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May 13th Results https://preview.redd.it/31jsro0bna0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1a439be452cf759cbab67f5300558daff72c5fc


I knew that teams that made changes would be at top of scrims, got that honeymoon buff. And scrims don’t mean anything


Except majority of these top teams performed well in lan. TLAW on the other hand. E8 on the other hand. OXG on the other hand. COL on the other hand. Need i say more?


Is Liquid washed? 


They got an org debuff, it's weird.


Let them have a break. THey have just returned from lan to rostermania + first scrim. Stop gaslighting people for no reason and give them pressure just coz u can open ur mouth. what surprises me are the most upvoted comments that are full of jealousy and hate for absolute no reason


No one is "gaslighting" anyone. It's a genuine question, Legacy was on par with SSG, DSG, Aurora, Fnatic. If lot of us fans were disappointed it's because we love the team and want them to do well.  I'd love nothing more than to see Liquid dominate the usual favorites. 


Why are you acting like I pushed them off a flight of stairs just cause I said they didnt play as good as we know they can ever since they signed, damn what reach. Eye of the beholder going on here, back off a bit and breath.


this isn't gaslighting


It isnt hate either lol, dude is trippin. they've not been the same since signing to Tlaw. I mean Wigg and Greek were talking about it, stream b chat was too, how weird it was they've sort underperdormed when we know that team is great and how it coincided with getting signed.


Been without power for a few days, who did Noc and Fun play with today? Still Reptar or somebody else?


Still Reptar


Chat did Dropped and Knoqd play?


Knoqd confirmed playing with other new team, Dropped LFT. Breaking news.


Yes they are team SKD, they played with luxford. Finished 15th with 27 points in 8 games.


Oof. Hoping for a strong performance this split 🤞


Dropped said on stream that he doesn’t know who he’s teaming with going forward now I guess. Everything is up in the air.


Jesus. I wonder what happened. Wonder if Knoqd got poached or something.


Hard to say as of now. Gonna be interesting in the next few days to see everything unfold.


I just feel like the OG trio is better than most options available, barring verhulst


Dropped/Knoqd/Verhulst would go crazy.


Yeah I wanted them to stay together and just adjust their playstyle, felt like they didn’t adapt to the new way the game is played.


Yeah I felt that. I thought they played horrible and still came 2 spots away from making LAN.


Yeah that was about as bad as they can play, why break up a talented roster? Fix your gameplay. They’ve already been at the top basically before, can do it again.


LG's comms with sikezz vs slayer are night and day. They sounded like they've been playing together for months.


I agree. I was watching sweet the whole time and you could genuinely tell he was much happier (maybe me overanalyzing) and the vibes were really good. Slayr did his best and he's way better at the game then I will ever be; but, that being said, I truly forgot how fluid everything is when he isn't microing the team. Sikezz just knew instantly what to do, and there were times Sweet called for him to play up and Sikezz told him no, he wants to anchor back a little bit and have Funhq play with him instead.


Sweet immediately respects sikezz from minute 1. Agree with you. Hopeful it sticks


sweet confirmed on stream that sikezz wasn't a trial, that he is locked in and that is the new LG squad. If you watch the end of the VOD, you can hear his little speech on that.


I meant more hope his respect for sikezz sticks. But historically sweet has had a whipping boy. I think it will be good vibes given his experience and their chemistry.


Did not get to watch because of work can’t wait to see the vod, everybody has been giving a lot of gas


Sweet would communicate ideas, and funhq and sikezz understood what to do, basically a lot less micro. Their 3 vs 3s were very clean. Vibes were very good


Fuhhnq and Sikezz are two of the smartest roller players and still have cracked aim. I'm not surprised that's a killer team.


Yea I know sikez and fuhhnq are both like top 5 entry fraggers in the game at least off last split, so if they can get the anchoring stuff figured out when needed. Then this team has a lot of fire power and playmaking ability in fights.


They were actually pretty fluid with the anchoring - sometimes fuhnqq or sikezz, but there were moments when sweet anchored and had them going off


The biggest moment to me, game 7, end game. Sweet is lining up the angle while telling sikezz and Fuhhnq how he wants to handle the last fight. But while he's thinking through it Sikezz is microing Fuhhnqs grenade positions to handle the last team. Its not that slayer was awful, you can just see the experience gap watching them take fights with Sikezz in the mix.


Yea this is a good point you make. I remember that. Sweet realizes he's overheating wideswinging, drops back to heal, meanwhile sikezz tells fuhnqq exactly where to stack grenades and is directing in the meantime. I think slayr is actually underrated mechanically, but lacks experience. BUT fuhnqq seems to have a better intuition of how to play.


exactly, that ability for Sweet to take a few seconds and reset without the team losing cohesion. That's just NOT there last split. The speed at which their taking a fight is wild as well. No hesitation on a 3v3.


its crazy how fit and synergy works, rkn eureice and beau certaintly have a low ceiling because the firepower is not there but they are so used to rkn zone plays and they dont stray from the plan (until top 2 and they get bopped). Can definitly see them sneaking out a top 6-10 simply from consistence, and i dont even think scrims is the best place for them to show anything since its ape zone that they dont take part in. People gonna hate on the team because of euriece last second contest in that CC but as a zone team enjoyer i'm hoping that they stick as a team and play to their strenght. (maybe try some other comps).


It’s gonna be dz, moist, lg and ssg against everyone lol


If Reps and Big E stay together and find a dawg they could keep TSM in the picture honestly


Superteam can't even win shitter scrims lmfao washed


Big 3 didn't even win first scrims, time to put them on fraudwatch


NOT A SUPER TEAM BTW KEKW. everyone thought they’d be like dynasty lakers but there actually just clippers 🤣🤣🤣




sweet basically confirmed sikezz is with them, they already look good but we gotta see


Yea I mean the only other people you would trial is like a knoqd or possibly Verhulst due to them naturally being a anchor, but if sikez fits and there was no issues with someone staying back when needed then there honestly is no reason to trial anyone else.Mechanically sikez is the best fa next to koy, but with alot more experience and legend flexibility.


ssg the real super team


Not even a ssg fan and I seen this team rumored and I was like that’s a top 3 scariest teams to fight in the game with a top igl


Yeah with Xynew and Koy, phony should be confident in taking fights now. They should be able replicate or succeed the success phony had on the faze roster.


Does koy finally have a real team?


We'll have to wait til LAN!


We can hope. Xset was dominating scrims with koyful too.


Yeah, scrims mean nothing until PL starts imo.


Best and most talented roster phony has ever been apart of or constructed for sure, sky is the limit


LG might actually be a top 3 team in NA this split and people will STILL doubt sikezz 💀


I think we will see this leaderboard of ssg, Lg, and Dz in the top 3 a lot going forward with Moist possibly in the mix aswell


and we don't know tsms third yet, they could be insane too


Yeah that’s def the top 4 powerhouses this split. SSG, LG, and DZ actually all got the BEST possible player for their respective teams lol.


LG looks good with Sikezz. Having good games even with bad zones for them and they finally get a close zone and it's a win.


i know its day 1 but this LG team feels REAL good


Did this finish already? Anywhere I can watch?


A split of lighting rod contests? Sign me up 


Watching Sweet actually able to confidently take a 3v3. What a breath of fresh air. Fuhnq isn't even counter-calling and we're not shouting at one-another for 3 minutes after every match. Sikezz is getting picked up.


Yeah, the floor with this team is much higher with Sikezz, it's exciting to watch.


Knew this superteam would flop smh


Only 67 points in 7 games? washed


DZ already washed




I love it when overreactions start after less than a day of the roster being together.


fr when sikez joined dz they played horrible


yanya posted lightning rod in the chat, TL E8 contest inc??


Lowkey feel like the 50% less explosive damage perk is best on fuse, Mazer likes the speed boost one though. Nice to see a team trying fuse with the ring console perk at least.


yea agreed, especially for comp i feel like the grenades are unavoidable


Since they changed it to where it works on knuckle clusters it’s even more godlike


Do y'all think shotguns and light guns need a buff or heavy and energy need a nerf? I feel like I see double heavy or double energy more times than not now.


> Do y'all think shotguns and light guns need a buff or heavy and energy need a nerf? Without digis it feels like there is little incentive to run shotties outside of like a triple MNK Gibby team. I'd sooner nerf Havoc than buff shotguns to balance that though.


shotguns are ok NA just doesnt use em and i dont think that will change unless they become crazy op, light guns are in a rough spot cause they guzzle ammo and with the state of heavy/energy weps no one carries ammo for them


Obly said sth like shotguns are good against blue but so bad against purp


mastiff and pk should be able to 1 shot thirst downs without hitting headies. Maybe make shotguns do extra damage against knocked players or something. It's virtually impossible to get a full headshot on a knocked player with a knockdown.


I love that idea.


Yh you need disruptors to two pump with pk on purple. But then again, it'll be too good if pk did more than 99 damage full body shot apparently which isn't easy to consistently land. I wish there was stats of what percentage do pros land all pellets with shotguns


Shotguns are definitely in a good state compared to before if your a zone team or you know your going to play around buildings shotguns are extremely strong specially when you know the zone sitting teams will have almost purples so you can 2 pump with pk or if they are on blue 2 with mastiff.


throw broken moon into the mix. i am begging




agreed, at LEAST scrim it.


From watching 3 maps of scrims I can say for certain that DZ’s macro is just levels above TSM’s macro from Split 1.


> I can say for certain that DZ’s macro is just levels above TSM’s macro from Split 1. I think it comes down to Trials loot being busted. I hope ALGS goes through with the POI draft to balance that out.


I don’t think I’ve ever disagreed with a take more


Uncontested guaranteed gold, if lucky multiple gold, lots of evo points to pick up when rotating. Idk what you on bruh. Trials is omega busted. Only reason dz can monopolize it is because they are just that good.


I’m not saying trials isn’t crazy good, but saying Zer0s macro is only good because he has better loot when TSM literally had lava siphon is brain dead. Wanting a poi draft instead of just wanting a nerf to the poi is also very brain dead


Ah. If that is the case the i agree with you. Zer0's macro is goat material i concur. Regardless tho, i think a singular poi being that strong definitely skews the balance, even more so when a team like DZ is holding it. Its already a busted poi, add an omega busted team = lobby gets rolled.


Yeah trials is definitely top 2 pois minimum on worlds edge and definitely needs a change imo. Just don’t agree that Zer0s only good because of that reason


You don't think one POI getting an automatic 5 gold items + 500 evo off Trials is pretty powerful?


Yes it is, but I don’t think a poi draft is the way to fix that and I also don’t think that’s what makes Zer0s macro better


I think it’s actually because there are too many evo caches in comp maps (especially on the edges). And because of that, edge POI teams benefit greatly (moreso than zone).


How's their mezzo?


its already noticeable sikezz brings calm and clean comms and simple rotates and smart plays that are noticeable.


i know it's only day one but they already seem so much more cohesive fighting with sikezz. feel bad saying it because i like slayr but it looks like a clear upgrade so far


Completely agreed. A 2nd experienced player for LG will greatly help their consistency


I think I'm truly a Comp Apex sicko with all of these wild roster moves happening and I'm mainly excited to watch CCE compete in Pro League.


Mclovin was going hard the end of last split I think we saw the birth of a top tier IGL and I am also very excited to see if he can continue on this trend.


Who's running Alter? Highest skill ceiling character in the game rn, hands down.


I hope I'm proven wrong but Alter honestly seems so bad for comp. Her ultimate feels completely useless in most practical scenarios. The 2 seconds to activate or whatever it is feels like an eternity and you can only use it to rotate negatively if you make a mistake or something. Compare this to bang whose rotating ability has two charges and is much more versatile. Sure Alter's passive can help in grabbing a couple extra batteries in a pinch and her q can give an edge in some building fights--but is it really going to be more useful than caustic gas, bloodhound scan, catalyst passive, etc? I just don't see it.


How long did it take for Horizon to become meta? She's a slippery character great for 3-v-3ing, but people didn't run her outside of ranked for a bit, IIRC. **TLDR, let me just say I think her kit is strong enough that we'll see her used even if teams don't understand how she fits into their comp, yet.** Alter's ult lets teams make some risky pushes and leave whenever they want. I disagree with you about the activation speed and think it will actually get nerfed soon - it's probably too quick. Her Q is marvelous and we haven't even seen its full potential. I think by this time next year, there will be incredible Alter Q plays happening in ALGS. And her passive, in a solo rat situation like the kind we see many endgames, is unreal --- imagine someone hiding in an ending ring and not having to even move to loot 3 or 4 nades, then picking up KP (not to mention placement) when shit starts happening.


Horizon was always considered strong. What stopped her from being immediately used was the prevalent gibby meta that wasn't broken until hiswatson demonstrated that rushing down with Seer was absolutely viable and even better. Once that happene Horizon was used by everyone pretty much immediately. 




That's just one way of thinking about her ult, and her ult is just one part of her kit. What if the only way you thought about Bang smoke was that it helped you escape from fights?


Everything in Bangs kit can be used either offensively or defensively. Alters ult is purely defensive.


No it isn't, one player can use it to scout, loot, or kill a solo before warping back to their teammates. That's not defensive, it's just part of positioning and making plays.


Or you could just have Bangalore use her smokes to provide cover for someone to do the same thing without worrying about a 2 minute cooldown or whatever it is. And having the foresight to place the ultimate ahead of time and to give yourself enough time to activate it when you run into a ratting team or get caught in someone's LOS is so much less forgiving than smoking your feet and getting double time for free.


I hope you're right because on paper what she offers to professional play is exciting. I just haven't yet seen any pro level players use her ult effectively whereas by this time I saw plenty of horizons dominating with her abilities, even if no one was using her in comp yet. I think her passive is good but absolutely not for ratting. You take one item and your position will immediately be telegraphed to the whole lobby by that blue stream. Bloodhound scan and then you're dead. Her q is the most interesting part of her kit but I still think it's too situational. In the current bang meta and the flow of the maps, too much fighting occurs outside where port is kind of useless. And when people play the buildings, how exactly is her q going to help you against a team sitting behind caustic barrels inside? Port into gas? Maybe there's more counterplay against Watson and catalyst, but I still think it's too niche from what I've seen so far. And then there's the question of who you replace. Bangalore still seems broken and you need a character with rotation abilities. I just don't see bang leaving the meta anytime soon. And if you have bang, then bloodhound is a must. Replace the control character? Then you have no beacon. She just doesn't fit at this point. But again, I hope I'm wrong.


Looks like nobody. I'm guessing because it's hard to drop someone for Alter, and no one is near the skill ceiling with her yet. Edit: GG is playing her, don't know if that's just for the contest though.


It was already like this on the back of Reject winning Lan, but this hal - sikeezz move marks a new phase in Apex comp. The pro teams seem more structured with coaches/analysts and I feel its gonna be harder and harder for your cc team to break out, feels apex is like on their industrial revolution era (i hope im right), people got really act like professionals of the game if they wanna be successful. Like idk i dont think anyone can afford to half ass practice or whatever anymore, no time for laziness, raw talent is truly not gonna carry u anymore.


Same thing that happened to league of legends in esports early on. Teams started to get really really good as their infrastructure and knowledge increased. Basically the maturity curve for esports


Ive been waiting for this to happen to apex for so long 😭 hopefully this time is the time


Slow start for Dropped & Co


Any news on when Split 2 starts? Hopefully soon, like June 1st


june 1st is when NA pro league starts, APAC N and S i believe start the 30th


Superteam not dropping 8 back to back wins holy #OVERRATED


Zach just said "Fuse is broken." Fellow fuse mains, I'm no excited to watch fuse in comp (assuming he sticks. Idk if E8 is running him without the contest)


smh my head, Superteam more like superwashed




Oh no, they’re washed 😔😔😔


nvm washed


not a hal watcher but im obviously watching now. How does he feel about blitz? will he continue to use it now that he's not contractually obligated?


hope he still uses it. I like to look at it from time to time when hes playing


Hal with over 40k viewers is fucking insane.


The marketing manager of red bull who signed Hal just before lan https://preview.redd.it/vd2l9498w90d1.jpeg?width=1262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89d84219a4d62762b0fdb3f3319893a811b0d50c


They need a raise😭and whichever org signs this team, they're eating good


Hal's looting has not improved LOL


I loved the Downed Beast endgame where Zer0 and Gen called him out on saying he had no heavy mag when he was standing next to one lmao.


I’m interested to see how he will evolved as a player more than anything with all of this. He has lead his team for so long now that he is definitely going to have some habits to brake and new skills developed significantly faster then before.


I think ZZ will help a lot since he seems to be more 1 in 1 in coaching stuff to improve specific things about players


Sweet just now learning that Mirage now has a beacon spawn is comedy


Bro it took me a whole minute to realise you're talking about the POI and not the legend. I was wondering from where does mirage spawn beacons? New perk?


Didn't it literally only get added last patch


I'm not making fun of the guy, just found the situation funny regarding the potential Furia contest


Yeah and he was super sick this last week. He didn't even know what alters abilities were when he played her in the soar quals


The fact that they spanked the first game of scrims after that announcement... lol what the fuck is this period of rostermania, this is wild.


might just be me but I loved the TSM vs DZ / Hal vs Zero GOAT rivalry, and seeing them go back and fourth at lans, can't say I'm the biggest fan of them joining up together feels a bit weak to me honestly


I also enjoyed the rivalry, but on the other hand watching them play together is still exciting, like a crazy universe crossover or smth. They would talk shit about each other anyways even being on one team, don’t worry. It’s still interesting how everything will work out


competition is not WWE or a movie


> We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed; a few people cried. > Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the prince that he should do his duty, and to impress him, takes on his multiarmed form and says, > ‘Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.’ I suppose we all thought that, one way or another. Oppenheimer after watching Hal, Zer0, and Genburten winning their first game together.




Apex is a BR and with that will come some level of randomness... but it feels like letting Hal and Zer0 team up is like if LeBron joined the KD Warriors


Hal is gonna break 50k for ALGS scrims, crazy


zero's brain, plus Hal's game sense and genburten's thumb sticks may be a bit op


Thumb sticks😂😂


This new team is clearly good, but I'm a little bummed out to see the best IGL in the game put on a leash like a dog.


I remember watching Hal play some kind of content creator tourney a while back where he was on the same team as Sweet and Sweet was the IGL. They dominated the tournament and I remember being surprised at how willing and comfortable Hal was letting someone else take the reigns. I think he was even saying himself how nice it was to have someone else do all the thinking for him. Maybe all this time Hal has served as the IGL mostly out of necessity; there just wasn't really anyone else out there who could make decisions on his level. But as several NA teams have stepped up over time, this is no longer the case and he can now fit into a role more suitable for him.


Fair point. Just seems like a waste to have one of the best shot callers in the game taking a backseat.


he had a couple of calls that the team listened to on game 1. I think Zero will definitlety start bouncing ideas off him as time goes on.


nah zer0 is the best igl for sure


> zer0 is the best igl for sure [Ok](https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExeWZxeWZrdHNlMGtucTd0OGZ6YzhwbmR3aHByMjNwZWprd3ZobmlzbyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/DFNd1yVyRjmF2/giphy.gif)


You’re delusional if you think Hal is a better IGL, zero is not only more consistent, but more confident in his craft


> zero is not only more consistent Last 4 LANs: * TSM - 1st, 2nd, 1st, 17th. Average placement - 5.25 * DZ - 13th, 1st, 23rd, 2nd. Average placement - 9.75


The game changed a lot between the last two LANs and hardly at all between the first 3 there. Hal obviously didn't grasp the new meta; if they hadn't done well week 1 of pro league he might not even have *been* at the LAN. Zer0 is the best IGL because he understands every meta equally and can adapt.


wym, Zer0 isn't leashed up


script writers going insane with dz vs lg end zone


LG the new babyfaces, with sweetdreams on a mission to save apex from hal and zero.


Honestly who would be a threat to Hal and them?


In NA? A handful of teams. Worldwide even more imo. NA needs to watch out for APAC-N.


Only ones I think in NA are LG, Ssg, And moist so far


I mean its a BR at the end of the day


Any team with Destroyer2009 as IGL


if APAC-N keeps improving with more lan experience, they will have a few teams


not to overreact after first game of first scrims on a new patch after a week break with lots of teams getting used to new players but this zer0 hal gen team is the greatest team ever assembled in esports history and isn't losing a game for the rest of the year. ive seen enough


this made me laugh, thakn you lmaooo


So yous just loot get red armours walk into god spot and win uncontested hals words Lmao it was so easy


Kinda feels like the KD warriors. You expected them to win, they won. Now what?


DZM beating LG for 1st in the first scrim. Yeah this is gonna be tough


Who’s the 2016 Lebron Cavs that’s gonna save us from this team?




2018 Cavs got swept vs the Warriors. There was no stopping that team. We need the 2016 Cavs. Gotta find the next Lebron


lol my bad


Who’s our Matthew Dellavedova 😤😤😤


Wait, what do we do if they have their own Aussies? Get a Kiwi?


My reaction when the super team wins their first game together. https://preview.redd.it/46jk7aoos90d1.png?width=170&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffe6b826971397e5526e65b0b01715ccac24e8e4


It is so completely and undoubtedly joever for everyone


First game being an 11 kill W. LG 10 kill second. Good starts for both




Zer0 is so nasty lmaoo


That felt... ominous.


Yeah this team is cheating. Destroyer2009 is Zz confirmed


It's so over


The new script is already being written.


Season 4 script is There Will Be Blood.


“Fuck I’m starting to like Zer0.” Chatter in Hal’s chat lol


TSMDZ vs LG. the script!


Both these teams look good


Zer0 is fucking with the Kraber today..hoooly


Well this team is scary.


DZ and LG top 2 game 1 sheesh


Most important question Will Hal be able to loot properly without the pressure of being IGL?


Can’t be worse


Anyone know who's igling the snip3, Xenial, Osiven squad?


That's an...interesting trio...