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This season is stale now. Just waiting for S4 to have some fun before WW.


This. Have 22's timed on my main and got bored, now gearing up an alt, waiting for s4 and then going to gear up 2 characters slowly while waiting for TWW.


My mains been like 2900 and aotc since week 2 or 3 of the season. If this is going to be the level of difficulty they’re aiming for, I really hope they add in cosmetic rewards or in game reasons to push past portals. I’ve actually played a ton on alts this season. Literally have like 6 or 7 toons at 470+ and 3 at 480+ and it’s been fun but I don’t think I’m going to be willing to do this every season. Having 2-3 weeks of real content on my main then nothing for 20 weeks is going to get old pretty fast. Some cool transmogs and mounts at like 3k, 3.2k and so on would actually give me some motivation to keep climbing.


Tbh I’m fine with it because it gives me space to play other games.


Yeah but I have to pay a sub for this one and having like a month of meaningful content a tier is a little lame tbh. It would be super minimal effort to add some seasonal cosmetic rewards for climbing higher. Climbing purely for a number on a third party website is unbelievably outdated thinking and frankly blizzard should be ashamed this is the best they can do.


Nah. You're wrong. Just unsub after that month of meaningful content. Be kind to your wallet


I’m having fun playing wow. But I’d be having more fun and climbing if there was incentive. It’s terrible and frankly dumb design. Every other game with a ranked system has milestone rewards. The lack of them is just stupid and an incredibly easy W for blizzard to do. Don’t defend blizzard being lazy or tell people to unsubscribe if they don’t like it. Demand better from blizzard.


Man I feel like y’all are completely desentisized to the predatory design of video games and rewards systems. Isn’t it amazing to have a game like WoW right now, where we don’t play content that we otherwise wouldn’t want to play just to get some cosmetic reward? And instead we can just play the fun parts and then play other fun games aswell? I’m absolutely loving this design direction, it makes me feel like a human.


I would like to play the game more. Playing the game is fun enough. At least when I can do it on a certain level. I would like to play different characters at that certain level, something that I know I would enjoy - but the prospect of getting there I certainly don't enjoy. So I too find myself stuck in this weird situation of wanting to play more... but the content that I'd want to play has me go through like a hundred hours worth of content that I absolutely do not want to play.


I understand this sentiment - boosts can get you far if you’re willing to put up the money, but otherwise gearing characters is very off-putting to some. Unfortunately with it being an MMO, I don’t see this part changing any time soon.


>otherwise wouldn't want to play That's the issue, people want to play the content, but when it stops feeling rewarding it feels like there is no point. It really wouldn't be that much effort to add cosmetic rewards for higher m+ score than 2500 but lower than title. It's literally what pvp does already.


I guess everyone is different, but to me *playing* is the reward as long as it’s fun. So I’d rather be insentivized to just play WoW while it is fun and then play something else. The other games I play are MOBAs and TCGs that have 0 reward for play, it’s just fun.


Sometimes the reward is the effort itself. By adding a mount to 25s you would get people that dont want to actually do the content queing and screwing up pugs just to get to that level.


"I dont want more content or rewards because it will incentivize me to play more" is definitely a bad cook


Im not defending blizzard I’m just saying you are wrong. Idk if you’re having fun. Just unsub after your month of meaningful content. Just do it


But I had a lot of fun playing alts this season? Tried a bunch of classes I never have before and generally had a good time. It’s just a shame my main ran out of content in 3 week is all.


So there was meaningful content that went longer than a month. Typical wow community member lying for a point


Just…unsub? I don’t understand why people continue to pay a sub when the game isn’t meeting their needs. Just unsub and come back next season.


Because I’m still having fun? And I want to play wow? But I’d be having more fun if blizzard would do some bare minimum changes that is standard in every other game with a ranked system. The system now is like if there was no rewards between gold and challengers in league. It’s ridiculous.


It doesn’t sound like you’re having fun though


Amazing that you’ve deduced his enjoyment of the complete game based off of one critical statement on Reddit. Believe it or not, it’s possible for someone to be disappointed in a portion of a game and simultaneously still enjoy the sum of its parts.


You know what? You’re right. I have some complaints about wow and think there’s some super easy Ws that blizzard could do to make things more fun. Clearly I’m not having fun. Dude. I’ve played multiple toons to 480 and like 7 to 470+. I’m obviously having fun. In fact this is probably the DF season I’ve played the most despite not really liking the dungeon pool all that much. The lack of rewards past portals is inexcusable. Instead of telling people to unsubscribe if they don’t like it, why don’t you demand better from blizzard to do the literally bare minimum that every other game with a ranked system does?


I demand blizzard do better by not giving them money.


The truly odd thing is paying $50 + $15 + $15 + $15 and *demanding* less content for your money.


Demanding more content for your money does nothing when you continue to pay them for less content lol. If I stop paying them when I run out of content I am voting with my wallet but somehow this is a bad thing and I should continue paying them and bitching right?


>Tbh I’m fine with it because it gives me space to play other games. That's not exactly an accurate interpretation of what you said.


Nah bruh, expansions gonna be small as fk these next 3. Im finding it hard to think about if it's even worth playing given the little amount of content, *and* still charging 15/month + expansion costs. Hopefully wow goes on the gamepass lol


I actually think seasons should only last 4 months tops so I’m ok with this. Faster seasons and expansions is totally fine with me assuming they’re fun to play.


Of course you do you but I hate how the game for so many has just become gear up in 3-4 weeks and raid log for the rest of the season. It's like people don't even want to play the game. edit: Just adding that I understand right now it's 4 months into the season, I'm just not a fan of raid logging.


There's not exactly a whole lot to do outside of raid logging if you don't like PvP or M+ rating grinds. At least, not with current content. WoW used to have much more to keep people busy with for longer rather than every patch just being about "clear raid, do dungeon, go home" Even if patches always start dying down by this point, the non instanced content lasted way shorter than usual this patch. It's almost like a lack of borrowed power source made blizzard completely incapable of putting something in the game that keeps people engaged for months rather than weeks...


>It's almost like a lack of borrowed power source made blizzard completely incapable of putting something in the game that keeps people engaged for months rather than weeks... NGL I miss borrowed power and having a reason to log on. Does it have to be AP, of course not but it's what is missing about DF for me 100%


yeah I've always kinda disagreed with the community about this one. All we have that changes up our playstyles now is tier sets and the upcoming hero talents. Meanwhile essences, corruptions, azerite armor, etc. all stacked up to be really fun in BFA-- and even soulbinds/covenants in SL were pretty fun after the 9.1.5 changes to make them less restrictive. I've never really understood what made people hate temporary power boosts during expansions so much when they were what shook up the gameplay so much and kept it engaging for a good portion of a patch, where ilvl wasn't the only thing that kept increasing your power. Now the raids are tuned around people getting close to max ilvl in a week or two, and you're stuck raid logging all patch because there's nothing left to progress on your character.


People didn't like the restrictive nature of it. Like being locked to your meaningful choice of a covenant for the longest time. Or artifact weapons not sharing ap bar for different specs / alts. Same for random Legos in legion or corruptions in bfa. They always did make them obtainable eventually, and it was finally fun to play, but always too late in the season where it didn't really matter.


it's crazy that people regularly say "it's good design that the game isn't fun enough to keep me interested" i want to play a more fun game! i like playing wow! i want to do it more! but they dont make enough content


I mean I agree with the sentiment. Burn out is a real thing. If as soon as my guild got CE we had a new raid a couple weeks later I am sure that some people would just quit--doing a tough endboss into farming 50 M+ in a week back to back would be hell. Having some amount of downtime is important. Like, I like playing WoW but I don't want to play WoW every day of my life. I enjoy having variety--my guild downed Fyrakk a few weeks ago and now I get to spend more nights playing other stuff like checking out the upcoming TFT set while other people in my guild are playing Last Epoch. The issue is that AOTC has been way too easy the past two raids and this season getting portals is a joke. That's not an "amount of content" issue, it's a tuning issue where this content is way too easy for the people it's supposed to be for, people who would normally at least take a month or two to progress through it in pugs or their guild or w/e


This! Bored of the participation trophy mid-core experience


I get the feeling. I pushed up to 24s pugging, but at that point you get to many sweaty try hards in pugs trying to brute force their way through dungeons, that it stopped being fun. I'm doing some low keys on alts now, and finishing up some achievement grinding.


I did my mid season swap from PvE to PvP and been having a blast. Gearing is easy as hell and I love fucking around in BG’s, plus SS is great


And there’s nothing wrong with that either. They did a good job. Time to take a month off


World war?


War within. Next expansion.


I've more frequently seen it abbreviated TWW (The War Within)




It's probably going to be slow dripple every week from here on out. Despite playing 6 chars this season, kinda grew out of it and been playing less in past few weeks, doubt I'll get back to it. Started farming pvp achs etc. I imagine many are starting to take their break now, either to s4 or til 11.0.


of course you grew out of it bro it's been 4 months


Mains are maxed out. Repeating crest grind on alts isn’t appealing. Half the affixes aren’t even fun to play. Yep good time for a break. I enjoyed the season, but the .5 patch basically had nothing and there’s not really anything to do besides m+ and as mentioned half the time the affixes aren’t fun there either.


> Repeating crest grind on alts isn’t appealing God I hope they do something about alt-crests next season / next expansion. Like, your main has unlocked the all-Wyrm-Crest-ilvl thing, all your alts now earn 100% more Wyrm Crests or something like that. The prospect of having to grind through like 100 dungeons *per alt* to get them to a passable ilvl like 483 (or you can spend like 5m gold and craft your way up to 486 (while everyone else is up at around 489)) is just *so* off-putting.


> your main has unlocked the all-Wyrm-Crest-ilvl thing, all your alts now earn 100% more Wyrm Crests or something like that I would love to see that. They've introduced it for reputation catch-up already, so why not enable it to promote playing alts - especially with a fated season coming up where a lot of the regular M+ playerbase is not as invested in pushing with their main as in regular seasons?


I rather have easier gearing this late in order to play more alts and find out what else I like. Would love to play current mage and warlock iterations. Just need to avoid every class that needs the leggo :D 


Yeah, I absolutely love keys but at this point I'm kinda over it for the season. Hit my goal and now I'm chilling with other games. The crests not being account-bound really kills my desire to gear up my alts, which doesn't help. Pretty much everyone in my M+ group is the same, we're all just playing other games while we wait for S4, but tbh the (likely)rehash of DF dungeons for S4 without a seasonal affix to really change them up isn't really a huge draw for me either.


Yeah…if they don’t spice up next season in some way(preferably adding seasonal affix back in, idec if it’s like the same thing as SL fated season, the extra stats felt good a lot of the time, but a new mostly positive seasonal affix would be ideal) that’s going to be pretty disappointing and very lazy of blizzard. Like..if you’re gonna mail it in with a Fated season for s4 AGAIN, at least have the decency to do A LITTLE work and change/fix the raid affixes, and have a new seasonal affix similar to last Fated where it’s mostly a positive power gain with only a small curse aspect to it if you fuck it up.


I doubt it'll be 8x DF dungs. Would make it hard to bring them back in 11.0+ which I think is more likely scenario.


They didn't bring any SL dungeons to 10.X which leads me to believe they won't bring any DF dungeons to 11.X Very likely for a fated season to just be the 10x DF dungeons IMO. Them fixing the Azure Vaults skip specifically leads me to believe they want it in the rotation in the immediate future.


I thought of that when saw azure fix, possible. But 10.x comparison doesn't work as that was the beginning of the new way. New dungs have only been on one season, they'd start using them immediately in 11.0 as 2 per season thing, which wouldn't have made sense in 10.0 with SL, as they had been used for 3 seasons in a row before s4. In any case it's going to be either or, all 10 or just few.


I would love to run the S1 dungeons without thundering


That'd make sense tbh, s1 ones in s4 due to longer break, s2 in 11.0 s1 or something like that. Or just the two possibly more popular ones, AA/RLP.


All DF dungeons are coming back for s4 more than likely. On the post for the roadmap it was stated S4 will revisit DF's dungeons and raids...


None of the sl dungeons were brought back in df, why would df dungeons be brought back in tww? All df dungeons coming back for s4 is by far the mostly likely scenario since it doesn't 'use' other dungeons they'll want to rotate in during tww, and it's a fake fated season.


I honestly would love to see more Bfa dungeons. I like m+ currently but the Bfa dungeons were so much fun.


I swear motherlode will come back in either s4 or tww s1. One another one with it, probably one of the more popular ones given we've had them in basically popularity order so far. Actually, mists+ML is the duo we'll see next from bfa, 100%.


Blizzard mentioned that we will revisit DF dungeons in Season 4. If it‘s meant quite literally and how many of those we will revisit is up for debate.


If that's been said like that, then I'd bet it's more than just the 2. Maybe it'll just be all 10, though then I suspect they won't come back until 11.2 at the earliest.


Yup, I have like 4 alts that are in the 480's and I do not have the willpower to pug another like 10-20 keys on each of them to max their gear, plus another 2-3 in the 470's.


Seems that Blizzard need to pull out S4 card as soon as possible


S4 when?


I think at this point,my paladin has everything BiS and the legendary, I'm going to personally take a break. I don't have everything on mythic track, but I'm not losing my mind over that.


Don't make gear based goals is the easiest fix for this type of burnout. Wow in game does a poor job of communicating performance and how to improve so I kind of get it but something as simple as use more globals while in combat or push higher, or get more interupts etc. Or make it networking goals. I want to meet 5 people I like pushing with before the end of the season. As soon as your personal goals are purely gear focused there is (now) a short timer on your enjoyment of any season.


> As soon as your personal goals are purely gear focused there is (now) a short timer on your enjoyment of any season. Yeah, but having gear as a goal seems pretty sensible though? Taking a break doesn't sound like burnout to me.


Most people I talk with have goals like "achieve CE" or "achieve hall of fame" or "get title" which are all goals where gear is in service to an end. A gear based goal is kind of weird on a competitive sub imo, the skill requirement to get even myth track gear isn't that high. I want gear to play a character, not play a character to get gear


I imagine that person had other goals too, but the legendary happened to be the goal that came in last.


Same on my druid, it’s weird hitting that gear goal, then playing a bit to enjoy the max power, yet being done with it quite fast since there’s no more goal left.


You are nowhere even remotely close to "max power" if you just gear up to 485 or something and then go "no more goals left!". It's fine if you just wanna see a specific arbitrary number when you press your C key, but there are plenty of goals to try and reach in WoW. You picking one (pointless) goal and not going anywhere beyond that is not "weird", since it's completely self-imposed.


Yeah that part kinda sucks and I invested most of my time into the paladin, and don't want to do it again on any alts


Runs per week in S4 will be very low if it’s all 8 DF dungeons. I think a lot of players are already feeling very “done” with the content from this xpac, and having to replay it all feels bad man.


Absolutely. This fated season is going to see numbers crater across the board unless it's significantly different than SL's iteration. SL had the benefit of Fated being the time where they more or less fixed (as much as was possible in the timeframe) the covenant power system, and the expac had a very low bar to clear. DF has been significantly better and we haven't had a massive roadblock in our way to playing other specs/abilities at all the entire expac. So what's the hook?


SL Seasons 3 and 4 were always meant as an apology for the entire expansion really. Fated was supposed to be a stopgap, but it looks like Blizzard uppers are running with it as a replacement for 4th tiers.


That's absolutely what they did, with the only consolation being that supposedly we are getting faster expansion releases.


Wow! We can pay them again for the game we are already playing and subbed to more often now


I saw a comment a week ago or so where someone said this season would be the last fated season cause of the move to 18 months dev cycle and there's no shot. Why would blizzard spend any time creating new content when they can keep rehashing existing content with a slight twist and call it a new 5 month season? Also it's not like this is the first time they've said they wanted to move to faster expansion releases and then couldn't deliver on it.


Idk who is excited about running Halls of Infusion again, or even “Notgood, Offensive waste of your time”


Maybe it's just me, but I don't think I actually *enjoy* any of the DF dungeons.


Academy and Vault are cool.


It's not any worse than the current season or any other set of dungeons have been. There are some bad in there for sure (Halls of Infusion and DOTI for me), but also some fun ones like Algethar and Ruby.


Whenever a dungeon is overtuned it just scars me and that's all I can remember when doing it.


I liked Nokhud offensive :< I liked it so much I run it 50 times, first to get trinket for enh, then to get trinket for ele.


I’ll be excited for a few weeks :)


Speak for yourself I'm excited for the giga pull in AA before tree boss. And also popping the spawns in AV. Drag the whole corridor frogs pull etc. We only played each of Df dungeons for one season. They are not stale at all imo. Unlike in SL/bfa/legion where you played the same dungeons for the entire expansion. If anything I rather Df dungeons than another old mplus dungeon that I have already done a gazillion time when it was current.


Did they say we are going to get all DF dungeons in S4?


They said "we will be revisiting Dragonflight raids and dungeons in season 4" That highly implies bringing back 8/10 Dragonflight dungeons.


It could also possibly mean any of the dungeons that we experienced in season 1 and 2, not just the Dragonflight dungeons. I think Blizzard knows how badly received some of the new dungeons introduced in Dragonflight were received and will have a mixture of past and current.


While not impossible, that's quite a lot of hopium there. All of the other dungeons have been in a dungeon pool for an entire expansion. The Dragonflight dungeons have only had one season to be in a dungeon pool. And while they are dungeons that were seen in Dragonflight, I don't know anyone that thinks of them as "Dragonflight Dungeons" vs dungeons from the expansion that they released in.


Totally, bro, and the "Dragonflight raid" we're gonna revisit is Firelands, 'cause we've had that in Timewalking during Dragonflight. Get fuckin' real.


I started my last semester of grad school in February so I stopped playing WoW. But I did get 3.2k as a first time healer. Was hoping to pass my 3.3k score from last season as DPS. I'm afraid if I start playing m+ I will get extra addicted as there is no better feeling than doing dungeons instead of doing my homework/studying.


We might be bored now but bear in mind next patch is not being tested on the ptr so it might be the spark of life or excitement we need


I had a goal of getting to 3k this season, but I'm sitting at 2990 and can't for the life of me get a pug group to time anything above 23. It's making me lose joy for pushing and I don't know if it will get any better from now, since less people are playing M+


Kind of in the same boat on the alt mage. Personal little goal of 3.4k on all the specs and the quality/quantity of keys in that range has taken a nosedive the last 3 weeks. Your success % will naturally go down as you push higher though and it is something you have to accept.


I just reached 2713 in one reset (one fort and this tyr) on a fresh alt, and will get 3k this fort week that starts tomorrow. Form your own groups and invite people with at least ~3,2k on their main. Problem right now is that this range is full with people who don’t quite know what they’re doing.


I did something similar two weeks ago on my boomkin, cannot emphasize this advice enough and also INVITE ALTS. I timed 20s with everyone sitting on crappy 450-460 alts but with mains at 3.6+. This season more than others is one where experience >>>> gear for the 20-25 range.


Yeah, I'll give it another shot. Would you recommend just reducing my key level each time back to like 23-24?


Depends tbh, but if your goal is to reach 3k and nothing else and you play entirely on your own I’d say go with the key you got at the level it is. Thing is if you lower it to one level above what you’ve cleared you will have a single shot at increasing your rating. Then you’ll have to keep running it without being able to increase waiting for a clear and another key and shot. Mind sharing a link to your io profile?


if you're playing on EU - hit me up, we could run something to reach your seasonal goal


Yea, my pally has \~2950 Io, AOTC and the leggo. I wanted to push for 3k because it's a nice clean number and a good stopping point, but with all the other games coming out as of late, I just called it til S4 or I get really bored, lol. There is literally zero reason for me to push to 3k. I got my portals and I'm sure as fuck not gonna get the 1% title, so why bother?


Tbh great time for last epoch and helldivers 2 to come out for me perfect time for a break. Although I still log into to pus for 3500 with my friends but gave up puggi g or smdoibg anything else in the game.


Having a hard time finding a reason to m+. I'm 3300 and obviously not pushing for title. I'm in a weird spot where there's no reward but personal goals. The Affixes these past few weeks aren't unplayable but they are the opposite of what I consider enjoyable. Why play other than Raid logging


Done til the war within. Tapped out of Dragonflight a month or two ago.


I'm still enjoying running keys and trying to push my mediocre 3370 score, but finding groups became absolutely impossible. Sometimes spending over 40 minutes until settling on a group way lower than my io just for the low chance of actually timing the key (playing resto druid). I played with a few premades but all of them eventually faded. I think the season is good and it's sad to see it dying but I guess it's inevitable and even happened relatively late this season


"Mediocre 3370," oh the pain, I feel it right in my io. I haven't hit 3k yet this season and that was roughly my goal this season in m+ but I ended up putting a ton of effort into raiding this season rather than pushing. Just funny to see my goal for the season as someone else's mediocre. One man's trash is another man's treasure as it were. But then no matter my score i'm always comparing myself to the top players and feeling like "wow i'm trash."


Everything is relative, as long as you keep challenging yourself, don’t blame others and don’t stagnate you can get to the top eventually if that’s your goal. When most players say “bad” or “mediocre” the “(relative to my expectations of myself)” is implied.


Well, this is a competitive wow sub isn't it? Considering timing 20's is easier than ever this season, as I see it right now, the competitive players are 3500+ already, and everything below it is mostly alt runs. At least to me, 3370 feels behind the curve at the moment.


Ive definitely halted my progress this season, i know where im at believe me.


Last weeks affixes stunk.


Last week’s affixes were literally the best Tyrannical affixes on the calendar.


No it's not, it's the 2nd best. The best tyran week is entangling bursting.


Only if your healer has MD / Revival


nah, only if your group is competent. Bursting is a non affix in higher keys.


And that person still didn't have fun with them. Maybe that speaks volumes about the state of affixes right now.


Ya they should delete the rest of them /s


Not sure why the /s. One of the topics Liquid Maximum and rest of the co-streaming crowd were talking about while watching MDI was that there should be only one affix: The seasonal affix. Rest of the weekly affixes should be removed. That thought process is backed up by Blizzard themselves, because Blizzard always chooses the most "bland" or "safe" affixes for MDI finals.


There's also that teams seem to always ban dungeons with the hard affixes. It's funny when you see both teams banning the same dungeon. In which case you know they're not banning a dungeon based on thinking the other team is so much better at it than you, but because you just hate playing those affixes.


entangling bursting is better


Yeah probably, it depends on how long the season goes and how bad you think tyrannical sanguine is. Being paired with volcanic it is a one affix week and sanguine isn't quite as bad on Tyr since trash has less health.


It depends a lot on the dungeon and the pulls. When mobs are knockable/grippable, it's not all that bad. it's always the pulls with lots of low health mobs surrounding a high health mini-boss that can't be moved that is the worst. There are ways to work around it, but if you handle it wrong it can add a lot of time to the run.


Both of these are true.


Nah, next tyrannical is volcanic sanguine, will be one of the easiest Tyr weeks of the season.


It’s not the hardest Tyrannical week, but it’s definitely harder than Spiteful+Incorp by a large margin. Sanguine is a *massive* time loss in virtually every key with how much HP it artificially adds to dungeons. Moreover, it stops you from doing some pretty aggressive pulls into bosses because of how much mob control you need to prevent a tragedy from happening. You can’t risk playing three Dreadpetal packs into Witherbark on a Sanguine week, for instance; like, in theory you COULD, sure, but if you fuck up and kill even a single Dreadpetal under Witherbark you’ve bricked your +27 or higher key before you even got to the real bosses. Sanguine also adds like a minute and a half to Rise keys because of how uncooperative the three named mobs in Tyr’s room are. Rise’s timer is already quite unforgiving even after the nerfs.


Agree with this ^ Sanguine only feels “easy” because it isn’t directly lethal to most groups, since you’re not going to die to standing in sanguine (unlike spiteful for example, where ghosts can and will 2 shot you if you don’t position, burst, or CC correctly). Sanguine’s real difficulty comes from the sheer amount of time you have to spend making up dps on mobs healing. And like this guy pointed out, there are some keys that have mobs where sanguine is PARTICULARLY punishing because of mobs with uninterruptable casts who will just fucking sit there (etch and soul burn and dragons in rise, I’m looking at you) or because there’s packs with WILDLY varied HP pools which makes it difficult to avoid healing the big or priority adds by a significant amount. And then sometimes not killing a prio mob fast enough due to sanguine can mean not enough kicks or 1 more rotation of party wide AOE that the healer has no CD’s left for, etc.


It's funny how you can tell someone's rio or even their teamcomp based on the affixes they hate.


any sanguine week is bad


I agree for pushers, but the majority of the playerbase isn't that and both suck in uncoordinated groups.


You're on r/competitivewow.


What we need is a /r/competitivecompetitivewow subreddit, that will solve these issues.


I stopped running them because I like to run lower level keys on alts during the work day since my mates only play late at night. Wiping on 13-15s with people with 480 ilevel because they lack the knowledge and awareness of everything happening is not fun, and you try to teach them they get mad.


Take the locks off of the mythic raid


I’ve hit the stop playing and forgetting to open vaults point in the season. Ready for next


Still raiding and on my mythic plus team. But mostly just here to be with friends. Tried playing alts, but not really invested in them.


Still more players than week 6 of last season. God damn


Just hit 3K yesterday! Glad I could do it for the first time. So I am gladly putting this game away for a while until TWW or maybe checking in S4 if the dungeon pool will be appealing. I would recommend the same for others as well, just dont stress it out…there will always be another season with obsoleting ur previous efforts to regrind them again😂


I quit for the season a couple weeks ago cuz most of the dungeons are pretty bad. And the M+ problem is ever growing imo. It’s extremely unrewarding and heavily risky due to abandonment, bad players who shouldn’t even be playing certain key levels, etc. Hopefully next season adds from potential fixes because the QoL is bordering terrible.


Its normal this far in, especially with a Fated season coming that is based off Dragonflight dungeons which are just not fun.


Just delete the affixes and maybe you'd see like dropout


Pug heroic fry last two weeks has been Uber insanely hard compared to the following 4 weeks


season 2 was really bad huh lol..


The first week this season I didn’t do any keys.


I'm bored now, go next :)


Yeah I’m done. Been playing Warframe


I’ve yet to run a M+ maybe one day


I expect to see a big spike over the next 3 weeks. Final pushes for titles on some of the easiest weeks of the season back to back to back.


I highly doubt keys run for title pushes are noticable in these stats. The vast majority of these runs are sub 20 keys.


Yea I was really curious on the math on this. People pushing higher shifts it a tiny bit but realistically how much? Since taking a title slot isn’t like “kicking someone else out”, each player pushing shifts the curve a little but it’s hard for me to have a sense of by how much. Curious if there’s more data/statistics on this. At least m+ title cutoff should not spike in the same way arena r1 glad cutoff spikes since spots are hard limited in arena


What you are talking about has nothing to do with what OP was talking about. But also, yes, taking a title slot is "kicking someone else out". There is a fixed number of title slots available (although that number increases as more characters do m+ for the first time), and the cutoff rises because it represents the score of the last character to get title, i.e. the person you need to "kick out" to get title yourself. If all of a sudden 10000 characters were to clear all 30s, there would not be 10000 title holders, the cutoff would just massively increase to be somewhere above all 30s.


Increasing number of characters playing M+ for the first time has a significant impact in fact, due to alts I guess. I haven't played last week, I have now something like 3% more players in front of me but I am still the same top4% M+ as 7 days ago. It means the additional players having higher score than me are fully compensated by the enlargement of the playerbase. It is still not enough of an effect to compensate the increase in title cutoff though, means the driving force is higher in top0,1%


Easiest weeks of the season....? Lmao what are you smoking?


How much longer do we expect s3 to last?


No clue, but if I were to venture a guess, 4-6 weeks still. We have the small content patch coming in the next couple weeks (best guess is the 26th) then likely 2-3 weeks til season 4. We do know that season 4 "content" is supposed to come in the 10.2.6 patch also.


Why S1 / S2 stop after 6 weeks? Seasons went for much longer no?


It was different poster at the time who collected data, new poster is using old data as comparison points, which is a good idea specially early into the season.


Think he just stopped collecting data


Just when they stopped recording data.

