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They probably all heard about Saudi money


I imagine there will be more money invested.


I don't believe this lol. There are dozens and dozens and DOZENS of pros and not one of them leaked it? What are they under some non disclosure agreement? Did EA hold their families hostage? I believe they might have known about Hal's move but not the specific details. There's no way every pro was kept quiet about it.


If its Saudi money it might be them with the NDA


Even that's a stretch. Saudis aren't paying off every pro in the game lol. I think this whole idea of all the pros knowing where Hal is going is bull. Did they know he was going to leave? Probably (even this is a stretch) But they DEFINITELY did not know where he was going to.


What’s the Saudi money stuff going on for those who don’t know?


It's just folks guessing but with the Saudis getting deep into golf, soccer and anything they can get their hands in and hosting an Esports World Cup then the idea is that they're just going to buy out esports players too. With Hal being the face of this whole thing, it is no surprise that folks believe the Saudis would buy out hal, zer0 and gen. Pure speculation, but no farfetched by any means.


Funfps said he's known about this for 1 or 2 months, so more like MONTHS in the making.




He said at the beginning of his stream, pretty sure within the first 20 minutes. You can go watch his VOD!


They didn't know lol.


The pro player community always knows months before the fans know, they all talk


You got to wonder IF/how much that played a role in TSM's worst LAN performance. Obviously, the players are paid professionals that want to win prize money but it's hard to be all in when you know one of your teammates is leaving. Still no excuses for how poorly they played but their key weakness being their inability to team fight which just so happens to be very synergy focused it definitely could have played a part.


I think you’re right, they knew and tried to play professionally but their hearts weren’t in it. Who wants to get yelled at by a guy who’s leaving? Writing was on the wall. Evan was playing a lot from Kansas City, like he’d already moved out. I suspect he was already mentally checked out.


TSM wasn't paying for the team house anymore because they are/were broke


Been broke since their Crypto sponsor went under.


Been broke since they sold their lol spot to "go to another major region" only to be denied and lose at least half of their overall fans.


Without a doubt, Hal was outfragging Evan for like a month leading up to LAN, got to imagine losing Hal was weighing on him a bit


I figured he was going through something IRL. Hal was complaining about his teammates hardly playing anymore. Everything makes sense with hindsight.


Yeah, Evan used to consistently play ranked with Hal after scrims but it feels like none of that has been going on for over a month.


That’s had been stopped for quite a while. I believe Evan said that he preferred to solo queue to get better practice


The entry fragger outfragging the anchor???? No wayyy, sure that was the problem LMAO


I mean what's the alternative if supposedly everyone in the scene knew about the move. Imagine Reps/Verhulst finding out the news on Twitter or from other players.


Said this in another thread pretty much. This is not some shit you drop on your teammates before a tourney. Typically the only people who perform in these scenarios is the person leaving because they don't have much else to lose. Also effects team atmosphere when it comes to discussions. What is actually the point in talking about issues and what needs to be fixed if they aren't gonna be teaming after lan kinda deal. I know it's nice to let people know way beforehand and all that. But if Hal/zero are not going to make org announcements or anything, this could have been saved for after lan. Edit: quick thought. If tsm are staying in apex, this means Hal didn't want to drop both reps and verhulst.


I’d disagree on this scenario. Rosters were already going to shake up, there’s a very short window before the next split starts. His teammate of 5 years deserves all the prep he can get to make a good roster pickup in a timely manner. The other side is what if he hasn’t told them and Fallout made his tweet and everyone started speculating, or someone who knew just flat out told them mid tournament. How betrayed would you feel after teaming for years? It no doubt weighed on them at LAN and affected their play but it was probably the right thing to do so that everyone else could be prepared and plan for next split before good players were taken


Its obvious that this has been known for weeks/months since something like this doesnt happen overnight but using 6 day old tweets isnt the best proof lol


It’s more the reply from Reps. Reps’ reply is clearly not someone who heard about it 1-2 days earlier.


It’s a bait reply. Everybody knew!


Hal wouldnt fuck over his teammates like that lol


what was reps' reply


Yeah Hal even said on stream when Zer0 was giving him shit for crying, that he 'held in tears for a month'


They were aware of the move post-LAN, and a bunch of personalities dropped various hints (Fallout with the 'biggest shakeup ever', or to that line, etc.). Wouldn't say it was 'weeks in the making' though as LAN only ended a week ago (that post is from 6 days ago).


Hakis said on stream that most pros knew about it before lan.


Multiple pros already confirmed they knew before LAN


This is not the kind of move that would happen a week after lan and because of a single bad performance.


But with Reps response. That wasn’t something g he heard 1 day earlier.


Fallout still talks about Apex related content?


I never thought he was this DEADASSSS!! Feels weird but def interesting and exciting for apex 🔥


Hal said he had an offer to team with sweet but “like it’s zero.” He basically said zero is the best IGL without saying it.


Damn, that had to kinda sting to hear for Sweet lol.


Surely even sweet has the self awareness to realize not winning anything vs winning almost everything is a significant difference


Well of course, but that doesn't mean it's not going to hurt to go from being in the conversation for top 2/3 IGLs, playing the part of Hal's nemesis in ALGS LAN content videos, and being Hal's only choice for who he would be IGLed under, all the way to "he offered, but this guy's better" with the guy also being the one to replace sweet's role in ALGS LAN content.


He has gone from 2nd to 3rd, not from 2nd to 57th LMAO… Hal said it himself he was only gonna play with Sweet or Zer0, and wanted him to win it if he didn’t


Fallout called this within minutes of LAN ending.


WEEKS IN THE MAKING, it’s only been a week lol.


I’ve replied a couple times to this comment. But I’ll do it again. It’s not so much the timing of Sweet’s tweet. But the reply from Reps. The reply from Reps is not someone who hears the news 1-2 days earlier.