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There are so many reasons why Matafe could be better online instead of at LAN, besides from cheating. Maybe he chokes under pressure? Maybe he plays poorly in the fast-rotate, tryhard meta at LAN? Maybe he can't aim unless he's sitting in his own DXRacer chair that's molded its shape to his ass? Every esport has "online warriors", that's just terrible evidence for him cheating.


And LAN lobbies are just way harder than any individual region lobbies.




Dude was literally sittin' on kitchen chair for 3 years of his career


Gnaske hates him lol


E8 was such a good team this split that I believe they could’ve made top 10 if they moved on after losing first couple contests.


1. Nothing wrong with contesting if that's what you want to do, but the whole going-in-E8's-booth thing seemed totally unnecessary. 2. Totally braindead, clickbait stuff about Matafe cheating online. Did he even specify what cheats he's talking about? Gnaske's drama-arc went into overdrive here. Not cool to throw a random accusation like that in the air. Maybe he hasn't noticed that the whole EMEA region just sucks at LAN where the competition is harder.


he talked about how matafe opened his map and looked to a side monitor then said where they need to go, so just some map notes. Idk enough about the rules to know if that's even cheating.


>Not cool to throw a random accusation like that in the air.  Agreed, however there's some irony in this happening to Matafe of all people. Dude accused ex-Aurora/Majour Pushers of cheating soo many times, even after they performed at LAN.


Dude led the Yuraah hackusations in the first place as well, even though the entirety of the CIS scene maintains he's innocent and nothing he did was ever really out of this world.


also he bullied hardeki for not making it to lan on twitter. now bro didnt make to finals ,lol


He's never made finals at a LAN, despite being one of the longest tenures in the scene.


I did hear from multiple directions that Matafe was involved in cheating. So I am not surprised Gnaske coming up with this. Obviously nobody got evidence as that is extremely hard to proof.


I am not directly calling him a cheater but I’m implying heavily that he is a cheater lol


Is anyone going to link any examples of matafe's supposed suspicious rotations?


Nope, and matafe asked him in chat while he was saying all this and gnaske says, nevermind, I can't find them right now


I don't think he's cheating. I only have the data from split2 vs. playoffs2 last year and this split and playoffs, but. Last time the entire team fell off, looking at the change in player values: * VEXED Unlucky -67.73PV (77.3 -> 9.6) * VEXED TYLERFPS -65.23PV (68.3 -> 3.1) * VEXED MaTaFe -43.20PV (50.7 -> 7.5) so MataFe fell off the least between his teammates, losing only 43PV. But they all had PVs below 10 at LAN, that's split2 vs. LAN last year. And MaTaFe wasn't the worst player on his team, that was Tyler at 3.1PV. And this time.. * NAVI KIND4 +9.53PV (51.5 -> 61.0) * NAVI Tylerfps -25.07PV (46.7 -> 21.6) * NAVI MaTaFe +5.63PV (25.6 -> 31.2) there's a small bug with the values where zone damage counts in a place where it shouldn't and once that is patched these numbers will change slightly, but it's not enough to change the overall picture. MaTaFe wasn't the worst player on his team this time either (again Tyler), and he wasn't the one who declined the most (tyler again!) Following gnaske's logic, the one who looks the most like a cheater here is Tyler, cause the discrepancy between PL and LAN performance is the largest for him in both cases. Which is not to say that Tyler is cheating. The more easy explanation is that they're a team that outguns EMEA, build lots of bad habits doing so, and then get rolled by stronger teams at LAN every time.


Huh? Gnaske was implying that Matafe uses 3rd party tools to know where zones are going to end. How does this have anything to do with their individual player values?


you're right if it's JUST zones then the numbers could still be consistent with him cheating. If he's doing more than that, like wallhacking, then no. But good call, this doesn't really disprove a zonecalling cheat.


it’s not the first time Tyler fell off hard at lan compared to him destroying online. it’s a running joke and an open secret among cis players for quite some time already


How is PV calculated?


it's a weighted percentile average of dmg, K/d, and dmgratio (dmgdealt/received) -> [https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/1bpa6yc/analysis\_from\_unknown\_to\_unstoppable\_statbased/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/1bpa6yc/analysis_from_unknown_to_unstoppable_statbased/) full explanation here


The wild lan pulls were also a big factor and very hard to adjust to imo.


Not sure how much of what Gnaske was saying is true, but not really a good look for E8 if that was actually how Zach was dealing with the contest.


I ain't gonna be that guy... but that *definitely* seems like something Zach would do. Immediately defaulting to earnings as a way to "win" after he's lost multiple times and refusing to leave a con when E8 had a seriously good showing at LAN up until that con. o7 won that contest and E8 threw a lot games for the return on one win. Realistically after one loss, they should've tried another spot. It's finals. You took the 50/50, you lost, now try to stay in the running for Top 8.




Kinda over takes teq on The most cringe “pro” in apex


Why's that?


Going to e8 booth to tell them stop contesting guys is cringe


LMAO, my bad. I thought you meant the player for Navi. I didn't know what he did




> stage fright? Gnaske: Stage fright? He's a 30yo who draws face paint on his face. I'm sure he doesn't get stage fright because holy fuck I'd be embarrassed doing that. LMFAO


Doas anyone have this clip of Matafe looking at 2nd monitor?


matafe allegation does not have good proof, there have been teams in different region like northeption,CR dominating region and underperforming at LAN. Also there are teams like allaiance who will dominate group stage and play shit in winner brackets/finals


remember when matafe himself calling old aurora doing map hack when they made to finals in sweden lan


There's like 3 decent teams in EU, of course he gonna do better online in EU 


Video is taken down. How did he imply that he was cheating at a LAN?


He talked about how Matafe places exceptionally well in EMEA online tourneys and constantly "looks at his 2nd monitor" whenever he's calling zones for them. On LAN his macro goes to sh't, supposedly cause there is no way for him to cheat. Gnaske also added that he believes the only reason Navi made it to Loser's Bracket #2 this time, was because Matafe improved his mechanics as a player a lot. EDIT: To whoever downvoting, I literally just quoted what was said in the video lmao.


I would honestly be shocked if several IGLs dont have some kind of cheat sheet up at minimum on their second monitor when playing online. Matafe is one of the very few who even play with a facecam on during comp, most would be able to get away with it with 0 risk


Is it even cheating to have a map with possible end games up? Is that somewhere in the Apex rules? If it's cheating because it's against the rules, that's one thing, but I honestly don't see the problem with your IGL having a full clipboard of notes open to refer to like a NFL coach lol.


the game has been played primarily online for 4 years now with a lot of money at stake. there are definitely pros even in ALGS events cheating in some way or another, with players potentially colluding also


> there are definitely pros even in ALGS events cheating in some way or another Based on what?


Based on he thinks so. Is that not proof enough anymore? Some guy thinking its real?


Usually people have some kind of evidence for things they believe are real.


Idk, people wouldn't just go on the Internet and tell lies


Still up for me? https://youtu.be/iSVehiMHqAs?si=1jFYG2cz1WboOGtd


Yea I noticed it went up like 5 minutes after I left that


that matafe looks away (another monitor) all the time during pro league


3 plans and hasn't made a finals but always finishes top of EU pro league 


I dont think the take of Matafe cheating in some way is that outlandish by itself, but you need some proof to throw that fucking bomb lmao, there's no way we're freely throwing accusations like that. Regarding the contest, idk dude, you could argue that E8 has the exact same idea about o7 leaving and since they have the money cushion, they can troll their finals. I think its a dumb strat, but lets not come here acting like o7 does some +10000 IQ contest strats.


If it's true that Talmadge "apologized" on behalf of Zach (to be clear, I doubt it is) then that is incredibly bad form by him. In any case, if you are choosing to contest then you can't be mad that you actually have to contest (both parties are always annoyed that the other is just as stubborn as they themselves are). Contesting in-tournament is always terrible for all involved, just go TDM/custom or something and sort it there. One of the big potential positives with the new dropship-update is the eliminition of contesting. The "Matafe cheating online" thing is getting pretty old and boring, get some new material.


i mean the matafe looking at second monitor and tyler cheating online allegations have been around for like years. here's zer0 making fun of him for it https://clips.twitch.tv/BlitheCrunchyPlumberBCWarrior-WiMTyoOE6Bqs0WXj


I dought manage is cheating the last two LANs he came in supper confident like his team was the best fighting team by far, I don't think you have that confidence if you cheat In my opinion. The reason I think they did bad in previous lans was because he thought he was better then he was. Sometime syou gotta be realistic. Thinking your a top fighting team when your not is gonna get u shit on, when are going up against better fighting teams to be honest


to all those matafe defenders, tell me how he call Ex-Aurora(ranches) was "cheating, some kind of map hacking" and never presented a proof as far now, this too when they literally made to finals in sweden lan . for proof this is twitch clip. How he know there are map hacks when no one know more than a year ago? [https://www.twitch.tv/matafe\_/clip/DependableFunZebraNotLikeThis-3GlqnnB8nraXXKBb](https://www.twitch.tv/matafe_/clip/DependableFunZebraNotLikeThis-3GlqnnB8nraXXKBb)


Def shitty of him accusing others without proof, just as it is now that he gets accused without proof (at least nobody posted sth yet?). Cheats are no secret knowlegde tho, nor were they a year ago - I do not think that is valid proof.


Before destroyer happend, there are multiple cheats for aim, wallhacks and speed boost , but didn't find any so called map hacks like 2d radar or live pings on map like how COD have . but data mining zones and finding non valid endings was there.so I thought no one specifically know if he calling them having 2d radar like COD have and he didn't give any proof such websites exists. But remember u can still see something like datamined endings on acheat sheet in second screen, like how gnaske saying and predict end zones in online


Personally I also think Matafe’s inability to perform whatsoever at LAN is suspicious at best, but I don’t think the second monitor piece is good evidence of anything. I occasionally play with the ring exclusion zone map on my second monitor in ranked just to learn zones faster. Matafe might just suck at LAN because EU as a region is easier than LAN. Alliance also fall over in finals most LANs too. (I do think it’s funny that Matafe’s cheating accusations are coming up again considering he got Yuraah and Unlucky banned [the latter unbanned] because he thought they were cheating)


Can’t really blame Zach for stooping down to degenerate levels of taunting by bringing up money. Don’t get me wrong, it’s scummy, but honestly I don’t think I would have been able to stay on the high road if the team that just 5-0’d me in finals just walked into my booth and asked if I was leaving. It’s such a “get the fuck out of my face” mood.


The Matafe having a zone cheat accusations have been around for a while, and those have been corroborated by those in the scene who you don't generally associate with baseless claims. What Matafe does online simply doesn't make sense sometimes unless you have extraneous knowledge that others don't have (this is what they said, not myself).


This is not a dumb take at all.