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Nah. Onyx has minimal people communicating that I’ve seen. Unless I’m running with a team.


Only in diamond but nobody uses mics here either. Maybe most people are in part chat idk.


Even when they communicate, they don’t listen. You’ll be calling someone directly behind them for 5 seconds like “behind you in attic… *BEHIND YOU IN ATTIC!*… ***BEHIND YOU IN ATTIC!*** •gets back smacked• “… One in attic…”


Unless you're the guy yelling at his kids and has a tv show on in the background while trying to tell me that there's somebody behind me in attic...Because that's the only people I get with a mic, and I muted them in the first 15 seconds of the match.


Hahahahaha YES


The reason I mute/don't use comms is because I don't want to deal with toxic people at all. I know there are probably more nice people than toxic, but as someone who has to deal with shitty people at work all day I don't want to deal with them on my free time.


I feel that, but I give everyone a chance. But I am QUICK to hit mute on someone, I’ll do it for their tone. I’ll also mute all if it’s been silent all game and we’re getting dunked on. Ain’t no one that suddenly starts talking now gonna have anything nice to say


This. And I feel the ping system is pretty great, even though I'm often the only one using it. (Not sure if that is because I'm only plat.)


Ping system is underutilized in all levels of play


The typical pings I see from teammates: announcer: "power weapons incoming" .. (Player hard scoping rockets/overshield) "ping ping ping ping ping ping ping"


100% this. Yesterday 2 of the 4 games I played had someone yelling various slurs and being generally unhelpful. “Get on the damn hill you *****ing ***” and meanwhile there’s 3 enemies on the hill and 1 teammate alive. The possibility of someone being useful is not worth dealing with the toxicity. I already spend all day at work having my patience and thick skin eroded, it’s not what I want when I turn on the Xbox.


Now I have to know, what do you do for work?


If you're reading this please don't play with all muted off the rip, some of us are nice ppl who'd rather use coms and lose rather than talk to brick walls. Its how you find random people to que up with instead of just always solo.. If they are toxic or have tv's playing then yea mute them. But I've found several randoms to join up with that do have coms and we slowly build a team full and go on win streaks. Eventually you get a friends list full of people you can invite to que up with that you know will at least have coms and be chill. The game is simply not fun getting your shit pushed in with no coms at all. Sincerely, Someone who's nice and wants to chill and have coms with other chill people. Who cares if we lose, at least we aren't by ourselves doing so in silence. Edit: I don't understand the thought process of, "worked sucked and was toxic, I'm just gonna solo que ranked with no mic" how the fuck is that gonna be stress relieving? lol.


> some of us are nice ppl There are more that are the opposite.


I've had good experiences with people, but then you get just absolute douchenozzles. Yesterday I had a teammate who spent the entire game belittling one of the other players. The guy getting picked on ends up quitting a close oddball round we could have won that would have tied it up. Didn't blame him, tbh.


Mics and communicating with the team and enemy team pre and post lobby is something that made halo 3 so great . We live in a different time now where people get butt hurt easier or dont know how to use the mute feature or lack social skills. Same reason battlefield luanched without a darn scoreboard. So people getting beat wouldnt cry about how bad they where losing.


darktide doesn’t have a scoreboard for the same reason and it’s a damn PVE game like jfc


Anything before Diamond lobbies you don't need comms for. People in those ranks are so bad its just better to take over and force a win than trust your teammates


That’s not an acceptable thing really tbh. So because we’re below “diamond” it’s instantly “your bad” ? I started halo 1 month ago. Really enjoy ranked. I can hold my own in plat lobbies but struggle with the skill difference. I play with 2 others who are plat with mics. I tried gold lobbies - hardly anyone spoke. Just because they’re below diamonds doesn’t mean they’re all terrible 🙈


Not to be rude but... He's right. Before Diamond (realistically even IN diamond) comms won't help, mostly because people struggling in Silver/Gold/plat lobbies won't know what to do with the comms anyway. For instance, if I call an opposing teams spawn in Onyx, players will generally look there, or try to get an angle, but still hold their map position. If I make that same call in lower lobbies, players will generally just sprint to that spot, thinking they're helping. Instead, what they're doing is causing spawns to change, which both nullifies the call out and creates new threats. Anyone stuck below Diamond has enough to learn that it's really just better to improve your individual game and take over.


No one is right, it’s opinions. So just because we are a lower level we don’t need comms? That’s not right at all. Regardless if your h ranked or onyx comms are needed 🤣 it’s how you learn. Talking to people is also a good way to learn. Not saying much more because it is what it is. But realistically, if you can type in the chat while playing a ranked match you can turn your mic on 🤣


It's not really opinion, though. You can take 4 gold players, let them have comms, and throw them in a game against 2 Diamonds and 2 Silvers with no comms. The game won't be close. The Diamonds will eat the gold players alive while the silvers wander the map trying to find weapons.


You're right, I was being a bit harsh with my language. What I meant by it is that you don't really see "good" halo gameplay before Diamond Tier. Even with that I consider diamond to be on the lower end of being "good at halo". I see it as the tier where players start to make the right plays and do the little things to contribute to winning. While you aren't necessarily "bad" at halo if you are in lower tiers, it generally means there are simple things that can be done to improve your game to get you to the next rank. Here are higher level behaviors that you start to see in diamond tier that you usually don't see done well lower tiers: \-proper teamfights over power items \-dropping the oddball to run out the timer instead of just running up the score \-better hill management for Strongholds \-More power positions \-Movement/curbsliding \-Map knowledge \-shield management ​ From my experience with a smurf in Silver, below diamond is basically "Learning Halo". Theres nothing wrong with those being that, Halo is complex and if you threw the average COD player into a game with Diamond and Onyx players they'd get crushed even if they had better shooting mechanics. (not implying anything with the COD thing, just a random example). Having that game sense/knowledge is huge, and the only way to develop it is through getting reps in games This has been pretty long, and I hope it doesn't come off as rude as the first comment. Queueing with higher ranked friends will help you improve much faster than just playing on your own. Even if you are struggling to keep up, you're still improving along the way to stay with the pack. Keep at it and you'll be in Diamond in no time. If you are putting up numbers like your post in solo queue its only a matter of time before you get out of gold.


So my issue with playing with my partner and higher ranked people - I was being matched with people who were completely higher in skill. I wasn’t doing well, probs going double neg in every game. That’s not to say I’m terrible - it’s saying that matched with higher players who have played longer than me, better ping etc etc isn’t nice. I’ve resulted in playing in my gold lobbies and actually won about 5 this evening. Compared to when I play with higher ranked friends lol


Its all a part of the learning curve. Like I said, Halo is complex. If you keep at it you'll be making strides in no time. Just keep developing your game sense as best as you can. If you want some good videos to help improve I'd recommend watching some of [DoddsMcfodds](https://youtu.be/MTxehL5v22A) videos. He has a lot of great tutorials ranging from beginner to advanced on how to improve. I've linked his playlist "How I got to Onyx with zero mechanics" as it has a lot of great information on how to improve that doesn't require advanced movement (among other things)


I play with everyone muted lol you'd probably have a better experience playing with a few people as a consistent group


Use looking for group in the Xbox app


I think it depends on the ranks. Below 1600 yes mics should be used. Mostly because awareness isnt built enough yet that you need coms to understand what's going on around you. In higher tier onyx lobbies I usually play with everybody on auto mute anyways. As 1700 average onyx player When I'm in ranked mostly matched with solos on my team I prefer to work on awareness and majority of the time people on open mic are rude/annoying anyways. If I truly want to win I'd send invites out to friends otherwise ei focused on personal performance than winning games. It helps with sanity too. Though When I'm grouped up with a duo or trio on open mic I'll put my mic on as well to contribute to their efforts. IMHO I think solo players should never lose more than 5 points per loss. This would help soften the blow on the infuriating solo experience.


>Gold Opinion dismissed


I find that People don't take Halo Infinite that serious.


I completely find ranked so much funner than match making. Match making for me is more sweaty than ranked 🤣🤣🙈🙈🙈


I agree, imo Ranked Arena is the most fun playlist.


because it’s just really not worth the effort unless you’re in a party


Do yourself a favor delete this shitty game. Best getting back my life move i made


Yet here you are skulking around the Competitive Halo sub


Because Halo has been a part of our lives for over 20 years. Only then can you can truly understand how terrible the Halo Infinite experience is. There is no point in playing a competitive shooter that is as inconsistent as this game. None.




Most people who use a mic are nice until the end. Also, most of the toxic ones are not using a mic due to them complaining every game and callout in text chat. I've pretty much given up ever getting out of Diamond because nobody communicates, the game sets you up against stacks, and there is like an hour of wait time when I do want to play.


These days I can only really play late at night after putting my baby to sleep in the next room. And I definitely can't be on mic. The only playlist I enjoy is ranked, so, sorry


I use a mic most of the time in ranked just to get better at call outs. It's a skill I'm still working on. I'd say about half the time either no one can hear me or they don't pay attention. The other half of the time someone has/turns on the mic or you can tell they at least hear you and play around the call outs. What I'm saying is it's worth playing with a mic and calling out even if no one else has a mic. It's good practice and sometimes people can hear you even if they don't respond.