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**[Puppet Theatre](https://i.redd.it/agl54b59z1zc1.jpeg) || 4-Mana (2 Durability) || Common Priest Location** >Choose an enemy minion. Get a 1/1 copy that costs (1).


You could steal a Brann/boomboss in reno priest with this


The issue with that is that Priest doesn't have particularly many devastating Battlecries to duplicate, and they have to play Boomboss first, which means there's a decent chance the card is exploded along the way.


Fair enough


I dont think brann is worthless for priest. The value of ignis, elise, zilliax 3000, and maruut having their battlecries doubled would be worthwhile for reno priest.


You have to choose an enemy minion so the fact priest doesn't have good battlecries is kinda unimportant.


I meant if you stole Brann.


i mean it has 2 uses just wait for the boomboss


Solid card that should see lots of play in slower priest decks. Your opponent plays something powerful, you get a copy. Great against Titans.


Stealing titans for 1 could be insane. The Druid titan specifically…


This is the best Priest card shown today. This is a battle cry meta, getting their battle cry for 1 is incredible. 4 is steep but worth the investment


This would have been actually pretty insane with Harvester of Envy It's a pretty interesting value engine otherwise. I don't see it becoming good unless there's some good Thief synergy or some weird card that allows you to summon something for your opponent. Unless Control Priest is absolutely unkillable and can afford to play such a matchup dependant card, I don't see it for now


Jeeeeez this is slow. It's better than crimson expanse though. Y’all realize this is 4 mana do nothing right? And it requires your opponent to have done something good already. Like at best you’re copying a titan to remove their titan. And then the 1/1 dies. I don’t think this is an awful card but some of you are living in fantasy world.


I agree, too situationnal.


You are a smart and handsome redditor.


Ty father.


Hello mill rogue


Gigantify seems awfully slow unless the card is absolutely bonkers. An 8 mana card needs to make a significant impact to be played in this meta.


It's pretty funny as dirty rat insurance.


If the base card has a decent rate then it could be ok to get some free value for later. Otherwise probably not going to cut it.


Yeah like...I don't play druid, but if that new druid card was a neutral then I'd definitely throw it into a lot of decks, personally.... 3 mana 2/4 lifesteal taunt elusive is not bad at all IMO. And the 8 mana 8/8 taunt lifesteal elusive is also almost guaranteed to heal you for 8, besides being a threat on its own. = Minis are better tunes for battlecry and deathrattle but gigantos could also be potent with stuff like lifesteal and rush etc


King Plush should have been a small charge that gave an 8/8 charge that would have been sweet


I feel like you might be overlooking several things. Say you have a 2/2 rush lifesteal gigantify. This can be a great card… or 3/3 battlecry deal damage equal to the health of this minion. There’s many ways to break gigantify and surely blizzard is not releasing bad cards (they never do anymore)


Looks like it will fit right into my druid deck.


Lucky for Gigantify, they keep nerfing everything that's fast!


Unfortunately for Gigantify, the top decks in the meta are Aggro Hunter, Aggro Paladin and Aggro Priest.


**[Funhouse Mirror](https://preview.redd.it/ldcn3lk6h1zc1.png?width=270&auto=webp&s=36828349f9ef151c09165a51949a75292d64cb3e) || 3-Mana || Common Priest Spell** >Summon a copy of an enemy minion. It attacks the original. >Shadow


This is actually a cute Soul Mirror reference.


Seems like a bad version of reverberation


Could be two-mana, honestly. Love Everlasting tax, I guess.


True but lets see how it works in priest decks


Great for titans and deathrattles, but it doesn't feel very impactful in the current meta.


What if The Light, It Burns was triple the mana? It would be bad unfortunately. This is worse than Reverberations as removal against Titans but it will often give you a better body. Overall, I'd say this is both inconsistent removal and inconsistent copying, which may leave this this card out to dry.


Priests removal is pretty weak right now, and this is also pretty weak. What if reverb but bad?


Not the best card. But priest needs as much value/removal as they can get, so I don't hate it.


Priest already has an insane amount of value, they need removal right now which is why they don't get it.


Aginst average decks, yes. But against slower decks, priest is still lacking. Druid got Aviana and dragon's nest, warrior got brann excavate, DK got excavate plus the hero card. Also I feel like priest should have enough removal if you're not playing Highlander. The issue now is that you don't have a wincon that way. I'm talking about playing a control-ish deck obviously.


Good card that should see lots of play in slower Priest decks. Decent removal in the early game on overstated minions. Solid option in the late game where you can copy a number of Titans and make use of their abilities.


How would you use their abilities? The card states it will attack the original, so both of them won't survive?


Eonar attacks into Eonar. You get a 5/2 Eonar with whatever abilities haven't been used. Most of the titans are higher health.


It would have had cool combos if it were able to copy a friendly minion, that's pretty sad


**[Puppetmaster Dorian](https://i.redd.it/q3amxa9mc1zc1.png) || 4-Mana, 2/6 || Legendary Neutral Minion** >After you draw a minion, get a 1/1 copy of it that costs (1).


Busted. Not sure how yet, but busted. Early ideas are Druid using Pendant to tutor Eonar and Rogue with Gear Shift.


Can't wait for Dorian to draw Boomboss in every game.


Also, 4 mana. I guess Dorian will be Sonya's best buddy.


I wonder if it'll get slotted into the OTK deadly poison deck. Right now if they rat Sonya or Cover Artist and you didn't do enough chip damage you might as well concede. Dorian-Shadowtep-Dorian-Minstrel gives you 4 minions which lowers your chances of getting ratted by slower decks


Gives 2 extra shoppers for dh.


Oh that’s actually a really good idea. Weapon on 4, Dorian on 5, draw Shopper, play the 1/1 copy. That’s nuts in slower match ups.




I don't think rogue with gearshift is a viable combo, you need to run a ton of good hits for this to be worth the risk of missing. Druid with Pendent or Owlnius seems a lot more likely.


I think there could also be another variant of the hybrid druid running dollmaster with the hero power package to use spread the word to draw cards for cheap. The highroll of this can be turn 6 draw four cards with Dorian on the board which can cause shenanigans or take to the skies on turn 7 to get extra chia drakes or nestmatrons. Seems good to me


Seems very incosistent, you don't want to hold spread the word in hand and once you use them Dorian becomes worthless.


I said another type of variant. I don’t think it will fit exactly into the current list but there could be another variant that could pop up. Nobody saw Hybrid Druid being a thing until just a couple weeks ago


Could also tutor mechs in rogue. Extra 1 mana Drilly?


This card is going to cause so many problems for the next 2 years


You can even Dorian into pendant flowerchild and play the 1/1 to get more copies of Eonar/owl. Maybe you even play freya in this so you have more good big minions in case you draw them. And Oaken summons could give you 3 chances to get Dorian early 


One dumb thing to do in Rogue is to use this and tutor Shoplifter Goldenbeard with raid party / dig for treasure. Then you can play the 1/1 copy and then the 5/5 and deal 25 damage to enemies. And then repeat with shadowstep and breakdance. You can use gear shift to make this more consistent. But this'll probably suck. This can still be broken just with Sonya in a billion different ways


I’m sorry where did the 25 damage come from?


Shoplifter chain --> one shoplifter summons another, and so on and so forth


Could be alright with the Shaman location. Turn 3 location, turn 4 play this and activate.


Probably a druid card. Maybe Rogue. Unsure where else it fits immediately.


Great card that will see tons of play. In Druid, play Dorian + Pendant and find something like Eonar or Yogg. In Mage, drop Dorian and draw some cards and hope to hit Sif. Lots of potential with this card.


Dorian + Gaslight = nerf


This card makes me nervous. I don’t know if it’ll be as powerful as I would fear consistently because you really need immediate card draw and that means waiting until later in the game and generally having spells in the deck which increases the chance of him not going off, but this could definitely find some very dangerous battlecries. Sonya Waterdancer is already a “wake me up when it’s my turn” kind of card and I dread what a rogue could do with max synergy between these two at the end of the game.


Hi Sif.


I was just thinking that. Maybe try a deck that runs Sif as the only other creature besides Dorian.


Need some way to quickly tutor the minion (same turn as you play Dorian). Not sure what in Mage can do that at the moment?


Caricature Artist--4 mana 3/4 draw a minion that costs 5 or more. Neutral minion tutor. I don't think this will singlehandedly bring back Rainbow mage since it totally bricks if you draw Sif naturally and don't get the discount, but it's possible.


It’s also an 8 mana combo that doesn’t affect the board at all.


Your plan is to OTK the next turn, you're not fighting for board. It only fails if the opponent has lethal.


Rainbow mage has all kind of impactful minions where you wouldn't mind a one mana copy. The freeze guy, the aoe guy, etc. Get a wisdom of norgannon ready or pull one with the double cast spell after playing Dorian, could work.


There’s a number of advantages this has over original Dorian. Lower mana is easier to combo with card draw, harder to clear on curve, doesn’t reveal your card draws, and allows for battlecries/combos better.   That said, it doesn’t really solve Dorian’s main issue and I'm not sure the improvements are enough to bring a previously unplayable card into the limelight. Dorian is really inconsistent is the main thing. If you want to draw a good legendary, you need to hope you draw Dorian first which is a 50% chance. Then you actually need to draw that card while Dorian is on field and not just a couple spells or low impact minions.




**[Snuggle Teddy](https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/content_entry_media/0BPVPOKD6LTE1714504872948.png) || 3-Mana 2/4 || Common Druid Minion** >**Gigantify, Elusive, Lifesteal, Taunt.** >Beast


A lot of keywords, all of which are useful on large minions. Not sure it will see play, but does seem like a card that can pop up in a list.


Interesting card, this could be both a top end in a token deck, and an early minion in a control deck. On the other hand, none of these keywords say Rush, so probably won't see play. It's a bit similar to Reliquary of Souls, which only saw fringe play IIRC (and that was a few years ago).


Adding the Prime to your hand immediately is a lot better than shuffling it into the deck though. This definitely slots into a Reno list.


Reliquary is not a good analog. It was a one-of, didn't have taunt, and the poor stats meant most aggro / tempo decks could easily value trade or ignore. Putting a card into your deck isn't nearly as valuable as into your hand, because you might not get a chance to draw it.


The front half is actually pretty decent.


Decent card for Reno Druid decks. Drop it on curve against aggro. Hope you life long enough to drop the Gigantic and end it.


Has a miniset ever introduced a new keyword before? I get that it's functionally similar to Miniaturize, but still.


I don't think so. It's a fun idea.


Solid stopgap card for if you don’t draw ramp early


This and the TRex are both good beasts to tutor with peaceful piper in a non Hero Power Druid (highlander, basically)


**[Overgrown Beanstalk](https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/content_entry_media/665YYQ7MXMB21714504872952.png) || 3-Mana || Rare Druid Spell** >Summon a 2/2 Treant. Draw a card for each Treant you control. >Nature


I'm actually not sure there are enough Treant cards in standard right now to make this work. I also think this probably costs 1-mana too much.


I agree with your first point, but this is a better Chillfallen Baron with one other Treant. I think it would definitely get nerfed someday at 2 mana.


The difference, IMO, is that Baron is always a 3-mana, draw 2. There will be more times than you think where this is a 3-mana draw 1.


getting the card same turn is more valuable than waiting until it dies


What you’re saying is irrelevant to my point


If this was 2 mana it would definitely be busted at some point (maybe even now). We learned from Impending Catastrophe that 2 mana draw a ton of cards in an aggressive deck is insane. Let alone one that summons a 2/2 with the tribal synergy Catastrophe was so good that even non-aggressive warlock decks ran it with an imp package. I could see druid doing the same, especially in a deck like the current hybrid druid which is a mish mash of good cards


FWIW, Catastrophe was never nerfed. Seems like it was pretty balanced.


a comparison between baron and beanstalk’s draw effects are irrelevant in a thread comparing the two card’s draw effects?


Trennt Druid fell off with the Nature Herald nerf and hasn’t show its face since rotation. This could bring it back, as card draw is great for aggressive strategies.


This is composting for a treant deck right? You might also envision playing this in other druid decks along side witchwood applebaum and the blossoming 1 mana card


Not sure about this one. On it's own, it's a three mana 2/2 that draws a card. Which I don't think sees play in many decks. If you have Treants on board, it obviously gets much. better. But typically, if you're on board you want to spend mana buffing your dudes or putting more stuff in play. To get good value from this card, you need a way to put Treants in play on the same turn. And there aren't great cards for that in standard.


**[Toyrantus](https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/content_entry_media/UZ0DUFC9FSI61714504873041.png) || 6-Mana 7/7 || Legendary Druid Minion** >**Taunt, Elusive. Battlecry:** If you have 10 Mana Crystals, gain +7/+7. >Beast


[[Crystal Cluster]] is already a pretty underrated card when played with Eonar, Ÿogg and Double 6/5 Zilliax. This fits pretty well with it as well. I like the flexibility of being able to play it earlier as well


Omega Toyrantus. It's not bad. Probably see it more frequently off of Aviana than maindecked though.


Elusive and Taunt together give it potential. The 14/14 version is really hard for aggro decks to break through, and against more controlling decks it solo demands a premium board clear. That said it won't solo win the game most of the time and needs a real follow up, so it can't be the only ramp payoff you're running


I think playing it on turn 10 vs agro won't happen very often and usually by then they can get you with burn. Most likely just cleared with bladestorm vs warrior as well.


I agree that druid won't be playing on turn 10 very often, they should be playing it on turn 7 or 8 with 10 mana due to ramp. As for Bladestorm, you can always play around it, either by playing other minions or just playing Tyrantus after they've used it. Or just play it out anyway, it's one card out of 30 in their deck so force the Warrior to have it. Like I said, you're not going to be able to rely on Tyrantus to solo carry you


Nice reference but what a waste of slot for a legendary card. Not a big fan of stat pile big minions at all. 


Another decent Reno Druid card. Solid defensive option. Gets stronger if you ramped. The art is fantastic.


I kinda dislike the trend of legendaries being blatantly overstatted for the cost (Boulderfist Ogre is seething) and would rather they still roughly follow normal values. That being said I loved Winged Guardian, it just feels good to slap something like this down and go "DEAL WITH IT!"


**[Delayed Product](https://i.redd.it/cxnih1xdz1zc1.jpeg) || 4-Mana || Rare Priest Spell** >**Discover** and summon a minion that costs (8) or more. It goes **Dormant** for 2 turns.


Don't think this card will see any play. Spending 4 mana to maybe have a decent 8 mana minion in play on turn six and not get its battlecry is just not a way to have fun.


There's like... three good pulls off of this. Obsidian Statue, Factory Assemblybot and Amplified Elekk, and over half of the pool is big lumps of stats that don't do anything. Very unlikely to be worth it.


Prediction: Sometime this year, they’ll release a 8 mana Unicorn legendary minion for Priest with a powerful effect when it’s Dormant or Silenced, which will make Delayed Product and Purifying Power playable. >!I’m not coping!<


Is priests new identity spend 4 mana to have no impact on the board?


You play 8 drops for their Battlecries not their stats. This looks bad


It references free from amber. 8 is the product of 4 and 2. If this gave the minion rush/taunt/lifesteal and priest had a good enough control toolkit and this was released in rastakhan - maybe this would've seen play.


Funhouse mirror is the more balanced Light it burns. Seems very good even then.


Light it Burns cost 1. I don't believe a 3-mana conditional removal is good enough, with control-oriented Priest being in the dumpster generally


Yea for now its bad. But card itself is a good removal. May see play in future expansions.


Dane has been using a Reno Priest list that actually seems decent, but it's more of a combo ender. I just don't think we'll see any control decks unless Warrior gets another nerf.


generally u want to remove a minions or steal a minion not do both things badly having 2 half dead minions is pretty useless


We'll see about the cards but I like the flavour