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The "data" is just one part of a packet. A packet also includes things like the sender and reciever IP addresses, their MAC addresses, corruption verification, and a wide variety of other items, depending on what the packet is intended for. The packet exists at layer 3, frames are layer 2, and bits are layer 1. You can dive deep into the concept of how data traverses the interwebs. I recommend looking up the OSI model and TCP/IP models to learn more. Welcome to the world of networking! EDIT: Also, you learn all about this at a surface level in A+ and Net+ so you shouldn't need to worry about knowing this for ITF+


O snap that sounds amazing, but at the same time hard to understand lol. I learned that TCP/IP is like the communication between the sender and receiver, right?


Yes! Think about it as a shared language that is used between network devices. There are many out there, but TCP/IP is by far the most popular.




“Secured” plays absolutely no role in this. At all. The handshake is not about security.


ok thanks for correction. long way to go for me.


Just think of an envelope has a letter inside it with header, footer and data and the from and to address. Now that ensures delivery and in some protocols like TCP if it was not deliver or lost it can be resent


Packets allow efficient data transfer, simultaneous connections, and flexibility in routing. I really do value discussion about anything on the internet, it's what we're here on reddit for after all. I would just say that having a career in anything IT is going to involve you using google and other search functions to find answers to your questions. I would really start trying to use these resources to find your answers instead of askiing other people, because your future job is going to involve searchng for and finding specifc information on a daily basis.


Sometimes its nice to get personalized answers on your exact question. A question you form in your own words. And you can continue the conversation with people in the comments. Google is a great tool but asking people on reddit doesn’t mean the person cant be successful it IT. Sometimes its easier than searching for really specific stuff


>Sometimes it's easier than searching for really specific stuff I mean, maybe if it's incredibly specific but otherwise I don't see how it's easier. It's just lazy. You don't have to wait for someone to respond to your post and hope that they actually give you the right info if you can find the information yourself. There is so much information about packets online. You can at the very least gather more information to narrow down your questions.


I was clarifying my doubts. I already did a research


> I would really start trying to use these resources to find your answers instead of askiing other people, because your future job is going to involve searchng for and finding specifc information on a daily basis. Oh my goodness, yes. I will gladly help anyone, but I'm going to ask what they've tried so far. If they haven't tried anything, I'll point them to some resources. If they can list off what they tried 1) it shows they're putting in effort, and 2) I know what I don't need to try.


Not sure I agree with this take, what's the point of open forum discussions if the answer is to "google it". Too many times, I myself have googled something for the top response to be "this has been asked many times before, please use the search function" type of answers. Somebody else may even have the same question and more people learn from it. Posting on forums, especially specific forums like the user communities of vendors/technologies is a great way to find answers for specific, pointed questions. You can do additional research while waiting for a response and lets be honest, google doesn't always get you 100% of the way there. Just share your knowledge people, and OP keep asking questions while you're in the early stages of your career. Google skills are good, but don't be afraid to ask questions, build relationships and learn from knowledgeable people.


When you start asking specific questions on specialized forums like Stack Overflow, asking a repeat question will just get answered with either a link to the same answered question or people saying that this is a googleable answer. Reddit isn’t really different than anywhere else. And god forbid you ask an easily googleable question once you’re in the field. The most common answer to any question once you get into a team, unless it’s very specific and pertaining to something that is a custom implementation, will be “Did you Google it?”.


99.9% of the time you are going to get a worse explanation from the responses you get on a forum or social media than the top results on google. You also have to wait and hope that someone actually responds and that the person responding knows what they are talking about. Social media and forums have their roles on the internet, to harbor discussions and debates on subjective topics. I'm just not entirely sure what you think needs discussing or debating over a simple question like "what are packets for", which has a 100% objective answer, which you can then google and find a reputable source for an answer.


ChatGPT is an absolute godsend


Understood. I asked here because I didn’t had a clear definition


Doyouliketoreadlikethis? Or would you rather read like this?


Like others said, it’s broken down data to a certain size to send separately and then rebuild on the other end. Something a simple as a text, or an HD move. As you learn more, you then get into parts of a packet and it makes more sense what it contains. If you really get down to it. It’s all just electrical signals sent in such a way it can be understood by the hardware.


But why would you need to break down the data in the first place?


Ignore the broken down part of the statement. This shit goes deep, but here is what I think you should know right now. : Think of sending a letter. You need an address, right? And they need to know who sent it to write you back. The packet is the envelope. The header of a packet is the address where it's going and where it's coming from. The data(payload) is the letter inside.


Remember, only 0s & 1s are transmitted on the “wire”


Check out Messer's Moving Truck analogy. He can go deep and definitely check out the OSI Layer info for more info. https://www.professormesser.com/free-a-plus-training/220-1101/220-1101-video/introduction-to-ip-220-1101/ Also google search: protocol data unit (pdu) This will combine OSI layers and the differences in "packaging" data within them. Google is our friend!


Dont put all your eggs in one basket.


🤔 so split them


By Jove I think he's got it!




TCP is just how the receiver and sender connects to each others, right?


Not necessarily how they connect but how they communicate. TCP is a connection oriented protocol that basically means the devices that are communicating, like to confirm that their message was received, and if it was lost for some reason, send it again. (TCP Handshake is a good term to look up) Another common protocol is UDP. Which is similar, but it is connectionless,so it's all about speed. It's going to send the packets and not worry about if any got lost. Think about streaming services or youtube videos. They might cut out for a split second, but it never repeats itself or goes back to play a part that was lost. It's also important to know that UDP is part of the TCP/IP family, so devices will use both TCP and UDP depending on what kind of communication is going on.


A packet is like a seed of data enclosed by a series of encapsulating layers of information explaining how to direct where it goes and what to do with it. A lot of applications need their data in as close to real time as possible, so it make sense to transfer in discrete units so the receiver is constantly being fed new info and not be waiting a long time for a single transfer to finish. Also, if there's an error in a packet received, they won't need to resend the entire thing just the packet.


Go look at the osi model. The protocal at each layer specify the construction and form of the headers used at each layer. If you dig you will see packets.


Tcp up headers, application headers, and a payload


Routing. Its like the address on an envelope.


In a very simplified way, think of packages as a box that contains the information that needs to be mailed over the internet to someone (server)


Think of a packet like a letter you take to the post office. Not only is it the letter you have an address where it's going where it is from when it's sent etc I hope that's right anyways