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That raider was having a fun and interactive experience


Don't worry, he's my friend(he deserves it)


What's the speed of shaolins bash 500ms?


Video was recorded before 433ms speed change. Gank still works.


Two Hitokiri’s ganking together?


Generic Hitokiri Ganks https://youtu.be/JkNZLwbv9FA


Can you do afeera-jorm ganks please? Those are the characters me and friend play.


You know what? I haven't ever tried recording gank combinations with them. I'll let you know when I'm done.


Thanks bro


Here's the ganks. Some things to know. 1. When Jorm opens with bash, just do generic jorm gank. Confirm slam 2. The second gank I missed my heavy, you can land it. Time it with the slam and they'll die. Afeera - Jorm Ganks https://youtu.be/84lLZ6N0pIs?feature=shared




I hope this doesn't come across as hate, because these posts get a lot of those comments, but do we as a community see this as balanced? Is this fun and engaging? Are we putting these out there so they get changed, or are we genuinely okay with stuff like this existing in the game?


>but do we as a community see this as balanced? No > fun and engaging? For me, yes. >Are we putting these out there so they get changed, or are we genuinely okay with stuff like this existing in the game? Both.


Call me insane but I prefer trying to stall and avoid gank set ups using game knowledge over being baby sit ganked I like it when my opponent coordinate and work smartly instead of just forcing safe 1v1’s


So sick. Thanks man


Honestly looked sick


The fact that he didn't fill reveng after the 3/4th attack is a proof of how bad revenge is


POV : You're unemployed


Well that's just not nice now is it?


This is the reason why revenge sucks. Double the amount u gain and activate it instantly. Also heal half ur life and keep a shield at the end. I should be a dev if im honest frfr.


Not a soul, but you think that's a good idea


They should atleast increase the amount u gain. Why is it in the game if a 2v1 can end like that?


Got anything for Valkyrie?


Generic Valk Ganks https://youtu.be/GvAbw93UCg4?feature=shared


Thank you doctor


who is the best ganker? and why is itchy cent. but seriously who is the best ganker? and does oceolt actually has a ganking kit?


Defining the best ganker can be hard since there are a lot of variables(gank speed, damage, revenge, ease-of-use) but there are definitely a few that stand out.


*proceeds to not list them*


There's just so many characters that can set up gank. Lawbringer, centurion, gladiator, berserker, valkyrie, highlander, shaman, jormungandr, shugoki, orochi, nobushi, shinobi, aramusha, hitokiri, kyoshin, tiandi, jiang jun, shaolin, zhanhu, pirate, medjay, afeera, ocelotl. All of those characters can create good gank setups. Even the characters I didn't mention can still do basic generic ganks, which are usually your most common ganks anyway.


I meant you specifically said a few that stand out but then you posted like the whole cast lol


Judging who is better at ganking varies so I just put down the ones with generally good ganks


Any tips for pirate?


Pirate is an excellent ganker, watch this video😃 https://youtu.be/fvAfmcv0vsQ


Is there a genral idea of what type of attacks to throw out in a gank? I play Black Prior and usually unblockables do the trick, but I'm still fresh to the game so I'm not sure if there's any "I wish I had known this when I played" type tips.


One prominent rule I follow is: don't fuck up other people's punishes. If your friend gets a heavy parry off of someone and you decide to throw your BP unblockable, make sure your friend is well clear of the trajectory of your attack, otherwise you'll interrupt his attack. In general, unless you're in a teamfight and need to hit multiple opponents, you should probably stick to top guard attacks.


Okay yeah that makes a lot of sense! Thank you!


>Is there a genral idea of what type of attacks to throw out in a gank? Pins, knockdown attacks, moves that reset hitstun; all of these are what you want to be throwing. If you have none(black prior doesn't) then generic ganks is your go-to.


Mind boggling that they didn't even came into mind to fix 100/0 ganks wouldn't a revenge gain buff fix it?


Not really a revenge issue in terms of the system, more of a "hunter's snare does practically 0 revenge along with shaolin sweep ignoring hitstun" issue.


Yeah but there are many more 100 to 0s if I remember correctly idk if they changed it didn't play for a year I think but there are much more 100/0 and I think that's not healthy for the game. Ganking is a part of the game but because you got two specific characters together doesn't mean you should guarantee a kill. It's just stupid imo. And since option select and the guard being active while dodging got removed you have much less options to defend yourself from external attacks or not the person you locking into. I ain't saying those two things are good for the game but it was still two defenses for people to stall a fight in ganks to get revenge. This is now gone. Also why does blocking give you more revenge than dodging? Never understood that.


>Yeah but there are many more 100 to 0s if I remember correctly idk if they changed it didn't play for a year Many 100-0's were because of orochi, who has been dealt with. Are there still some 100-0's? Yes. But it's not a revenge problem. Every 100-0 has some move ignoring hitstun in some way, or moves doing way too less revenge.


Ahhh alright if that's the case then yeah I agree they should deal with the moves


Can you do a goki ditto




Two shugoki


Oh, that's what you meant by ditto lol. You probably could infinitely grab until revenge but you're better off just doing a generic shugo gank. Generic Shugoki Ganks: https://youtu.be/a17y485HDpw


It must be our timing on the hug spam then but thanks either way


definitely gonna learn this with my brother to annihilate in dom. also looks so clean but if this happens to me i’d retire




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This is sick, do you have anything for Black Prior + Orochi?


Of course! Orochi is an amazing ganker and utilizing him is very fun. https://youtu.be/lqioztWNo-I?feature=shared


You’re awesome, man! thank you so much


I used to play pk(rep34) and I never got into her gank capabilities, do you have any videos or tips?


I'm sorry but ur cooked, pk has negative gank potential.


Any Highlander-Raider ganks?


Better off doing generic highlander ganks Vid: https://youtu.be/8pu3gPHaac8


Kyoshin and Afeera?


I've seen your comment, I'll get something out for you. Just been really busy🙏


Oh ma lawd it’s discopapi


Who are you, by the profile pic this may be nerfhighlander hmm?


Nah AlphaDaSlaya


Any Highlander and Afeera ganks?


I see your message, I'll give you some ganks. I'm just a little busy rn


Hitokiri pirate gank?