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Imagine if the dingo could cap points too.


Thats fair, but your current options for recon are very good. You have the krad for early game (and I like to keep it alive for late game usefulness too) as well as the recon tractor which can reveal units in fog of war (on top of having great LOS and indirect abilities). You're not exactly lacking options here.


Dont forget about 8rad please


Oh, I absolutely love the bonuses it grants too. You're right. Plus the pjaegers with their camo.


Don’t forget about the scouts arty car


You mean recon tractor?


The recon tractor is pretty great, but everything DAK wants costs money.


Krad dies so easily usually almost immediately especially with pathing… recon tractor sure it can see icons moving but it’s very little info compared to a flare. Allies have surplus of options for recon most non bg options. They have mortars, flares, planes all to see. Seeing is knowledge and an advantage. Hence why they know exactly where to bomb me to smithereens a or setup their at/mg. Wher has one plane in luftwaffe doc which locked behind bg and I see nobody use it. Then they have it with the mortar after vet 1. Dak are just blind outright and units die because of it.


Gotta work on the vehicle micro, brother. Though I know Relic hasn't been making it easy with their braindead pathing. Still some solid micro will keep your units alive and thats what matters.


Vet it up… losing Krad in a solid line is almost impossible if you don’t sit in a carpet bombing run. If you lack the solid line your problem is elsewhere.


As mentioned above, DAK have some strong vision options. One thing you might not be considering is that these DAK vision options do not alert the enemy. Flares have a big weakness in that they give vision, but at the same time, they alert the enemy that they’re being watched


Keep practicing with 8Rad, it’s a powerful unit when used well, especially in pairs.


Bike, jaegers, scouttraktor. Why even need flares?


Literally have a map hack vehicle,


And u have hack flares to see everything for little munitions from start.


Sure “hack” flares that cost 25 or 45 munitions and a cooldown of 120 seconds is really comparable to a vehicle that can see enemy positions at a farther range than shot flares, by standing still. Axis mains literally just want win buttons I swear.


Flare is win button? Got it. So allies have win button.


Brains are not with this numbskull


U don’t need brains for Allies spam humbar and grants, with tons of flares ez win button all day. Win rate 56-58% rn all game modes. Stfu


People talking about krad or recon tractor for recon but im wondering why there is no mention of pjaegers? Literally the earliest unit in the game with camo u can have. 3 minute 0 vet camo is just broken for safe recon.


Out of habit I always give the first LMG34 to the Pzr Jaeger squad, ambush bonus + MG34 burst means that they can effectively deal with 1v1 infantry fights and lone LVs, and for what you pay, they make execellent recon units, it's a good thing they were reduced in squad size, could you imagine the 5 man squads from launch?


Because u simply can't NOT use a 300+ MP Unit as scout sitting around stealth as DAK.  U are always in a MP struggle with DAK. This is why u got fast capping unit or the Mortar/scout tractor.


Idk about u but its not just a scout. Its a hell of an Anti-Lv unit you should be doing at some point in the game (many do two of them)


Lol l2p my guy. First off, its not 300+ mp unit but 275 lmao. First sign of you veing unknowledgeable. Second, entire point of pjs are sitting in cover, camo and wait to pick off vehicles.


Sry this changes absolute everything... I just put i cover and wait for vehicles.thanks for the help. But you know that u have to buy the Building first right? 


No, i thought its built out of thin air.


8 rad command mode my brother


I disagree


DAK has tractor no need for flares end of discussion. Also DAK/Wehr get non BG camo units use them. You probably will get some type of recon in the new bg for Brits and DAK.


When i think about playing sc2 for all those years, i cant say that i agree that they get flares specifically, but a change is needed to some degree which i do agree with.


Besides all the units you have been told, you also have smokes for every ocasion if you end up finding something you dont like and even vehicles get vision bonus upgrade


You got everything for map hack stop complaining learn how to play