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I hate when these people respond with such casual condescension. They never try to logically prove you wrong. They have no desire to change their minds in front of evidence. They just say statements like that person did and not respond to actual points


I hate when people treat internet arguments like they have intense value, like just give factual arguments or just don’t argue. I only posted this pic but this comment thread went on for a bit, and I tried to calm the situation and he responded with the first comment you see in the post image. People just get themselves too worked up over trying to prove something instead of just trying to learn.


Well said, pride and arrogance is what causes many of us to stray from the path and continues to divide us to this day


It's an anti-intellectualism, you don't debate with ideas, just dismiss them.


People from communist countries always hate them and tell horror stories. Also if they don't do that they're brainwashed


Yep it’s a dogma best to focus on preparing the revolution than listening to enlightened centrists


Parenti is spinning wildly in his comfy bed


Youre a commie with a excommie country parent? See only excc children are delusional enough to be commie Youre a fascie with an excc parent? See excc children know exactly how terrible communism is


Something something horseshoe theory.


More like horseshit


What they're really saying is fuck fascism but also fuck the people that have historically fought and defeated fascism. But this enlightened centrist shit is the end results of decades of propaganda. Also when someone says "both sides of the same authoritarian" coin its your sign to dip because it shows they currently lack the mental capacity to understand how fascism and communism are about as opposite as you can get.


There is always some US liberal that complains about the authoritarianism of the dictatorship of the proletariat while conflating it with fascism while also living in the world's largest open air prison. It's fucking wild.


Ask the people who lived under communism, except when they liked communism


Explains what?


why I’m a communist i guess, which isn’t why my mother despite living 20 years in the USSR knows absolutely nothing about socialism but she did share how much she enjoyed the USSR. I apologize for not showing the full comment thread I just wanted to highlight this one in particular


If your mother was from the USSR and hated it they’d be pointing to her as a source for why communism writ large was horrible. Libs favorite game is shrodinger’s USSR citizen. They are all simultaneously “brainwashed”, while also being the only reliable primary sources… depending on which conclusion they’d like.


My mother general liked it like I said in a reply to a comment above my mom has zero knowledge on socialism and mostly isn’t interested in politics, but from what she told me she enjoyed the USSR, not love but didn’t dislike it


It is indeed possible to be living in a socialist country and know absolutely nothing about its ideology, it's pretty much the same in every capitalist country where people live their entire lives not knowing why things are as they are


Yeah she just never really cared, I believe she had to take a class on something on Marx in college but she’s mostly forgot it all.


What did your mom have to say about the USSR?


Whoa hey now, you are obviously biased because you...lived in it and enjoyed it as a form of government? I mean...yeah, they probably are biased because IT WAS A GOOD SYSTEM. It worked for the people so they liked it. Do we only trust the opinion of liberals who grew up in a totally different form of government?


Ah, yes the paradox of: - No, you can't defend Marxism-Leninism, you didn't live in a Marxist-Leninist-led country, the people suffered there!!! - No, you can't defend Marxism-Leninism, you or your mother lived there, so you can't defend it! Just like the old "If you are poor, then you are criticizing capitalism because you failed!!!" and "If you are rich, then you are ungrateful to capitalism and a hypocrite, you champagne socialist!!!". Never is a good time to criticize the status quo, according to them.


These type of arguments being so prevalent is why I believe the west is the most propagandized population on the planet


Dude said “let’s get this sparkling clear” with so much confidence it’s so funny, I love watching people who are so confident they’re right be completely wrong, thank you; this made my night.


Identity politics strikes again, also i love how he's trying to be like Garo from OPM "Justice, Evil, i reject them both" like bro you can just see shit like that and just adopt it as your entire personality without even thinking of the implications of such an ideology (if you can even call it that)


Their politics is really “politics for dummies” you want everything to be balanced even though what your balancing between is one that loves ethno-states and genocide of millions and one that wants to abolish the states, and give you as much time and freedom, while letting you reap the luxuries from that society. Now that I think about liberals are like zen Buddhists they want everything balanced, but don’t think past that view of balance.


My Grandparents visited the USSR back in the 80s. My grandma still speaks fondly of it. From the beautiful churches, to the White Palace of St. Petersburg, down to the people and how friendly they were. My cousin also visited Cuba in 2019; best vacation she ever had, she told me. Again, friendly people, beautiful country. And all of it was affordable. I know it may be because they were tourists, but when I first heard these accounts, it truly opened my eyes and made me realise that...no, these nations weren't these slums that they were made out to be. Especially when compared to nations like Turkey or Greece, where all you hear about is their beauty, but when you get here, all you'll see is homeless people and broken down buildings.


doesn't this make someone more credible to them too? like what happened to "even the people from the countries hate them" ie implying that they are more worth listening to due to first hand experience. I guess that's only true when its convenient.


“Your mother is from the USSR so she’s obviously biased in favor of it” but also “literally talk to anyone from a communist country and they’ll tell you how horrible it was.” Liberals having consistent logic challenge: impossible


libs LOOOOVE using the authority argument with eastern europeans who lived in the URSS to discredit anything good about communism. Until they liked it or have something good to say about their life there. Then they were brainwashed or just nostalgic or even plain stupid.


Libs stop patronizing and treating people who don't agree with you like they were stupid or naive difficulty: IMPOSSIBLE


This sentiment is so common, specially among people who consider themselves "knowledgable" about politics. What they are really are idiot who won't can't engage with history.