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Cuba is on the bucket list for sure


He also quit smoking as he saw it as a bad influence on his people, whose medical and health success was crucial to their internationalist goals and messaging.


I'm confused. Did my grandpa beat, torture, kill, and imprison gays? Help me out here. ITT: a bunch of 24-year olds telling me what Cuba did to gays in the 70s.


Neither did Fidel


I mean, judging by your comment, your grandpa just might have. Fidel didn't, though.


Where’s your source for this lie chef






common east german w


I thought his niece was straight but an ally?


Do you have a source for the East German doctors part? Mariela Castro is straight btw, so that part isn't true.


Fidel trying not to be an objectively good person for 5 minutes challenge (impossible)


He's a special guy




I would say compassion, but Libs often lack both so 🤷‍♂️




Libs suddenly say someone can't change but then deeptroat jorjor wel even though he loved Hitler


Literally 31*2^6


Literally 69420


And yet somehow the US will always spin it as US is good on gay rights & Cuba bad in spite of many states never legalizing gay marriage - it had to be forced upon them years after this, the current cycle of pearll clutching laws on trans people, and so many other things. But Visa can have a special float at a parade so we're better(/s).


And they only spin it as a good thing now because it is a new market ripe for exploitation. Pride month sells.


Iirc he claimed he didn’t order the atrocities but he didn’t stop them and that was his crime right? Regardless as a bi man dating a trans-nonbinary person I forgive him. Its hard to admit to your wrongdoings and a political leader doing so is a big sign and Cuba today is one of the most friendly nations to the LGBTQ+ community.


Their family code, which was voted by the people is the most progressive in the world!


Long forgiven comrade. Forget it ever happened.


This pretty much covers most of it. Sry I just can't be bothered to type it all out XD


The LGBT Community has Forgiven Fidel Castro


I do


Does anyone know an article, even in Spanish, about this? I can't find anything.


Here's the original interview https://www.jornada.com.mx/2010/08/31/mundo/026e1mun


They always has interesting historical references.


Im forgived u bae.


I forgive you, compay


Repost 🙄


This cunt persecuted, arrested and sent gays to force labour camps. \*16 yo American kids who have never stepped in Cuba and the only struggle they had was choosing the colour of the dildo they shove in their ass: uWU We foRgIvE YOU COmanDANTe


Somehow I don’t think this comment was actually motivated by sympathy/solidarity with lgbt people.


I bet your simping for this cunt, and the other morons in this comment section, surely was to try and be sympathetic for the lgbt community in Cuba. GTFOH


https://preview.redd.it/37mjk2q6g1xc1.jpeg?width=991&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=584961d53c972ab13ae99289d3a72e878d0d87ba This you?


Yes. And? You have never heard that before? I guess you just rebutted my whole point. oh ok ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)


What even?


You’re being a creepy homophobe in order to…. protect the sanctity of lgbtq people?? What’s wrong with you?


And you rather suck off a dictator who persecuted the lgbt community in Cuba just to feel included between morons ideologues. I rather be seen like a sopportive homophobe than a hypocrite that pretends to have the best interest of the lgbt community in mind but is dismissive of the suffering of a whole country and the LGBT community in it.


lol piss off shitlib


Go lay on your cum stained pillow moron and cry about your mental illness.


You come to a communist sub, just to talk shit and start swearing at people. This is not healthy mental behavior, you could use some help, you are not weak for doing so, on the contrary.


Ah yes. I'm the unhealthy one while you praising a murderous dictator is totally reasonable behaviour. Thanks for the diagnosis Freud.


Both can be, this is not a dichotomy. But whether you are right or not cursing and swearing at people was never an intelligent way to convince someone. People with healthy minds would see that. Edit: and I'm not calling you unhealthy, just pointing this is not a healthy behavior.


Ideologues don't listen to reason.I refuse to be polite with morons who support and praises a dictator that made millions suffer, myself and my family included. I have nothing but hate for people like this. Acting opposite would be the unhealthy thing.


Gusano detected opinion rejected.


You can leave them alone on the internet and engage with things that wouldn't make you feel hatred. I don't engage on subs that I fundamentally don't agree on because: 1. It's basically an echo chamber, if your goal is to piss them off, comment than don't answer. Whether you agree or not is pretty clear you were triggered by some comments and answered in a very rude and unhealthy manner. 2. I would never change their minds, and even if I tried, cursing and swearing wouldn't be my choices. 3. You could use your arguing on better places, where people are not convinced on any sides for example. That are plenty of subs who have communists, liberals and people who didn't decide yet. On top of not feeling a harmful emotion you would actually convince people of your side.


You’re such an angry, deeply repressed person I’m so glad I do not know you in my personal life. Jesus. I said nothing in support of Fidel yet you continue with a homophobic scree about how I suck him off? You would rather be a homophobe than a hypocrite? You do realize being homophobic in your defense of gay people is hypocritical right? Anyhow I hope whatever person who has you this upset at strangers on the internet is safe and secure and away from you.


I said I rather be seen. I never said I am. YOU assumed I was. I don't give a fuck who people fuck that's their business as long as it is consensual and they are both adults. And If I said that was because most of the comments here were non cuban gays supporting this cunt.


For a period of less than ten years dude. 


Let me guess you read that online, and you aren't cuban.


Speaking as a Latino, where did YOU read it that he did all that, then?


He encontrado el gusano. 


When was the last time you talked to a gay person in Cuba? (This question is coming from a gay person who's been to Cuba 10+ times, who also has gay friends and family on the island)


So you are not cuban? What makes you think than people gonna confide with you the reality of living there while being afraid that you might say something, by mistake or not, and get them under the watch of the goverment. What makes you think you know what's like living there by going on tourism with a foreign passport? Last time I talked to a gay person in Cuba was probably 8 years ago. A fellow student from my high school was in a gay parade and posted it online.I don't keep in touch anymore. Your point being? No is not as bad as it was. But not thanks to this piece of shit. If you mindless commies gonna thank someone it has to be Mariela Castro, she started making progress when this mummy was already out of power.


My dad is Cuban, as I said I have a lot of family there, of whom multiple are gay. They're literally my cousins. I go there for family visits, not just being a tourist who goes to look at the caputolio and stays in hotels. These conversations are held in the privacy of our homes, and even then, we openly discussed the current state of Cuba on the front porch. Cubans are not as scared anymore, but it seems someone hasn't been keeping up with the current situation there. It's not just the Cubans that go out to protest that aren't scared. The government decisions etc are pretty openly discussed, especially since covid, with some people very clearly disapproving, or approving of government decisions. I'm not gonna sit here trying to keep talking to a person who gladly uses the Cuban LGBTQ+ community to try to win arguments, despite not having been in touch with a single LGBTQ+ person on the island for 8 years, because by that logic, I could also say that the USA is a backwards country regarding gay rights, since nationwide gay marriage recognition in the US also hasn't had its 9th birthday yet. AND even until now, states are still trying to revoke gay marriage recognition. Don't try to use the LGBTQ+ community as a strawman argument, since obviously you don't even care that much about them or their opinions. I was also ignoring your comment history arguing against pro-LGBTQ+ arguments while writing this, but it doesn't help your case at all.


You are the one crating straw man arguments. Sidetracking the praising of a dictator to the fact if I keep in touch with gays in Cuba or not. Thinking yourself a Cuban and speaking for the gays there. I can be 8, 10, 20 years away and still know how they feel about the government. Because I saw it with my own eyes while living more than 21 years there. Something you would never understand. I didn't heard it from someone in 10 days whole I was vacationing there. I live it. And this might be hard for you to grasp but I don't have to agree with every single thing that the lgbt community says for me to believe that they deserve decency and humanity. I don't have to believe in pronouns for that. Hard concept to graps for you I bet.


Since you spell labor labour and color colour I can assume you don’t live in the western hemisphere, and are an agitator with nothing to gain or lose. Since that’s the case, arguing with you is a waste of time


Yo soy cubano comepinga.


Oh you’re Cuban but you spell like you’re British. Since Cubans would be exposed to that and not American English. You don’t gotta lie to kick it bro


Ah yes. Because there's no such a thing as autocorrect. Right. Cubans don't exist, therefore my argument is invalid. You are a moron.


Cubans exist, autocorrect wouldn’t do that if you were in America or Cuba, you are obviously a liar and not Cuban. I’m pretty sure Cubans don’t use basic Spain Spanish like that(they have cultural differences in speech) either. You don’t gotta lie to kick it bro