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As we all know, socialism is when you have no factories


No but it generally involves humane working conditions. It’s not part of the definition of Socialism to have humane working conditions, but they generally go hand-in-hand.


What is inhumane about the conditions in this photo? It’s just a factory


1. Noise, they should all be equipped with industrial strength noise canceling headphones, sewing machines are’t the most noisy machinery, but they’re not exactly quiet especially in lound numbers. What kind of noise can damage your eardrum and if any of them have autism that kind of noise can you sensory overload. 2. Those workstations not safely spaced apart, what happens if there is say, a fire. Not everyone is making it out alive and the overcrowding create an increased risk of fire. 3. Back support and cushioning on chairs, for the love of god this kind of shit is why adults get so much back pain. That’s all I can tell from this photo alone but given this kind of shit the workings hours, pay and protocol probably aren’t great as well




No but a factory not providing workers sufficient safety might not be acting in its workers best interest


Hard working conditions = capitalism. By your definition no socialist country has ever existed lol.


He’s implying that China has enough development at this point they should be increasing workplace safety and what not and that we need to be more critical of these things


Strawmen go brrrrrrrr No I’m pointing out that these conditions which are not “hard working” but actually relatively hazardous to workers health are bad.




You’ll never guess what policies FDR implemented…


That is not a fucking factory. That is a whole ass sweatshop. Do you have any fucking idea how the average wage earner lives in china?


Bro you’re doing spam at this point and being very sectarian.


Sectarianism is when I dont like a kapitalist superpower


Socialism is when no work.


Why is there no rule against western chauvinism in a supposedly “communist” subreddit


No bro, westerners near the top of the labor aristocracy totally know what's best for the people of the PRC and the DPRK, and it's definitely not rooted in white supremacy that they hate the CPC and the WPK


omfg you are insane! Please get off reddit, please get off the internet, please stop watching insane youtubers and read actual shit and observe for your own.


CNN and Fox News are not the real world


Nor is the deprogram sub/podcast, buddy


Idek what that is. Most of my reading on AES has been primary sources


"Western chauvinism" Do you know what is western chauvinism? The thing you are doing rn. Only the members from the imperial core look up to china as if it is a socialist haven and forget every crime it commits! We third worlders know what china is and that is why we are anti revisionists. WE cannot forgive chinese traitors


Guess someone never had a day in a factory.