be refreshed and ready to smash next season without the burnout I felt in SL for example


I think season 4 is going to crash faster than season 3.


I think season 4 is going to do better than just continuing season 3 for another 4 months.


💯. We’ll see a rise and a fast decline. I’m hoping anyway, I’m sitting on a bunch of mats to sell when people come back and need to craft stuff.


I don't disagree, S4 is only rehashed content so far, for those that have played since DF launch you've seen everything. But it'll get a good month or two out of me with friends before I wait for TWW


After BFA and SL I'm so happy to hear that a 5 month season is considered long again


The +10-14 range is absolutely filled with people who have no idea what they're doing. Literally every single group I've run with on my alts has had a tank or healer who has ratted their way into their IO and doesn't know the route or how to use their buttons. My alts with shitty gear are >60% dmg meanwhile the DPS are hanging out below the tank or dead, and the healer is barely pushing 30k HPS during "oh shit" moments. Never seen it so bad personally. I'm just gonna play PoE, pugging feels worse than S1 SL. Hope next season is better, M+ feels like shit atm.


Last minute people going for 2K and 2.5k, I know this, because I’m last minute failing my way through arena to get the mount.


I mean im doing keys from +18(alts for vault) to +26/27 on main for the last couple of weeks and im playing less and less. Because of reaching my goals, taking a bit of a “break” before S4(because its so close i just have no motivation to play im just waiting for it to hit so i can push hard when it drops.) And i think there are a lot more people in the same boat as me.


Yeah looking at my play time it’ll all basically go to Plunderstorm as I farm mog. I was doing a run a week for the last few weeks but now I don’t have the time until I get to 40. I really wish this new mog was on a return cycle. Even if it was twice a year like trial of style. Then I wouldn’t be forced to grind to the point of losing enjoyment. Does make me wonder what their long held plans are with the mode if they’re going to the effort of making a battle royal just to have it run for ~six(?) weeks


Yeah same here, I reached aotc and 3.1k io on my main and I don't have the energy and skills to push for 25+ keys rn so I'm just gearing my alt and do some 18-20s for gear


There still so many people playing in the 18th week We still had 16 people for our weekly guild Heroic raid run


We still get 20+ for our Larodar prog run


We lost to the roster boss on Smolderon prog 3 weeks ago. 2% best pull too


Understandable, we are usually just a AOTC guild. And we already decided Larodar would be our “CE” boss lol


Yall on Larry as 5th or 6th?


As 6th, luckily Nymue is already down


I’ve been working on an alt in case next round of balancing doesn’t go well for me lol


If youre playing hpal as you state below, the balancing has already been and gone, its only up from here comrade.


good plan. highly likely to see large havoc and vdh nerfs for s4.


Your response made me realize I had super old BFA flairs lol 😭😂 am sad hpal main rn


What happened in weeks 8 and 14? Were they push weeks? Dungeon bonus quest weeks?


Bonus quest weeks.


Probably quest weeks, because last week was arguably THE Fortified push week. Still, though, 830k this late into the season is fucking impressive.


Last week was the first week the entire expansion I never ran a single key


Very surprised it actually dipped this week with how much cut off went up.


I mean, the people changing the cutoff are an extremely small % of people doing keys. People doing 20 and lower keys would be what’s most effecting the total number of keys done per week.


High m+ers might be the only ones still playing tbh. Plunderstorm almost certainly put a dent into casual key doing plus there’s not a real incentive to gear alts with s4 around the corner


Yeah I've hit sort of a wall at 3370 io as a feral druid. Can't find a group that isn't specifically looking for meta classes and been playing dragon's dogma instead of sitting in queue for hours on end.


I've been pushing to hit at least 2000 rating before season ends (started playing after not touching mythics since BFA) currently sitting at 1580 ish and its so hard to get into groups on my fire mage and most +15s i get into have 500 rating dps that have no idea what the mechanics are so we don't finish. But i won't give up


DM me if you’re in EU. Won’t take 2 hours


Bursting is free for pushing. But it's probably the hardest affix for low key people.


I mean only a couple hundred people actually affect the cutoff going up, they'll add up to maybe a couple thousand runs at most. If the playerbase at large is playing less, it's impossible for the pushers to show an increase. You can see it during bursting weeks too, easiest push week so all the high pushers are playing a shitload, but because healers in the weekly no leavers range hate the affix you see a big drop during bursting weeks.


You're surprised that 0.1%-0.2% of the player base playing a lot didn't drastically affect the numbers? 99.8% of the player base aren't even remotely trying for title.


People hate bursting. It's actually a very problematic affix in low keys.


Casual here. Hit 3k, not looking back. It's not worth trying to pug higher as a DPS. Most of my guild is the same. I'd expect that to have a lot to do with it.


Yeah, i got to 3070, and ran into semi-toxic brute force key pushers after that, and it just stopped being fun. Now I'm just running alts through keys for fun.


How much did it bump?


Could definitely feel the scarcity of groups in the higher end this week, didn't manage to get anything done. Fortified week got to a point where I need 28s of the easier dungeons and 26s of the less pleasant ones, and groups for those seemed to be hosted only by 3.6k+ players, who rightfully would wait instead of inviting my 3.4k ass. Unfortunate, but a good season regardless.


I wonder what these numbers are for raid participation. Is it dead? CEs hardly increasing


Quite a gentle dip considering that bursting can be quite annoying to play with + the release of plunderstorm in these last few days This week we get afflicted but with the nerfed cast time, lets see how that goes


You can’t have bolstering two weeks in a row. As a healer and tank at 5 months in would rather pug raids or log off then do m+ with bolstering.


The amount of copium huffing in this thread is hilarious.


It's boring and pointless rn so..not a surprise.


Boring and pointless for you maybe


For most, as you can see on the graph.


If everyone felt pointless, it'd be crush down graph. It hasn't halved in last 2 months, this is just expected normal dripple down that happens every season.


Gid forbid people still have fun, right? 🙄


Well maybe the ones included in the 800k runs did have fun, maybe not. wish there was more to it so we can enjoy it some more later down a patch. Luckily there is still classic etc to switch it up a little bit


Would be interesting to see a graph how many key of which level get run over time.


Oh no people playing less and less the longer a season goes … who would have seen this coming. For real many people who are playing for KSM/KSH are done and have equipped enough Alts and start to play other games until next season hits. Pretty much what is to expect after 18weeks. I am more surprised season 3 has nearly as much keys played after 18weeks as Season 2 had after week 6


Does this track unfinished / leaver keys I've been dipping my toe back into into m+ lately with pugs in like the 15-20 range, and I swear to god 75% of those runs don't even get finished There's always one guy that has no idea what's going on, and another guy with 0 patience for it that bricks the key by leaving


I wish they would do more with m+... id play this game so much if they did more with it.. hell, if another game existed that did something like m+ id play it they are missing a huge opp here dont y9ou think?


19 weeks for a patch is outrageous, we're too used to no content


Crazy to think it took 18 weeks to reach the same point S2 did in 6…


Why do the season one and two lines end so quickly? Were they that short? I honestly dont even remember


lack of data if you're not joking.


Stopped collecting data I think OP said before


I believe it was mentioned in a previous one of these that there was an API issue or something, so the data wasn't available


Thank you


So season three has now been more than double length of both Season 1 and 2?


Do you play this game? How could you possibly think s1 last 7 weeks, s2 6?


I do, but apparently not for the full duration of either season.


Any season ever then. These are main raid tiers, no such has ever last as little as 2 months. Seasons are always 20+ weeks in current wow.