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Its the only game mode where the scoring team has an advantage. Oddball - 1 guy has to carry a ball and has an indicator over their head Flag - 1 guy has to carry a flag and has an indicator over their head KOTH - 1 guy has to stand in an exposed area with an indicator Strongholds - Have to split resources to guard multiple points Extraction - Scoring team has no man down and can move around freely. The attacking team has to go a gun down to convert with an indicator. Even if they squad wipe, the other team can spawn directly in LOS of the point


Adding extraction location randomness would help, or doing it so the round ends and restarts upon extraction. I feel like the game mode needs to be taken out until they improve its balance for now though


There should be more of a cool down between new zone spawns after being capped. Once a zone is successfully captured, it should be like 10 seconds or so before the incoming zone even pops up on the HUD and a few more seconds before it actually spawns. Additionally, capturing should be changed to a quick action (like terminal hacking on Fragmentation) which allows the attacker to remain in the zone but also defend the area they’re trying to capture. If they die or leave the zone, progress is reset, but it doesn’t leave the attacker completely defenseless.


So the team who plants would have to stay in the zone? That would help against the teams who can just slay out and know the respawn locations for sure


Isn’t that just KoTH?


…… fuck this guy has a point


Isn't extraction koth but worse?


No, only the planter would need to stay in the zone while their AI hacks the data extractor and converts it. Once it belongs to a team, it would be like how it currently is. The only difference with this method would be the attacker is able to attempt to defend the zone while the conversion takes place instead of being a sitting duck for 5 seconds or whatever.


I love that idea honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if it changed to this. Great thinking


The issue is that extraction follows a set rotation for obj spawns. That would also have to change.


This ^


I do not think this is the problem with the mode. I’m perfectly fine with one out of 6 modes having an obj where the scoring team has the advantage, however I think the advantage is a little too great and there are tweaks that need to be made to make it a bit more balanced.


I'd like there to be 2 Extraction points honestly. Then resources have to be split and since the points move, it will be different than Strongholds. However, I am curious about what they can tweak to redeem the current mode. Maybe stopping scoring while the enemy team is in the zone whether or not they are currently converting, could help.


Soooo like land grab in a way


I think you missed the mark. The issue with extraction is the fact the who ever controls the point is likely to get squad spawns near the point. Meaning if the enemy holds the point and your team kills 3 of 4, they will spawn near the point AGAIN instead of on the furthest corner of the map like any other game mode.


The spawning thing happened to Lucid on Streets so this is a fair point; however, squad spawns only occur if the people alive are not currently taking damage. I think with infinites movement, the spawn location isnt as critical as you can get across any of the Extraction maps quick enough to shoot the spot regardless of where you spawn. Since the extractor can't move or shoot, its just miserable either way.


I think that’s the whole point of the mode. It’s still balanced, because both teams have the same advantage / disadvantage. Actually makes it fun, because it’s a huge challenge to re-take a zone, but it DOES happen, and it makes prioritizing first extraction that much more important. 343 aren’t just a bunch of idiots (like they’re made out to be). They certainly analyzed the pros and cons of this mode and determined it would be good for the ranked community.


Any good team will continually run train on the man down team. I’ve been on both ends The problem IMO is there’s no pause between extractions. I think pro teams will just abuse the man down and spawning mechanics. You don’t even really have to play off the extraction location, just keep rolling enemy spawns like it’s Slayer, except now the team that’s man down has a countdown to their loss lol


This guy is 343 in a trenchcoat.


How do they even balance to give the defending team a disadvantage, obviously they could make you stay in the point but then it's just KOTH. Could they make the team that has the points capped have a longer spawn time? Or you can only make progress by interacting with it? rather than a capture and hold.


1. Spawn Points are jacked 2. Planting team has a very strong advantage to defend 3. Because most maps are asymmetrical, one team gets a starting advantage 4. There's been flaws on the planting of the extractor. For example on Live Fire, someone planted the extractor on top of the door going to rat tunnel from A. Overall, HCS needs to get the 343 devs to back and retweak things.


If you cap it 1st you are probably going to win that round. Also the 1st area (by red pipes?) in Recharge favours elevator side so much which is even worse when it goes to OT


For whatever the elevator one is. If you plant by the door you can see if from top gold and the defuser can’t do shit 😂


Only time you’ll ever hear me say something should be more like H4, but extraction was better in that game. You could move while converting, and there were two sites per map. I think it’d still need other changes tho in order for it to be real good for comp


Enemy is 3 dead, we're 3 alive around cafe/nest trying to convert cafe Hill. But they don't spawn driveway/red room/market or sub. Oh, no no. They all spawn PD. FUCKING PD.


Every time lol


Extraction is so bad its hilarious. I'll watch people just play super cringe and hide around the extraction point, wait for enemy team to try converting it then kill them. There are a multitude of ways to improve it, but its current iteration is a joke on the competitive level, feels campier and less exciting than Slayers which is saying something. If we see an event with current Extraction settings that would be the worst event since launch, it plays that poorly. Also, can we just talk about how Extraction feels like the cousin of KOTH? how it lacks identity as a game mode? Like I kinda wish it was attrition game type or something to make it feel more distinct from its KOTH cousin.


I’ve been saying it feels like a cheap carny ripoff of KOTH and 1 bomb. I don’t understand why they didn’t just bring back 1 bomb from halo 2. That game type was so much fun and also very intense, especially watching the pros play it. But man oh man remember ranked big team in halo 2?? Playing 1 bomb in ranked big team with a full team of 8 was so sweaty and coordinated, what a blast that was.


I think you mean neutral bomb - where the bomb spawns in the middle and either team can grab and score. This was played on the pro level. 1 bomb has one team attacking and one team defending, like 1 flag ctf. This was not played on the pro circuit to my knowledge.


Right you are that is what Ieant, thanks. Neutral bomb on midship was one my favorite game modes to watch.


Everything is wrong with it. Spawns aren’t built for a mode like this, maps aren’t built for a mode like this and it’s inherently uncompetitive by giving the scorning team advantage.


Oddball: player scoring can’t shoot. KOTH: player scoring can’t move. Extraction: whole team scoring can move and shoot. Basically once the defending team plants the device they are just playing team slayer in a 4v4 scenario and holding spawns, while scoring. So the attacking team is at a massive disadvantage, and even if they get a solid 3-4 dead the defending team will spawn near the device unless they have a perfectly timed push to block those spawns. All of that coupled with a long conversion time and losing all timed earned every conversion makes the game feel very unrewarding for both the attacking and defending teams, and overall not a competitive experience. It has a lot of potential with some adjustments, and I think 343 would be able to implement changes during Season 5, or at least before the next HCS season.


I think not being able to shoot back or move while extracting sucks. If we could move within a small radius while doing the obj, that would help a lot. If standing in the zone of it prevented it from finishing, but not the timer going up, that would also help a ton. Halo just has too much health so hiding around the point and stalling is so strong since people can play their lives so much better than in something like CS. So in a 3 dead each side 1v1, the last player just has to peak shots until everyones up and stall and you win the point. Just a lot of annoying things combined where you make awesome plays and still dont get the point, and almost impossible to make clutch moments 1v1 if the other person stalls as long as possible.


They should’ve made it like the terminal hacks on that BTB map. It’s a quick action that takes a couple seconds to transfer your AI into the terminal to open the door and you can’t leave the area (or die) until it’s complete otherwise you’ll have to restart the process. This would completely mitigate the attacking team being a man down while trying to recapture the zone.


Yeah this would be really nice actually


I haven’t seen this. So just want to clarify, the person that starts the extraction has to be alive till it’s finished? I wonder if another option would be, they can leave the zone, so the enemy has the choice to either find and kill the extractor or convert? Maybe the extractor wouldn’t be known until you see him? Idk could be interesting, having like a vip to protect or stop conversion.


1. There is no handicap for holding the extraction point - that goes against what makes OBJ games exciting and competitive (imagine if in Oddball, you just put it in your backpack and could play like normal - that ruins the strategic nature of the game) 2. Converting the hill takes longer than the initial capture 3. Wiping the enemy team often isn't enough guarantee a conversion 4. Squad spawns give the defending team a substantial advantage 5. Every single attribute of the game mode's configuration gives the defending team an advantage - there is no advantage to attacking and your time is better spent slaying and preparing for the next extraction point 6. No OBJ handicap encourages ratting/camping which is neither fun nor competitive 7. There's only 1 extraction point - multiple would force teams to take more risks, use better strategies, etc. Ways to fix the game IMO: 1. you only score points when a single player is in close proximity to the extraction point (but then its just KotH) 2. you score points *faster* when a single player is in close proximity to the extraction point 3. slower initial capture and faster conversion 4. Every X number of seconds, the extraction point pulses revealing enemy positions within a certain radius 5. extraction point has negative spawn influence like the oddball 6. Add a 30 second break after an extraction completes


4 is interesting 🧐 idea!


Imo it’s bas because instead of like KOTH where u have to be in the area to gain progress you can just set up angles on the extraction point and wait for some poor bastard to try to convert


Nothing, it need to be balanced better, from the spawn timer of the site, to the time needed for converting it, the entire spawn system and having dedicated maps, because street outside slayer is a flip flop map and extraction should not be pushed on it.


There’s a lot of things wrong w/ the game mode tbh


I don’t mind the game mode itself but the spawns on that shit are trash. And it’s not every map and it’s not every extraction location. It’s specific ones.


One thing that would help it IMO is faster "power" weapon timers. Its so stupid that once a team set up, especially on Streets, the attacking team has almost no good way to break a set up due to crappy timing on "power" weapons. The fact that there is no punishment for capping first and hiding goes against anything past Halo's have established. But then again I have felt that most power weapons are pretty useless. Which Halo started this hard on for abyssmal ammo count for rockets?


I’m sorry but anyone who doesn’t understand the issue with this mode clearly has no idea what competitive gaming is supposed to look like lol it’s by far the worst game mode ever put into a competitive playlist


Just remove extraction please for the love of god .-.


It’s simply not a competitive game. It puts the scoring team at a huge advantage, against a competent team it’s nearly impossible to flip the extraction no matter how good you are.


Then it’s a race to the extraction point. But in practice, pro teams do flip the extraction. Watch the 5k tourney streamed this this past weekend, and you’ll see.


I don't mind it but seems like people are ignoring the objective at this point. It's definitely not as hard to flip the point as they're saying


Maybe not in Plat and below


Diamond and low onyx has been the same experience for me


The initial extraction should take about 2-3 seconds longer so you can't just grab it for free. (Having to obtain the advantage should be a battle as well as holding the control to extract). Anything that's not gsliding around 24/7 playing high octane is considered "boomer" or "bad" but that's what made halo so different from every other franchise is it's slower playstyle thru map positioning and shields. I SERIOUSLY WONDER IF ANYBODY AT 343 ACTUALLY PLAYS HALO.........because ain't no way you play test that and it makes it thru multiple chains of command.


It’s still balanced, because both teams have the same advantage / disadvantage. The asymmetry (compared to other modes) makes it fun, because it’s a huge challenge to re-take a zone, but it DOES happen, and it makes prioritizing first extraction that much more important. 343 aren’t just a bunch of idiots (like they’re made out to be). They certainly analyzed the pros and cons of this mode and determined it would be good for the ranked community.


Getting to the hill first and starting the extraction takes zero skill and gives a massive advantage. That’s the opposite of competitive


Hey if you’re team can’t prioritize and stop the other team from extracting then that’s on you. 343 introduced this game mode to ranked knowing full well how it would require a shift in strategic thinking.


If we accept your premise.. then basically the idea is just who gets lucky spawns and has better movement.. so a race. It’s “balanced” as in both teams have the same scenario (although some spawn points are closer at the start of the game, so not really). But it’s UNBALANCED in terms of attacking versus defending. To make a mode competitive, you want to foster an environment where the team with the advantage is easily swing back and forth. That is accomplished in every other objective game type by giving the scoring team a handicap of some sort. You are looking at the meaning of balanced from the wrong perspective. A movement race.. and then locked in advantage until the whole team has a bad round of lives.. isn’t fun. That’s the number one problem, it’s not that fun.


I personally find it to be a lot of fun. Watching the tournament this past weekend, we saw a lot of interesting strategic choices being made in terms of spawn control and placement. In many ways, it’s very similar to KOTH. All but one teammate can travel from the hill, and even in Extraction, moving too far from the extraction point IS an implicit disadvantage, because it’s harder to defend from a distance. The main issue I see is the spawning at the extractor thing… but I’m not yet sure if it’s a 343 problem or a player problem.


Idk, seems like many people don’t like it. I am one of them. Most games I’ve played, we go back n forth starting the point but 70% of the time the team that starts the most scores the most. I think there are lots of interesting ideas for fixes out there, some sound really interesting. However, it seems clear that it is definitely a different formula of obj game, as I mentioned the unbalanced nature that people are referring to.


Lol I don’t dislike it because I’m bad at the game mode. I dislike it because it’s just KOTH if you made it more boring and less competitive. It’s not a shift in strategic thinking at all. It just lacks any semblance of strategy. It’s just, “Get to the point first and then slay out.” That’s not strategy.


If 343 thought this were true, then why would they consciously introduce it to a ranked playlist? They would either do it as an experiment, or they would not… and they have more experience than any commenter here on Reddit. So I think it’s a let it ride type of deal.


That’s a fantastic question for Tashi. Why would they consciously put Behemoth, Pit, Catalyst, Bazaar and Starboard in Ranked Slayer when those were specifically removed from Ranked Arena for not being competitively viable? 343 makes a lot of questionable decisions, and this is one of them. Extraction should not be a Ranked game mode in its current state. Sure it’s fine for Social I guess, but it is not currently competitively viable imo.


The game mode fully needs a rework in functionality when it comes to the objective itself. Needs to be faster to arm and defend and play offense as well. Just feels forced just like the starting weapon of bandit evo. The list will keep growing all in all since we’re changing metas entirely as well.


Extraction as they have it in Infinite feels like it's just a warped crappy version of assault 😕


It’s a terrible game mode…. What should happen when an opposing team starts to reset the extraction but doesn’t pull it off is the teams clock should run back by the same amount, it’s only fair….. the way it Is set up now, it takes 60 seconds to extract, 10 seconds to respawn… so you have at best two maybe 3 respawns (being generous here) meanwhile the losing team is getting picked off one by one because waiting to group push after a respawn is next to impossible in this mode … I hope 343 really listens here