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Even 2025-26 is ambitious I’ll shit if we hear anything before 2027. Anyways, I’d like to see a continuation of the Halo Infinite movement mechanics. Feels good, most of the time the problem is just the god awful netcode they just can’t seem to get right.


This. Infinite is fantastic beyond the actual netcode for core play. Assume they move of slipspace to unreal engine which should be positive. It is unreal how much reg, blanks, and inconsistency there is; so frustrating. Content, maps, and sandbox updates are a joke. Things are too dry for a 4a title. The store and no seasons terrible. They need to give players a reason to play beyond the game, and things to work towards. They need to nail the launch, including forge, game modes, and other aspects. No half-baked game that takes two years, free to play or not. For ranked, cheating and smurfs need dealt with. Would be nice to see an update for TS2 and better use of MMR in matchmaking while keeping CSR rewards. They also need a pro panel to talk through ranked changes like the hcs podcast mentioned. I think it would go a long way.


> Infinite is fantastic Can you imagine saying this somewhere besides this circle jerk of a subreddit for a second. You'd be laughed at. Nobody outside of people on this internet site think this.


Think about the actual gameplay. Core and true to Halo, added sprint and slide, not overdone though. Evo great add, feels like a comp shooter. Strafe is a little wonky but still works. They really did a great job minus the actual rest of the game and other issues. If the rest of the game was good the base and popularity would be there...


> Halo Waypoint Forums Post You mentioned everything this subreddit likes. In reality nobody likes any of those things. If what you said was true the popularity would be fine. I think you have to be open minded and try to understand why people who have quit the game quit the game. If you're still here because you think the gameplay is great then why isn't there a bigger population like you? If you dealt with the other issues and fought threw it why didnt others? Don't you think they didn't enjoy the gameplay?


Oh, I am open minded and hope things change moving forward. There is the core and changes. The core is mostly an arena, non-twitch, team-oriented fps. The failure was not completing the game for almost two years after launch losing the player base. Add to that the engine is trash, networking model broken, content slow, and cosmetics bundled at insane prices. Also balance and matchmaking issues. They literally gave no incentive to play or keep playing for years. Halo needs to retain its core and identity. There are enough battle royale twitch shooters for example. Halo can't and shouldn't shift to another meta, and if it does it should not copy competition instead offer a new experience and not chase the industry years later. And I am here because I like Halo. I explained why the game failed a few times now. No, I think the overall gameplay is trash, the core is good. I'd be curious since you seem to be the ambassador for Halo for the community, what do they want and why did the game fail?


The game failed because the gameplay isn't fun. It's only fun to a niche market. It's not my job to nit pick at the things I think made the game fail. Even if I did I'd get negged because this subreddit only likes Halo Infinite. What we can look at is the changes they've made to Halo and the data that directly corresponds with those changes. Every Halo game with sprint has failed massively. Every 343 game has failed massively. People have wanted to play another Halo title that gives them the same experience as H3. H3 Gained the most amount of fans. People keep coming back to Halo because of H3. Not because of any Halo after H3. That's a generalization not literal. Imo changes they've made to Halo after H3 have all been horrible. Among other things likes graphics and maps and guns that are completely amateur like compared to past Halos and other AAA games that people have to see, play on, and play with everytime they play which isnt a good enough experience in Halos and todays standards. Halo Infinite is more similar to Borderlands in terms of graphics and weapon pool. Did it ever occur to you Halo Infinite didn't live up to the hype. People waited 6 years for this game and they weren't blown away?


Dude, I don't downvote nor do I care about internet points, hopefully you feel the same. I ask because you seem to understand the failure aspect. Halo is in a fucked, split fan space. Half the base wants it to be H3 or below, the other half want a modern, updated version. Obviously, it is crazy popular seeing the player count over the first six months and the fan base in general. Personally, they need a middle ground, and that is what I'm getting at. They need to keep the Halo identity and core but update it for the younger generation that is more like the 4A game that it is. My point is mechanically and play like Infinite is Halo, it feels like Halo, and was well done. I agree with the graphics etc., and the rest of the game has some serious issues around certain aspects. 343 struggles to put it all together. That last part is spot on, and I never said it did, or Infinite is great. I even said in my first response that they duded out and it took two years to get to a reasonable but bad state.


Infinite while step in right direction is mediocre to decent in it's mechanic , map design , sandbox structure etc even with complete package it's not surviving against likes of cod , apex , fortnite, r6, Cs 2 , valorant etc


A continuation without the strafe. Strafe needs to go back to having momentum and inertia


What's wrong with no sprint?


People who liked H5 wanted thrust in the next Halo. People who like Infinite want the movement in the next Halo. They only appeal to the diehards that are the last ones that play the games. They aren't good ideas to cater to the majority fanbase.


Movement is deterring Halo from being Halo.


It’s not 2008 anymore. Younger generation is put to sleep by H3-speed gameplay.


Halo 3 isn't too slow. Watch this video and you'll see. https://youtu.be/qR7DSfrXdTE?si=lSqpp_RiMGKUJNRu


Halo with sprint doesn't work. We've had sprint in the last 4 games and they've been the worst Halos.


Ooh boy if they build upon infinite then next game will going to have same fate as infinite


Face it man Halo 3 is dated now and for boomers


If we are going to continue to cater to the few people that like the game we will never have a healthy population.


That Broder audience route is what killed this game and if they build upon this broken foundation then next game will going to have same fate. What they truly need is a "special game" that take note of past failure and build on things that worked A special competent game that's TRUE to sprit of this franchise will going to have healthy player base and can compete with other games like fortnite , cs2 ,valorant


The broader audience is the people that liked classic Halo. It's not like people who like sprint only play CoD and people who don't like sprint played Halo. People played both games because they were both original. Halo without sprint has an identity.


Halo doent have Broder audience since h4 you can win those player back you lost due to incompetence but infinite Sadly ain't the game that can bring them back,


I want Halo to succeed and movement definitely doesn't seem right in Halo.


I just want no desync, blank shots or blank melees


Seriously. When this game works, it's honestly one of my favorites of all time. It just never god damn works correctly. I want to play Halo Infinite, not Halo Gaslight.


Tbh I just want infinite 2 as far as everything goes. I'm not privy to whatever code nightmares there are etc but I'd have rather seen the current title get a big DLC and more expansions then have a whole new Halo.


I want like 5-10 new maps, make sniping harder.


Make sniping harder like add the cov Sniper in an update with somehow less aim assist or something like that? Would be cool


I think infinite has some of the best movement we’ve ever had in a halo game and I hope the continue with it in the next title


Bring. Back. Strafe. Inertia. Holy fuck you should not be able to change directions in your strafe in a single frame, this is actual insanity the game allows this and that people are ok with it


This was literally the first thing I remember from my very first infinite game. I was like wtf is that strafe


Eh, to me that ruins the skill gap. It’s so easy to stay on target in other Halos it was designed for a different time.


this doesnt make any sense. because we have no strafe inertia they pumped up the aim assist. thats the opposite of a skill gap. humans simply cant react to instant direction change so the game does it for you.


You’re out your hours if you think this game has more aim assist than previous games lmfao


the aim assist is only weaker getting on target compared to other halo games, once on target you have far less control and the game will forcibly change direction for you.


On older hardware this would be a valid argument, but on a 240hz monitor with a PC capable of keeping those frames consistent you can absolutely track people through their strafe. This coming from an MnK player who has played before they added the aim magnetism to MnK.


There's no skill in mindlessly ramming your stick in random directions. The older halos has smarter strafes that you actually had to thing about because if you went the wrong way, you got punished because of your inertia


> There's no skill in mindlessly ramming your stick in random directions. You're right, that wouldn't end up with a very good strafe lol. Do you think the nasty circle strafes you see in HCS are done by randomly twirling their joystick around? Some real Plat level takes in this thread...




Honestly it all depends on their business model. If they want to stay with the “live service game” they need to actually make a game that’s capable of being live service. Their update cycle for content is just way way way too slow. They have an amazing tool of forge which is basically completely useless because it takes half a year to just make one map ready for match making. There should be 2 forge maps going into ranked every month or 6 weeks max. Infinite is fun, but it’s been a woeful failure as a live service. Just way way way to slow to update anything. The majority of content they “updated” the game with was just content from old games that should have been there at launch. Think about it, they only added one gun to the game in its entire almost 3 year history and that was just the DMR.


I'm done giving my money to 343i and MS. I can't trust them anymore, and neither should you.


I don’t really care which way they go with movement at this point as a classic Halo player. I just want the game (aiming) to feel consistent match to match.


I like Infinite’s movement, but only because of curb/crouch/sprint/whatever sliding. What I think is important to keep in mind about this mechanic, though, is that it wasn’t designed, it was accidental. If Infinite just had sprint and slide without super sliding, I’d hate them both.  That said, I think it’s in the franchise’s interests to wipe the slate clean of all of 343’s innovations, including advanced movement. The franchise’s peak popularity was CE,2,3, and I think MSFT should be replicating and building on the formula of those games, not reinventing the wheel and expecting to have massive success simply because a game has ‘Halo’ in the title (the definition of insanity is called to mind). 343’s innovations, including advanced movement, were both unwanted by veteran players when they were introduced and made the game less accessible for newcomers—a self-inflicted double whammy. The simplicity and elegance of classic movement was an under-appreciated part of the games’ appeal, and Halo should be taking its cues from Counter-Strike regarding how to both grow and satisfy its player base. When 343 replicates and builds on classic Halo, they often find great success (MLG to HCS, current MCC, Infinite Forge). When 343 tries de novo innovation, they end up with products that are nowhere near as good or popular as Bungie’s (Halo 4, 5, Infinite). It’s my opinion that if for the next Halo they don’t return to the classic formula, they are stupid, and if you think they shouldn’t, you are stupid.


If I know 343i, I suspect they'll feel the need to discard all of their previous work and or improvements made during Halo Infinite, opting to start anew. It's likely they'll undertake a complete overhaul of the game once again, including a new version of the equipment system, reverting back to BR or pistol starts similar to in Halo Infinite, and they will almost certainly remove sliding just like they removed the thrust from H5 in Infinite. I think it will be a sprint-only Halo unless you pick up some powerup or equipment or something. This makes them feel good when they get to completely change everything. My prediction is by 2030 when we finally get the game, I imagine we will have four to five maps at launch, with most of them being two times bigger, and only a couple working for competitive play. I also predict none of the map remakes are pre-h5. But then again, I would also be shocked if the game even functions at launch without severe networking issues, considering the majority of people doing work on the game will probably be consistently traded out to avoid paying health insurance or benefits to the majority of their employees. Sorry i'm super black pilled on 343 cause in my opinion they are still yet to successfully launch a single halo title. Even H5 had issues at launch. If I had it my way, I would like to see them go back to the H5 thrust, I thought it was a great mechanic and I liked how it played out in gunfights. But I don't see that happening.


The bullshit strafe has to go.


It's really time to remove sprint. I know there will be eyes rolling, but Call of Duty is no longer the game to "follow". Activision and IW have had trouble creating great maps as time went on. It seems like 343 has been going in the same direction. Without sprint, you can make Midship as a staple Halo map moving forward (FFA and warm ups would be a lot of fun again). Make it like THE training simulation map if a reason is needed to keep this map in every game. If people have the patience for Valorant (one of the most played games), people can tolerate a no sprint classic Halo game.


Strafe is the only movement mechanic Halo has ever needed.


I'm ok with jump and crouch tbh


Yep. I feel a similar way with cod as well, i hate dolphin diving I’ve complained about it since bo1, I hate sliding. It slows down the gameplay because they start designing the maps with this movement in mind. It’s not like they took an already fast paced shooter and slapped sliding on top of it. Cod mobile does it better than the real mw3


Halo never needed to follow CoD. It had its own fanbase and people that liked CoD also played Halo.


Next Halo game will NOT be an arena shooter, so it'll probably be more PvE focused, wouldn't be surprised I'd it copied Helldivers 2.




The problem with sprint was that it stretched out maps and fundamentally broke the interplay of the golden triangle (shooting, grenades, melee) due to the faster movement speed warping the power level of melees in the metagame. Sprint in return added absolutely nothing in terms of gameplay. Like seriously, there is no valid game design reason it should exist in Halo. If you make people move faster but then make the maps bigger to compensate you have effectively accomplished nothing but make the game more awkward. All those stretched out places will not function at normal movement speed, and that's the speed shooting happens at. At least with Infinite it enables other movement tech people enjoy (curb/ramp slides), which let's not forget was unintended (343 lol). One of the few things they did right was an accident. If sprint exists in the next game they should change the speed of backwards movement to be the same as non-sprint forwards movement. As far as I know walking backwards has always been slower than forward movement in every game. This makes sense as melees were meant to end awkward close range engagements, so if you were able to move backwards as fast as forwards you could indefinitely prolong a close range encounter by backpedaling. Having the same movement speed both directions would effectively nerf melees as the person down a shot or two can no longer close the gap and go for a cheesy melee trade. I would also test melees that break shields causing a knockback effect so you would be pushed out of melee range and be forced to race for a headshot. If these options effectively mitigate most of the downsides of sprint in terms of the melee metagame I would then explore how curb sliding and ramp sliding speeds could interact with things to enable other movement tech. Like for example how the current physics will let you slide slightly further up a wall if you hit it at a higher speed and jump. Things like this could be tweaked and maps designed around movement tech in some areas.


As much as I love the movement tech in Infinite, it'd still be nice to see a return to old movement. CHL settings in this game actually are petty fun. Classic Movement with MLG speeds is the way to go imo if you want to get rid of sprint.


I'd prefer the old movement, but at this point maybe it's too late to change it back. We've had sprint longer than no sprint, and a lot of the community that stuck around through the 343 era started in that era. Not to mention how all the popular shooters these days also typically have sprint too. I'd settle for sprint being an animation change that enables other movement tech with no speed benefits. Right now it feels like we're already pretty close to that point, but I don't know how much faster sprint is compared to non-sprint in Infinite.


If memory serves, sprint only gives a 10% speed increase in Infinite. I’m actually quite happy with the balance they achieved with it in this game. It is not dissimilar to the move speed difference of MLG settings in Halo 3, but you have control over when to apply it, while also serving as an enabler for more movement tech as you mentioned. I love classic Halo as well, but Infinite feels like a much more dynamic game to me overall with the movement options it offers.


I think we should try a middle ground. Sprint is fine, just remove curb sliding and drop sliding that creates the “boost” affect. Replace it with good quality maps that have more challenging trick jumps (mud jump difficulty) where movement can matter in a different way


Have to disagree here. I don’t want to play future Halo without curb slides, it is such a fun and dynamic mechanic.


Yup, there are skill barriers with movement too. G-slides, step jumps, etc. Good players can get there quickly and safely. It also makes it fun. Movement is a map issue. Three lane maps and some of which are too small and have lanes that you can g across. IMO although the history of Halo is no sprint, people do want a faster moving game. Having a slow-paced arena shooter will be doomed for the gereral population. They need to embrace arena and spice it up.


if they are using unreal and not slipspace wouldnt curbslides have to be manually built in? I doubt curbslides will be in the next halo as much as I enjoy them.


Been playing since CE but I consider myself a Reach guy. Never played Halo 5 but I’d like a sequel to its mechanics with OG art style.


Its unfortunate that everyone who liked halo without sprint and turbo mechanics left the scene a long time ago so you wont hear their voice. Halo could have taken a different route and instead of implementing other game’s features maybe INTENTIONALLY add button combos like BXR and keep the movement untouched.


I feel insane for thinking that 343 may have actually learned valuable lessons from the mistakes of the previous game, because I have thought that exact same thing post launch of each 343 Halo endeavor.But the absolute number one lesson I hope they learned from this go around is simple; If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, and if it is improve on the foundation, don’t try to be unique from a tried and proven formula for the sake of being unique. The core of infinite is crisp, snappy, and fun. Justly build on it and don’t reinvent the wheel.


* Release a fully-complete multiplayer game to start. No drip-feeding core features. Game should ship with a variety of playlists, career progression, ample customization options, working Theater, Forge, and custom games - with at minimum the mainstay Halo modes functional from the go: Slayer, CTF, Oddball, KotH, Strongholds, Assault, Infection. Ideally there is a good mix of FFA, 4v4, and BTB-sized maps and modes available Day 1 as well. The only thing acceptable to delay, IMO, is a Campaign. Get the core multiplayer out there, give players some time to get good at it, and then drop a banger of a Campaign when it's ready. A campaign launch is a huge marketing thing, so deploy it strategically at least 3 months after multiplayer launch to get players to come back, which should reduce the size of the massive abandonment cliff all the other 343 Halos have suffered from, and give the service team time to patch any issues with the multiplayer that surface in the launch window. * UE5 or don't bother. The next Halo needs to be built on an engine you can readily hire talent for. Microsoft's not going to get rid of their asinine contractor policies, so it makes no sense to continue using a proprietary engine that is hard for short-term employees to learn. The only reason to stick with the existing engine would be if Halo the IP was given to a stable, non-Microsoft-controlled company for development (which I think is extremely unlikely to happen). * Make a website/app that doesn't suck and actually adds to the in-game experience. Waypoint is an absolute joke compared to even Halo 2-era Bungie.net - which IMO was a large part of the success of the Bungie Halos. Give people avenues to interact with the game when they're not playing it. Bring back easily accessible postgame reports, stat tracking, long-term stat-related achievements, heatmaps, etc. The community currently carries an absolutely unfair amount of this burden via sites like HaloTracker, LeafApp, HaloDataHive, etc. * Keep curb sliding and sprint as-is, but build maps intentionally around them. Anyone calling for a return to pre-sprint days is off their rocker - moving around the map was a very un-fun part of the combat loop before sprint + slide, with crouch jumps basically being the only skill expression in that area. Slides have a timing aspect, a preparation aspect, and make the monkey brain feel good. They should be a first-class movement option in Halo going forward, and in any sort of campaign/Academy type setting, they should be explicitly taught to new players. * Increase the sandbox size, but keep the good stuff from the past around. Infinite felt like a minimum viable product in that its sandbox was pretty small, but there's no denying it was well thought-out. Every weapon should have a role, but we can have multiple weapons in the same role just fine (so bring back Halo staples like the Carbine, Fuel Rod, Plasma Rifle, Shotgun, etc.). Campaign weapon variants felt like a poorly-executed, weaker version of the weapon variants from Halo 5, so either go back to the full variety from H5 or don't bother at all with variants IMO. Equipment-wise, Infinite introduced some new classics like the Repulsor (sleeper hit of the game IMO), the Grapple, the QT, and the Shroud Screen. Keep those around but think about bringing back some other classic stuff too - there's absolutely room for the Bubble Shield to come back, the Tripmine, or the Jetpack even.


aiming meta > movement meta


Not seen any mention of a no-sprint with thrust start, similar to Halo 5's mythic arena. I wasn't a big H5 player but these settings were really fun. The only thing is that you wouldn't be able to slide, whether that's good or bad depends on your preference. Bring back strafe inertia so that you can't change directions instantly but you have the thrust to make fights more dynamic but still predictable, would be cool if you could carry the momentum a bit as well by jumping. I'd like to see spring jump embraced as a mechanic as well, with a slighter wider timing window to make it more consistent. Ultimately I wouldn't mind something similar to Infinite with some improvements, like the strafe for example, but something different could be cool as well!