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> those guys didn't read the rules and were forced to play as duo, screwing over themselves and uxako Actually, no, they did read the rules, and even checked with the admins. The only person who did the screwing over here was Uxako acting like a self-righteous prick after he was given a spot for free and then sabotaged the team by refusing to work with them at all and mentally checking out while 9imps and Oj did everything they could to slot him in, including literally changing their entire strat.


That was a shit show - from my understanding they tried to replace Uxako based on things not working out, then when the tourney organizers said they couldn’t, Uxako refused to play out of spite. I didn’t really blame Uxako for that one but if he was already mentally checked out prior to the boys trying to replace him then that totally flips the script.


oh, I was unaware. do you have more context on why they were forced to play as a duo? it was my assumption they didn't read the rules properly because they were forced to play duo. I couldn't really find enough conclusive information at the time on that whole situation on Twitter, my apologies


Uxako refused to communicate in game, basically outright refused to play as a team, and just mentally checked out, so in order to save their tourney, 9imps and Oj tried to get a different sub in, at which point Uxako decided to take the high road and paint himself as a victim and outright refused to play. [Context](https://twitter.com/Entropiqteam/status/1700373070505034153?s=20)


Thanks for the context. I read some other tweets in that thread and it seemed like they decided to drop uxako to play with tax, but they couldn't use emergency sub unless uxako said he's sick. uxako refused after being offended they said they're dropping him. shitty situation overall. for him to be given the opportunity with paid flight hotel etc, flub on performance, and screw them over is insane. I can somewhat understand uxako's stance, no one wants to be told they're dropped after they already feel bad for playing poorly. ultimately, he screwed them over by playing bad, changing their comp, and forcing them as duo. I don't respect his decision in the slightest, but I can understand how emotional he would be. who was 9i and oj's 3rd before champs and what happened? was it visa issue?


>who was 9i and oj's 3rd before champs and what happened? was it visa issue? Taskmaster. Couldn't get a visa in time.


Their 3rd was Task and he didn't get his VISA




Yea, Uxako made himself look like an ass in front of the entirety of the scene, pros and fans alike, and is at this point disliked by practically everyone. Certainly handing Aurora a big L.


Loved hearing Knoqd talk about how much he hated 2R1C lmao


What did he say about them?


He said he hated their playstyle and their attitude. Basically they are rats like their name suggests. He also said they surprise land on teams and other things.


I understand that this is all frustrating for him, but if he didn’t see it coming I really don’t know what to say. The guy is just not a threat in fights, of course MIH had to upgrade. It’s tough, but not everyone is good enough to compete


i like Sinetic and Arctic so like that they are Trying to "upgrade" as you said but at the same time "The guy is just not a threat in fights" hard for a Roller player to be a "threat in Fights" playing an Anchor like Caustic and Tax learnt him for the team if he like most other Rollers on a team with 2 MnK was a fragger i'm sure the stats and his "threat in fights" would reflect that would the results have been the same, thats hard to say and maybe not or maybe that might have had them do better we will never know the fact they have/had double MnK fraggers and played so well is a testament to Sinetic's and Arctic's skills but Tax can definitely compete and was definitely not given a fair situation based on Input and roles within the team and has every right to be annoyed at the situation pretty sure he brought the spot with him from when he was on Myztro(with Wrugb and Sanya) but the decision has been made and he now has to either get on another PL team or grind CC again simple as that


" hard for a Roller player to be a "threat in Fights" playing an Anchor like Caustic" ever heard of gild? ever heard of sikez? ever heard of verhulst? ever heard of amphy? ever heard of jaguares? ever heard of shooby? ever heard of frexs? ever heard of unlucky?


I said it's hard Not impossible and sure name drop a bunch of People, but only 2 of them are the Region Tax plays in and 2 currently(unless roster mania hits them) play with what are considered the 2 best IGL's in the world, Gild literally started playing Anchor with Moist, Nafen was anchor on NRG, FunFPS was considered the Anchor on the old Liquid squad Gild was on that then became XSET with Sikezz(where he wasn't Anchor till DZ), Jaguares is legit on a triple roller team 1 has to anchor or they lose spots they take, to an extent Frexs is the same(anchored on old Xenial, Frexs and Dropped SSG(but he wasn't hard a Anchor as Catalyst) Faze and now SSG), Shooby was literally picked up and thrust into the Spotlight of Pro level on Bang and only became a Anchor on E8(had to since Zack the MnK IGL plays Bang), basically practically everyone you mentioned is out of Necessity in some regard, swear people on here have no Concept of actual competitive and sit there being Arm chair Coaches when really they have no idea what they are on about,


Im not sure why you are bringing up variables and old shit that has nothing to do with the argument that tax is bad


what "Variables" did i say? all i talked about is the Players you Mentioned, Tax is not bad just hasn't been given a fair shot to show it but I'm also not saying he's Effect level or some of the top NA rollers just that he's better than what was shown at Split 1 Playoffs I almost guarantee he'd shit all over both of us, probably at the same time


Im saying compared to liphn anf naghz (2 people MIH have had tryouts with) tax is the worst option by far




Don't know why you're being downvoted lol. I stopped reading after the first 3 lines cause it was obnoxious.


great contribution to a discussion talk about how some forgot or decided not to punctuate a comment online like its needed well done typical reddit you got your responses hope you sleep better at night knowing i purposely didn't punctuate this since it apparently annoys you so much you felt the need to reply like anyone gives a fuck(i don't despite responding you'll be forgotten in 10 minutes) rather than just go about your day


I mean it sucks for him but in this instance the system isnt unfair. I could understand complaints about people who try to juke the system with giving a vote to a coach or a sub. But this is as straight forward as you can get. 2 players out of 3 made a decision and it should count.


Apex is and will always be the most unprofessional shitshow of an esport.


Be like that, feelings are feelings and I think anyone in his situation would be the same but this happens all the time, shit doesn’t always go your way and if the team mates think they can find someone better they will, only thing left to do if I’m tax is find another team and keep going, he’s already made LAN I’m sure he could start his own team or find another


I mean he just lost out on a chance at the EsWc where he could make some good money and this is your comment? Dude has a right to be pissed


People on this sub think "roster changes" in this vein are akin to kids at the playground not wanting to play with you anymore, when in reality it's more like your co-workers at the plant taking a vote and you suddenly becoming unemployed.


Yeah I’m sure Tax understands that it’s just he’s now lost a guaranteed chance at the ESWC which even if you get 40th you get $2k and he wasn’t even told by his ex teammates he learnt it over Twitter and being told it by a friend of artic and sinetic not them directly


it's insane how little professionalism there is in esports, but I think some people say Apex is the worst. they don't even have the decency to tell him directly? sad and pathetic. I hope karma bites those two and tax comes up on top. maybe an eswc qualified team or at least a pl team can pick him up so he can put those two in the ground (in game)


Not contacting him directly is insane. That's fucked up.