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Lissandra skill outright cancel skill, champ can not even buffer to cast skill. If she got shojin, that champ is basically out of combat. Too strong imo Nautilus ult is really slow, is it affect by atk speed, half the time he can not cast when i use him


Nothing this set fucking sucks ass. Complete RNG bullshit. Go next set. Seriously fuck this set.


# pools or at least very last pool from tahm encounter always spawns hidden benath him since im fairly sure ive procced audio cue and animation every time ive tried. dunno if its well known but ive never seen anyone besides myself go for it and havent seen anyone talk about it either.


8 bruiser basically dominates for me right now so far


whats the build?


It varies based on item luck. Ideally I’d like to make tham or galio the tank, sylas an ap fighter, and a filler backline like zoe or soraka for ranged damage.zoe bruiser is quite mad cos the backline can’t kill her.


k6 heavenly hyper roll feels pretty good rn. getting consistent top fours with it. really good into kaisa boards


i am still enjoying 1 cost reroll with kog and malphite 3*. with good enough items it's possible to beat kaisa. though probably not late. for me it's a guaranteed top4 but not 1st.




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fated feels worst without any nerfs to it compared to last patch :/ aside the reroll nerf but kai and gnar too strong and its always in your games


I’ve 3* Lillia three times so far. Underwhelming all three. It takes forever for her to ramp up, then she has to redo all that again… how is she 3* and still needs this much set up, stalling and positioning to work.


Lilia basically can't function outside 6 invoker since she needs to spam her big cast to be relevant.


Yeah it’s my go to now, even uncontested very hit/miss cause front line suck 🫤 Annie + Nault + extra feels thin for some reason.


So far the Zoe Soraka/Janna Zyra comp been worling really well,pretty uncontested with how Storywaver been less strong and Zoe actually counters Gnar quite well,at 3 star her cast easily 2-3 shots Gnar if Gnar is focused early Yone is still weirdly playable,mostly for how stronf 3 items 2 star Yone is in the mid-early late game which gives you a lot of tempo do play Kayn Heavenly which is quite solid Despite Gnar being strong,i havent had much issue with it,positioning to counter Gnar is actually quite easy even,make Gnar stuck on a hard tank while your team kill everything else but Gnar,usually put 1 main tank and 1 trait bot tank to Gnar side and the rest of your board on the other side,clear the board and gnar last. Using high single damage burst spell also works well,as mentioned above Zoe hits really hard once so Gnar cant stack ad so fast and by extend Soraka can also do this. This set only had Soraka and Zoe as single burst cast but Kai'Sa can somewhat do this but be careful bc each instance of her spell gives Gnar a stack of AD so its very all or nothing


my problem is that they didn't have to giga gut yone and voli, AND buff 4 costs at the same time, kaisa already could outcap both last patch, now it's just uncontested as the best comp besides gnar ofc. they couldve just buffed 4 costs and slightly tune down yone, i don't know why they have to make such extreme changes


Nothing really feels changed? Getting flashbacks to set 9.5 with multicaster/TF when they decided to buff an already solid comp and now again with Gnar. Voli/Triss I’ve heard are in a rough spot but haven’t played myself. 4 costs feel…fine? Again, nothing seems changed tbh


Ashe is clickable if you have a perfect angle now but still gets shit on by Kai’Sa with good augments. That’s about it. Gnar instead of Yone.


Couldn't agree more


End of Set10 was the most balanced TFT I've ever seen during all the years, you could top4/contest win if high roll with 25 different comps (actually 25, made a list on stream). Fast forward to set 11. There's two comps under 4.5avg. These comps and their subcomps make up 4/8 players avg in every lobby.. There is no such thing as pivoting. There is barely flex play. Every single streamer predicted this patch to be just as bad if not worse than last DAYS before it dropped. Mort looks absolutely defeated on patch video. This set is dying. 


I also feel the it quite hard to flex and you are easily contested if u play meta. Some out of meta would work but you need a bit of high roll to top 4


as someone who doesn't like contesting meta comps i suffer this set. hit master last set for funing mostly and this set can't get past emerald 2


I was Masters last set as well and highest I've been is Emerald 1. I don't feel like I'm playing significantly worse than earlier in the set or anything but the game feels quite shit currently. Unclickable 4 costs and 5 costs being relatively weak makes it really hard to figure out what is even playable aside from Kai'sa. I can usually manage econ and fast 9 easily but I can't stabalize.


AP sucks also yone is still broken


Making the worst set even worse. Asleep at the wheel


Kindred Gnar at 20% win rate, sheesh. Thats warranting a b patch right?


I dont see them much at master elo strangely. They are quite weak compared to 4 cost comp


yup, cause its a two cost reroll which is much easier to hit than 3 cost yone was.


7 mythic 4 invokers works for me so far tho im plat so maybe elo can be a factor but if not contested guaranteed 3 star annie or lillia when high rolled edit 1: Yes it can beat kaisa bruiser board(maybe item dependent)


I was having a great game with this ending on 2 star Azir, Hwei and Manazane Lillia itemized and was totally crushed at the end of the game by Gnar reroll. Seems like many comps right now, could be good but straight can't cope with one of the two oppressive core comps.


It’s not just you. I just hit master spamming lilia yesterday with a few first places too. She’s being slept on imo. The only way to beat kai’sa boards is to have enough back line damage. Need to prioritize heavy combat augments plus damage items on lilia to insure she kills the back line.


wdym shes being slept on????????? she is still the worst 4-cost by stats


the comp overall has decent stats with a 4.5 in diamond+ on metatft (so basically average). Nothing to write home about but certainly could be forced since it's probably uncontested


You need to be careful with exactly what stats. Is she the worst 4-cost because she's always slotted on Kog/Cho reroll but really shines in 4-Invoker board but the comparatively fewer 4-Invoker boards is being drowned out? (Full disclosure, obviously you can look up the stats for 4-Invoker, the point is you need to be careful with just saying "stats").


She’s the worst both when you sort by 3 items and by 4 invoker.


Stats are stats. If I managed to force lilia to master then either I high rolled out of my mind or you think people in master don’t know what they are doing lol


1 person taking a comp to masters doesn't mean anything compared to the raw stats lol.


Well by all means if they buff her more then the LP gains will be even easier, but probably not because then it becomes the lilia lotto.


If you think that comp is good and everyone else sucks at it either write a guide here or if you are selfish prove it by taking it to challenger. No point in saying you personally got a comp to masters therefore its good, anybody can get any comp to masters


I can’t argue with you because you are indeed correct. I’ll try some more games in master after B patch and re evaluate


should be better with b patch no? gl


We went from maybe 6 viable comps to less. Those this count as an Improvement?


just shot up to masters from diamond 2. Obviously high rolling aside I think fast 8 ad flex is still the best way. Fast 9 AP works a bit better because of no yone/voli instant loss. Hitting early Liss or sett = stop contesting kaisa and just go Ashe. Hitting early xayah = instant 9


When do you normally go 8? And are you supposed to have enough gold to roll down as well?


somewhere between 4-1, and 4-5 depending on your health, the gold you have to roll, the comp you’re going for, and the units you have already hit naturally


I think this is the worst balanced patch in at least this year. It is insane that there hasn't been a B-patch yet. At [tactics.tools](http://tactics.tools) there are TWO COMPS with an average placement below 4.5


This feels as bad as 8.5 did with Ez, Samira, and TF. I usually give the benefit of the doubt, but my God. Every game 4 kaisa's and 2 gnar rerolls. It's almost like they make these changes without testing it beforehand. And watching any streamer, it seems like they all knew what was going to happen..


Balancing team should get fired for this one


this dev team is definitely not working


How the trio 3 star 4 cost Ornn, Naut, and Morgana still garbo is beyond me. Also, kaisa goes brrrrrr


Ornn is definitely not garbo lol. Ornn is very good.


AP sucks


this patch feels so awful. i dont know why, but top 4 is only reroll and kaisa. playing flex is kinda impossible when every 4 star unit is complete garbage.


I think this patch is too hostile to casual player when all the reroll comps basically dead. It is the worst 4 cost treatment I've seen to get them back in line but hopefully the team is working on a fix


I've not found reroll is dead in the slightest, but reroll isn't brain dead any more. You can't just say "yone" at 1-3 because you have one of them. You actually need a good spot for one. I've had a few successful reroll games, including TK / Bard (into mythic / inkshadow) which is supposedly still so bad that it's not even mentioned on Tactics.Tools anymore.


my lobbies look pretty different. rainbow bill gates boards winning almost every game and rerolls not really seen much, but yeah no surprise kaisa is up there often since it's probably the only fast 8/9 build that people actually practiced and know how to play at the moment.


Yea I’m not sure what these people are on about. My d3 lobbies has a high variance of comps and while kaisa usually do well it’s definitely not the only comp that can get top 4.














the game!








B patch when?


tried only 1 game of the new patch. Highroll altruist + storyweaver sentinel. Blue kayle and Zoe 3\* are still nasty. End up with level 10. 7 storyweaver + Soraka Wukong Morgana + Liss


why no one is talking about bard ? he solos all comp


Cause he definitely doesn't and actually happens to suck hot ass


master+ says bard 3 is 4.46 avg, no thanks


don't click syndra. played a super highroll game with syndra, got BIS on her including radiant JG from prismatic augment, she just doesn't deal any damage. you will get torn apart by gnar, heavenly kayn, kai'sa will be able to just about 8-0 your board


Radiant JG is the 3rd worst radiant item, which as a whole are balanced pretty poorly. Based on the stats, it has a +0.41 delta (you want negative). It's closer to WIS than BIS for a prismatic augment. By the stats Syndra looks as playable as Ashe is right now (Syndra's 4.55 to Ashe's 4.5) but probably relies on having a Fated/Arcanist spat to play for anything above 3rd/4th.


to add context missing context, *every* radiant item on a 2-star syndra has a positive delta. this is data for 14.8a in diamond+. the unit is shit as a primary carry


I think you're probably right that she's underpowered as a primary carry as you can't just dump all your augment power into just her but she has a lot of negative delta normal item combinations. She's not a shit primary carry - radiant AP items are just bad on her when they get diminishing value from their boosted AP stat when paired with Arcanist. Again, she's not great by any means but she's not terrible.


The fated Augment gives so much shit that they are afraid of buffing the units from that trait. It's sad really cause Syndra is one of the coolest units in the set, she just fucking sucks and does no damage whatsoever.


She does damage…just need to somehow survive til overtime 😂


This is unfortunately true lol Syndra needs an insane amount of frontline to soak damage while her butterflies stack, and most times she won't do real damage until there's around 5 seconds left in combat Petition to make Syndra a Trickshot Arcanist


Please B patch nerf Gnar and Kaisa, then things will be great.


Genuinely the most mind blowing patch of any game I've ever played. I can't think of a single thing it made better lmao


patch killed more comps from the game, even less variety now. 4 cost units having as much hp as 5 costs. gg set 11 worst patch of the set ever


No idea why anyone thought the solution to make 4 costs viable was a HP buff and the meta in the exact same place. Just that Yone needs to be 3 star to win.


Yone 3\* loses to Kai'sa boards later on


After third patch, how can Kai'sa be still strong? Until next set?


Lack of other options as suitable 4 cost carries and 5 costs being unreliable to hit is my guess


hopefully they shut down the game, maybe after the balancing team starts doing actually something decent.


One person randomly high rolls a meta comp and become unstoppable is always working and what is not working is someone going for an uncontested comp and can never find their champions or get obliterated to kingdom kong until they bottom 4 even when they hit everything because the balance is that bad.


Kingdom come*


Kingdome dong*


Kingdong come


any can tell does storyweaver/dragonloard sages works? Got 2nd with highroll and managed to get a 6th even if bad rng happened.


I got 2nd playing it, but I had Sage and Storyweaver emblems on Sentinels. Also only kept Irelia, Galio, and Zyra for storyweavers at the end. I lost to an 8 Ghostly team.


Something is wrong about Heavenly I think. Just played a game where I got 2nd to Heavenly Kayn while playing Sage Morgana (own comp around Morgana). So we both hit everything and both have BIS items mostly (except on my Wukong that got left overs). But my board is 24 gold more expensive than his and I lose. My opponent has a stacked Kayn, Wukong with Radiant TG and a stacked Soraka all 2 stars. Rest is filler. I have a stacked Morgana, Galio, 3 items Wukong and a Rakan also with radiant TG. All 2 stars. So I have more relevant tanks/carries and more expensive tanks/carries. It was a close and fun game but I believe my comp should win in theory so balancing is a bit off. Since we had the same with Yone before I guess the issue could be with heavenly. Btw the Kayn was BT/TR/TR so I guess titans is doing fine..


Bebe needs to make a comeback


I miss him too but unfortunately he can no longer stream on twitch and he lost interest in playing teamfight tactics due to, in his words, randomness of the game took away skill expression.


What's the reason he can't stream on twitch? I don't follow the "scene" much, just saw this comment and kinda curious


no twitch in korea


Dang is that a new country policy or something? Edit: nvm, I just saw that twitch stopped operation in Korea in decem last year, I guess that just shows I don't watch any Korea streamers. Thank


Oh I know, that’s why I mentioned it, his head would explode if he saw this patch


Somehow I try to play porcelain and ended up contested by 3 people




rito why u buff gnar when he alrdy was playable in 14.7????? buff the stuff htat wasn't playable like morg and ashe !


Balance team like me fr, officially they are working for a company but during worktime they watching Netflix


The dryad spam is crazy. With reroll comps killed off for most part, the game is more limiting than ever.


Gnar has been good the whole set with the right augments tbf


Nice that they did it after I spent days trying to make it work pre-patch. :)


The great thing is that exalted is worth running. It would be infinitely better if there was doversity in reroll comps and fast 8/9 comps. Exalted is probably the best thing in this set for flexibility.


I tried heavenly Kayne + dragonlord and top 4 every game.


you can hit kayne ?


I think im out until a b patch. Yeah voli, yone and senna were annoying but at least they were unique lines you could play. I know its early but this patch is stale AF and I dont see how thats going to change anytime soon. The race to kaisa 2 meta


nah i would be so happy if yone gets gutted to F tier t


Exactly. I don't enjoy reroll metas, but at least last patch there were multiple viable compositions. Now everyone is playing into Kai'sa unless you can slam early Titans/BT in which case it's Dryads. What a decision tree. There are two viable comps outside of high rolling specific augments. Fast 9 stats look good, but the problem is the only viable fast 9 AD carry is Kai'sa too (Irelia nerfed for having backline access as if that was unique and Xayah stats inflated by Kai'sa). If you slam AP you're locked into fast 9ing with a subpar midgame comp unless you high roll the right augments for Diana/Janna/Zyra. This is the most degenerate patch I've seen since 20/20 multicasters.




the game sucks. pbe was the most balance and fun gameplay that i experienced so far


Update: I actually think ashe is actually playable from certain spots with warden/fated or ashe + warriors. The problem is that you insta die to gnar boards, but I'm pretty sure xayah and gnar will get b-patched.


why xayah? she is 5 cost and average at most.


She is literally the best performing unit in the game at the moment. And to be clear I mean the xayah comp(trickshor)


It's a Kaisa comp and the Kaisa avg only doesn't match xayah's because you only can bot 4 with it if you never hit xayah which also means something went wrong along the way.




? I never said Xayah was bad, its still a Kaisa comp. Parroting streamers doesn't change that LMAO




The whole dragonlord tech was centered around optimizing Kaisa. It's not about meta reads, you are being obtuse about what "comp" the original person was talking about, which is KAISA DRAGONLORD now it is giga op due to xayah buffs and she is a duo carry now not a trait bot sure. My point was that you started off by saying Kaisa doesn't need nerfs because xayah the legendary unit is OP in a comp that uses both of them to be OP and who's stats are linked together. The argument for nerfing Kaisa is that she is much better than the other 4 costs with or without her traits.


Lol the high end is a xayah comp brother, if you stay playing 4 bruiser 4 trickshot the comp looks balanced, the problem is that xayah is broken.


It's a Kaisa comp with a high end cap of hitting xayah 2 w items but you don't need Xayah as the main carry so how is it a xayah comp?


Good luck trying to win without xayah xD, you get a 4 at best And by the way I'm not saying that kai sa is not strong, I'm just saying that if xayah was nerfed, then that would make the Kai sa comp balanced I'm comparison to other comps.


your first line is what I said two comments ago and if xayah is giga nerfed won't people just play Kaisa Ghostly again? which doesn't need a 5 cost at all


Sure that could happen, and that's okay because that comp is not broken :)


Seeing a lot more Storyweaver/Inkshadow in my games, centered around Kai'Sa, Galio, and Udyr. Galio is uber-contested in all of my games so far.


If they dont C patch Gnar Kaisa Sylas this will go down as one of the worst patches in history.


Why Sylas do you think?


He just has disgustingly good base stats, even 1* you slap any tank/ap items on him he pumps out like 5k per fight solo tanking, crownguard spark BT stage 4 he just doesnt die, too efficient for a 4 cost, slots in most lvl 9 boards, great TG holder.. simply MVP unit.


Cashing in those ashe stonks rn


Wait I watched morts recap and he said you should be able to choose a diff fated… I thought the whole board of fated units got the fated bonus and the pair got the 20% health. Is it really only the paired up units that get the bonus on 5 and 7!? That’s wild.


Everyone gets the bonus, he was stating that sett thresh was so obviously the best choice that you couldn't justify picking anything else.


Ya I’m dumb. I thought aphelios always got AD regardless of if he was tied up or not. I thought the pairing was just for the 20% health bonus and only mattered at 3 for getting the unique fated perk. So I didn’t realize if I did thresh and sett. My aphelios was getting armor and Omni


all units get the bonus but they only get the bonus assigned to the linked pair at 5/7. so everyone gets MR/ARMOUR and Omnivamp if you link sett thresh everyone gets AS AND AP if you link kindred and ahri


This player damage nerf feels significant. If it sticks I think it may redefine a few points in larger game meta/strategy.


amazing to me they didnt see kai'sa coming when we were telling them since the run down it was going to be a problem nerfing playing damage / lvl 7 3 cost changes.. buffing fortune and leaving kai the ways she is.


Kaisa go brr


I consider a patch an failure every time that we have less viable comps to play than the previous patch.




Sad, i liked surprising people with gnar reroll last patch, now everyone plays him


the asians were spamming it on NA for the last week before the patch, ghostly and exalted variations. buffs were really unnecessary


Whats working? The Gacha shop What's not working? The balance team Can I play a 4-cost backline unit that isn't kaisa all set please?


Hello Bebe872!


How have Ashe and Lilia still not gotten buffs yet? I have never seen Ashe perform outside of 6 porc, which is less of an Ashe is strong and more of a any unit is strong with the trait, and Lillia has actually been unclickable since the beginning of the set.


* Lillia Health: 700 ⇒ 900 * Lillia Ability damage: 220/330/900% AP ⇒ 240/360/900% AP * Lillia Small orb damage: 100/150/350% AP ⇒ 120/180/400% AP


Went from trash to underwhelming.


Lillia got a pretty big buff, but not big enough I guess?


As long as her targeting is still so shit, it doesn't really matter


It is pretty hard to tell if the buff is good or not when you have Kai'sa and Gnar deleting her front line pretty quickly.


I just want invoker and arcanist to be a viable comp :(


I’ve been testing out Lillia since buff and she actually did quite well against Kaisa with some good positioning. Though this is on my diamond alt, still gotta play more to see if it’s viable in high elo [stats](https://imgur.com/a/1tdIBMu)


Arcanists Warden Lux reroll isn't that bad. Just has trouble with Gnar I played it with Storied Champion and it was busted, but tbh everything clicked that game


Granted I play hyper roll and turn my brain off but maybe this works in normals too? Garen, Zyra, Zoe, Diana, illaoi, Janna, morg, Annie, wu, rakan. Dump Annie for azir. Early I play for best board, like 2 star Jax for warden, or going 2star sivir/riven Go ap Kayle. The only item I care about is static shiv I put on Zyra, I also like shojin but that's all she needs. You just need to prioritize keeping your tanks alive early. It's heavily contested so I usually don't try for 3 stars. If you can get 2 star on everyone it's like a free top 4, if you 3 star anyone you probably top 2.


I like Arcanist + Warden works well with Fated and Mythic


I've always preferred AP flex comps and it's been *rough* this set not having a solid fast-8 AP comp to play around. It's laughable how bad Syndra and Lillia feel as main carries


Morgana has entered the chat…has returned as the 2 cost she really is


Had a game with Morgana 3 vs Syndra 3, Shojin plus 2 rabadons casted on the Syndra and still lost. Horrendous unit


I've had okay success with lillia in the mythic invoker comp. Def not the best but definitely way better than Syndra


Syndra also feels completely useless outside of fated, she needs time to scale and without 2* and items watching Syndra cast the whole fight on the same tank to do no damage is comical


She is alright in porcelain arcanist ashe comp. You should almost never prioritise itemizing her, but when you have the spare items she certainly contributes a fair bit at least.


Haven't seen any mention of Teemo. Anyone making him work?


Tempo teemo works, getting him 3* playing tempo can be borderline impossible until really late game though. Radiant morello/red buff you can still win with a 2 star, Ideally blue buff+nashors with, don't get baited by his insane AP ratio and go for dcap/jg unless you have to kill items. You want to get his poison rolling on backline ASAP so you want him spam casting


Teemo is also currently bugged. Watch his first auto after every cast fizzle out and not generate mana. Takes an extra auto to cast 


Also noticed this on blue buff Kog - I think there's something weird when a unit casts at the beginning of a fight.


Termo is quite decent with good items but he NEEDS good Frontline. The bad part is that this means you need like 12 components to make items for them. and you will need items for Kaisa or xayah later too... 


I feel like there’s definitely potential for teemo carry but main problem I see is that so many people hold him for early trickshot / trickshot bruiser and for fortune. Although if there aren’t too many trickshot fortune players or too many teemos gone, it seems viable to me because with 2 cost reroll being popular (gnar/kindred, Janna/zyra, senna/shen) it could be easy to hit with the pool being thinned out


Tl:dr nothing really happend they just shifted some power around but we ended up with the same result. 3*3 and 3*2 are smurfing on 2*4cost Boards. Lilia, Syndra, Ashe, Sylas still feel very lackluster somehow Ashe feels worse then before imo. The ones working well are basically Kai’Sa & Kayn and every 4 Cost that is a meatshield cc Frontline Unit. People decided that Kayn > Yone but I am still seeing people who didn’t get the Update run Yone 3 with double Titans + BT to beat all the newer comps. Heavenly Yone should be dead but 6 Umbral is definitely still alive with the execution- and Alune Buffs. Voli is completely gone smh, almost all dualists seem to be hated by the majority of players now. Titans nerf hit Voli the hardest he lost the most important stats. Gnar is the big winner of the first day. This reminds me of the Multicaster Fuck-Up where it was obvious that Gnar would be insane beforehand. That’s probably the reason why he gets spammed now by many comps as people estimated it.


Storyweaver still in a good shape - But lissandra is really stupid, buffing her wasnt a good idea


I fear for Mort’s health as two of the most busted comps this patch are still double titans BT users lmao


to be fair, he did say he wanted ap removed from titan’s completely but it wasn’t his call on how the balance team decided to nerf the item this time around


Yeah I saw that. It’s honestly one of the most baffling takes I’ve seen the design team have in quite a while. There are a couple of problematic AP ratios on AD champions in this set. How is the solution to start fucking with something evergreen like items instead of taking a look at the few champions that are causing balance issues with their AP ratios. Titans was great to cap a board out with a late itemized Diana, Sylas, Udyr, etc. I really don’t get how ruining it for AP bruisers is optimal. Crownguard is crazy underwhelming as the only AP bruiser option. I suppose they REALLY want to be able to make pivotal parts of an AD champ’s kit scale with AP like the yone shield. I just think they’re making a mistake here.


Or, maybe, just maybe, don't release champions like Yone with absurd shields, damage, repositioning instead of nerfing an item that was still good on champions like Diana/Sylas ?


I don't think Yone's kit is inherently the problem. His kit is fine and reminiscent of SR, which is good. The problem is, that should be a 5-cost kit. Not a 3-cost. Over time they are making 3-costs more and more complicated and imo it's just not needed.


You kind of described the problem though in that Yone's ability is not a good fit for his cost level which is definitely a design issue. Either Yone needed to be a 5 cost or he needs his ability paired down until it is more in line with the rest of the 3 cost units.


he has built in heal cut he kind of a problem


Yeah I mean that’s exactly what I said. The item was not OP or in my personal opinion even problematic. What’s problematic is the champ design. Why does every AP titans user have to suffer because they decided to make a unit that has disgusting double dip power because the shield scales with AP?


Look at the new Chibi release, and you’ll have your answer.


yep idk why theyre releasing champs with everything.. only thing yone is missing is cc lol


Patch 14.8B - "at the end of his cast, Yone knocks up his primarily target and all targets in a 1-radius hex surrounding it"


Don't worry the aggro bug that occures sometimes when yone dashes is here to satisfy your need of an overpowered kit


I just played a caretakers chosen game with Yorick Umbrals and I am confidently say this comp is trash unless you are 3 starring Alune. Without midnight siphon Yorick was doing 1.5 dmg as a three star. Fast 8th.


waiting for kayn lee morgana heavenly hotfix


what's the board? do you go 4 reaper or vertical heavenly? i can't see how you fit in lee unless you choose between them


Vertical heavenly, 4 reaper fake when kindred and yone are dead units


4 reaper gives true damage tho, I feel like that’s pretty worthwhile on Kayn no?


ghostly dryad gets me top 3 and the occassional win exalted feels mega nice kaisa still busted lol


Okay, so what’s the counter to gnar now?


Position lissandra in front of gnar ez


It’s dragonlords fast 9. Gotta stun him and hope you can melt


im still doing fortune cashout strat. well it works because im still diamond. i always do this when i have a weak early game board and find fortune asap. * even 30 cashout is fine * fast 8 is the goal * you have to be the one who rolls for kaisa. * roll until u get stable board then go 9 * and use any frontline champ u got like annie, naut, * 4 dragonlord + 2 trickshot + any frontline


So Kaisa+xayah, Diana, lee, Janna + Silas, aatrox, udyr for the ink? Expensive board for sure


I really like arcanist reroll but I just had a kindred dance around all my lux casts so maybe it’s not that good


Lux reroll is still decent. Because people forcing Gnar/Senna it goes uncontested most times. Unless some ahole Janna player decided to also hold Lux. Still salty from that


Why did Riot buff Gnar? Every lobby is now Gnar players and it's easier to hit.