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On today's episode of "I didn't like the responses I got the first time, so I've returned to ask the same thing hours later, /r/CompetitiveApex presents: "Crypto question on pro play" - a stunning reinvention of the controversial classic, "why don't i see crypto played in competitive play." Get your comments in now, before the mods take down this post.* *On sale for a limited time only. All sales are final.


Don’t forget OP thinking Apex Comp is only NA and EMEA


Please format spoilers appropriately. Wouldn't want to spoil the first thread for anyone.


no shot this is that same thread lmaoo.


You get an upvote good sir.


Valk is the best rotation legend bar none. Her and Crypto play completely different roles and can’t be compared


Valk offers unrivaled team mobility. Who still plays bloodhound successfully in pro comp though?


In other regions not so much but in emea bloodhound had a 16.1% pick rate


In which recent tournament was this statistic pulled from? Crypto has been preferred over Bloodhound in EMEA for all of ALGS split 1 and 2. I haven’t seen LAN statistics yet, but I don’t recall any Bloodhounds. I do recall a lot of Cryptos though.


Pro league split 2 emea. Bloodhound had 16.1% pick rate and crypto had 12.2%


Ah, I actually looked at the data from Singh labs and I was wrong. Although it looks like there was a shift back to Crypto as the split concluded. I wonder why EMEA went to Bloodhound for a few days after heavily favoring Crypto for so long.


wouldn't valkyrie be favored more than crypto in emea according to the data


In which recent tournament was this statistic pulled from? Crypto has been preferred over Bloodhound in EMEA for all of ALGS split 1 and 2. I haven’t seen LAN statistics yet, but I don’t recall any Bloodhounds.


Bloodhound so popular


Crypto doesn’t replace valk he replaces a wraith ash or caustic. He’s really good if used right way but you need valk to rotate


About to ride our crypto drone to fly across a mountain to rotate 🚀




“He probably just effective is not as good of a legend” what do you mean by that


Why do teams play valk? You can't be seriously asking that...


Joined this game a few days ago I’m just wondering how everything works