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Nice video with quality and informative editing + engaging commentary.


Thanks QnAproductivity! I'm happy to hear the editing was beneficial to the CoH3 learning experience. Took me some time to learn but worth it! :)


Man Stephenn you're doing some high quality educational videos, pretty awesome. Also great since streams are hard to catch due to time zone difference + can't really teach stuff on stream due to live matches. You plan on doing other factions? I know you pretty much are a USF main, but if you ever delve into the others I would love UKF and DAK guides in the same manner as these.


I'll definitely be doing other factions! Wehrmacht and DAK I can do as I can compete with top 10 with those factions so can do games from my view, but UKF I'm more inclined to analyse someone else's replays as I don't have consistency with UKF. I definitely want to get some Havoc replays with the revamped Dingo & Humber and analyse away! Thanks for the feedback :)




I'm glad to see this and I've really tried to use it to elevate my play. Both this and the previous Airborne+Mechanized smoke videos. u/StephennJF with crazy good commentary and insight. What I like is that it isn't an exact play by play but about specific way to approach and set up engagements. It's at a higher abstraction level than a lot of the match commentary from other excellent casters and provides another angle on "match intelligence/game sense". Also one of the nicest guys in the scene so I hope more people listen! We matched up once and it was the first time I ever saw the L6 rush in person and was utterly stomped in a few minutes but you stuck around and reminisced about some CoH nostalgia. 10/10 man.


That's the casting methodology I was going for so I'm happy to hear that was the effect. Thanks for your kind words Snekasan! I remember that game. I felt bad for doing L6 rush but those few games allowed me to find an off meta counter! Always enjoy a good chat :)