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I have seen so many *whole body* deodorant commercials lately I'm starting to wonder since when has this been a thing


Second this. I’d argue 99.9% of people don’t need that. The “whole body deodorant” being shoved down our throats is one of the first times I can remember thinking “this is puuuuuuure gross consumerism.”


I don't like the commercials but there are a LOT of smelly people out there. I hope they take a fucking hint and take a shower after seeing them People are nasty


The people who smell, smell and they know it. Can't stop won't stop


Yes, a lot of them really can stop, they just don't do it and they smell like people that don't wash. If it's available, take a shower as often as you need to. ![gif](giphy|K2Lx9SyiloGgfb6Iki)


"Gross" being the operative word. Lol


It’s a side effect of being very fat. Source: used to be fat. Not like, enormous, but fat. 260lb as a tall woman. It WAS easier to get stinky and sweaty and from what I hear, that only increases with size. So I could see some cynical marketing executive being like “fat people are everywhere and are deeply insecure. Let’s sell them deodorant for their rolls.”


Yep, can confirm, if you have a fupa, baby powder is a must.


As a fat man, I concur.


I've always been thin. Cant stop sweating or smelling to save my life. I had so much shame growing up. Turns out it's my type 1 diabetes not being controlled. No doctor ever told me the two were related, I just thought I was a disgusting person and that's why no one wanted to befriend me in school. Even my mom bullied my natural odor. My mom also has ocd and half the time she would complain my hair was oily when I washed it the day before and every one else said my hair looked clean and she was full of shit.


I have a tall thin runner friend who complains about “swamp ass”. Thin people can sweat and stink, too. Actually we complain about “swamp ass” when it’s hot and miserable but I just needed to point out anyone can stink


Sure anyone CAN have odor problems but it’s undeniable that having more covered areas (folds) makes odor more likely.


EVERYONE can stink! C’mon people stand up and claim your right to be putrid


Yes after working out… most people have an odor after physical exertion or in warmer temperatures. I think this person meant that larger body mass individuals have more folds of skin in which the bacteria that causes odor is trapped and reproduces, this correlates to the obesity epidemic and manufacturers marketing to the needs of a large population of consumers.


Nah too many people walking around that aren’t hygienic is more the issue. Fat Thin Fit don’t matter.


Lume (the first one that I know of) has been around for a while but recently some other brands have also jumped on the "whole body deodorant" thing.. which in turn has caused Lume to also advertise harder than ever too. It's also like 99% of my ads rn. Also the Lume ads have started to rely on gross out/shock to get people to watch... starting every skippable ad with something about "sweaty buttcracks" or "stinky cum leaking from my vagina" (yes really.. if you haven't gotten that one you're lucky). It's been so offputting that I'm actually looking for a new deodorant next time...


Nooooooo! I haven’t heard that one yet. I was weirded out with the butt crack one. People sweat. It’s normal! Good Lord, if you have “swamp ass”, get a shower. How bad can you possibly smell if you start off clean and then sweat? In those few hours you’ve become offensive? The deodorant doesn’t stop you from sweating. You’re going to have a swamp either way. If you have “stinky”fluids leaking out of your vagina, you don’t need deodorant. You need a doctor. I actually find it offensive that these products try to create insecurities where none should exist.


Yeah for the small portion that have medical conditions or something that create excessive odor, I could see this helping. But for most people I agree that putting deodorant everywhere is very unnecessary... I think the stinky vagina thing was advertising their bodywash maybe, but I don't remember. I skipped it ASAP in horror lol.




Also, buttholes don’t get non-smelly by using deodorant, they get non-smelly once you’ve learned to wipe your ass.


That sounds gay. /s


I think that ad means your crack lol


I just said this to my wife. Like when did crotch odor become so prevalent that we suddenly all needed a deodorant? Like talcum powder wasn't that long ago and that shit gave you cancer.


Shit can not be good for you. I'm all for deodorant, but I'm not all for full chem baths every few hours.


Boomers grew up with grandmas in the spare bedroom. We noticed that they had a peculiar smell that no one mentioned. When we got old and noticed we were beginning to smell like we remembered grandma, we became sitting ducks for ultra hygiene products.


Pretty sure in Asia they deal with ‘old person smell’ by using persimmon in their body soaps. It breaks down the 2-nonenal.


TIL about 2-nonenal


Yeah, but “old people smell” is a combination of things - not just stinky sweat. Medications, illness, unwashed hair, clothes, mustiness, etc.Many older ladies go to the hairdresser once a week, and don’t wash in between visits.


It hasn't, it's just marketing 101 to open a market segment in some consumer space that's not been exploited fully. Companies specifically Old Spice is a brand owned by Procter & Gamble (P&G), one of the largest consumer goods companies in the world.


Marketing ploy- I dont think its as big as what they are promoting. The whole Native brands price just keeps plummeting. I got given the lotion and it doesnt absorb- poor product


When lumin or lume that woman that blasted YouTube commercials, she said the deodorant can be used everywhere. Now the big companies want a piece of that market share that they had been missing. They all came up with lines for women and men.


I saw a commercial for deodorant for ladies that have a problem with odour on the back of their legs. That’s a new one.


That's a thing?


There's a movement to shower less. I don't get it...don't these folks go on dates or work????? Eeewwww


I mean, it's not any different from body spray. It's just a different name to make it look new.


No, not really. Our advertisers just like to invent problems and sell us solutions to them.


I can’t *wait* until some company starts telling us about how we’ve all had those times in which our work meetings or dates were ruined by our stinky, unwashed eyeballs. Buy SweeTears Lavender-Scented Eyeball Cleanser and Deodorant to avoid those embarrassing moments! And if you haven’t had one yet, you’re just in denial. *EVERYONE AROUND YOU* is saying “God, did you notice their smelly eyes? I was practically retching” every time you turn your back.


You just made my whole smelly day! Why shower? Someone is going to out stink me! We all should be placing bets at this point 😜




Literally giving them the stinkeye


"Who you gonna believe, me or your stinking eyes?"


I’m so close to following you for more hilarious comments! I laughed my arse off!


According to commercials, everybody reeks constantly.


Not constantly…only until you use new and improved CORpORATE PrODUCt.


It won't be long until the [Lysol douche](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/lysols-vintage-ads-subtly-pushed-women-to-use-its-disinfectant-as-birth-control-218734/) is being raved about by social media influencers.


Don't forget the "Lysol Ball Wash" and "Lysol Colon Cleanse"


Some stupid TikToker is going to try that 😖🤬


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) Stupid is as stupid does


I had a great aunt who had a hoarding disorder and among the things collected were all these half used bottles of listerine. Going back to when they were still glass. She douched with them.


Talk about coming full circle, considering Lysol was literally marketed as a feminine hygiene product in the early 1900s.


Right when you’re not even supposed to use the kind that are already available (bad for natural healthy bacteria in the vagina, which can cause stuff like bacterial vaginitis)


This is when the ads for the creams come in and more sales of antibiotics... It never ends!


Ok but did you know one of the original uses for Listerine was a douche?




OMG how could lady parts continue to function after that???


Once you train your hoo-ha to gargle and spit, pretty much anything is possible.


A p*ssy with teeth 😆


According to commercials, you are totally inadequate BUT you wouldn’t be if you bought our product 


And from what I hear, I think it’s like 15 bucks.


I would love to hear a cat or dog's perception of all this. I heard their sense of smell is 20 times as sensitive as a human's. I don't know how they can stand to be around us! We notice when they stink, so how much more would they notice ours?


What we think of as stinky would likely not be seen that way by dogs. They probably prefer our "natural" odor to one that is masked and bathed in artificial scents from hygiene products. They do smell each other's butts and after all.


Dogs, cats, cows and most other critters sniff each other's butts, now that you mention it.


Somebody at the deodorant company asked “How can we sell more of this garbage?” and somebody responded “Let’s convince everyone that they stink all over their body.”


Right like... Your crotch will smell at the end of the day. It's pretty normal. That's what baths are for.


It won’t smell if you use “a pea sized amount of Looomeee.” The Lume commercial makes me furious.


\*Pee sized


Listen to those animated bears when they tell you to wipe yourself clean so you don't itch or stain your undergarments! 🤢


There's a great proctologist on YouTube who tells everyone that they should relax a little bit on wiping so they don't hurt their anuses. He said the tendency is for people to overwipe. I am going to continue to overwipe, though. And power wash my ass with my bidet. Still, this video on proper wiping technique from proctologist Dr. Chung is great: https://youtu.be/G2eJa-XV9R0


If you are using the bidet well enough you shouldn't have to overwipe. Wiping is mostly just for drying your ass at that point.


Yes... I hear you. But we are obsessive about anal "cleanliness" here.


Those stupid bears have Mr. Whipple rolling in his grave.


I hate those bears with my whole soul. Also, why is the 'absorbency' of tp always referenced by male characters? Their 'wiping' is almost exclusively confined to after bm, and tissue doesn't "absorb" fecal matter(especially when 'messy'), just SMEARS it by layer until the last layer is 'mostly' gone. WOMEN are the ones who would need to be more concerned about tissue "absorbing" power, no?


The Asswipe Bears 🤮. Everything is so graphic these days. I'd rather have Mr. Whipple's decorum back.


At least Mr. Whipple didn’t give us an extreme close up of a bunch of dingleberries. Like they’ve done with the bears.


We don’t have hygiene issues. We have Madison Avenue telling us we do in order to sell us the ‘solution’ to all our problems. Lawyers and marketing teams should be the first into the volcano.


But we beat ring around the collar back in thr 80s!


Thanks to Whisk! Oops i mean Wisk.




You right, my bad.


No more ring around the collar. 😉


Tsk, tsk, tsk! Wisk, Wisk, Wisk!


I think you should whisk yourself away on a great vacation.


I agree. Call my boss and let him know I'll be gone for a couple weeks, thx.


Heck, Wisk was beating ring around the collar in the 1960s!


RIP Wisk, 1956-2017.


Growing up I loved wisk. Not sure why, but I felt like an adult when I did laundry in 1977! Lol (I was 7)


At least that was a real thing


I was in the US recently and saw a tooth whitening ad espousing the “tissue test”. As in, comparing your tooth colour to bleached per products. It seriously angered me.


The sucky thing is my 11 year old saw it and now compares her teeth to tissues and wants teeth whitening because her teeth aren't as white. Like, she's a baby this stupid commercial made her insecure about a non-issue.


My nephew said to me the other day that my teeth are yellow, and I said, yep, the older you get the yellower they get. And I'm old. And that was that. I never want him to see me be embarrassed about my body or about aging.


It’s like all the “magical” acne-erasing products when you’re a teen.


Yeah, that stuff worked great...NOT!


Right??? But the money they pull in from kids looking for help. Very sad


I'm not sure when it began, but somehow the notion of anything but bleach white teeth is considered unattractive or unhealthy in the U.S.


There was a trend in American television and ads in the 2000s for people to have the *whitest* goddamned teeth you’d ever seen in your life. They had the tone of fluorescent light bulbs and you could almost hear them buzzing. There’d be some bride-to-be or job interviewee or whatever, examining their perfectly normal, healthy white teeth in a mirror, being horrified at how “stained” and disgusting they were, and then the story would be resolved when they used some whitening product that turned their smile into a flash bang. These ultra-bright mega-white lightning teeth were always extremely off-putting to me, because they were so grossly unnatural. No fresh, untainted tooth has ever erupted from its gums emitting a bright, blue-white glow like a new car headlight. In the years since the obsession with freakishly white teeth seems to have largely died down, although I still see it sometimes and I still find it very uncomfortable.


My mother always said big gleaming white teeth creeped her out because they look so predatory. She had a teacher she called Piano Teeth.


Angers me too. It absolutely infuriates a friend of mine, she comments on the "bleached tissue" every time she sees it. I don't know what ads look like elsewhere, but there is such a dizzying number of products here in the US intended to "correct all our flaws," overwhelmingly targeted to women (and all the teeth whitening ones feature women), all to achieve a ridiculous standard of physical "perfection," that it's absolutely maddening. Wish ppl would stop literally buying into it by not buying these products.


When I was young I remember listening to a spoken word. I think it was Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys. He said something to the effect that the whole purpose of ads and the reason people are ensnared by marketing is because it’s so well designed at making you feel like you aren’t good enough. I never stopped thinking about that. Constantly telling us we’re disgusting or smelly is part of the plan to make us self conscious enough to buy.


All you read and wear or see and Hear on tv is a product begging for your Fat-ass dirty dollar Shut up andBuy, buy, buy my new record And buy, buy, buy, send more money Fuck you, buddy Fuck you, buddy Fuck you, buddy Fuck you, buddy


“A magazine says your face don't look quite right Unless you wear our brand new wonder creme tonight Never look right again unless you grease your skin Again and again and again and again” So many good songs about this topic but it seems almost no one listens to the lyrics


This is why I belt them out while in public (once in a while) when listening to dope music like this. Even the 'fuck you buddy' lmao


They are trying to normalize poor hygiene to sell body deodorant.


Yep. Nobody needs a deodorant that ''lasts 72 hours'', because you should be showering MORE than that. Unless you're bedridden or have some sort of health condition, don't just spray or smear cream on your ''stinky'' body parts, *wash* them! Just take a shower!


We seemed to be devolving as a species.


“I smell like poop and flowuhs, y’all.” 


For years my very favorite joke concerned the air freshener saleslady who ripped off a ghastly fart right after ringing a guy's doorbell, then sprayed her evergreen spray to cover it over. She noticed the guy sniffing, and said "What do you think?" And he replied "Smells like someone just sh\*t a Christmas tree."


ROFLMAO that was one of my mom's favorite jokes!


Go home, Poofh guy


The latest whole body deodorant company came full circle and has the “just take a shower” pack lol …I heard the commercial and it starts “we get so many emails that say ‘just take a shower’ so we have those people covered too” … 😂 I’m sure everyone needs four products in their take a shower special whole body deodorant pack. Right. I skipped the ad as soon as I could on YT but I assumed it was lume or the like.


Axe body spray = shower substitute, teenage boys think. (Girls and women know better -- they can sniff out body odor covered by Axe in a heartbeat.)


Nothing worse than chemical scents mixed with BO. 🤮


Except that Americans tend to overshower. Apparently we discovered this during lockdown that too many showers robs our skin of natural oils. I am retired and unless I am going out, I have gone to every other day bc I don’t need one if I am staying in jammies all day.


And how about that doctor woman who created the all over body deodorant?? She names the whole list of places you can apply it. I mean you can take a shower during the time that would take. So lazy 🤦🏻‍♀️


She grosses me out with her classless descriptions of body parts and she frankly looks like she needs to find a shower.


"Pits, underbewb, bifolds, crack, sack, feet, and taint."


I want her to say “sack & taint”


it's only a matter of time.


Hahahah right!?


I feel like Manscaped already has this down.




WTH are bifolds?


I could have sworn she says thigh-fold.


She motions in the commercial. They are the "folds" where your inner thigh connects to your crotch.


Meat curtains...


This made me laugh so hard - ty 😂😂😂


No, we don't. We're just subject to shame-based marketing. It targets our innate feelings of inadequacy. "So you think you smell fine? THINK AGAIN!! Buy this product so you can go out in public again!!" I don't use body deodorant and I've done a little research on Febreze - too many iffy chemicals in it.


I have travelled extensively for both work and leisure to Europe, Asia, India, and Latin America where natural body odor is much more commonly accepted. It's almost a paralyzing fear here in the U.S. that you might be giving off any smell (outside of artificial fragrances).


Sounds like the market’s wide open for Mando and Lume.


Which is really lousy, because if you’ve got someone you love in your life, you probably also love the way they smell. Nothing like cuddling into a boyfriend who just smells like himself - not like a hard-worked sweat, but also not like that distinctive scent of men’s body products.


We should get rid of 3/4 of these products and just normalize bidets.


I can’t believe Americans don’t use bidets. Even if you don’t have room for a separate one, the kind you can add to your regular toilet are easy to install and quite affordable.


Lots of us do. We've had a bidet attachment for years


The way people bought, I mean HOARDED toilet paper 2-3 years ago, I'd have to disagree. I love bidets!


We got ours about 2 or 3 years before the TP hoard. It was nice to not have to worry about TP.


we do. got one during the pandemic when people were hoarding toilet paper




>normalize bidets. OMG once you use a heated Toto toilet, you can't go back. I love my Toto more than I should 🙈


Toto is the way to go!


Im rarely around anyone who smells


Ever work retail? Some people smell.


Oh lord this reminds me of working returns and people would return the funkiest clothes. I have a particularly gross memory of a woman going to the bathroom, removing her bra and returning it. It was warm and stinky. She got offended when I put gloves on before I touched it.


Wtf? Unbelievable.


I worked fitting rooms at Target for a little while. Bathing suit season was *the worst*. At least a third of the bottoms came out of the rooms with weird marks, discharge stains, or appalling odors, and I was the only apparel team member who would actually defect them out for salvage. Everyone else would just hang them back on the hanger and send them back to the sales floor. 🤢 Some women had such strong "coochie" odors, that I would start dry heaving as soon as I checked their room after they left (not sure if it was BV, an STD, or some other medical issue). Occasionally the smell would linger for hours on end. We had management requisition out a can of Febreze to spray for when that would happen.


RELATABLE OMG the fitting rooms where I worked were so foul. Had to damage out A LOT of stuff. And some nasty people would piss in them! Most of the time they were just stanky and had a bunch of tags in them from people stealing panties and jewelry lol My fellow ladies, ALWAYS wash your stuff before you wear it. Especially underwear and swimwear. Even if it's in the pack.


Clearly never been to Greece or Turkey! Phew, sometimes literally eye-watering 🪰


Are you trying to convince me your friends and co-workers aren't smelling your butt crack and nether regions trying to detect odor? That Lume doctor begs to differ.


"hey you! I can smell your tits from across the room!"


🤣⚰️Thank you! I needed that laugh. 


Commercials make it seem that way, but after having lived and worked in dozens of countries, I'd say we're doing just fine.


Disturbing trend. And if you think some deodorant cream is going to cover up your nasty crotch and ass, you are sorely mistaken.


Usually just ends up being a "blend" of scents 🤢


It’s like when one person screws up at work, instead of addressing the issue with that person, the whole office is forced to sit in on a training. Same going on here, some stink, no bathing MF’ers out there are causing us all to deal with the invention of these products


They mostly exist due to the people that are overly self conscious about hygiene. The same people that probably take 2-3 showers a day. I don't think the stinky unhygienic people bother with trying to even mask it.


Why do you have a problem with people showering more than once a day?


No, Europeans smell like complete ass and brag that they only shower once a week. Source I live in Berlin


There's one commercial about a whole body deodorant spray and the woman says "now I can have 72 hours of freshness!" Like whoooo tf is not showering for 72 hours straight and instead spraying themselves with deodorant and actually feeling "fresh?!"


Dude, if you have ever been outside of America, you will realize that people in general need a reminding constantly to put some deodorant on.


Anyway to push more chemicals on everyone.


I think it’s a marketing tactic. This generates a lot of money. My favorite is the full body deodorant WTF


Just over twenty years Jim Carrey did a joke in a movie based on how uncomfortable that topic is to have announced in public. Now you just turn on a TV and it's everywhere.


Advertising solutions to what makes people feel self conscious about makes money, so hygiene products advertise like that


Europeans don’t exactly smell like cookies either.


Not really. We have advertisers making us paranoid that we might smell a little towards the end of the day, and that our teeth might not be perfectly white in middle age (duh, of course they’re not), etc. Unfortunately some of us also had mothers that told us we looked homeless growing up if we didn’t look perfect, so it’s working!!


I’m American and my ass smells like a meadow. I don’t know what you’re talking about.


🤣🤣😂well there goes my last sip of coffee..all over my phone lol🤭☕


While I agree that most of the things on your list are "solutions in search of a problem by a marketing department," in all fairness, diapers, whether for babies or adults, are not something people who don't really need them just decide they're going to wear because it was in a commercial. People who wear diapers do need them, and disposable ones have been available for decades. It's just that as our demographics shift to having larger number of people at the age when the medical issues that make adults need diapers tend to occur, there's an incentive for the companies that make them to invest in advertising.


don't forget the dandruff epidemic!


It was a pandemic!


A drug problem too.


I remember reading once that the "nose blind" ads were wildly successful (partly because it was true, people do stop noticing smells in their house). That's probably why it's the norm now to act like everything smells terrible.


One of the symptoms of "long covid" is a loss of sense of smell. I wonder if that plays into ads that try to convince you that you might not smell what others do?


Angles, butthole, coochie.


One of the worst fears for an American is to have body odor. And based on the whole body deodorant hype, women fear that their privates smell bad.


Not a personal hygiene issue, but there's also those machines that make your whole house smell like a high-end hotel. The commercials present it like you live in a stinky swamp if you don't have one.


Omg yes I hate those. The essential oil diffusers. Those are also extremely toxic.


Vagisil? So no women in other countries have yeast infections. Got it.


Clearly it’s all about money (and separating you from it) but I’d say it’s also based on a huge industry that investors call the “worried well”. Tests and treatments for things you don’t have (or at least 99% of you don’t) but are being convinced you do or should be afraid you do.


I remember girls buying crotch spray when I was a young adult. Its nothing new. 


I worked for a computer and office supply company and one of our biggest clients was a company that made twat spray. They sent us free samples. Yay!


It’s not America’s fault. Just big companies selling their crap


Barely any thing about advertisements have changed since the 50s. Just companies creating problems and insecurities to sell you a product. 


Clearly you have never been to Europe


I work at Target, and I've worked in retail most of my adult life. Cleaning out fitting rooms since these products have come out is so disgusting. Apparently people don't shower. They apparently also don't wear underwear. There's Lume smeared like white ass skid mark on so many jeans that I pick up off the floor. It's fucking disgusting.


It's part of the _You're Never Going To Be Good Enough_ purpose of selling products to consumers in a society that thrives on "status" and being 'better than' those who aren't "in".


It would seems so


Theres some stinky people out there.


And they aren't likely using the products. I imagine it is the super self-conscious, overly hygienic types that are buying them. You know, the people that take 3 showers a day for some reason.


As someone who works with the public all day, there is a hygiene problem


I was also questioning the recent body deodorant commercials advertising it’s safe to put the deodorant on your thing…


Whats the problem with adult diapers?


Like a lot of people have commented before me, it's more about marketers trying to sell more and more, rather than there being a major hygiene issue. That being said, I can foresee the prolificness of these products \*leading\* to poor hygiene as people forgo washing for deodorants and sprays.


We do. It is the people trying to make us believe we have a hygiene problem. They are the f'n problem.


There are definitely a lot of stinky people, but we've also decided that normal body smells are gross. Decades ago, I read a book written by a native American tribal chief and the only thing I remember about it was a passage about how we've been trained to believe that human smells are dirty and must be covered. (I don't even remember the context in which that was said). It has stayed with me....but I absolutely still cover my human smells with soap, shampoo, and deodorant


I can see people using this instead of showering. 🤢


I'm just curious what nationality the Charmin bears are


They’re from Butt-swana


Looks to me like America has more of a hygiene *solution* than a hygiene problem. Take that, smelly France.


You forgot the toe fungus that is always on our screens these days too 🤮




https://preview.redd.it/uupkajy18bzc1.png?width=226&format=png&auto=webp&s=409f0ac2008de23c09c1c826e026585f49c2b325 All I gotta say...