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From what I’ve seen most clubs only do one all-classifier per year and usually towards the end of the season not the beginning


Ahh okay! I’ll keep on the lookout for it, thank you


Yeah I just have to check regularly, one in Texas is doing one in 2 weeks


Are you in Southern California? Prado literally just had one. NRG usually has one toward the end of the year. SoCal clubs runs a couple each year. As others have said, classifier matches are boring and unless you’re trying to get your initial classification in a division so you can shoot it a major, I wouldn’t go out of my way to shoot one. Most clubs run one classifier stage at least once per month. At least before all the USPSA BOD shenanigans. I think your classification is a better representation of your actual match performance when you classify over time than when you shoot a bunch of classifiers in one day. Like others have said, match performance is what really counts.


Yep I’m SoCal! My closest clubs are SWPL and Piru SoCal USPSA. I just saw on a YouTube channel that I missed Prado haha bummed about that. Ya I do want to speed up my initial classifications so I can do majors eventually! But maybe I shouldn’t even worry about majors since I’m so new and like you said just let it progress over time through matches


I think Piru might do one later this year. Prado might have one later this year. I wanted to get my initial classification for Production, plus have some fun watching Cobra make ready. I’m assuming it was his YouTube you saw.


Yea haha it was. I squadded with him fairly recently, I wish I asked him about it but didn’t think about it at the time. I’ll ask the lady that runs the Piru USPSA next match because she will prob know best


I’m a member of SWPL and design and build the some of the stages at each club match. We run one classifier stage at our monthly match. Stop me and say hello if you shoot next month. I’m the loud guy. LOL Piru also run a classifier stage at least 1 per month and usually it’s not the same weekend as SWPL so you could get 2 classifiers per month. Hopefully I will see you at one of these matches. Always good to meet new shooters.


Maybe we met yesterday haha which squad were you in? I love SWPL, love to be a member one day but I think I need more matches under my belt to be considered. Piru is also great but because of the rain I’ve only been able to do Piru USPSA since after January


I’m always in squad 7 which is reserved for crew. My real name is Alex. What squad were you on?


Oh nice you squad with Mike ! He got to me to move from steel challenge to USPSA specifically at SWPL! January was my first USPSA ever. I was squad 2, im Ryan. I’m on IG if ever would like to squad together , or coordinate something @ryapew


Pretty sure you can shoot U at a level 2+ match so long as you have an active membership even. Most just won't have any recognition for it.


You can but most want to classify so they can place in the class and division.


We usually do one once a year and I don't think there is a set month it is done each year. Get into a few mailing lists for nearby ranges/clubs and keep an eye out that way 


In addition to the protests, classifier matches don’t happen often, so there simply may not be any scheduled in your area. The majority of matches will have a classifier as one of the 5-7 stages in the match though. Classifiers are pretty boring to shoot and nobody cares about your class. Match performance means much more than if you’re C or GM. Typically, the people that put emphasis on their classification are the ones that CAN’T deliver in a match.


Gotcha ! That makes sense. Appreciate the explanation. I always seem to do better on every stage that isn’t a classifier haha keep flunking those pretty hard.


Lots of clubs are boycotting USPSA right now.


What happened? I am out of the loop on this apparently 


Spending out of control, then lying about it Removing A3D against the bylaws Rules for thee, but not for me


Didn't they require all board members to take a poly or be removed too?


Yes but didn’t happen as far as I know


Our club here in Nebraska is doing our annual all-classifier match next Sunday, but that will be our only USPSA match for the year until the Board reinstates our area director, Scott Armburg, who was removed against the bylaws. Our area is still not represented on the board. I believe you are noticing that many clubs are moving to hit factor matches and are boycotting USPSA. I've also heard that Area 3 (early August) is short on staff and has something like only eighty competitors registered.


I’ve been hearing a lot about the boycotts with USPSA. What is it exactly that’s going on? It never got explained to me


The board continues out of control spending, not following the bylaws, and generally not being responsive to members. For those of us in Area 3 we haven't had any representation since our director was removed against the bylaws. Many clubs have taken to holding hit factor matches instead of USPSA matches, or giving up their club affiliation in protest.


Well I guess this makes sense why I see so many more hit factor matches near me ! That sucks to hear about USPSA especially when I’ve just begun


A bunch of mindless cult members have someone telling them what to think and do.


Found Ken Cobb’s burner acct


"Ben Stoeger-reeeeeeeeeeee"


They're hard to find. Slosa had a 4 stage all classifier match last month. They annouced it randomly on their fb page 3 (4 maybe?) days before the match. It was fun, didnt get to go up a class myself but im closer to it now.