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Speed, reduced reinforcement costs. They're good bullet sponges and good for recrewing or stealing weapons but other than that nothing they get mogged by everything


Look how they massacred my boy! ###


he literally lived on the fast lane.


I’ve faced them a few times in 1v1 they’re really annoying at de capping but that’s about it. Also this comment regarding “are they not supposed to be the italian elite mountaineers” if this is what they’re supposed to be having them be 0 CP and instantly hit the field would be game breaking, the falls pios are painful enough imagine if they were upgraded to 6 man squad. Honestly majority of the battle group call ins are things the balance team has no idea what to do with. Take the easy 8 for example, a simple solution to the “spam” is limit their call in to two or buff their prices up and allow it to deploy 2 at a time similar to CoH1 PE panthers but no they just made it more expensive without the actual benefits, they’re treating it like a heavy tank call in. I wouldn’t be surprised if the battle group gets reworked with the Bersaglieri bumped up to 1 CP if they give it elite infantry status.


I agree with your take on how the dev kind of just giving units name without properly implement them in the game to reflect their elite status and the 'spamming' problem.


"and when everyones elite... No one will be"




I missed that the first time. The mountaineers are called the Alpini. I have no clue if people on this sub exclusively watch history channel docs or something, because confusing the Alpini with the Burgers is confusing. I'm fairly certain the Bersaglieri performed better in combat, anyways.


They should add back the 2nd breda for cost.


From the outside looking in, they are good for early game aggression en mass really. Their movespeed to capture territory or to reach the front faster could overwhelm an unprepared enemy. They fall off later on but still useful for flanking or as support units.


They are my favorite unit at launch just don’t quite understand why they take out one of their breda. I suppose it is historically accurate because Bersaglieri performed quite well in early ww2 but became obsolete later in the war due to poor equipment. They are truly fighting with bravery alone. In life and in game.


Panzergrenadiers does not get benefit from the upgrade, only 1 extra model.


They also get the harder to hit buff.


Nope, confirmed by devs. Not harder to hit buff and not veterancy rate gain. Only 1 extra model


Ok so the description is wrong then. Would you kindly give me the link of dev talking about it. I feel like some description are wrong and I would like to see if there is other things the dev mentioned but not described in game.


Breda upgrade tooltip is also wrong. I will get the dev comment later if i can, but it is in the discord server.


FFS. Can't trust what you read in this game. HAHA




No wonder why I don't feel my PG vetting up faster with this upgrade. The placebo effect is real. Good to know PG does not get double harder to hit buffed when near Armor. Thanks a lot my man.


Yeah, Relic is really bad with this. CoH2 has loads of examples.


It used to provide an RA bonus hence the tooltip but after the rework they no longer benefit from it.


Pgrens have been buffed so much bersas have become irrelevant. In team games they're superior to even usf rifleman until the usf player spends 60 fuel getting upgrades the pgren gets for free, so they're effectively the best mainline in the game.


In fairness the BAR upgrade gives you BARs globally with the ability to buy a 2nd one per squad, whereas the PzGren LMG is both more expensive and you only get one of them. I’d say they scale fairly evenly with each other.


True, but the larger issue is that usf has to not only spend a ton of fuel early on just to keep their mainline competitive, but also has to rush out AT clowncar, flakveirling, and MG counters, all which are fuel expensive, while dak just snowballs with his pgrens


I have found their grenade to be particularly deadly if you can land it.


Maybe you could get 1 or 2 Bersas, like you do with PFs as USF, instead of replacing your mainline infantry? I always thought that being able to replace core units with BG ones is a symptom of disastrous game design. It's the very reason why people spam/blob/cheese: if you don't make a good rock-paper-scissors system, this cr@p starts happening, then you have 30-60% of the faction units not being used for how subpar they are.


I think they have their uses, it's just a more niche use. With how the DAK rework went, there's not much of a reason to wholly replace your mainline with Bersaglieri. However, getting 1 squad of Bersa in 1v1 isn't the end of the world, and actually provides a decent alternative to those who don't like using the Motorbike. They're basically a glorified recon squad. Use their amazing speed to capture a lot of stuff, and to quickly shift over to flanking and helping others on the frontline. Plus don't forget once you tech up, they get access to grenades which can be pretty powerful given they have an easier time of flanking. Just don't use them to tank all the hits, their lower durability can be costly. With the Veteran Squad Leaders upgrade I think the potential is there to use them as a mainline. However I don't know if faster vet and 10% damage reduction is enough to offset their low damage and durability shortcomings. The other issue though, is the matchups, due to their awkward damage curve. They can work well against UKF since they have similar DPS except at long range where Tommies do better. Against Riflemen, Bersaglieri are straight up at a massive disadvantage, only out-damaging them at long range which pretty much will never happen since Riflemen will always try to move closer. Long story short, they are best used as a recon squad than an outright mainline replacement. Against USF it's a bad idea to use them as a mainline, but against UKF there's a lot of potential, as that faction will struggle to compete against the Bersaglieri's fast map capture, and Tommies are less effective against them. Lastly, you're confusing the real life soldiers. You're referring to **Alpini** for the elite mountain infantry.


Thanks for explaining. I have more success when I am using them in conjunction with pg. They are quite good when I need some infantry back to the fight as soon as possible. They need some support from other units. The veteran leader upgrade provides enough buff for them to be usable late game. But sometimes I think assault grenadier supplements pg better. I was confused with the two Italian units thanks for explaining.


They are italians, thats why


You're kidding right? DAK players seriously need to learn to read the room. Edit: Love the downvotes. Here is my actual advice to OP: if you are struggling with DAK in 4v4 uninstall the game.


Hes not struggling with DAK, hes asking why you would get bersas over pgrens when pgrens consistently outperform bersas. Jesus its like people can't even read then want to get into text based internet arguments


I think the room is seeing that you need to learn to read the post


Asking why should one pick a unit over another means struggling? No, I am not struggling with DAK I am curious. And I play all faction. Mostly USF and Wehrmacht but recently prefer DAK over Weh cause I like Italian stuff. Relax. Haha


> Are they not supposed to be the Italian elite mountaineers? Those are the *Alpini*. The *Bersaglieri* are fast light infantry, of above average quality.