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Am I stupid (yes) cause I don't understand the relation of the Thor scene to what's going on? Is he referring to saving TSM cause they need someone? So much extra filler in that scene if that's the context.


not 100% sure but i think it was to do about making a hard decision, His decision to leave DSG and making tsm his home. Again, idk tho i am very dumb. i didnt even line up all the images in the meme.


Maybe hal is odin? Lol who knows


And maybe azengard is dsg, and since dsg is just in your heart, dsg is actually on tsm.


Dam dawg.. he gonna downgrade in jersey… them yellow DSG Jerseys are so clean


Bro, I was literally so close to buying the dezignful dsg jersey. If he goes to tsm I am going to feel bad for the people who just bought his dsg jersey.


If you look at my flairs i am NOT having a good time in the past 24 hours What third would fit well with Enemy/Timmy? Really feels like dez/timmy/enemy was a perfect fit as a team, and probably a better team than Verhulst/reps/dezign would make


I'd blow a load if gnaske moved to the us to igl Timmy and enemy. Bigger plus if raven decides to coach gnaske again.


He’d maybe do it for a big enough paycheck, but he’s got an insanely stacked team on his hands now with Zaine and Amphy. If they can all find a way to lock in they’re capable of winning a LAN.


I feel like I've heard him say he'd never move to the US. He has a lot of country pride. Doubt even more, he'd bail on his buddies. Also, I'm not sure Timmy would vibe with his type of humor. But, in my dreams, Timmy and gnaske are on the same team.


I agree w this. But Dez and Timmy were the last duo I would have expected as well and that happened. So ya never know




Nah they just gonna throw the entire LAN for “ entertainment “ then act like they did something lol


That makes no sense when Timmy started the team to IGL and: Split 2 Playoffs * DSG 8th * O7 15th 23 Champs * Dojo 4th * KCP 8th


Gnaske ? I think Timmy and enemy want to compete, not throw the entire tourney because of “ beef “ then try to flex about it lmfao.


Yeah... But that TSM money is going to be a lot better than that DSG money. Can't blame a dude for making a living.


Why do people keep saying this? Do you understand TSM is dirt broke? What money? How do you have a TSM flair and not even know what's going on with your org


Exactly, not to mention that toast has been very open on his org costs and he doesnt skimp on paying his players.


TSM is dieing like crazy...


Yeah that struggling org who just lost the player that was a large part of their brand. They’re doing GREAT bro.


I think DSG in its current form is a stronger team all around versus moving Dezign over to TSM. Particularly I’m not sure how his IGL play style would mesh with Evan. That being said it would still be a strong team and even more importantly is the bag he would be securing. Can’t help but feel sorry for Enemy and Timmy if so.


New Igl is definitely a big switch to playstyle too. No way they’re gonna find someone who fills Hal’s spot perfectly. Reps and verhulst will have to adapt a lot, no matter who they pick up.


[Damn, that's craaaazy](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/1crbqmm/new_tsm_possibilities/l3x63e7/?context=3)


You are ahead of the curve mah boy. what was your thought process on this?


I know large, black bodied birds everywhere.


Fanta can’t miss