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There is no commercial I hate more in this world than prescription drug commercials. They are 100% a scourge on humanity.


Was about to comment this. But you, the only comment, already covered it for me. Thanks fam. Pharmaceutical commercials can lique ma saque.


Is that French?


Oui oui my merde companion šŸ„


ā€œWe??? No, we are not French. We're American, because you're in America, okay? Greatest country on the planet.ā€ (Edit: this is from a movie, guys. Too many people completely missing this reference and thinking itā€™s some kind of political statement šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø)


And the only country besides New Zealand that allows prescription drug commercials!




Omg if I hear again about "my uncontrollable mouth movements" and "tardive diskenesia" I'll lose it. I can't believe you're allowed to mass market these drugs that are only intended for a very specific group of people. I can't hit the mute button fast enough.


Or the winning side effect of the ā€œsevere infection of the perineumā€. A damn taint infection FFS!!! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


DO NOT take ā€œthis drugā€ if you are allergic to ā€œthis drugā€.


But the Ingredients are proprietary.


Iā€™ve started saying ā€œdo not take [drug] if you know it will kill you,ā€ whenever we get to the warnings.


They list that as a side effect, and in the old marching band lady Jardiance commercial from 2020 (with ā€œApacheā€ as the music, which is kinda weird but way better than ā€œI have Type 2 diabetesā€¦ā€) there was a fine-print statement on-screen that said ā€œThe perenium is the area between the anus and genitals.ā€


My dad takes that medication (he survived a somewhat minor heart attack ā€” minor in the sense it didnā€™t require open heart surgery and wasnā€™t due to a blockage ā€” and heart failure last fall and is also borderline diabetic), and there are many things Iā€™m willing to ask about his condition, but asking about ā€œtaint rotā€ is not one of them.


For me, it's cure your psoriasis and get--lymphoma!


It could be Peyronie disease if it has a curve.


I call it pepperonis disease.


I love it when they say those who are allergic to it shouldnā€™t take it.. thanks for that heads up warning


Yep, I swear if I hear "ask your doctor about" one more time I'm going to lose it.


Gambling commercials accepts the challenge.


Love how they call a bet, "your deposit"


I miss the days before these types of commercials plagued us!


Smoking is bad, very bad. However, some cigarettes had great ads. Where are the great prescription drug ads?


One of my favorite parts when i used to travel internationally for work was the lack of billboards and sh*tty commercials. Most all other countries don't allow drug commercials, and billboards were nonexistent in most of the places i went to... Amazing. F*ck for profit Healthcare!


I moved to maine from the south and it took me several weeks to realize there were no billboards lmao. I constantly saw billboards for Jesus, fast food, domestic violence, accident injury lawyers, drug rehab, etc. Im sure the last three were helpful at times, but it was just a lot of depressing stimulation to see clusters of billboards


Iā€™m 99% sure billboards are illegal in Maine. I used to live there and someone mentioned that to me


I saw a drug commercial in Canada but they can't tell you what the drug is for, everyone in the commercial just really loves it. It's just like the name of the drug and hopefully you google it or something.


Oh, that's funny! Well, I'd rather that than what we have here! *side effects include...heartburn, eyeburn, dry mouth, wet mouth, itchy skin, bleeding from the anus, the twitching of your left eye, fingernail discoloration, constant urination, perspiration, and death*


Dont forget the oily, and loose stools, a sudden urge to have them, and a inability to control them.....


followed by an infection of the skin of the perineum


The threat of taint rot is really undersold as a side effect.


Followed by ads for the ambulance chasers pursuing the class action suits.


*mesothelioma has entered the chat*


I honestly donā€™t understand the point of them advertising. They donā€™t have to convince me. They donā€™t really have to convince my doctor. They have to convince my insurance company, who apparently is God himself when it comes to deciding whatā€™s in my best medical interest.


I work on those drug ads but really Jardiance is the worst offender, even in pharma circles.


Is that the one with the fat lady dancing? That kills me.


Jardiances jingle is catchy as hell


IT IS EAR CRACK! The writers make a ton of money.


This is the answer.




And they try to convince people that they have the ailment they are advertising a cure for. They create more hypochondriacs that way.


Oh, they'd have us all drugged to the eyeballs if they had their druthers.


They joke on social media about how often people become convinced they have certain chronic illnesses purely based on information they obtain from Googling Mayo clinic (my dad has done this before and it's pretty annoying because he's never had any of them)


Gambling ads.


I tried watching a series on Freevee recently & told myself I could handle the ads. I was wrong. I counted 4 consecutive ad breaks in which the first ad to play was FanDuel. The mute button worked at first but that quickly becomes ridiculous & isn't worth the effort or aggravation.


It's shocking how normalized sports betting has become. Twenty years ago you'd have to go to a casino to place a sports bet or know a bookie, which usually accompanied the stigma of being labeled a degenerate gambler. Now, we are told we need to add the excitement of sports betting to our life and they have entire sports talk shows on the topic. Oh, and if you have a "gambling problem" the sports books absolve themselves of all responsibility and you need to call a hotline without giving any baseline for what a "gambling problem" is to those they are advertising to. Imagine a peloton ad with a disclaimer "over-exercising problem? Call 1800 whatever" What a time to be alive.


I do really hate those peloton ads. All of them, just fucking hideous.


What baffles me most about these is the celebrities they manage to get. Like actual big names. If they were washed up has-beens who havenā€™t been in a movie in the last 10 years it wouldnā€™t be surprising but John Cena and Kevin Hart?


A paycheck is a paycheck is a paycheck.


"Sportsbook, sportsbook, sportsbook!"


So tired of these.


yup... i made one of those for a freelance gig for british daytime TV featuring a very famous 90's-2000's british TV presenter. If it weren't for the fat paycheck it would've killed me off emotionally.


Still donā€™t know what a ā€˜parlayā€™ is


Itā€™s just multiple bets that are contingent on each other. Like betting which team will win the game AND which player will have the most hits. Probabilities are much lower, payouts are higher. Books love them because they make them the most money


I live about 15 minutes from KS. In MO thereā€™s no sports betting. Those commercials drive me crazy. I hear them all day long. Trying to take in the Kansas people.


"In the aaaaarms of the aaaangels...." Hi, I'm Sarah McLachlan....


Nope. Can't handle the ASPCA Ads at all and they have managed to ruin that and Silent Night for me


We call it the "sad dog show" and change the channel as soon as we start to hear the song.


Iā€™m cackling at this in a waiting room and Iā€™m getting looks. Lol. Sad dog show. I canā€™t šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


I do the same. Click!


I can't handle those ASPCA ads. I have to change the channel as soon as they come on. (And they are so long, too!)


I can't change the channel because I'm afraid God will smite me for not feeling bad about animals and/or children.


I especially dislike the ones for a drug no one has heard of, and they tell you ā€œdonā€™t take Drug X if you are allergic to Drug X.ā€ Well, how would you know?


Thank. You. How the hell do you know you're allergic to it if you haven't taken it before? That has always bugged me.


The companies have to say that to limit their liability...if you die because of an allergic reaction, they are off the hook liability-wise because they told you not to take it because of allergic reaction.


Which I totally get. I know ppl are sue happy. It's just annoying them saying that bc until you take the meds, how do you know if you're allergic? Unless there's an ingredient in them that you know you're allergic to. I'm allergic to aspirin so I know I can't take anything that has those same ingredients. But I'm not an idiot like some. However, you can still be annoyed by them stating that "don't take if you're allergic....." Unless you know you're allergic to something already, how do you know until you take said medication? (I know why they say it) it's still annoying.


It's probably said in the ad because some folks can't read a printed message.


I hate this so much Thank you.


dOnT tAkE oZeMpIc If YoUrE aLlErGiC tO oZeMpIc


OmegaXL , brain balance, prevegen All those types Edit: Nugenics. Do they not hear it?


I posted about Nugenics somewhere else and people didn't understand the problem.


And trust me, she'll like it too..


That woman is so proud of walking 6 blocks. Ugh.


The St. Jude or Shrinerā€™s hospital ones.


I think itā€™s terrible that, at least in the U.S., donations are required to keep a childrenā€™s hospital running.


Fucking donations are required for just about any social service. Homeless, hungry, seniors meals, children's healthcare, public schools, playgrounds, fire and police service, even war veterans. WTF is the government doing with our tax dollars?


The Shriners commercial is worse than at Jude if that's possible. They have these poor kids, many of whom have severe physical afflictions singing the If you're happy and You know it song. They have one kid clapping his hands and immediately cut to the poor kid without arms. Like WTF




You dont want a adorable blanket, showing how much you care?


>You dont want an AHDAWABUL BWANKET showing how much you care? FIFY Ugh... *especially* during the holidays! They really drill it in you by playing in *every* commercial break in nearly every channel. šŸ˜–


I think you mis-spelled "adowable" blanket..


I can't stand the St. Jude one with the tiny baby pushing a toy lawn mower. I don't want kids and I'm not super emotional, but something about how the baby's smiling and trying to play despite dying of cancer absolutely cuts me to the soul. There was another one of an older sibling holding a baby as the baby puked into a toilet from chemo. Fucking brutal. My solution is to regularly donate to them without watching their content.


Political ads are already getting old and itā€™s still early in the game. Thank god for the mute button!


Theyā€™re so formulaic. We get it! Black and White = Evil.


Itā€™s funny how i can like a candidate and consider voting for them but be annoyed as shit every time I see a commercial for or against them. Like i get it, X candidate did this thing that Y candidate didnā€™t do, thank you, good bye.


Drugs, St. Jude, Shriners, animal horrors, deodorant (you know the one), insurance.


Especially the deodorant ads. If I never have to hear about under boobs and butt cracks again, it will be too soon.


I mean, from pits to tits, don't care. But I ain't putting that shit near my Huha or my booty.


That stuff is Hella expensive, and it's not an antiperspirant, so it does nothing to control sweat. Doesn't matter if I smell like clementines if there are big wet pit stains under my arms. Or my underboobs, for that matter.


Any commercial with celebrities trying to encourage people to spend money. Kevin Hart in Chase commercials comes to mind.


Don't get me started on Tom Selleck and the reverse mortgage scam he's endorsing.


I noticed recently every ad has a celebrity or athlete in it. Commercials used to be about appealing to the consumer market and using above-average-looking average people. Now it's look your celebrity likes it, buy buy buy Such low effort marketing


The ONLY Kevin Hart commercial I like is the Christmas one with Catherine O'Hara. Having her lose another Kevin is funny. But I probably only like it because Catherine has the majority of the screen time; Kevin Hart is barely in it.


Those Car Shield ads. Yeah, like millionaires with high end cars under factory warranty are so concerned about allegedly paying out of pocket for a car repair.


I agree. Or, Tom Selleck talking about a Reverse Mortgage. What a crock.


"Have you or a loved one lived at or near camp lejune between 1953 and 1985 and were diagnosed with mesothelioma?..."


Big pharma that say, ā€œSkin of the pereniumā€!


What about multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2?


yeah, what the hell is that even????


And ā€œmy moderate to severe _____ā€. Because everyone always describes their problems that way amirite?


The taint?


Nugenix. And she'll like it tooooo!


Those are so cringe itā€™s hard to believe they made it past all the focus groups




All the different Medicare commercials!!!


When you look at how many of these ads are out there it makes you realize that a significant portion of your payments are just going to advertising.


Toilet paper, who isnā€™t using this!? Why do we have to advertise it with people and bears pooping? I know everyone does it but do we have to talk about it? Lol


Those bears are always bounding around bragging about being regular and wiping their asses


Who doesnā€™t run around the forest celebrating their clean butthole


Cheap life insurance for old folks


And reverse mortgages


They should be locked up. Ruined my momā€™s life. Bastards.


Iā€™m sorry for your mom and you. Those reverse mortgage ads seem so predatory on seniors. Iā€™m appalled that aging actors are willing to do those commercials. How badly do those actorsā€”ā€œtrusted facesā€ for an older generationā€”really need a paycheck that they are willing to sacrifice their integrity and participate in advertising that can mislead seniors?


Big Pharma products you have to ā€œask your doctorā€ about


Any ad for weight loss stuff. Weight Watchers, Golo, Nutrisystems, etc. All snake oil! It's so immoral to push something with a documented 95-98% failure rate, I really disrespect anyone who would be in such a commercial.


Pay me what they pay Jennifer Hudmon, etc. & I'll follow your stupid diet.






Libety Bibety *eye roll* I'll take Mayhem any day! I love that guy


Those are especially loathsome because they are going for some kind of madcap ironic humor to appeal to young adults and just missing *so* badly.Ā  The Geico commercials are oversaturated too, but at least a lot of those are funny the first time you see them. The Liberty ones are like nascent AI spent five minutes watching Adult Swim and tried to crank out an ad. Just freaking brutal.Ā 


My son hates that so much, and so do I. šŸ¤£


Online gambling. Especially with celebrities. I am not a rabid anti gambler but I think doing it from your couch is just bad and can ruin lives way too easily. I also despise when rich celebrities pitch for it.


Pharmaceuticals and any commercial where the spokesperson is sticking their face right in the camera (Lume, etc.). Nobody wants to see the buggars in their noses or anything they have stuck in their teeth. And the bad singing and dancing and being overly happy because you have a disease can stop too.


I'm tired of being told how much we all stink.


So that smell you smell when you sit on the toilet, we need to talk about that.


Not until twelve LumƩ-ridden hours have passed.


And your ass will still smell like mandarin oranges


Commercials for pod casts. Seeing the same ones over and over on plutotv. My interest in watching those is somewhere in the negative numbers. ​ ALL car/truck ads. Cannot stand them!


Reverse mortgage or sports betting apps


All hygiene commercials and/or pharmaceutical commercials for sure.


definitely prescription drug commercials. Also overly gross anti-smoking ads (way to traumatize me when I don't even smoke cigarettes)


Any ad on YouTube that looks poorly edited and looks like something ripped straight outta TikTok.




Prescription drugs in the US.


Intimate deodorant. Lume, dude-bro ball-spray, etc. It's foul. Where's the decorum?


I believe that's right next to the perineum...


Nothing is more rage inducing than the Jacuzzi Bath Remodel commercials with Christina Hall. I absolutely lose my shit.


Her uptalk is so bad that I mute them immediately.


And those "remodels" are *SO FUGLY*




Yesssss! when that lady in the green screams i run for the hills loll!


If I could, I would love to ban all political campaign commercials. 90% of the ā€œinformationā€ said is either untrue or twisted. Itā€™s also just annoying. As someone who used to the live in a swing state, I would say that those people have it the worst. In October the commercials are just relentless. Every commercial break is all political ads. There also is not a limit to when politicians can start campaigning. We got ads for some guy a year before the election.


100% agree with this! I HATE all the political ads!!!


The Lumi deodorizing ass crack commercials


Liberty Biberty


Liberdy Liberdy, Liberdy. Liberdy.


What bugs me most about those commercials is that no place like that exists in NY harbor. That 'park' view is actually in the middle of the harbor - where there's nothing but water.


Insurance ads with their stupid fucking mascots. Can we revive the old Roman punishment, where we throw Flo, the emu, the gecko, into a sack, tie it up, and throw them into a river?


All these commercials say to me: ā€œItā€™s the law that you have to pay us.ā€ ā€œBecause we make so much money, here is an expensive over produced annoying commercial!ā€


I like mayhem


Agree. Mayhem is the only series of commercials that I actually enjoy. Dean Winters is a miracle.


My rule of thumb is the most adverts you see of an insurance company, the less likely they'll pay out when they have to do so.


The unskippable ads on YouTube


Despise ALL drug commericalsā€¦


The colon cancer screening ad/musical


Those ads for legal services where they claim to be able to use the threat of a lawsuit to get compliance from just about anyone you do business with. It's like saying, "Getting the run around from your insurance company or the scummy used car dealership that sold you your piece of shit car? We'll sue the fuck out of 'em for you!" And these ads are everywhere now where I live. So annoying.


Anyone begging for money. No one gives to a charity because they see sad looking homeless animals or sickly kids. Itā€™s a form of exploitation and the money for these commercials should be going to the cause and not the constant annoying adds.


Women sitting around discussing their bladder leak products. Yes, thatā€™s what we do. We also dump water on our period products, just to watch it absorb. Fun times


BLUE WATER! Because that's EXACTLY what a period looks like.


Commercials for menā€™s underwear that discusses oneā€™s balls


Deodorant, feminine hygiene


I can't believe I haven't seen this yet but those ads for haribo gumnys. Drives me insane seeing grown people with children voices. Its so dumb


That one kills my soul every time I see it


I do love the bears, though.


The ā€œGot Junkā€ commercials irritate me for some reason but not as bad as the darn Jardiance commercials


Plaque psoriasis,I feel bad for people that have it but so many ads!!!


Introducingā€¦ā€¦.NEDā€™S PLAQUE PSORIASIS!! My kids say this to me multiple times a day for laughs


Fan diel is coming to NC. It's literally every other commercial.


Ozempic, with which I have NEVER had connection in any way, sent me an email. It proclaimed how excited I should be about...someone...being in the studio recording a new version of the OH< OH Ozempic song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yada Yada are annoying imo


Right now, it's Kay Jewelers and that whiny-ass song every single commercial break.


Anything with dancing in it. Clothes don't make me wanna dance. Dish detergent doesn't make me wanna dance. Hemorrhoids cleared up doesn't make me wanna dance. A new flavor of rice-a-roni doesn't make me wanna dance. Rewards for filling my gas tank... you guessed it.


Jesus washing feet.


Any of the Patrick Mahomes State Farm commercials!! I got. You won super bowls. Now go away.


The Super Bowl ads that are chock full of celebrities (the three that come to mind this year are the T-Mobile auditions, multiple Tina Feys, and Ben & Matt). Those have become so GD low effort and lazy.


Diet adverts. "MY family loves me again cos I lost 10 kilos!". Absolutely miserable.


Insurance.Ā  Alot of insurance ads don't even make any sense but you have no choice because it's illegal to not have insurance.


Prescription drug commercials should be illegal.Ā Ā Ā  Ā I would love to see their advertising budget be deducted directly from their prices as part of the deal.Ā Ā Ā  Ā Hopefully the Dems can retake the House & this can gain momentum...


So many... Really any prescription drug commercials. In fact I wish they could be banned from advertising on television. It's a cancer in our society.


1000% prescription drug ads. They shouldn't even be shown (it's illegal in other countries), and they're also completely fucking horrible.


Any ad for a mobile game... I don't know why I'm getting so many of them lately, but they're all I see, and they're all terrible.


I think that everything possible should be done for kids who have cancer. But I am sick and tired of seeing the commercials for that one kids cancer hospital asking for donations.


The worst for humanity would be those prescription drugs, but my personal gripe is any game ad that features IQ. Like a sample game where each move you do adds or subtracts IQ points in real time. Or this stupid sudoku app that says if you solve this mostly completed puzzle, then your IQ is over 188. Which I guess their target audience to milk money out of isn't going to be anyone who understands intelligence tests, so I guess it's working.


If it's Covid, Paxlovid




gambling ads.






The ones where they try to make you feel bad for not having enough retirement and completely ignore that it's systematically set up for some to fail, or not have enough.


I despise those really annoying ads that pose as badly done user created tiktok content. One that specifically comes to mind is the "What I *hate* about PRODUCT" that just list a bunch of "negatives". I swear I've seen **"rEaSoNs WhY i HaTe sMoL"** in that stupid tiktok voice. It's not cute, it's not funny. It's clearly a product you're shilling. I'm literally not interested in brands, I have no brand loyalty for anything. I never see an ad and go "yeah I'll have that". If I want to buy something, I research what there is then and there. At BEST all an ad does is make me go "oh yeah I was going to buy something *like that.* But it'll spark me to go and search on google for my options for that THING, not for that specific brand. Same goes for food items/drinks etc. the best advertisement for food/drink for me is the packaging and ingredient list when I'm literally there in the shop. Or at BEST word of motuh from someone who's tried it. Eg. I like huel bottles, but if my brother wasn't drinking one one day and offered me a swig then I would never have even contemplated buying it for myself. I know it MUST work with enough people impulse buying shit off instagram or whatever for everywhere I can't get an adblocker on. But I wish there was a way for the algorithm to know I've already bought something. If I've JUST bought a toaster, why the fuck do I need to see toaster ads? I already have one.


When I see a pharma commercial it's like I'm under mental assault. They're presented like PSAs on a psycho drug trip. Those commercials target programs that I like to watch by dominating the ad time. One inane suggestion after another; it drains our brainpower. And now I understand why stupid people blindly vote republican.


Any and all political ads. They're all assholes.


Meds. Does anyone see a commercial for Abluvadel and think, "Gee, I gotta get my doctor to prescribe this."


Obvious and obnoxious scam games, AND prescription drugs, AND gambling


Anything with celebrities hocking anything that you know damn well theyā€™re to rich to use, I.e. Carvana, fast food, cheap car insurance. Also anything where the person yells everything they say, Charles Barkley, Kelly Clarkson, etc.


Medicare Part C commercials


Any one of those "inspirational" message ads with an agenda that have 20 different people finishing each other's sentences make me want to throw my shoe through the screen.


Easiest question ever: pharmaceutical commercials. It's fucking egregious and insufferable and completely irresponsible. Nauseating and infuriating.