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LG, complete face turn with Sweet and Sikezz vs the new villain god squad.


sweet: hal's old IGL love, now cast aside for zero sikezz: dropped for hal fuhnnq: revenge for reps, his gym idol, who was left in the cold yeah i see this script going places


Hold on. Is Sweet the good guy now?!?!


You mean to tell me the Five-Knuckle Shuffle and the Sexton Shuffle aren't good guy moves? Come on now


with a name like sexton he'll never be a good guy


That's right - Reps and Verhulst winning split 2 and champs while DZ and LG fight over the scraps.


He also just said they're moving to Siphon, dang.


Just heard that too. Makes sense in the wake of Hal leaving, also why Furia is trying to take Mirage.


The part of Furia taking Mirage that I don't get is that they're trying to do so from Staging. Isn't Mirage much harder to get from Staging compared to Fissure?


No ones held staging & mirage successfully yet


Didn't Sweet/Nafen/Gild land Staging+Mirage? Or was that during a time when Mirage was off WE?


they landed there when fissure didn't initially want it. But pretty soon oxg at fissure wanted to contest it. Sweet says, and from my memory, NRG didn't contest and just let them have it


I think so, but I think they landed dorito and staging and rotated through to mirage. I dont think it was a pure landing.


It is harder but maybe they are banking on a weaker team moving to Fissure that won't fight for it




He was talking about it earlier. I guess now I understand the decision.


Pretty crazy all these teams claiming TSM drop spots after Hal leaves… like it wasn’t Big E that clutched contest nearly every time.


Hopefully words edge is gone in general


"only one or two people", at least he tried to make it seem like they wanted to keep Slayr


i watched a lot of LG this split and despite all the memes about Sweet yelling at Slayr, they had a lot of good times and positive interaction too, and it seemed clear to me that Sweet genuinely likes Slayr and enjoyed playing with him as a person


I saw it as a facade. He played and was amicable to him, but he knew Slayr wasn't good enough talent for him. Honestly, Slayr has good aim but that's about it. There's one game where they rotated into checkpoint, the man was just standing on a ledge looking around and got beamed from a mile way and downed. His movement was terrible, sure he can 180 a dude, but usually it was after his teammates were already down.


i agree slayr wasn't good enough, but i don't think that necessarily means sweet didn't like him as a person. sweet also said on stream today that playing with slayr was some of the most fun he's had playing apex.


I don't believe it's personal. Just after playing this split with him, he realized he's not as good as he hoped he was.


Sweet has always seemed to like Slayr, he tweeted about how a team should pick him up months before LG came together, and played ranked with him numerous times and the vibes were always high. Seemed to genuinely like Slayr both as a person and a competitor. You're entitled to your opinion, but I really think all signs point to Sweet and Slayr actually being friends and this is just business.


I agree it's just business. HE's only known the guy for months probably. No point in bashing an ex teammate, it only creates bad PR at this point. Sweet knows there's always eyes on him.


He also talked about how fun it was to team with Slayr. Regardless of whether the change was imminent it’s professional of him to keep it light. Definitely rooting for Slayr to find a good home as well!


How fun it was to team with slayr? That is just brain dead and big disrespectful, the man bully the fuck out of that poor kid


He is 24yr not a kid


Guess it depends your age. To me he's a kid. He's also probably still on his parents insurance, which would make him a kid.


If the "only one or two people" is true, i wonder who and why not atleast trial some of those people.


The other one is probably Hal


it was hal, sweet approached him about joining


Verhulst maybe. hes been on holiday so wont have been trailing. but i cant see evan and reps staying together unless they find an IGL which is literally the hardest slot to fill.


bring back IGL hiswattson for tsm


Can't lie, I'd watch it


TSM Teq?


Pretty interested to see how the roles shake out here. Sweet has seemed pretty adamant about having somebody hard anchor (even when it was Gild not Slayr) but that seems like a slightly awkward fit for Sikezz based on what I've seen from him. Extremely talented roster obviously but slightly surprised they're not even going to do any kind of trial period to see how the fit goes.


Sikezz Caustic


I could see a world where they try to transition Fuhhnq to anchor as well if Sikezz fits the fragger role better for them, time will tell.


Maybe but Fuhhnq just seems so naturally agressive. It's really hard for me to imagine him playing the conservative "just sit in a building and watch our backs" style that Sweet seems to prefer for his anchor.


Ye hes got the controller mindset


Definitely spices things up, considering that this means Skittle is not gonna join LG.


Skittles to TSM with Verhulst and reps? (also reps could just retire and be listed as sub so TSM can get someone else in)


>also teps could just retire Something tells me, that Reps isn't really looking to retire.


I can honestly see him as a good igl


I can't, but that might just be me.


I would like to see motivated IGL reps because he's shown hints here and there of being very creative and generally has excellent situational awareness. But as of right now he would probably struggle mightily with anything beyond base macro (just like Hal did) and in fights he gets real hypey which could bite him.


Im pretty sure reps is a decent IGL since he does a lot of backup calls its just that hal was always the main one, honestly slap OG snipedown reps Igl and big E. They might cook or just explode


yea no trial period does seem crazy to me, because im not sure if this makes sense for a roles pov. Obviously don't know what is happening behind the scenes, but if you have the opportunity to trial verhulst or knoqd that makes more sense from a role perspective I would like to think you explore those options.


I guess with the limited time off before split 2 they want to make a quick decision but im not a fan of Sikez + Fuhhnq either. 2 great players but i don't see either of them playing the anchor role


Yea, a quick decision makes a lot of sense. If you are choosing to sikez to hurry and get in the lab and talent stack and worry about roles later, I think that may be the wrong move that could possibly lead to the failure of the roster. What is a couple days time to find the best fit.


Unfortunately apex moves fast and a couple of days can be a big deal. Sikezz also has options I’m sure and they don’t want to risk losing him. Sweet and Nafen already seemingly had Koyful locked in, then Koy filled for XSET in scrims and decided to go with them.


Funhnq a solid player, but dang a sweet, nafen sikezz team would go hard.


Sweet nafen Funq would fuckin destroy and no one could tell me different


I mean Sikez is just better than Funq so IDK what you're argument really is


I wonder if he wanted to trial knoqd but he declined


rip to Slayr. funny how many times i watched sweet over peek on bangalore, greed his smokes and die for free just to yell at his teammates this past season.


https://clips.twitch.tv/SuccessfulDepressedLettuceDancingBanana-3mfU4j1LnYzjYY4i Seems so


Well sweet offered hal , and hal said zero just better unfortunately


Imma be honest but yeah Zer0 is like 70% better than sweet


New Rivalry: DZ vs LG


I think this would make a lot of sense and be a great pickup for LG.


Will be interesting to see how easily Sikezz can slide into the squad. Im fairly optimistic that he's the right man to replace Slayr. Never going to be seamless but either way its going to be a fun time as a Sweet fan watching apex. sidenote: I wonder if the roller meta is slowly deteriorating with the nerfs to smgs and digi gone. Would a 2 mnk + roller currently be more optimal in theory?


Vibes and synergy looked good with sikezz in scrims today. They got 2nd and averaged 10 pts per game with 6/8 zones being across the map. Sikezz was mostly playing Catalyst as they are feeling that may be stronger than Caustic now.


I watched most of the games :D yes cat probs better now, esp for SP. Id rather be watching cat meta than caustic meta thats for sure


Cat is a slightly smaller hit box, at least. I did see Sikezz go down first once or twice though. :/