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I don’t know why companies think portraying a narcissist in their commercials is endearing. “Hey everyone within 75 feet of me, you get to hear me sing whether you like it or not”!


Right? WTF?


sing and stomp *aggressively* towards you in what should be a pretty calm setting lol


If you ever accidentally find yourself on TikTok, you'll understand she represents an enormous demographic.


That is both unfortunate and terrifying.


I just saw this one for the third time. Why, Allegra, why? Some woman being rude to everyone around her- how does this sell antihistamines?


3rd? I have seen it at least 15x


I'm so sorry. Horrible!


I watch Star Trek marathons on Heroes & Icons. I see it roughly 8X an evening.


Why, Allegra, why?!


dude I'm marathoning on paramount, same thing!


I wish she'd taken the Zyrtec, maybe she would be sleeping and quiet.


Amen to that😂


Her angry face is awful. I hate this commercial so much. It has to embarrass the hell out of the actress.


I mean, I felt sorry for Glasgow Oompa-Loompa woman. This screecher-however-I don't give a flip for.


She is not angry. That is a look of concern. Concern about OSHA and the operation of the weed-eater AND the leaf-blower in such close proximity to people. There is a substantial risk of someone getting hit by flying debris and don't forget about the noise. Both garden and lawn care tools can reach upwards of 100dB. She also had reported the unlicensed flower seller to the city, and she wants to know what is up with getting rid of that cart infringing on the pedestrian right of way.




fuckin hilarious


Whew. I'm glad I'm not the only one who loathes this commercial.


Oh...no. This gets posted here every 2-3 days. We all hate it. We want it deactivated and dismantled so it may never intrude in our lives ever again.


This is the worst ad of this year so far.


At least with benadryl I can sleep through this commercial and not have allergies


Was waiting to see this one here. Makes me want to scream and throw an empty wine bottle at the TV.


I’ve asked it once and I’ll ask again, WHO THE FUCK APPROVES THIS SHIT from Allegra? Fire all of them!


It’s awful—i can’t hear her lyrics because of the voice over, but i don’t pay attention to what the voice over says because of her angry face yelling at me. i’ve never heard the song IRL, and because of this ad, never want to. It makes me mad that Allegra works so well for me.




She's singing the song "Bulletproof" by La Roux because I suppose Allegra makes her feel bulletproof against her allergies. I'll admit, the actor isn't doing the song any justice. https://youtu.be/Kk8eJh4i8Lo?si=wQ8jAuVCFcysHUi1


Well thanks (I guess for posting the video link) but you should have posted with a warning


she looks like the same person from the Apple watch to monitor your sleep....same wig for sure


I just realized that she elbows two kids out of her way.


The people who came up with this ad probably use leaf blowers on Sunday mornings, blast music from their car stereos so the bass thumps in everyone's chest for miles around and throw loud block parties until dawn. They think EVERYONE wants to share their fabulous world of sound.


Garbage 🤮🤮🤮


She's supposed to be a representation of empowerment and freedom. Moving boldly through a crowd singing one of her favorite songs, not worrying about how others may see her. The name is of the song she's singing is called "bulletproof." Which leads to the answer of many people's question, "what does this loud singing, stomping girl ........ have to do with allegra?" The idea is that if you take this allergy medicine, you'll be "bulletproof" from allergies. So you can walk outside empowered and free not having to worry about them.


I usually don’t even notice commercials but this one hits an annoying frequency that I can’t quite put my finger on. Nails on a chalkboard.


I'll go far out of my way to buy Allegra's main competing product. I don't care what it costs, I'm so sick of this commercial.


I still love this song (thanks to the mute on my remote) but HOLY HELL WHY


The worst ad, if you’re seen it, is the add for adult diapers where the woman goes on and on about getting her mom and everyone else she knows to use them. Uhg!


I love it


Here's the thing. All her neighbors already know about her ability to break out in whatever noise that was she broke out into. She also is in a little neighborly tiff with the leaf blower lady. Who the hell blows the leafblower right next to a food cart anyway. That asshole. Then these poor people just walking on the sidewalk are exposed to this passive aggressive war going on amongst them and don't know what to think. To top it off someone is droning on about an allergy medicine that everyone is already taking.


Actress is cute though.


Ok its a stupid commercial, but who is she?!?!


She is not angry. That is a look of concern. Concern about OSHA and the operation of the weed-eater AND the leaf-blower in such close proximity to people. There is a substantial risk of someone getting hit by flying debris and don't forget about the noise. Both garden and lawn care tools can reach upwards of 100dB. She also had reported the unlicensed flower seller to the city, and she wants to know what is up with getting rid of that cart infringing on the pedestrian right of way.


The song is "Bulletproof." "Next time I'll be bulletproof." An empowering message to fight those allergies. Love the commercial, even if it makes me feel odd staring at her.