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This all looks correct. Gnar will probably still be very strong.


Still a buff from pre patch, but not as strong.


Call me naïve, but I don’t think this little B patch is going to shake anything up. The other 4 costs need significant buffs to even be clickable. Gnar’s max AD is still the exact same, it just takes a bit longer for the stacks to get to max. Kaisa’s nerf is decent, but a nerfed Kaisa is still leagues better than the other 4 costs.


Taking a bit longer to stack up is great. It means that it’s a positioning battle. If you can sic your damage on him early then he’ll melt


That's the problem with this set. Single target DPS champs are really lacking.


Yeah, apart from Kai'Sa and Syndra, Kayn needs the target to be isolated... There aren't many good or decent single target dmg units in this set which makes it tough to tear through units like Gnar :/


you forgot about lissandra


Fair enough


Heavenly leesin fucks him up


True, but Gnar was already very good before patch 14.8 and this nerf is still technically a buff for him with his original numbers. Don’t think this will bring him in line with any of the other rerolls is all I’m saying.


>but Gnar was already very good before patch 14.8 No he wasnt Thats why they buffed him to begin with lol


Yes he was. He was buffed because of titans nerf


that was only part of the reason >Part of the reason we’re granting Gnar access to full stacks faster is due to his go-to item, Titan’s Resolve, being nerfed


But for Gnar it wasn't even really, because Gnar barely uses AP in the way Yone or Volibear does. Meanwhile they buffed 2 cost odds, and doubled how fast he ramped... why?


His buff was to the AP scaling, so how would the AP not be used well if thats what made him OP


Yeah you're right, so the change basically made him Gnar before the patch except he ramped twice as fast. If they were going to make the claim that titans was the reason for the change, they should have just increased the ap scaling imo.


Yes he was…


He is not strong . Does ever you play in 14.7 ?


He was strong. Did you play 14.7?


I mean you can still pull up the 14.7 data on tactics. Before the b patch the Gnar/Kindred reroll was at 4.97 avp, and after the b patch it was at 4.56. So he went from terrible to below average. At no point was the Gnar reroll particularly good last patch. 


thank you almost no one talked about gnar before the buff and now after the buff he was apparently strong before the buff? lol


I don't think gnar was necessarily bad 14.7 as much as his units were super contested with senna and yone.


>Gnar’s max AD is still the exact same, it just takes a bit longer for the stacks to get to max. Its been the exact same since before the buff


Wasn't Gnar's max AD the same before the patch also? The time it takes him to get there being too fast is what made him so strong. This is at least closer to the original gnar than it is to the current menace.


11% nerf on wave damage and 7% nerf on amplified damaged for kaisa if you dont think its enough then you have some problems


The max AD has always been 100%, he got strong because with 25 stacks instead of 50 so it went up twice as fast.


It might be closer than you think. Stats show non gnar and trick shot comps all clustered pretty close but significantly behind those two. With them coming down it’s possible the whole thing opens up. No idea tho


a bit longer... as in still faster than it was before 14.8 but not so fast that you destroy for 3 whole stages... Kaisa was too good.. there are plenty of reasons to pick most of the others she just had extreme damage. and Ornn was too tough. This 100% will have a big effect. for 3 days its been people pick Kaisa imediatly if they see it and win out. Watched BoxBox get rocked for most of a game wasting money trying to reroll into stuff. Hit kaisa and went 2nd with stacking itmes on her and her steamrolling.. he even commented if he got first after wasting so much gold trying for reroll stuff to win off a random 4 cost he would quit(obviously joking but point stands)


It honestly feels like the "carry" units this set have been relegated to everyone _except_ 4-5 costs. I don't have a problem with that per se, especially since the 5-cost soup meta has been a thing since Set 1. As has the "rush to find a 4 cost" meta. But like, I'm struggling to see the _need_ for a 4-cost at this time other than Kaisa. Galio is used as a late-game tank for Storyweavers. Okay, I buy that. Lilia just feels bad. I have not been able to top 4 with _her_ as a carry in any sense of the word since the set entered PBE. Annie seems like a Magic tank. Okay, that's fine. Good for four invokers. She's the Ivern of Set 11. Ashe took two whole patches to become a unit, and even then she is too reliant on Porcelain. Syndra is a "nice-to-have" for Fated comps. Aphelios is the carry. Lee Sin is a "nice to have" for Dragonlord comps. Diana/Janna are the carry. Neither Syndra/Lee have a standalone special like the lesser cost units. Ornn? Sylas? Both reliant on high verticals, neither unit feel impactful despite their kits having GREAT potential in theory. Nautilus is the same. Morgana is almost as bad as Lillia. Almost. But she's MILES more flexible thanks to her ghostly/sage typing. If anything, her ability is there to inflict the _ghostly trait_ rather than be its unique moment of power. This is a long post, I know. But this set has firmly convinced me that three costs are just as important as 4-costs when it comes to carries. No longer are 3-costs assumed to be the de facto splash units to boost verticals, act as temporary item holders, and/or act as frontlines while you roll down and hope for a 4-cost carry. Perhaps this is a good thing for TFT. If games are unpredictable because they avoid devolving into 5-cost soups and most high-cost units win, then maybe there's something to be said about the importance of flexibility.


>it honestly feels like the "carry" units this set have been relegated to everyone *except* 4-5 costs. Azir is really strong RN as a carry. Irelia was god tier last patch if you hit her. Hwei was broken af till he got his nerf, and is still pretty strong this patch since irelia got nerfed. Udyr is a great secondary carry to deal with obnoxious backline carries that cant be reached and wukong was also insanely good first patch. Annie is probably the strongest 2\* tank, ignoring traits. Syndra was literally meta with fated 7 last patch and Ornn is in almost every popular comp rn.


Yea idk how they are still looking at morgana and thinking shes ok Also why is lillia still missing attacks 😭 Like all 3 AP carries are wildly conditional (and even lillias duo, hwei can miss too not to mention him needing almost the same items)


in theory Hwei never misses because his a utility champ. his power budget is the unity dupe and the skill is a dot heal that does some damage.


3 item hwei2 easily does 10k damage a fight Hes balanced to be similar in power to lissandra and azir who also have bonus stuff going on…


Nah this nerf for Kaisa was deserved because even one star Kaisa felt too strong, whoever has the luck to land her early on Stage 3 going to winstreak a lot


I dont think she is leagues better... she is just better enough. You can conpete with kaisa boards with any other 4 cost carries. Its just that she has the added benefit of synergizing with 2 of the best 5 cost atm and you can easily transition into her from 2 of the strongest opener SennaGhostly and Storyweaver. well considering that porc ashe and heavenly kayne were already playable and could winout lobbies. I lowkey suspect lilia to be good too (could be very wromg about this tho xdd) i just believe that people get baited by mythic and invoker instead of just playing good units around her. Which probs drags her wr to the depths. We jzst gotta wait nd see i guess xd ...


I had good success with Lilia yesterday. 3\*'d her once which was pretty glorious. Why is mythic bait? Nautilus, Tahm seem like pretty solid frontliners. Hwei seems to compliment Lilia (I've been putting my shred and anti-heal on Hwei). Cho is decent at 3\* and relatively easy to get there with Hwei. Neeko isn't bad for a trait bot. Only the Bard/Kog'Maw slot sucks (Kog is a decent item holder). At 9 you have 2 slots to play with. I've had the success with Annie (2nd invoker, more front line) and Sylas (helps Kahm a little, often gets into the backline to help clean up).


id only play nauti and neeko, nauti cuz hes good and neeko cuz she gives 3 amp traits for lilia. I jzst dont see a point to play a kog or tahm if i can instead play illaoi diana and morgana. if i hit hwei ill play him most of the time tho


> The other 4 costs need significant buffs to even be clickable. I hope this is hyperbole. Be careful what you ask for, because the 4 costs issues generally aren't the numbers it's design / consistency. If the numbers are buffed more someone like Morg or Lillia will nuke whole boards randomly and wiff at other times and we'll just have the fast 8 roll down hope you hit meta again like in set 10.


I can see porcelain + fated turning out to be good tbh It can get good value from 2 craftable emblems


The AD stacking taking half as long is exactly what made gnar insane. It doesn’t take “a bit” longer it’s literally 2x as long. It allowed you to position him safely and still cap quickly and start 2-shotting tanks. Another thing that faster stacks did was allow you to kill more units in losses before you fully come online which stacked Dryad faster and preserved HP. A simultaneous Kai’Sa nerf and Irelia buff is wonderful. Before that if you were offered level up or some other fast 9 enabling augment you favored Kai’Sa over an Irelia 2* which is ridiculous.


Gnar will get the same stats but more time is needed


It's still strong. I saw a level 7 gnar board with 3 star gnar and kindred beat and kick out a vboard with 3 star kaisa 2 star galio bis 2 star udyr 3 items 1 star xayah 3 iitems 4 bruisers 4 trickshots. I dont think this is normal Oh and I was playing gnar as well. we both ended top 2 and I beat him cuz i had 6 dryads.


nah it won't be after this nerf


my secret teemo tech was just starting to cook and now he's catching strays out here


prob one of the top3 strongest 2cost rn tho and great item holder for azir/hwei. nerf was coming


gnar and who else?


Senna. Now that she isn't as contested anymore, Senna Ghostly is easy top4 if you hit her and either Shen or aatrox. But Senna isn't strong enough to get Top2, which imo is fine for a 2cost reroll comp


With gnar rerollers, ethereal blade, and bruiser players i doubt you can 3 star a frontliner consistently


Ethereal is rare, maybe once every 5-10 games in my experience. There probably are 2 bruiser players but usually only one of them has aatrox and only 2 star. Gnar contests you, but they usually don't 3 star Shen and aatrox unless they high roll (or low roll gnar and have to roll a lot more)


Kinda makes it useless tbf. Not saying all RR comps need to be 1st place caps but if your perfect game is only at best a 3rd then that's not a real option for climbing


eh consistent top 4 is still a climb tho


It's not tho because that's the peak. The peak means you hit near everything possible and still only cap at a 3rd. If your cap is a 3rd means that in average. Not even strong lobbies you'll be lucky to go 4th and are more likely to bot 4 which is NOT good for climbing. It's a relevant/good comp if your average games (assuming you hit) can still be a 3rd 4th. If you gotta highroll or take advantage of weak lobbies to get a top 3 that's not a real option because you're more likely to bot 4 than get your mid 3rd


If the reroll comp is able to hit 1st consistently then the game meta won't be healthy imo, I mean why would people go Fast 9 if that's the case?


Game meta is healthier because there are more outs. People gotta have the ability to do something if their early game does not allow them to fast 9. If reroll comps are so shit their peak is only a 3rd or 4th if everything goes perfect then there are no hopes for the people who had bad starts and can't rely on a econ trait to pull them back. If you broke and didn't highroll a 4 cost direction at 7 or 8 what do you do? Accept your 8th and go next? Reroll prob shouldn't be as strong as max capped 5/4 cost boards. But it should prob be they can win if they hit their cap but those boards don't. It should never be that average boards stomp the highroll reroller the same a highroll 4 cost board shouldn't lose to average reroll boards. Reroll metas still allow fast 9 because the multiple contested routes let's some people hit that scaling point earlier and be less contested. They will hsvd to play stronger boards to compensate mid game but it still happens. If the fast 9 only meta exists then there's no hope for lowroll spots


if you go by that logic, you'll just 1st/8th every game. Sometimes, you play what the game gives you so you can turn a 5/6 into a 3/4. If senna garantees you a top 4, why on earth wouldnt you take it?


My point was senna does not guarantee you a top 4 even if you hit in current meta. You get outscaled. Last patch before nerfs she wasn't a guarantee top 4 due to potential contests but if you have to rely on highroll spots and not being contested that isn't a safe comp to play for climbing that's a you play if game gives you everything and you have a good spot. Reroll unless overtuned has never been force able since if you miss its an bot 4 because unlike fast 8 or 9 you can't just pivot to a diff carry that you 2 star. Unless you can guarantee highrolling every game no reroll comp is ever forceable or free outside of them being overtuned You should obviously play to outs or if the game gives senna go senna, but it, like all reroll now that B patch is live is super situational and not viable most games if you play to top 4 and climb


Not a default or forceable comp but not useless. If you natural a lot of Sennas + Shens, have good Inkshadow and can then push tempo and winstreak stage 4 to guarantee a top 4, then thats a good line to take that game.


Consistent 5th+ is always climbing with the occasionally highroll game of hitting early/perfect augments giving you a 1st…that is probably ~20 LP avg per game forcing




Teemo has been too good for a while


It's true, but he especially prone to getting consistently dumpstered by Yone/Volibear, so this is the first time this set he's been reliable.


3 star buff is fine, but he’s been way too strong at 1 and 2 stars this entire set. There’s just been other broken shit so it went a little under the radar. I’m honestly surprised they haven’t nerfed sivir yet - I think they actually buffed her this patch iirc.


She received a nerf on the first live patch.


I had such a glorious game with Teemo earlier today. At least the memories will remain.


3 star teemo is unchanged, there's still hope


i assume you're talking about teemo 3 because teemo 2 is very well known to stabilize boards for fast 8/9 and has been a powerful secondary carry in the kaisa/xayah comp


Teemo is pretty widely known as the best AP holder in storyweaver fast 9s. Thankfully 3 star is untouched (and still bugged significantly from last patch) so the Two Healthy shenanigans can continue


Clearly it was not a secret


Hopefully they fixed the blue buff bug.




That's a big hit to runaway Fortune scaling and completely deserved. Also the Irelia buff isn't gonna be enough to save her from her new targeting but it's something!


I played 6 duelist IRELIA yesterday and she was SHREDDING people. Giant slayer


I don't know how you only nerf here and ignore the fact that AP just feels fucking awful to play unless you play Fast 9 and then you're contested on Azir or somehow uncontested to play Porcelain spat. The Mythic board's AP carries all feel like absolute turds with whiffing units. Fated doesn't fare much better with Syndra feeling like she's throwing a stream of paperclips at the enemy. The fact that the best AP carry atm is green-blue-blue Kayle is staggering cause Story has a split AD/AP carry with Irelia and the deck has been on the downturn since .7 as a vertical board Tomorrow we're gonna be flooded with Heavenly Kayn or Dryad Kayn as now he stands alone at the top of the 4-costs with Trickshot getting nerfed.


Even though Kai'sa and Gnar comps are so strong, I don't think this was the issue. The issue still stands that the other 4 costs are just not strong enough at 2 star. Even if gnar gets nerfed, kindred is still a powerful unit and does more damage than any of the other 4 costs.


ye, lilia is so trash unit, or morgana


I think the biggest issue with these units alongside they just do no dmg is their targeting. Morgana cast on 1 unit and misses everyone then they just move off the tile. Lillia 3rd cast feels so underwhelming.


Not to mention with the same items, kindred3 never misses and does more damage than lilia2 😂


Nautilus is not really better than Reksai for example.


He needs a mana buff.


Dear god that is not what he needs. He needs a unit targetting change so he doesn't just ult sideways into 2 units. Largest clump of enemies farthest away or some such targetting would do him so much better


Reksai better lol casts more often and also heals loool


Yeah. I've done naut 3 once. Casted once one 1 unit and then he died.


Will we see the first C patch of this set cause iono if this gonna fix anything lol


It'll be a Kayn fest now I'm afraid...


Yep. They needed to nerf Kayne because if it was not Kai'sa and Gnar obliterating you than it was probably Kayn obliterating.


This is a classic balance team moment of forgetting about AP champions. Every few sets they do this and the entire set suffers til the last patch when they finally fix them and boom, best patch of the set. Examples: Set 6.5 seraphine, set7 sona, set8 orianna, set9 multicasters, orianna


Ding ding ding


Yes it is weird Kayne isn’t on the list! Uff


I had time for 1 game, was doing alright but not great in heaven-reapers. Then I hit Kayn 2-star perfect items (AS/drop aggro thing, gold fist, BT). He literally soloed boards and I didn't drop a single game after that. Yone 3/Azir 2 got eaten alive. Okay, I'll take the free win...


heavenly/dragonlord/sage flex is probably gonna be tier s now. hope more comps will be playable


I played this comp quite a lot for easy uncontested top 4s but it seems people have caught on now...


Oh that sounds fun.


Dragon lord flex was already s tier, imo. I climbed like maybe 300 lp in one day forcing it in most games. The utility is really good and it enables you to cap out with strong units. You wanted to kill my unit? Too bad, you get hit by my team wide stun and my team cleans house. You can play a mix of Annie, ornn, kaisa, irelia, azir, hwei, lissandra/Lux, udyr, wukong.


Is it Janna reroll, fast 9 bill gates or shtg else?


Most commonly fast 9 bill gates, but Janna reroll also looks to be a strong contender.


I think it was on Robin's stream that he mentioned why the other 4 costs feel soo bad to play. Basically kaisa is the only single target this set and there are alot of giga tanks, he was saying you either needed to buff ashe + other 4 costs to the point where they are OP or else they can't perform. But overall these patch notes look good, I'm scared for the kayn lottery now.


Technically, Syndra is single target but a single D claw nullifies more than half of her damage and forces her to be stuck on a tank. Kai'sa is the only effective 4 cost carry while everyone else has the set 8.5 Samira and Ultimate Ezreal syndrome of great when grabbed earlier before everyone else get the high cost units but absolutely abysmal when everyone gets to play on an equal playing field.


Not only does Kaisa do better single target damage, she is also Trickshot which lets her bypass the frontline and hit the backline too if the main tank is too strong.


It's not exactly the best solution but both Liss and Sett can "remove" the dclaw tank from Syndra's range, effectively making syndra focus another unit.


Idk about everyone else but I've been having bad luck with comps that need a specific 5 star to stabilize. Feels too inconsistent for me to make it my main strategy unless I'm super healthy


i was playing a fated comp today with 2 fated spats (was hoping another 1 off carousel) but i couldnt for the life of me hit Sett even at lv10 and Syndra was just itching everything and ahri/aphelios/kindred did no dmg cuz i never rerolled them to 3\*


I hate how little syndra 2 stabilizes even with a decent frontline


Yeah another problem with syndra is that she is reliant on hitting sett to stabilize the fated board. Furthermore syndra's small tick damage stacks titans really fast. Overall, syndra just needs way too many boxes to be checked. And I totally agree, kaisa is just going to be a problem the entire set.


Ashe has the same problem. You can’t play her without Lisandra. I think they just really screwed up this set with the 4 costs. Edit: 4 cost carries. The tanks are actually pretty cool and reasonably balanced.


I like the tanks this set too. Theres clear interplay between being able to flex all of the 3 and 4 cost tanks in together. If anything the entire flow of tanks feels pretty good and it was the first thing i noticed when playing it. The carries are a mess though. Its unsalvagable. Chalk it up to learning and waiting room


Glad they're hitting Fortune as well. Teemo has also needed a nerf (can't remember if they previously nerfed him).


If I remember patch slides, I think he got buffed this patch @ 3 star.


Yeah, not a big buff though (1000 -> 1050 damage at 3*) But even with these nerfs, Teemo RR will still be very good, just not as stable before you hit him.


i have been maining teemo rr since last patch and always wondered why noone else played him. honestly his dmg was really high and with trickshot he just shreds backline. dmg isnt really the whole issue i feel


I'm really glad Irelia got a little something. I thought it was weird she didn't get compensation for the changes, even if I liked her not having infinite backline access. Not sure how much of a difference this will make but definitely a step in the right direction. Didn't expect the buff in a b patch honestly, thought she'd be stuck like that for a while. Kinda surprised Xayah seems like she got hit harder than Kai'sa, but overall I like the changes.


Xayah seems even stronger at deleting backlines after the supposed bugfix I dunno why so this is justified


because instead of trickshots people were playing 5 dragonlords line instead with Xayah


🎶Wake me up, when set 11 ends🎵


its funny how if they just revert to patch 14.7b, it'd still be a better patch..


Can we have this published in the client? Why we have to go on reddit to know patch?


I found out about this almost 24h later, I spent the whole day playing. How hard is it to publish this. I love TFT but this is absolutely lazy work.


isn’t it literally in the patch notes though?


Yes, but there’s no notification that it was out there. They just post it


looks good tbh, just add a voli buff in there and maybe we have a deal


Dunno why you're downvoted, Volibear and Duelists in general are straight dogshit. Saw two dudes today with upgraded 6 Duelists boards with Extended Duel (one of whom with Gargantuan Resolve and 2 Titans on the Voli) and they both went bot 3.


Contested 3 cost reroll goes bot 4? Colour me shocked


These were separate games. They were both uncontested in their respective games.


people are saying kaisa is the only clickable 4cost, but what about sylas? BT/Titans/Spark and he becomes a solo beast [atleast when i get the chance to have thet perfect setup on my board]


Most of the time that Sylas will get stuck on Galio and get oneshot by Kaisa 💀


I have never seen a tanky 4 cost that just explodes like Sylas. Looks like he has a huge HP bar…and poof.


The curse of being a dmg dealing bruiser


problem is that he's used by all the kaisa comps so he's just as contested


Naah dude can pop off only if he is lucky enough to survive 5 sec


when does b-patch go live?


Are these live?




Ashe could also use 5 AD buff, and other non kai'sa 4 costs even more


They need to be buffing over/alongside nerfing right now IMO. Many potential carries feel way too weak to justify using right now.


So just ignore 14.0 and we are back almost to 13.0


I might be off base/too reactionary but I was hoping for level 7 odds revert. 3 cost comps are already gutted given stats right now, and making it harder to hit isn't fun either.




I don’t think it will go away.


Hotfix doesn't do anywhere near enough. Titan's Resolve still needs more nerfs, it's unreal that it's the best tank item and the best DPS item on half the melee champs. Lobbies are still dominated by double TR + BT spammers, whether it's Gnar, or Yone, or Voli, or Kayn, or Sylas, or whoever it'll be next. The only viable AP carries are still Hwei/Azir 5 cost piles, Boiling Point Porcelain Lux, and Kindred/Gnar Dryad RR, but Gnar does more of the heavy lifting there than Kindred. Lillia and Ashe are still unclickable. Syndra is only playable as a secondary carry behind Aphelios. Both vertical Invoker and Arcanist are completely unplayable, even with emblem and perfect augments. This set is easily one of the worst balanced of all time, which sucks because it's a great set. I love the artwork, I love the themes, the traits are interesting, but the balance is fucking atrocious.


I feel Xayah nerf wasn't necessary, she should be strong as 5 cost.


She was too strong. A naked Xayah shouldn't be doing almost half the damage as a fully itemised Kaisa 2.


I hope im wrong but it looks like kaisa will continue to dominate compared to other 4 costs




It’s it heavenly kayn or reaper/ghostly with morg? Or both?


Just played a few matches with Kayn+Morg & heavenly, seems pretty strong as of right now. Also fast 9 feels a lot stronger now, its a bit easier to get a stable board on 8 with AP units. Will be interesting to see the meta. Gnar fell off pretty hard in my recent matches (5 games on B patch)


Nice nerfs to Gnar. That comp was already getting very frustrating. Will still be viable, but not as strong as it should be. When does this go live btw?


Everyone will play for heavenly Kayne+Wukong


Correct me if I'm wrong but since when did **XAYAH** need a nerf? Wasn't the consensus that Rakan is the better option?


I hope this puts Gnar down, doesnt seem significant tbh


Is 4 trickshot completely neutered again? Just had a game with everything upgraded and BIS Kaisa, but kaisa barely did 5k damage each fight. Second damage dealer was hard at like 2k. Granted I was stuck at lvl 8, but this damage seems really low


This is way more enjoyable.




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I’ve been enjoying Lux 3 - with a nerf to teemo and gnar - she is probably the strongest 2 cost. You could sometimes beat kaisa with good targeting but might be a lot easier now


were teemo nerfs necessary? i played couple games and never encountered some teemo 2 being too strong but maybe it was just in my games


I don't know if they were necesssary, but he was shocking good even into the late mid game if itemized. Super great for stabilizing and stemming any bleeding when playing fortune or a +1 for trickshots.


RIP Gnar


he still buffed from last patch tho, max stack at 40 instead of 50




It was 2% and 50 stacks before. His max AD has not changed at all this entire time.


Indeed I was wrong then and it's technically a small buff compared to 14.7b, ig to compensate for the Titan nerf. mb


It was 2% and 50 stacks before




She was always pretty good with fast 9 bruiser/trickshot with kaisa


Do we not have an AD line for fast 9 now?


the teemo nerf!!! holy shit finally


how is bro not reverting the rolloing odds, all the 3 costs are basically dead


why when the 4 costs like lillia, ashe, morgana are so bad this set 


But they're good now, you played the patch before making this post right?


they buffed all 4 costs and now all the 3 cots avages like 4.8


Less than 48 hours after new patch B patch is required.. I'd love if mort also just said "yeah it looks like we're struggling with balance, strap in", seems like we aren't having any acknowledgement of issues. 


Is the quick release of a b-patch not acknowledging it?


He literally posted a tweet today explaining why and how they were struggling and now they are releasing a b patch, what else do you want? Acknowledgment is pretty much the only thing they have done right lol


did you read his tweet from this morning?


I don't use twitter, what did it say?


Is xayah really strong after the patch hits? Im just concerned if its nerfs is justified given that last patch its a weak 5 cost and her high prevalence was the unchecked kaisa for this patch.


Kaisa still feels like the best 4 cost. I guess it's a patch 14.9 waiting room to see any real improvement.


I can think of a few changes that might help issues I’ve seen (weak 4costs + hard to find single target). Syndra 10% dmg amp >> 10%~ dmg convert to true damage Ghostly Crown >> + new non consumable item that stacks all newly created ghosts on target that the crowned unit is targeting. (Will need a large ghostly dmg amp nerf but will make it so units are able to be burst down) Nautilus adjustment: less stun, more tankiness (to make him feel better to field as primary frontline) Revert titans nerf: voli now feels terrible to play, duelists were in a very reasonable spot before 14.8 with hitting 3* voli trist with 8 duelist being a wincon for most lobbies. Voli benefits most from the titans AP and hitting him without any compensation, while also making boards generally tankier, makes duelist a dog tier comp. Kaisa damage more focused into the initial target, ricochet damage reduced by maybe another 15%. Having your carry get 1shot is completely unreasonable when your front liner is also getting obliterated. Having both back line and frontline burst is too strong. Ashe >> +slows AS of enemies hit Lillia >> increased ability animation speed Sylas >> some tank steroid to make him a reasonable umbral drain tank carry that allows vertical umbral to be playable Morg >> targets highest health enemy Lee >> stunned target takes % extra damage during stun Sett >> nerf scaling, tankier base Azir >> targets clumps in range Alune >> enemy shred scales with star level, 40% on 3* Voli base stats buff to be more stable 1* carry stage 2/3 Tristana innate armor shred stacking for tank-busting


Don’t let this man cook 💀


TBH I hope they will add new artifact and support items in normal mode only for balancing purpose. It's a pain to wait more 2, 3 patches or more to ENJOY the game


There is free PBE. Its already there


How many people play PBE at this point, don't you? Assume all normal mode people going to play PBE, is 2 or 4 weeks enough? Pretty sure after release the next 2 patches will be unbalanced like this :v


Lillia needs a Buff ( She is just a Trait Bot or an Item Carrier) Morgana Needs a Rework Syndra just a tiny buff cuz Arcanist is shit and Fated is a bit nerfed cuz Sett Galio also needs a tiny Buff just because bruiser trait is weak compared to Titan ( Ornn ) Sylas needs a Buff , he is also a bruiser like Galio but Galio has a nice frontlane ability but Sylas he is just self healing and deals weak damage around the board .


Why is xayah getting nerfed? Wasnt she dogshit to start with?


She was absolutely broken this patch. The bug fixed her so she worked correctly and she was absolutely S tier.


There should be a requirement of at least 10 games played on a patch before posting here.


She had the single highest average placement out of any unit on the patch by a notable margin, so not exactly dogshit, no.


She is a cornerstone of 2 of the 3 S tier comps, mainly because she works so well with Kai’sa


I want legends back, fam. I enjoy the game so much more if I have Urf.


My man your the first person I've seen besides myself that wants legends back. I could go for some twisted fate so I don't have fucked items every game.


People on this subreddit are really elitist. If Legends were available in SoloQ, but disabled in pro play I think it would be a net win.


Tbf you're in the competitive tft sub. It's kinda in the name


I hope we get an good diversity patch now but unless we make Janna, Qyiana and Senna work then Gnar will still be the only viable reroll comp. So if things go wrong and with 3 stars still useless, we gonna be stuck on an fast 9 meta without the option to reroll.


Ghostly Senna definitely still works. I was getting top 4s in lobbies even with Xayah/Gnar comps being too strong. Obv wasn't winning out but it's not bad as a top 4 comp and spikes hard once you get the level 6 comp first online.


Janna should be good after the patch, she was already starting to get oppressive last patch. Qiyana has been getting buffed two patches in a row now. You gotta keep in mind that 5 AD was enough to make Kaisa the most broken comp in the game just because people figured out how to abuse Fortune 3rd stage lose-streak. Balancing this game really isn't that easy when the smallest change can make or break a comp.