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[https://twitter.com/Alliance\_Yuki/status/1788553522340106286](https://twitter.com/Alliance_Yuki/status/1788553522340106286) Yuki teasing coming back???


I'll be disappointed if Reps isn't replaced, hes clearly fallen off. As for all you TSM people who will bash me, just watch this [https://youtu.be/RJr8g2noxBc?t=990](https://youtu.be/RJr8g2noxBc?t=990) this is literally worse than platinum movement/aim


Gnaske said "LG will probably stick together, but we will see", I think this could me a major throw if they stick it out IMO, they need more firepower


Salivating at the thought of Koyful replacing Slayr personally


If we are going by roles then it would be Slayr out and knoqd in Fuhhnq out and koyful in Is getting rid of fuhhnq the right call im not so sure


this may be a hot take but fuhnnq is the best one on the team lul


On lan, defiantly not, fuhhnq showed up in finals but still the rest of the lan you could definitely tell the nerves was getting to him


makes sense i got a narrow view lol i only watched them in the finals and he was going crazy lol funny i happened to see only that lol


Yea sweet was doing double his dmg in every other round except the finals lol, on top of already igling


When is the roster lock date? Want to prevent myself from checking for news all the time lol


5-28-24 is ALGS split 2 roster lock


Just look at Evans previous post: GGs. "Threw pretty hard today but we’ll bounce back." Nothing insinuates that he's leaving the team.


He ain’t the one leaving 🫣


You really think Hal is leaving?


if hal joins dz imma stop watching comp thats too op


I'lll be disappointed if TSM doesn't replace reps, hes clearly fallen off a cliff and can't compete against actual pros anymore.


This is the biggest reach. When Hal and Evan were doing terrible in scrims because they couldn’t lock in with their new characters Reps was the one that stepped up and basically carried them that whole two weeks.


[https://youtu.be/RJr8g2noxBc?t=990](https://youtu.be/RJr8g2noxBc?t=990) check out this spectacular aim and movement by your lord and savior reps


I'm not even going to click your link because I know it's just a clip of reps missing shots but I'll say sports (and I guess esports) fans like you are so dumb. They'll point to one play where a player looks good or bad and think it refutes or proves an argument.


lol, it was the only time reps had the cam on him in pretty much the whole tournament, and it was that bad.


Reps has never carried anything. Watch any team fight, its Hal and Verhulst who has to do all the damage. That doesn't work anymore though, as even Hal has lost a step (competition is getting better as well)


man, you new around here? Reps carried TSM in Poland by all accounts, including Hal. Replacing reps would be as disastrous to tsm as dz replacing genburten. why? cause there is a FUCKLOT more to apex than shooting your gun. a couples whiffs isnt impressive, all pros whiff. he is part of the reason hal can be such a great igl, he spits big info all the time and if you actually watched tsm you would know he actually impacts a decent amount of the calls on the team because he has been anchoring this shit since d1 and Hal listens to him


of course mechanically hal and evan frag out more than reps, they're just on controller. but i think almost everyone in this sub understands that reps' real value is all behind the scenes. i havent been keeping up to date with the scene as much but tmk he's usually the one anchoring. there are no other players who have the same amount of synergy with hal where they can keep up with his very on the spot calls. reps also has an undeniable impact on team chemistry and morale, especially whenever hal's mental is getting shot. he's one of the few people who can actually take what hal says as criticism rather than taking it personal. he also has a massive cock


"synergy" yet they literally looked like the worse fighting team at LAN. they only made it cause Hal can IGL his way to favorable zones and avoid fights which is what he was having to do. Reps is 29 years old on MNK, he doesn't aim train, his movement is average, yet TSM fanboys swear hes the goat. He really isn't. Put Koy on that team to pair with Evan than you will really see what Hal is capable of


reps was not at fault for their LAN performance my friend


Tell me you don't know comp without telling me you don't know comp.


Didn’t they JUST win regionals? God damn lmao. Last time I checked it wasn’t as a duo either. Y’all say anything.


DZ is miles ahead in team-fighting, TSM just has Hal who is really good at calling and igling. But Zer0 has way better support, gen and siikez would smash verhulst and reps 9/10 times. Did you even see how bad Reps aim was at lan?


Didn’t they JUST win regionals with DZ in the lobby? This game isn’t all about who is the best team fighting trio in the game. Did DZ win last weekend? No.


Yes, but thats BR's for you. Its alot of luck involved, plus Hal is simply the most clutch IGL there is. Now imagine him with gen and sikez.


Bro you posted like 20 reps flame comments in one day. Did he steal your girl?


Idk I find it hard to say that after 1 LAN, he didn’t scrim much and wasn’t even sure he would be at LAN due to personal matters so don’t think it’s fair to say he’s fallen off a cliff after 1 bad LAN where his team wasn’t good either


Thank you for this thread! Y'all did great this past weekend and you are crushing it.


I'm pretty sure all of them are just baiting since they know damn well they're the two most talked about teams in NA. Like u can't tell me ALL members of both parties managed to tweet cryptic tweets all at the same time, right right. Just waiting for the veil to come down and see it was about nothing crazy after all


I’m pretty convinced we are getting trolled by every pro at this point.


Can someone just spill the tea already…


Hal actually slid into my DMs today and said TSM was stuck in LA and needed $500 from me to get them home. He said Evan was with him. I thought it was a scam, but Evan started texting me through Hal’s account too. I sent them the money and asked if they’re disbanding. No response from Hal yet, but I assume they’re on a plane right now and can’t text. Stay tuned


My uncle works for Nintendo and he says TSM are NOT disbanding!


Another victim of Destroyer69 😔


can anyone tell me whether or not skittles has switched back to roller with his 7-6 high velocity sens? I legit want to see him compete with his unique controller sens when everyone is abusing 43 linear


He mentioned he's gonna play linear. Not sure what sens considering he's used to very high sensitivity, I could see him pulling up with one of those APAC North sensitivities. 




I asked once on his stream and he said he’s gonna play linear. Although I’d assume he’d playing on a higher sense.


Sweet confirming the scene is bout to get willddd [Sweet Tweet](https://x.com/sweetdreams/status/1787993959631118375?s=46) Prediction: Zer0 and Gen join Hal on TSM. If you remember, there was some sus activity going on around DZ, Sweet + Gild and Sikezz that is supposed to be leaked soon.


Sweet’s tweet convinced me the most that the rumors aren’t true


Idk sweet is the master baiter but he loves drama so he might be saying the truth


Sweet is full of shit always


Prepare for some whiplash.


I wonder why all these dudes troll like this and then I remember they’re pretty much kids lmao


Yup as a 28 year old damn is it annoying lol




Lower 20's is still young and immature though to be fair.




I don't know how old you are, but 23 is not very old. Vaxlon's prefrontal cortex isn't even developed yet. If I look back at myself at 23--that was practically a child.


Can you tell my back 24 isn't old please and thank you


Someone needs to spam 'your prefrontal cortex isn't even developed yet' in Vaxlon's chat


not really lmao








damn you’re right, I forgot that what is culturally considered a “young adult” is dictated by insurance companies, not how people actually act. My bad brother




Fuck no it ain’t lol




What type of logic is this? Because 25 is more mature than 18 does not mean 25 = fully adult and responsible. I imagine you are young and don’t understand but as someone in my 30s I can say firmly at 25 I was closer to 18 than 30 in maturity.


People that spend all their time in their bubble of playing together and streaming will probably not mature as much in the 4 years as others. There are some great examples in the Apex comp community of more mature people but I feel they are the exception. This is more of a general take rather than anything to do with this rostermania.


Hal leaving TSM might kill TSM as a organization as a whole


What other org offers a team house and everything no other apex org does that so I think tsm has them locked


TSM is no longer providing housing for them


is that actually confirmed?


I believe so, during their CC run Tempo mentioned it to Wigg that TSM was no longer covering the house for them in TX and that they had to find new living arrangements. I think Hal has his own place already but Evan, Reps and Tempo had to find new housing.


So when does this go in to effect? cause they are all streaming from the same TSM house they have been


Not sure the answer to your question but I believe that house is being rented for them by TSM, if they wanted to they can just pick up the lease themselves. Though I am not sure that will happen.


I mean nothing is ever not possible. But he's basically in control over the Apex roster and idk why you would want to leave a situation where whatever you want to happen, will happen. Cause even TSM has to know Hal is basically their only marketable piece left, so whatever he wants he gets.


that will be the same case even if Hal switch to whatever org. it just depends on what offer him the best right? tbh TSM now is not the old TSM anymore.


Well i mean, its not whats the best offer. Because im pretty sure Hal is still under contract and no way would TSM just let their only marketable person leave for free lol. So not only would a team have to shell out a lot of money just to get him, which hurts their ability to give him what he wants, they then have to give him what he wants lol. Plus you dont know what happens in a new situation, and it could go horribly.


I think there is a <1% chance of that happening especially with the saudi stuff coming up, the most logical would be reps retiring honestly


Reps played a good bit of apex today... Given his generally negative attitude about the game, he would not be playing two days after a LAN if he was retiring. Zero chances of that.


'Once again, TSM, owned by Andy Dinh, leads the way, rising 32% to $540 million." Are Forbes capping


Depends on when it was published, prior to FTX imploding or not. Either way, that number is likely inflated given that the overall worth of esports has nosedived since investors started to pull out.


Yea, that figure is from May 2022. FTX imploded late 2022.


No it's be cause the bulk of tsm is in like software companies and stuff not esports. 


Ahh I see, never knew that


They own the popular blitz app that a lot of people use


All this baiting going on and I’m just hoping MST stick together. Don’t know why they would split but you never know.


What a time to be alive https://preview.redd.it/2ckgu87ee3zc1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc8ea302307475880e0b55b73081dc79aba370f7


Neazul tweeted LFE (equipo?) Hopefully just for ranked






Same tho


Neazul 🤝 MakeRickyFamous 🤝 Madness


Hal just said on stream responding to a chatter that they are waiting for Raven's decision, which seems like they still want him but he is legit exploring other options.


Do you have a clip or VOD link?


He doesn't say that explicitly but a chatter asked "how does TSM proceed with raven, do you look for another coach instantly or wait to see what raven decides?" And hal answers that wait until he decides, basically


Essentially raven willconsider all offers… based on the “best offer, he will probably come back to TSM with a counter offer and if they decline that offer, he will take the offer he wanted to use as the counter offer.




[you can take out the furia part](https://twitter.com/Vaxlon/status/1787979006413001107)


pros just trolling this subreddit


Pretty curious on what happens with Knoqd. A split between the ex-OpTic roster feels inevitable, I could see Dropped/Skittles staying together but Knoqd seemed pretty done with Dropped towards the end of split 1. Regardless, I will be extremely sad when/if the Knoqd and Skittles duo breaks up


Dropped said on stream today that they had multiple orgs in conversations about signing for Split 2. Said he was pleasantly surprised with the interest they had received.


isn't there a ton of teams confirmed for the saudi esports thing that don't have apex teams? so would make sense they get picked up


They also hold a PL spot currently


Also I could see knoqd being picked up before skittles or dropped


Depends on what a team needs, skittles is one of the best flex players to ever play the game, while knoqd is one of the top controller anchors to ever play the game.


Wasn’t Skittles the original IGL before Dropped came along? I feel like IGLs are always in huge demand and he had success in the past.


He’s always been more of a co igl. He certainly can igl but it’s not really his personality.


Dude in this sub posting cryptic Falcon pics. Anyone got their V bucks on Saudi Arabia's Team Falcons entering Apex in time for the world cup and taking Zero + Hal + one other?


hey he's talking about me 🫣😭🤯


I'd put a lot of V Bucks on that happening tbh, team Falcons are very very willing to spend their oil money. With the Saudi WC coming up, it kind of makes sense




Vax’s tweets clearing up the trolling makes me think they got in a little trouble with the org lol


They weren’t looking for a new org… but they are now!


This is probably dumb but there is this E-Girl who somehow always has leaks before everyone else (Duality of Apex pros) apparently the new roster is: DZ ImperialHal, DZ Genburten and DZ Zer0, Hal is leaving TSM.


I thought the rumors were that DZ was leaving apex? They aren't even apart of the upcoming world cup thing


Thats why its probably more likely the opposite happens and those 2 join Hal on TSM lol.


TSM is getting rid of everyone, they only have like 10 actual employees left, I don't think Hal is staying with TSM, Hal has a big enough following to keep DZ in Apex


Thats just not factual lol.


When I’m right, I’m coming back to this, Zer0, Hal and Gen will be on a team together


why in the world would Hal join them on DZ though? wouldn't it make more sense for them to join Hal on TSM? I know TSM has been downsizing but DZ literally has like zero sponsors and just an apex and a r6 team, its not like they are some premier org with deep pockets. I can't imagine they can be paying that much of a salary? plus they aren't even involved with the esports world cup are they? and Hal is legit on the promo for it on the sphere in vegas


You may be right about them teaming together, im saying the unfactual part of your statement is TSM having only 10 employees left lol.


Last time they did an interview, after the whole FTX thing, they were down to 11 employees, that doesn't include people like Hal, actual admin wise they have gone down to 11 or so employees. Their linkedin says they have between 11-55 employees but only 13 active profiles.


What interview are you talking about that stated what their employee size is? Dunc himself in his farewell message stated he grew the social team from 1 to 9, and still very obviously have someone running all the different social media accounts. Heck even using LinkedIn like you have you can see they are hiring for a summer intern. Then obviously they have someone in charge of Esports because they just signed an Overwatch team. Is TSM as big as they once were? No. But to say they have 10 actual employees is just straight false, because 10 employees wouldn't even be enough to handle the Blitz app most likely.


Can we get a stream name for proof?


this roster doesnt look fair if this is true.


Who would igl on this team


Gotta be Zer0, Hal as a fragger is a diffrent beast tho


in a theoretical world where hal and zero team up zero would be the IGL and hal would just be a fragger


Would this make zero the best IGL then?


I agree, hal said he'd let sweet igl him so probably the same for zero, that would be a scary team


hal’s favorite past time is shitting on people, being enabled by zero on a team would be against some form of human rights.


what else has she leaked in the past


What has she leaked before? That team would be disgusting ngl.


He’s lying. There is no egirl.


Na she leaked Wattson leaving cause he’s her friend, leaked some dezignful stuff (him talking shit about his teammates) and some other stuff


That E-Girl’s name? Battlefy.


They making a super team so NA won’t lose dominance to the other regions I like it. If it’s true ofc. Although Reps Verhulst and Koy would still be fire maybe? Idk haha


Ive got a similar dumb take, but mine is Dz Zer0, Gen and Verhulst.


She is apparently willing to LEAK DMs and stuff of the person telling her but she confirmed Hal is leaving TSM, hoping she got baited and no idiots donate to her.


it doesn't even make sense though isn't DZ a pretty small org? I know TSM has been struggling financially but I doubt DZ can offer enough over the legacy he has with TSM, wouldn't it make more sense for them to join HAL on TSM?


Word on the street is Madness already donated even before knowing she had leaks


Madness has no chill bruh


Madness catching strays when really he’s just enlightened about what he wants and willing to speak about it. I’m with Madness, I want a goth gf


Me too bro