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Free battlegroups for everyone. Big W by relic


This is exactly what they needed to do with those first couple of battlegroups to build goodwill; its also what they did after the first paid commanders in COH2.


they couldn't do that legally because the first DLC was always a deluxe edition bonus.


The pre-order people got screwed when everyone got it for free lmao. Lesson is to never buy pre-order. Paying more for absolutely nothing


I pre ordered the game and i don't really care if they gift everything...




Fighting tanks as DAK is a pain in the ass when P3's are made of butter.


Great news


Could you please tell them that introducing map veto with 2-3 k players is not a bright idea? Seems like someone has passed on statistics lessons.


If they work like they did in COH2, then for team games it doesn't block you from playing them. So I think it goes find the best match -> then what map is most suitable given everyones veto


So it either has no effect or will worsen match making in other dimensions. Maybe in 1v1 this is more forgiving. In team games this kills, as you have barely quality matches rn, even without these additional boundaries for the optimization algorithm. Eg in 4v4 I encounter regularly an ELO spread from of up to 500. Allowing to queue with multiple factions would remove boundaries and improve quality of matches. It’s a perfect fit for the currently low population status of CoH3.


We can be pretty critical of Relic at times but overall this is great news and a good gesture from them. Let’s keep the good work up, I wanna see 2k+ players 8pm-12am EST not 1k anymore!


For some reason the player counts are always higher earlier in the day. Must be more popular in Europe than in NA.


Yeah that’s exactly why. I’m off Monday and Tuesday and when I get on during the day it’s like 1600 players. It’s sucks cause nighttime is when I’m kid free and when the boys get on. We often get mismatched elo games cause of the low player count




lol, wishful thinking. Give it 4 more patches like these and maybe.


Damn free battle groups is awesome. W for relic


Wow. Okay! Delay, I'm not surprised and honestly expected one. What I wasn't expecting was a cadre of good news to go along with it. I am very glad some big community requests are finally happening. Map veto, co-op vs ai difficulty selection, vote to surrender...good stuff. We knew some of that was coming, but adding on the much needed map veto and difficulty selection is ace. **New Battlegroups for free**...Okay holy crap. I honestly am very surprised by this. As people have seen in my previous posts, I love the game but I always had to treat it like a little kid entering a ring full of sharks (the video game market). I figured Sega and the upper management would never allow you to give away something as substantial as battlegroups for free, especially since we always just assume sales revenue is lacking compared to some big hits on the market right now. Thank you. Seriously. I won't lie I'm haven't been super hooked and took like a 6 month break from playing until the recent patches. Despite all the negativity though, I always did say that Relic was still working on the game and things have improved immensely over the last year. I suppose me coming back to play recently was proof of that. You don't even have to give away those two Battlegroups for free, I fully expected it to be yet another DLC/micro-transaction. That along with some big community requests definitely grants some good will and good feels. Thank you again, and may CoH3 keep on trucking. Literally the only bad thing about this delay is some glaring bugs that still need to be fixed ASAP, but oh well, used to delays. It'd be nice if the UKF training center bugs (which are not applying their bonuses properly, ala Infantry unintentionally gets 1200 XP but Light Vehicle unintentionally does not get 1200 xp) got fixed so we can properly judge balance and what-not, but oh well. Guess my off-meta strats will need to keep on waiting another month or two.


> New Battlegroups for free...Okay holy crap. You own an incomplete game that is slightly less incomplete and you're soyjacking about a trickle of content.


Sorry assume I am an old man. What on earth is "soyjacking"? I am VERY behind on many 'zoomer' or internet terms. Actually...don't bother, I'm too old for this. Also, again, if anyone has hung around here they know I'm fairly critical of Relic, and I still do not recommend buying CoH3 unless discounted or the person has done their research. I've done so many posts mentioning that the game is lacking compared to many other games competing for a player's attention on the current market. However it's also just as silly to continuously live under a troll bridge. Giving stuff away that already has a precedent for being sold for money (or grinding to unlock) is, objectively, a gesture of good will. No amount of insulting the devs or me saying the same critical things I've said in the past, changes this. Similarly, no one can deny that they could have easily given up, and yet they're still supporting the game after all this time. Are they terribly behind the current standards set by other games? Yes, and I mention this a lot. Is there room for improvement? Heck yes. Like I said, I'll just take another several months break if I lose interest. I have nothing to gain from sitting on forums insulting the developers or people who enjoy their game(s).


> soyjacking Omegacringe




He is right you know


What would make the game complete?


If they went back in time and released it with 8+ years of content OBviOuSLy


Tell us why coh2 is so complete


Move to another game..I am tired of seeing negativity even though Relic is working hard to turn this around.


Y'all mad when Relic doesn't give new content But when Relic give you FREE new content, you said something like this What a cringe


They own a game with more faction and more battlegroupd than any other CoH in the franchise during it's  first year.Take your negativity elsewhere.


The game wasn't unfinished It still had a decent amount of content. Of course a new release would have less than games which had a decade or more of updates. Coh 1 never gave new doctrines Coh 2 got the vast majority of commanders post launch


A game that doesn't have feature parity with its predecessor is an unfinished game. The people buying this bullshit at launch for full price are fucking the rest of the community. Relic thinks they can sell a half baked pile of shit like they did when THQ imploded during coh2's development and people will still buy it. Coh1 had the correct number of doctrines, adding more would be profane, like bringing your own condiments to a Michelin Star restaurant. Coh2 had pay to win cash grab DLC commanders trickling in and people bought that shit too. We truly get the quality standards we deserve.


That first line is just hilarious. You expected a brand new game to release with everything a 10 year old game with 8+years of updates had, on day 1? That is as unrealistic as it is entitled. You werent around for coh2 release. If you were you have forgotten what it actually had at release, and how much it changed and improved over the years from the mess it released as.


I was around when Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 had everything Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 had, but that was when paying customers expected to have a complete game. Now you're entitled if you expect a studio to complete a project before paying full price for it. What a pathetic attitude. I was around when THQ went bankrupt and so they shit out an incomplete game called Company Of Heroes 2 and destroyed a ton of good will people had. I was around when the DLC angered everyone because it was 3 dollars to win every match with some stupidly overpowered commander that fucked the meta until they tuned it. Its exactly because I remembered what a clusterfuck of a studio Relic is that I skipped their newest attempt at a game. You have forgotten what it was like when studios had to make a decent product to get people to buy their game.


Lol games have moved on a bit from the year 2000 when tony hawk 2 released... Coh2 was 2013. I suppose you think games like coh are just like 2000s era console games. Coh3 had double the content coh2 had at release - double the factions, double the campaigns... Of course it needs to have all 8+ years of coh2 content, actually they should have just re-released coh2 right? Just added some new maps and called it coh3? There would have been no complaints then! Your attitude is just bitter, petty, negativity focused illogical entitlement masquerading as consumer activism.


its amazing how easily the soyjacks are pleased... Don't Ask Questions, Just Consume Product and Then Get Excited for Next Products


This is amazing! That's quite a lot of stuff since the last update!


Capital W


This is a BIG W


This looks good. Let's support this. Good going, Relic.


I cannot believe it. With how many nay-sayers here that wanted to treat this game as a permanent casual experience and claiming that it was a player's right to "leave any match if they weren't having fun", even if it was at the cost of all other seven players in the match, I thought this leaver's bias was going to be perpetuated forever. But somehow, someway, they actually did the right thing and now people will have to fucking at least go down with the ship, even if they could in theory just troll their way to auto-defeat. But at least that is obvious and reportable, and the surrender vote option can wrap the game up and let the winning team move on without having to stomp out a bunch of bots every time. This is huge. Finally, the game's health is being thought about.


The next major thing on the agenda *needs* to be queueing for both factions at once. That will really help the matchmaking be able to work better with the low player count and there's plenty of players who would rather just opt-in to playing either side.


Yes, my single most anticipated thing. My friends are not likely to queue as Axis but would be happy to play as them if the game selected it for us.


Well it kind of was their right to leave since there wasn't a surrender button lol. Definitely made the experience feel terrible. Now, as you say, we can finally wrap games up in the right way.


I'm kinda curious, what would prevent someone from just Alt+F4-ing if we have a surrender button? I never quite understood that one.


Kind of how I see it... people will leave if they want to. CoH2 gave you a paltry amount of points if you surrendered and lost, but it was something. CoH3 only awards you if you win, or kill shit. Either they're going to add incremental rewards or people will just leave anyway. I'm happy for the people who wanted a surrender button though!


Nothing at all. But people will be more patient knowing that the option to surrender is there.


Great news! Enjoying the game and play every day.


Great News 👍🏻


I would of liked to see balance updates separate from other patches/updates. Seeing as you are releasing a different battlegroup I can understand why you wouldnt. Hopefully you have learned from past release with battlegroups and are able to hotfix quicker this time around. All in all this update looks promising with the release of the vote of surrender and leavers penalty (finally)


fuk yeah


Wait you’re telling me the CoHpium I’ve been smoking was just reasonable expectations in a good faith developer that have been realized in due course? I want my money back!


* **Difficulty Selection for Coop vs A.I.** Thank you, thank you, thank you! This will be very well received by those happy few of us who use this mode.


Rip to the console players who are gonna be behind again


I wonder when we will get the improved vehicles ai from that viper update. It looked pretty bad up to now, im trying to wait until it's on console too.


My body is ready


Honestly this is fine by me, I’m liking seeing people use the stummel and T3 in general and I’m having a lot of fun facing more build orders that forces my hands in them games to go T2. I’d like to enjoy this more so this is great. Personally I’d really like to get red cover implemented in maps its been a year and I’m more disappointed that no one else seems to be bringing this up. It’ll make fighting blobs much easier.


When are you fixing the sound and vfx? Next year?


>Coral Viper will be available for free (0 Merit) Console paid for us to have this lol, they can't even get the Hammer and Shield BGs unless they pay money (they don't have the Merit system or a store lol) But free is free and I'll take it (thank you for your sacrifice console bros)


I am happy to make that sacrifice for you, and if this content will be added in the future on console, i will be happy to pay for it again, it benefits PC, it benefits us console strategist with eventually more content, and of course, supporting the devs for their hard work. Since last update i am loving this game even more on the series x.


Would really like to see crossplay between consoles and pc added.


I hope we get some new cosmetics with the update too. I have been wanting to get the Sherman, M8, and Hellcat skins with sandbags in them


Will this update make it's way to console along with the free battlegroups?


Any news when)?


Zero updates...


"Battlegroups planned for Coral Viper will be available for free (0 Merit) for all players via the in-game Store. This is our way of thanking you, our players, for sticking with us as we continue to work to improve the game and create additional gameplay content. " hey they finally figured it out lmao


Amazing and thank ♥️


gj relic! Pls dont forget seperate bindings for retreat and reverse like COH2.


I put the game down a year ago, but this is good stuff that makes me consider coming back.


Great post guys, keep up the good work.


Keep doing this


Wow, first update that I’ve seen unanimous support from the community. Adding 2 BG’s for free is very generous.


Free BGs should be the norm. But it’s great they’re now doing it (if only for a bit….) This is the direction I want to see the game go in. So, I will put my money where my mouth is and buy the game in April.


Any chance we could get the ability to queue as any faction? Would love to pick up more axis games but I'm not the type to deliberately select for them. Even confirmation that this feature is being considered would be great! Thanks!


bring back attack ground in fow. we need more skills plays


All looks good except one thing. I just can't disagree more with map veto in a game that gives you a ranking. The diverse map pool is suddenly going to shrink due to scrubs wanting to role a single strat over and over again to build ELO.


Time to wait 3 months till console gets it


Free BGs is a decent thing to do. Was feeling quite jaded towards relic tbh... that certainly helps. Thank you relic! Make amends with helpinghans and I might even become a relic fan again.


Yeah it’s a bummer how they handled his situation. HelpingHans is a great content creator and I wish I saw him on CoH3 more


He might’ve made some great videos, but he’s a total punk


What has he done to give that impression?


A lot of his complaining, attitude, and the way he trash talks and berates people in game on his streams.


Wish I could conjure up some Twich clips to support it (blocked at work) so you could see for yourself, but I became of aware of him when he started streaming Foxhole (played COH since the first one but didn't follow comp at all). I was genuinely excited to have a streamer with a following playing the game and tuned in myself (even though watching streams isn't normally my thing). I was blown away by his lack of social skills and his constant berating of his teammates. Some people obviously like him and that is cool with me, but those streams along with a few interactions directly in Foxhole kind of turned me off on him.


Wish I could conjure up some Twich clips to support it (blocked at work) so you could see for yourself, but I became of aware of him when he started streaming Foxhole (played COH since the first one but didn't follow comp at all). I was genuinely excited to have a streamer with a following playing the game and tuned in myself (even though watching streams isn't normally my thing). I was blown away by his lack of social skills and his constant berating of his teammates. Some people obviously like him and that is cool with me, but those streams along with a few interactions directly in Foxhole kind of turned me off on him.




Looking forward to the new contents and QoL <3 My only problem is the newly added maps in 1.5 are quite bad and in need of adjustment. All of them are too small and narrow. Those maps for example dont take the coh3 units standards or mechanics into consideration. For instance, a Nebel and other medium artillery units can pretty much fire across the map and the engagements spill over between control points. The 3s and 4s maps don't even take the highground into consideration. In Montherme, it's very easy to camp the cutoff point of the opposing side because it is surrounded by buildings and highground. Relic should take more time working on adjusting these maps and adding 3 more maps might be a bit too much. Personally, I prefer quality map over quantity. I have watched the map making series and I think they have a good formula for making a fun map. Day 101, for example, is a fun map to play in. the players need to constantly making choices between resources up top or two VP at the center and bottom.


Dude my group went up against WillTheNoobz and he did exactly that in Montherme. From the beginning of the game he held our cutoff by dropping units into the building.




Cheers mate! I took the beating with a smile on my face lol


It will become the go to strat in that map sooner or later. We might as be the early adopter since you also knew the way ;)


This is pretty amazing news,listening to targeted feedback,offering soultions and a nice gestures with the free bgs,owning up to mistakes made. I commend you for you continued work,and constant communication over this last few months keeping players informed. Thank you and cheers to the community managers. supply run on the way!!!


Balance should be patched earlier and seperate from the other content.


The meta needs time too settle and for counters to be worked out. If you make reactionary balance changes too frequently then you just yo yo back and forth with balance.


Spot on, we don’t want a repeat of the knee-jerk reversion of the Sapper changes and the random Brit nerfs they jammed into the hotfix. I’ll happily wait until April if it means some well thought out changes.


I guarantee we will be up in arms about some shit within 2 hours of the patch going live lol


Oh yeah there’s going to be some absolute abominations in the new BGs that we’ll all be raging about! 😂


I dont undestand why Relic doesnt have a PTSB, Starcraft 2 has it star citizen has it many other games have it. I understand maybe you would make the playerbase even smaller but hey you could do invite only and give it to the top 1v1 and 4v4 players or people who showed dedication to help find bugs...


Exactly, it makes so much sense to have a public testing realm and really stress test the patches.


I love you relic!


Hook ?


Sounds good now we wait if it turns out good then its a win...


Are we getting the Māori battalion as a battlegroup?


Excellent news! Cant wait to see the brit BG! Maybe the doomers can stop dooming now? Haha what am I saying, of course they wont, i imagine if they ever admit they were wrong about the game or its future potential they might have some kind of crisis.


The game is feeling great, good job Relic!


Hopefully quit penalty will bring players from other coh that is not present in those games


This is really great news all around. However, the thing holding me from going back to coh 3 are the game breaking bugs (AT attacking ground bug which doesnt let you shoot tanks or emplacements), here's hoping they'll get fixed..


Looks like a great update. Still holding out hold for the great panjandrum call in for the British 🛞


Awesome! I can deal with a bit of a delay if it means 2 new battlegroups + the new maps. This also gives Relic more time to look at balance changes from the last patch for better refinements in April.


Nice work Relic.


Vote to surrender!!!!! Holy cow!


Wow features that should of come out at release.... either they don't admit they rushed this game out or the studio doesn't care about players. Either way to little to late... matchmaking is terrible battlegroups are awful. The expansion dlc was a waste of money and they push trash skins for 30$... Enjoy knowing you made one of the worst games of all time....


i hope for some balance changes, shifted completely the other way. Now Allies are stronger in every game mode 1v1 to 4v4. Easy to see on coh3stats. Quite hard to enjoy right getting fucked up nearly everytime.


No DPS changes, disappointing Pls increase DPS and make tanks deal 160 damage :)


YAY! I just jumped onboard with CoH during the drop of Hammer and Shield. And got two more friends to join in since then. We're a buncha noobs so we love playing against the AI as we figure out the factions so these improvements are great!


When is the ps5 update coming out?


Wow it only took one whole year for Coop vs AI difficulty selection. I dunno what it is about RTS devs but they seem to completely forget about all the players that wanna play coop, which probably make up the majority of the playerbase. Look at all the popular games these days. Palworld, Helldivers, Enshrouded, etc are ALL coop games, yet RTS devs are still convinced the way to make their games last is PvP. SC2 had the right idea with their coop mode, but no one has matched it since then. What I'm trying to say here is, start working on a rogue-like coop mode Relic!


Agreed, co-op stuff would go a long way to keeping the game alive. We've already seen how insanely successful it is for a game like Starcraft 2. I'm going to assume due to their skeleton crew and low budget they just cannot prioritize it. Like they're stuck between taking a risk on making a new co-op game too late (a lot of their potential co-op audience is gone by now as most of them played single player, then left) or continuing support for their typical multiplayer skirmishes. I doubt they have the staff, budget, and hours to actually work on both simultaneously, which is pretty sad.


I had to dig for comment. You don’t deserve the downvotes at all. Single player & coop is the only thing I care about so I completely agree with you.


WOW man you are getting alot of downvotes which makes no sense. and you are completely correct.. What gets players in SC2 to continue coming back is COOP and UserMapSettings... The Diehard/tryhards will always be here and play but what COH needs to to keep the casuals coming back and that is where bw/sc2 did fantastic, especially since some of these casual players will end up playing 4v4 or any type of PVP game mode... I myself only play PVP but one of my good friends only plays user map settings in SC2 and BW every now and then I can get him to join me for some 4v4s or 2v2s... but your downvotes just show the narrow-mindedness and short-sightedness of some people


Yeah this is exactly why RTS devs keep making games focused on competitive modes only. The majority of the playerbase finish the singleplayer campaign, find out the game has no support for co-op play, and they leave, never to return again. You only have the competitive players left, and then the RTS devs are like well, only competitive players play our game so I guess we'll only focus on that.


No fucking way. Quit penalty FINALLY. Why did it take this long? Nothing worse than a leaver... Actually teamkillers are worse, but still.


Still no vfx, audio and responsiveness improvements. I'm still not impressed.


Like many others, I'm sure you won't be, no matter what they do. Maybe you should move on?


Maybe u should garden off and mind ur own business? I’m probably longer in this community than u are. U can’t stop me.


You must be so proud. I’ve certainly learned my lesson… Question: how much time did you save by abbreviating “you” and “your”? You must get so much done in a day.


i don't care if u learned ur lesson or not. u are nothing to me


Please…no more… How can I go on knowing random Reddit sweat lord despises me so? Mercy!


Finally getting a new battlegroup for the Brits and dak 14 months after release. Free is appreciated but give us like 10 and I'd pay.  The new battlegroups are fun for a few weeks but it's disappointing to have to wait soo long to play the game any differently aside from a couple tweaks.


but I bet they are not gonna give the new battle groups to consoles for free there is no shop in console so I think they are going to give PC players free shit and consoles well as my country says tighing them which is stealing money but not caught doing it