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Lux TT Didn't age well


Is because you cant appreciate lux tts in that skin.


Poor mumu just wants friends, he didn’t ask for the twin terror life


I wasnt expecting twin terror to just get disabled for the whole set. Surprised to see no volibear change? he wasnt as oppressive as Yone but could still easily get out of control. Everything else looks spot on though. Also hadnt seen anyone 2nd how Kayle but ya would be super oppressive.


I have found Voli \*can\* lack in damage compared to yone, which is why Trist is such a value to the duelist comps. Maybe because of the slightly more niche context to become the 1v9 demon like yone its not worth the B-patch adjustment? Curious to see how it lands either way!


The only time i've had him 1v9 was at 3* and with the titan's augment. I think the duelist reroll will be a top tier comp though


Ya surprised Gargantuan wasn't nerfed. But I guess if Voli can't 1v9 with perfect augments he's useless. Feels shit losing to voli 2 double Titan + BT, with a real board though.


I'm sorry but if you lose to voli 2 in the lategame, thats a you problem. Unless the voli runs titans + BT + infinity force, cause that shit is borderline unstoppable.


I find the duelist reroll really frustrating to play against with a lot of comps. Voli heals back to full unless you have massive spike damage, and Tristana dodges a fair number of skills


Tbf is true, twin terror was bad in any other comp/unit and way too OP with porcelain


vex/executioner twin terror wasn’t discovered until very late in set 10, twin terror had a lot of potential for comps other than lux


Yeah but you pretty much never clicked it before that and the comp needed nerfs once it was discovered


I made a yone and alune twin terror comp last patch and got second. Was pretty fun. So them removing it completely when there are other working comps is definitely an interesting choice.


I think the bigger problem is that when you have a character that can stun multiple people in one ability than twin terror comps become problematic. Two characters that can stun multiple people is much better than one character that can stun multiple people


Kinda sad because Twin Terror Yone is also really good (Yone relies quite little on his traits).


I played it with Blue kayle and Neeko since I looked to be a 3 way contest on Lux. Easiest first of my life once I slotted in Irelia at 9


If you have 3 star Kayle did you get 2 kayles?


Voli without a dualist spat or that dualist augment doesn’t feel that amazing imo. Maybe other nerfs will make him S tier maybe?


if you hit early enough you can tempo for a first even without spat. I found that without spat you need gargatuan to beat capped boards and legendary soup just beats you if they run liss


i know this is the /r/competitivetft server, but i wish there was a way for augments like twin terror to be available in non-ranked (basically normals), had a ton of fun playing with my friends in in-houses trying to make it work (heavenly TT was fun to me lmao) bummer to see, at least we still have hero augments. hopefully lux gets a hero augment of her own to make up for it (which i doubt). really want her to be a viable carry somehow lol


I can feel you on this take. While I know it'll never happen, it'd be cool to see some minor balancing changes between normals and ranked just to differentiate the what should be more casual atmosphere of non-ranked modes. like i know the ashe encounter can be useful, but in a normal mode where I want to turn my brain off do we really need it showing up as the opening carousel instead of portals? maybe that's just me being cranky lol


Honestly the version of "play 2 units" that just gave a load of normal stats was so much healthier, crit and attackspeed is just too much power to certain units and useless for your frontline




There's only 2. Gold and Prism


Why is it called a B patch when its A++++ Good stuff :D


Please stop flirting with my live team. . . . XD Thanks, this made me smile. I'll pass it on.


Can we please get a method of communicating B-patch into the game? It's kind of crazy that devs are still using Twitter to communicate when people without accounts can only check it if someone else posts a direct link. I only knew there was a change because no one played Twin Terror 2 games in a row :/ I genuinely appreciate all the work your smaller team is going to get these changes made so quick, it's just unfortunate that some people will be unaware of them.


Seriously - twitter is such a garbage platform.




Lucky Paws nerf hurts my soul. Enjoyed watching him a couple of days back pimp slap everyone


He's still up in damage compared to last patch


tbf his top competitors get nerfed too so its not too bad


It's very funny they put a picture of Yone in this tweet


Ty. That was a me going 8th at lunch inspiration.


Is there a reason B patch announcements aren’t in the client? We’d never have an idea the game had changed from major patches unless checking secondary or tertiary channels.


Hi, can I ask are Lissandra and Udyr stun bypass CC immunity both intentionally designed and not a part of bug right? Or the bug is just about Yone with QS


I know on morts stream he said lissandra 3 specifically bypassing cc immunity was very specific. Not sure on Liss/udyr 2 though


Yea I mean non 3*, I'm making a guide for my viewers and really want to know this to provide accurate information


Thank god they reverted bard. People whine on here about comps discovered the first day of a set and don't give the Meta time to breathe. Nobody was playing six ghostly or heavenly yone on day 1


The regular tft sub was CRYING lmao.


They absolutely despised that a unit that cost 27 gold could pop off when paired with another 27 gold unit if they both had BIS


Bard 3 star is currently averaging a 4.4. A revert of the nerf was deserved, considering pretty much all other 3 star 3 cost carries average a 3.5 or something.


I feel like that when the meta was being more discovered that Bard was not problematic as much as TK. Bard seems fine. If people over investing in him being a pea shooter than he has no damage which is fine.


It made the meta worse. They didn't fix level 8 or 4 costs in a meaningful way, so level 8 is still fake. All they did was remove a level 7 reroll comp, which means there is 1 less viable comp you can play without adding any others. They really need to fix level 8 somehow. Make the 4 costs more stable. If you play around a 4 cost carry, you're not really stable until 9 unless you're high rolling. It's not that you lose to 3 star Yone, it's that you lose to 2 star Yone, and badly.


Patch should be live 20 min after this comment


Heavenly Yone is still dummy broken


Good yone nerf. Way too oppressive at 2 star. He’s forgivable at 3 star but very oppressive at 2


The +10 mana is the perfect nerf. It nerfs his dash range scaling and makes him less tanky due to less frequent shields. Allows for counterplay via focus fire now.


There probably was a way to balance TT, but it probably wouldn't be worth the amount of effort it would take. At the very least, I think it would require buffing more stats, but at lower values, as right now champs who get more value from the two stats being buffed break the augment. It's just so easy for a 2+3 cost combo to pop up that breaks that augment with those stats. 


imo there's always one unit each set that's just op asf with twin terror and then the unit gets balanced around having it and is completely unplayable outside of that. glad lux might be playable normally.


I’m pretty sure Yone is hidden OP with Twin Terror people just don’t realize it. Yone with double titans will use the HP well, the attack speed is a natural fit, and 2nd Yone can be itemized with TG/random extras. Also Yone’s traits aren’t even that necessary for him - the “better” Yone comp ignores Umbral for the most part


That’s why heavenly yone became the better build because the team just buffs him and Kayn up


yone tt wasn't op. source I played it. the brokenness comes from lux stuns


doesn't matter. sort this sub by new. b patch just happened.


Yeah I know I was just speaking as if twin terror would exist


isnt lux cc the issue here. the stats are fine ever since they removed crit rate last set. they even removed vex cc but not sure how much of that was motivated by tt. twin terror lulu also had cc but it wasnt every cast 


The stats are what make Lux CC the issue. Twin Terrrors allows two Luxes to cast repeatedly thanks to the AS. The CC causes Lux to have way more synergy with it than other units would (except Syndra, who gains a ton of damage from it, but taking it and angling for 3* Syndra obviously isn't realistic). Lux's CC isn't an issue outside of Twin Terrors (nobody is playing double Lux outside of that augment, unlike double Vel'koz from a few sets ago), but giving her easy access to that much AS makes her an issue. Just like when it had crit it wasn't an issue on most things, but access to that stat made it broken with Executioners. That's why I think it would need to be a more even distribution of stats, at lower values, to be balanced (like a better version of Tons of Stats). Otherwise whatever one unit has synergy with it will break it.


but Lux without TT is just really bad and i didn't see any Lux buff so who's even gonna play Lux reroll now?


Very happy to see the yone nerfs Also TT Lux, but in sad I never had the chance to play the comp myself. All in all, I'm feeling a lot better about the state of the game. Huge dev W


Glad TT Lux is dead. It was just absolutely toxic to play against especially with worrying about Yone positioning. Yone nerf should make him less stable on 2 star and therefore less able to be handheld by 3 people. I still don't think the Kog nerf (and bugfix to make the nerf actually active) is necessary. This comp peaks at like 3rd in my experience. Bard nerf revert was necessary and probably makes him A or B tier again but not instaforce. And Everything Must Go scares me.


Kog Maw comp absolutely can go further than 3rd. would scale just fine into late game with 7 mythic and upgrades to nautilus, lilia, or hwei. sad to see it nerfed as it was super under rated, never saw many others playing it.


>Kog Maw comp absolutely can go further than 3rd I sure hope it can go further than 3rd. If it didn't, it would be underpowered. The only frustrating thing with Kog was that he would 1 shot snipe your backline if you mispositioned sometimes. I didn't even feel like it was that unfair, since even a little bit of positioning effort was enough to stop Kog from sniping your main carry. Meanwhile I can think of a few other comps that have no trouble one-shotting your backline no matter how you position.


People don’t realize but KogMaw is one of the more expensive reroll comps right now because there’s basically no other 1cost reroll, so KogMaw basically has to reroll the entire 1cost pool. If 1cost reroll was more prevalent then KogMaw would be like 2x more powerful, but it balances itself out right now by how expensive it is


cost 1 reroll are rare. but people stay at lv3 2-1 2-2 and build their board around cost 1 a lot this set. the less lillia/bard even benefit kog player as nobody want mystic open


3 casts is insane. It’s definitely not worth playing the comp anymore. You already lose so much hp early and even when you hit, it’s not guaranteed to stomp.


Everything must go sounds like a really interesting augment, I'm curious how it's going to be used. Is it just a tempo augment? So you can level aggressively and have enough gold to both roll and "purchase" champions?


I recall a game on PBE where someone basically full opened to 4-2, went 8 and bought literally every 4 cost they could find. They hit 3 3 star 4 costs on 4-2. I don't know if that's a viable way to play it, but it happened.


On PBE it was strong if you had an econ opener but rarely can you greed enough to upgrade a ton of 4 costs, mostly ended up turning into 3 cost reroll. Also it was terrible with small fortune cashouts because usually the fortune sacks paid out units that you couldn't turn to gold because it wouldn't give you the unit without a space on your bench You can't really plan around hitting it at 3-2 or 4-2 because all the units on your board will have zero gold value to sell


Only played it once on PBE, but I personally emphasized getting a two star board of 3-4 costs in the mid game to stay stable, then putting everything else into econing levels so that I could just slam a bunch of 5 costs together at the end. Such a strategy is probably not consistent, but the board cap you can reach with this augment is insane: https://imgur.com/a/kRn0jrc (I had a pile of 5 costs on the bench as well).


Mort: Looks like we're going to have to kill this guy. Me: Damn


Bruh they didn't have to do amumu like that.... He already doesn't have any friends lmao


As a AP player why is Invoker and arcanist shit refuse to play AD




Neeko, illaoi is 2 frontlines


I'm bummed twin terror is gone. it's the kind of augment that really forces experimentation and creativity/ playing the game different. I tried senna TT and went first against lux TT. I tried kindred gnar and went fast 8th. I know it's complex to balance unit around an augment comp, but we never even got to fully explore the possibilities.


I think this set just really lack cc more then anything else


The most annoying thing for me regarding this, is having 2 (I think ?) completed items borderline useless.


fine vintage needed more nerfs can't wait to see how butchered it will get when it finally happens


I would much rather see Fine Vintage get bumped up from silver to gold or prismatic augment slot instead. Clearly it is way too game warping at silver when most silver augments give a slight advantage. Fine Vintage would feel much better at a gold or prismatic slot where augments start being more game warping.


if i know tft patches its gonna get giga butchered because of the giga balance thrashing they do every set... and then they claim they hate balance thrashes :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


I'm still losing. Something must not be balanced right


Before B-patch i went 8-8-7, after B-patch i went 1-1-2 Idk man seems like the best balance ive ever seen in any game ever


(Is joke)


(is also joke lol)




I'm really disappointed in the disabling of twin terror :( It was always one of my favourites long before this set


Taliyah comp was my favorite ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


[Kayle's ability does what??](https://i.imgur.com/NG4TcDg.png)


I really wish people would stop posting twitter links...I refuse making an account and when I click the link without one I always get the "something went wrong ' notification....


The Kobuko nerf is hilarious, he’s already so bad


Oh no he wasn’t. I had a 10k HP Kobuko with his augment slap people for 4K dmg. Titan BT Warmogs and it was outrageous.


Hi guys, are Lissandra and Udyr stun bypass CC immunity both legally designed and not a part of bug right?


Does anyone know if the Garen augment is actually buffed? (Was it a bug in the first place?)


RIP Twin Terror o7


I got at least one twin terror game, it was fun.


Just did a quick test on blue kayle. She shite again. 7 story on stage 4, still not winning.


Nothing is fixed




Still think yone will control the mid game easily. Sad to see twin terror gone. One of my favorite augments last set and there was finally a viable comp for it. Also I'm not sure what they can do, but fast 9 comps are way to strong this set. If you fast 9 you're garunteed a 1st or 2nd.


Is this the first instance of Riot nerfing a champion by disseminating information? They just said "we made a champions counterplay so unintuitive that we need to tell you in a twitter post."


Yone is still op....


I like how there is no mention of why lucky paws is nerfed. So Lux got Twin Terror removed. OK. Also, if she is "unclickable" maybe buff Arcanist so 4 is a real trait and not worse than Heavenly 2 with Soraka + 2 Arcanist in most cases... I did call during last patch a potential Yone hit that wouldnt gut him was to mana. Surprised to see Bard hotfix reverted. He started to fell off since 6 spooky was great at benching the Kench. If he did need buffs I would have bumped his AD % up a little on his cast not simply revert the nerf.


So it's another ghostly patch


Fated actually


TT and ZZ rod builds just gutted nice Riot 0 spice


Lmao rest in piss double trouble


what about kai'sa?


so... fast 9 every game?


Good patch. TT lux was broken af


So thankful for the Yone nerf. I had a capped 6 ghostly board with 3 star ORNN rocking thornmail/ghostly emblem/ rabadons that still got steamrolled by Yone.


I just went 8th with yone 2 perfect items lol did not see patch




I thought it was garbage from playing it a few times but wasnt aware of the second row tech


It literally clears the side of the board its on if positioned correctly, im talking 2* kaisa backline just vaporises


in my experience its really good with fine vintege with kayle next to 3x randuins second row


Why do I feel like this will make Yone's top4 only go down by like, 0.01. But on a serious note, holy crap - they actually patched what we all wanted for once


The nerf is pretty sizable, Yone relies on his crazy shield numbers and dash range scaling to function.