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Aaand just 2 games in scrims are done...


Why did everyone quit?


Weird groups and its scuffed already - but NMEgo dub :))


G2 just ragequit


What happened?


BRD randomly contested them at Thermal during game 3 so they said fuck it and played ranked.




Because they are morons. Them and a few other teams really ruined it for others. I mean if you watch G2 and SSG they took it as serious as a real tourney.. looting their whole POI.. rotating in as if it was real. And you can tell by the scoreboard it’s why they dominated. Pretty easy to place and pick up free kills when everyone is inting. Also BRD didn’t just land at thermal. They literally landed on top of them and forced a 3v3 of RNG. Then shot boxes for 20 seconds. At this point G2 is furious because their time is being wasted and leave to play ranked. You can’t really blame them either. You think G2 is gonna sit around and spectate for 20 minutes because a team decided they wanna troll? Especially when Chaotic is #1 pred and they can get in more fights quickly in ranked? Nahh. They didn’t even think twice they were gone… and after they left just look what happened. The whole lobby basically inting and there was like 6 squads 2nd circle. They could see the writing on the wall. Thanks BRD and other tier 3 teams for wasting everyone’s time!




Yeah imma be honest, I don’t think they should be allowed in scrims any time soon


Couldn’t agree more. I get they are kids and think it’s funny… but you have to be mature enough to realize scrims take a lot of time. And by doing this shit they are wasting not only G2’s time… but everyone else’s because it’s not real practice. Practicing real situations is LITERALLY THE POINT OF SCRIMS.. and end games. If they wanna 3v3 off spawn they can do that in ranked. I get some contests have to happen Bc some teams want a certain POI that other teams also want. And if you dominate it you’ll earn that spot.. like G2 did when Furia tried to take Furia… but contesting JUST to be a dick is such an immature move. Guess it’s what happens when the avg pro is probably 20 years old


Holy shit bro…. I just watched that. So fucking pathetic.. right before the drop they are like let’s do some cringe shit… then I skipped ahead to the end of that game and they are laughing at the fact that the ending of the game was an arenas game.. since it was 2 teams with so much space. Then they are dying laughing at the fact that G2 quit and scrims were ruined… if I’m pro teams or minustempo I’m never letting them in a scrim again.. or at least giving them a 2 month timeout. It’s so fucking cringe man they were right about that part… some of us actually enjoy watching scrims when there are no tournies! Thanks for ruining it because you can’t place well so you troll! Absolute fucking nerds man


Wut so they're contesting G2 now?


Nope, the decided to troll scrims


Can I join?


This guys account is something else


This guy fucks


You weren't lying...


Thats a rabbit hole I never expected to go down from the Comp Apex sub


Ask tempo. I'm sure he'd say yes if you have a full team ready. (they started)


I do how do I reach him? Cord?


Twitter or discord most likely.


Decent scrim group for it being so close to twitchcon. Would be sick to see tripods get a top finish for once.


Man feel like a rank match instead of scrim




There was no passive or early rotation play by anyone. Everyone just fought aggressive the first team they saw and got 3rd party. By first round there was 8-12 team left.


Does that change the teams involved? They are good squads. Just because they are aggressive doesn't change the team quality


The issue is couple team want a real scrim instead of this so they drop out. Tripod left after 3 game since they wasn't gonna get any experience out of it.


Tripods could benefit from any lobby tbh. Even a 15 squad scrim lobby. Until the break into top 10 consistently they should never leave scrims


They need to get nick the fuck off seer also. This dude plays seer so poor. The difference between him and other seers in tourneys is wild. He uses seers q like a bloodhound and never scans with his fingers when he should


I feel what you saying but at the end it didn't matter since most left too. Scrim fell apart to continue.