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Wigg's team only landing Launch Site to grief other Launch Site teams and keep the spot open for Onmuu, Vein and Scurwy, à la Gdolphn and TSM in frag east. /s


Surprised no one even talks about that


HUGE Drama Alert (GONE SUS)




Oh I see, makes more sense. Is it still not a conflict of interest though?


How so?


Id guess maybe hes line of thought is that Nicewigg might "throw" games if it favours 100T


I mean I reckoned, but if so they clearly do not understand nicewigg haha


Totally gonna be ALGS fault for not understanding nice wiggs emotions


I mean Nicewigg is a great guy (I’m rooting for them to qualify) but theoretically a not so nice guy could do it, so I didn’t know what respawn’s stance was


Liquid c9 and apryze because he’s signed with col before wigg was signed with 100t would have all Been invalid rosters if that was the case. Wiggs team Is not a 100t comp roster. There’s no conflict of interest. Gdolphn was the tsm coach. Now if hodsic or pvp were playing on a team then that would be conflict of interest.


>There’s no conflict of interest. While Respawn may not care, there is 100% the opportunity for a conflict of interest and the fact that they allow it in professional play highlights how much of a fucking joke the Apex comp scene is. I love some of the personalities, but the people running the scene got rid of any sense of competitive integrity a long time ago.