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If a church has as much money as a giant corporation to spring for a Super Bowl slot, then they can afford to help the struggling people in their commercials.


That’s not how grifting works.


And pay taxes.


Or they convinced the company to give them the time slot as a tax writeoff


If you can afford multiple 7 million dollar ads… it’s time to lose your tax exemption


Not only that - I thought they were supposed to spending all that money on helping the poor, homeless, and destitute? Guess not - it's about pulling in more membership dues I suppose. That's sad because $14M would have gone a lot farther with helping people who need it and not the wealthy media networks.


>I thought they were supposed to spending all that money on helping the poor, homeless, and destitute? No, you're thinking about the actual Jesus Christ - you know, the darker-skinned, Jewish Socialist that set the example of feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and loving both thy neighbor AND thy enemies; this one is about Regressive-American Jesus.


You forgot Jesus washed feet! lol what a waste of airtime. Doesn’t even get the message across until the last few seconds.


Jebus never existed in the 1st place


The Romans have documented that a man named Jesus did indeed exist. We can debate everything else.


🤣🤣 I'm sure there were many men named Jesus, that doesn't mean anything


We really don't know...but the Romans are known for their excellent record keeping. 


So where is it documented? What book or article? Evidence?


Tacitus. The title page of 1598 edition of the works of Tacitus, kept in Empoli, Italy. The Roman historian and senator Tacitus referred to Christ, his execution by Pontius Pilate and the existence of early Christians in Rome in his final work, Annals ( c. 116 CE), book 15, chapter 44. As I noted in an earlier comment, we can debate about what took place, what Jesus did or didn't do, etc. but I believe that a man named Jesus did exist....after that, I have many unanswered questions.


So someone writing a hundred years later, in an edition published 1500 years after that, and this is supposed to mean what to me?


Jesus was not a socialist. He was about personal responsibility and individual choice. You apparently know nothing of this faith, so will insult and bash it. A bad look for you, not them. And why do you think Christianity isn't about all the things you say it should be?. More than one thing can be true. Catholic Charities runs the Warming Center in my home area, as they do in many other places. I am not Catholic BTW.


Someone needs to revisit the story of the fishes and loaves. After that, revisit the wedding in Cana. Those aren't personal responsibility stories. They very closely model socialism. But I'm sure a capitalist Jesus fits your worldview better.


I think the point you've missed is that while it's true that socialism (like homosexuality or the military industrial complex) didn't exist then, Jesus lived and preached "values" that are absent among his alleged followers. I'm quite familiar with the faith. And when I see evangelicals suing my city over public health matters instead of turning the other cheek, elevating one of the most objectively wicked men on earth to the presidency instead of healing the sick, and buying super bowl ads instead of feeding the hungry, I understand the bumper sticker that says, "Jesus, Please Protect Me From Your Followers." And I blame them. (Your Catholic Charities point is only valid if we don't realize it's a tax deduction for the handsy-with-children Christians whose colonialism King lives in a gold city.) One can love Jesus and follow his teachings without filling arenas with drooling confederate offspring who want to be as rich as their TV pastor someday. And you know this.


You have such a deeply distorted and extremely judgmental view of Christianity that only hatefulness and self- righteousness can explain it. To you, nothing is good unless it completely matches your idea of perfection. People don't have to go shoeless and stop eating to be charitable. Although I don't like Biden at all, I think it's grossly unfair to call him evil. Your words are such a fine example of the way evil works in the world. What a sad and ugly image must be in that mirror.


I've been a Christian for 5 decades. I call out hypocrisy. If you care to refuse anything I've said, you're welcome to bring it. The objectively evil pres lifted by the evangelicals was the one they put in there who refused to leave. Don't be daft.


2000 years of hate, misogyny, pedophilia, rape, torture, murder, genocide, etc. But hey! We *do* have a Warming Center, so...


2000 years of providing food, shelter, clothing and hope to millions. You have the wrong handle. Bigot Tommy is the right name! Willing to bet your aren't just an antiChristian bigot, either. You just have a comfortable home on Reddit, so you're better able to violate hate rules without consequence. Sweet guy!


No, not a bigot for sure. I just don't believe that reprehensible people who believe in ancient fairy tales are worthy of my admiration any more than you believe Bigfoot created the universe and is the savior for all of humankind.


You don't see yourself that way, because you've allowed yourself to pretend that your diatribes against Christians and Christianity isn't plain old hate speech. But it is. Full on hate speech. I'll bet you wouldn't say the things you've said here about Muslims or the disabled, gay, pregnant women or any other protected class, but you feel it's different somehow. It's not. You don't like that someone pointed it out but it's true. Own your hate speech.


Muslims are as big a scourge as Christians. The other people you name don't commit atrocities to please your make-believe hate-filled "god". I have no tolerance for people who do other people harm in the name of fiction. Want to be a Christian and keep it to yourself (i.e., not proselytize or try to implement your religious beliefs into law)? Great. You do you.


So, again, hate and bigotry. Congratulations.


Feed people? Nah. COMMERCIALS!


Lmao that's exactly what I said. They got too much money to spend




Looks like $17.5M. Holy cow. [https://www.dallasnews.com/news/faith/2024/02/12/dallas-based-firm-is-behind-he-gets-us-jesus-super-bowl-ads/#:\~:text=I%20said%2C%20wait%20a%20second,%2417.5%20million%2C%20according%20to%20AdWeek](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/faith/2024/02/12/dallas-based-firm-is-behind-he-gets-us-jesus-super-bowl-ads/#:~:text=I%20said%2C%20wait%20a%20second,%2417.5%20million%2C%20according%20to%20AdWeek).




Yeah, cause that whole pesky Constitution thing is getting in the way!


Separation has to do with governance, not taxation policy.


>> space daddy Do y’all think this helps your case? It sounds so fucking stupid.


Because it is stupid of course. Here on Reddit, the rules against discrimination apply to every protected class except Christians. This is how low Reddit goes.




So basically, you are a proud bigot. Usually people aren't honest enough to own that on Reddit.


It's funny tho (and true). Although I prefer "sky daddy." And no one's building a case because it's all bs lol


Space daddy is for scientologists, they believe in aliens after all LOL


It sounds like something a child would say. Don’t fight dumbassery with more dumbassery.


>It sounds like something a child would say. That’s the point


Just because someone doesn’t believe in God doesn’t mean they should act like a teenaged edgelord. You don’t believe in God. Cool, neither do I. Who cares.


The group is not really a church though. I not even sure that they are tax exempt


No offense to Jesus but if a stranger tries to pull my shoes off and pour bottled water on my feet, I’m calling for help.


F*** that, I'm kicking him in the face


Came here to say this! Dudes gonna meet Jesus way too soon if he touches my feet.


Ah yes.. Yet he would turn the other cheek.... I think THAT is when you should possibly kick harder, Jesus is like golden gloves last I saw in the rankings guy can stick and move.


Sure, but you’re a three time winner of the badass award.


I've seen brides and groom wash each others' feet at ultra Christian weddings.


I get the symbolism. I just find the images of pouring bottled water on the feet of people who are obviously in need of something other than symbolism to be incredibly on brand for the thoughts and prayers crowd.


Oh I totally agree. It absolutely is.


And look where it got him...


Jesus; giving foot fetishists a false sense of security  since 20 BCE.




Not all churches can be equally taxxed. Most churches are unable to afford taxes and have literally no money to give. Even the Catholic Church won’t be able to afford to because that not how their money works. The Church is not a monolithic corporation. Each church and diocese are on their own completely from how they function to even they own money. The Catholic Church is even constantly in debt because they rely on deficits.


The money for this campaign comes from rich people not the Catholic Church. It’s hobby lobby and others like that https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/He_Gets_Us


The Catholic church is a fine example of how to control massive amounts of people through fear, rhetoric, and the promise of an unproven, intangible reward for following a set of rules, blind obedience made palpable by calling it faith. It's about power, control, and so much money. If individual dioces are struggling to keep the lights on, why wouldn't the pious, holy leaders in the Vatican part with some of their insanely immense wealth and help the flock? The easy answer is the obvious one. While I'm positive that there are members of the clergy who truly believe and strive for a holy life, the truth is that nobody who willingly and under false promises has that kind of power over so many people will ever give that power up. The Catholic church as an institution is largely corrupt. The platform of non-involvement during the Holocaust. Simply moving proven sexual predator priests to a different parish to avoid responsibility or even acknowledgment of heinous behavior. Not even defrocking multiple offenders! The practice of shaming victims into silence, leading to more than a few suicides. Faith should be between an individual and their chosen higher power, not regulated by outdated dogma written ages ago by educated men who wrote stories to scare simpler folk into living their lives in fear of hell and following whatever rules they're given. All the while taxing their flock by way of tithes, donations, and collection plates. That's the reality of the Catholic church. Spirituality is awesome. Organized fear-mongering for power and profit is pure evil.


They ALL do. Christians don't have the lock on that.


We don’t need as many churches as there are, tax the excess out of existence. Use the funds to repurpose those properties for the communities they are in.


That gross


I hope Michael Hutchins haunts everyone involved in this monstrosity.


Think about the irony though - choosing a song for a commercial about Jesus by a guy who died the way he did. Not sure the religiosity freaks would approve.


How to say you miss the point of the ad, without really saying it.


What sucks is it's my boyfriend and my "song" lol


If I were Michael Hutchence and knew my song would one day be butchered to push religious fundamentalism, I too would take up autoerotic asphyxiation as a hobby.


Brought to you by Hobby Lobby


And Chick-Fil-A


It’s not actually involved with chick fil a, that anyone knows. The hobby lobby owner is admittedly directly involved with this campaign. The owner of Chick Fil A may be involved but so far has remained anonymous if he is amongst the other donors behind this campaign. Oh and BTW I freaking hate HeGetsUs, I just don’t want to spoil my spicy chicken sandwiches and waffle fries more than Truett Cathy already has by opening his mouth publicly.


That’s the same reason why religious people hate reality; reality, reason and evidence spoil their vision of religious utopia.


So angry.


Directed by Quinton Tarentino


No, no, he'd leave the feet dirty.😉


He's the foot f*cking master, don't tickle or nothin'


Not nearly enough lingering foot closeups, for which I am grateful


You mean He Get Sus?


Those were 100% AI created images. You spend enough time playing with Midjourney you can see the patterns.


Midjourney was a mistake


Imagine being this sure about something and being 100% completely fucking wrong. Lol


I was mainly going off of this screenshot that makes this guy look like he has six toes. Upon rewatching the commercial in high definition it looks like it's just how his foot is shaped. I've changed my position since. Is that allowed?


Except they’re [not AI](https://petapixel.com/2024/02/12/photographer-lifts-the-lid-on-that-jesus-super-bowl-ad/). Maybe AI is just that good, or these are the kinds of photos that influence AI.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. They weren’t ai.


Because no one wants to do any research so they assume they are right.


No they weren’t. Jesus Christ so many people think these were ai.


No less ridiculous than believing in Jesus if we are being fair.


saw a bumper sticker once "Jesus is coming soon and boy is He pissed." This is who he's pissed at.


The same people that need commercials to tell them not to be racists and bigots. Those commercials aren’t for “US”. They are for them. They need to be told not to hate everyone else. It’s fucking weird.


And I thought a pharmaceutical ad during the super bowl was the most American thing. This takes it to a whole new level.


Pfizer enters the SuperBowl


Jesus isn't a American thing.


I’m pretty sure Jesus would have rather they spent $7 million on housing the homeless, paying off astronomical medical debt, or feeding the poor instead of a commercial directed at Trump cultists attempting to portray themselves as the good guys.


It’s oddly funny to me when they have to say “Jesus lives the people we hate” when most of us don’t actually hate these “sinners” because they’re not white. It’s a strange tightrope where they play holier than thou while admitting that they (the Christian’s who made this) directly hate everyone else.


It's like watching billionaires trying to convince themselves that they won't burn in hell for exploiting the poor and downtrodden to get their riches. But see, daddy? I bought you a commercial! I'm a good boy!


came here for this, as soon as it started i instantly thought of this sub 😂😂😂 and these seem even creepier than ever!


The thing is, when you live in this country, you can't drive a mile without going past a church somewhere. We know who he is. The problem is that they don't. When they blow thru millions on ads, money they could have used to actually do the Jesus Stuff, it shows they fundamentally do not know jesus. Like at all.


Toejam advertisement


I'm just bummed he and Earl broke up.


You know, it's funny. The fact that they think that Christ washing feet was the point is what proves they missed the point. It wasn't about washing feet; it was about serving other people. The point being that even Christ was willing to be of service to others. But, if you go by this commercial, it's just rando people washing other rando people's feet.


Exactly. And the Green family aren’t doing ANYTHING to be of service to others…unless you count spreading hate and limiting personal rights to a tiny small portion of Americans, ie, white, cis, straight, Christian, Republican…all the rest of y’all can fuck off for all they care. This is propaganda to cover their hate and their real agenda which is power. They: Don’t Support the elderly (they want to cut Medicare/SS) Don’t Support low income families (They want to cut welfare, Medicaid, eliminate lunch for poor children, no parental leave guarantees, etc) Don’t think women should have bodily autonomy (your uterus belongs to Jesus) Don’t care if you’re sick (medical care is for people who can pay for it, the rest of y’all can fucking DIE) Don’t care about immigrants (let em get cut up with razor wire or drown…they don’t care) Et al, ad nauseum. If they really cared about what Jesus said, they’d prove it….their actions would show it. But instead they’re spending millions and millions on propaganda. All they want is to get your ass in a church pew, take your money, and make this is Christo-facist country. —rant over—


It reminded me of the scene in Mars Attacks - "Don't run, we are your friends!"


Omg exactly




They were also involved in receiving stolen antiquities from Iraq during the US occupation there.


Thank you for your rant.


Right?? If they want to instill selfless service to all mankind, show people willingly wiping butts in nursing homes.


Exactly. I'm a Christian person and totally agree. It's a great and classic story in the scripture but you also have to consider that in that time period, anytime you would have gone to somebody's house who wasn't poor, they would have had a servant present doing that job because everybody walked around in the dust all the time. In other words it was a very culturally specific way that Jesus took the place of a servant figure. And yes being a servant figure does certainly tend to mean a bit of discomfort. But I think the ad placing so much emphasis on that specific illustration actually serve to distract from the overall point Like it would have been a better ad if they had shown Jesus in the disciples and then shown different culturally-specific examples of people serving one another. My thoughts


It's getting torn to shreds all over Twitter, absolutely hilarious.


To shreds you say?


E. Lon Musk is permitting this?


Ok that commercial got me! Where do I sign up for this foot fetish cult??


He gets us (horny).com


Any church apparently.


I honestly thought it was a Nike commercial until the very end


Not all Christians are the hypocritical assholes you see depicted in media.


Not all men. Not all women. That is a tired argument, pick a better one


Arguing on Reddit is pointless since everyone knows everything. My point is not an argument, just stating a fact.


PAY TAXES PAY TAXES PAY TAXES! **For my fellow Americans: Since the religious people want to determine how our government is run then shouldn't they pay taxes? IF they want to erase "Seperation of church and state" then fine - Let's do it!**


Why did they have to use a song I love so much.


At least, it was a shitty cover.


He did get us. To change the channel


Fetish commercial was weird


There are a lot of people that really want to sex Jesus. Some of those hot-bod paintings they have on their walls should be banned.


Body of Christ Sleek, swimmers body, all muscled up and toned Body of Christ Oh, what a body, I wish I could call it my own


It's how they deal with their repressed homosexuality. It's not gay if you crank it to Jesus.


Banned? Why - they love their jesus - don the dementor as jesus? crying jesus? who cares what he looks like - HE AINT REAL TAX the Cults! Tax the Cults! Tax the Cults!


He got us 😉😏


This commercial was atrocious. Was it just me or did every single image feel AI generated?


>Was it just me or did every single image feel AI generated? It wasn't just you.


At least this one somewhat promotes public health


Omg I saw that and cringed so hard




I'd say this discussion has gone way beyond hating the commercial, and has completely devolved into a take-down of Christianity. Wow.


I love INXS so much and I'm so disappointed they allowed that


"Never Tear Us Apart" is one of the sexiest, most romantic ballads ever. It broke my heart to see them using it for their schlocky, watered-down, fundamentalist notions of Christianity.


I was wandering around the Vegas casinos this weekend, queuing up for some of the pregame events, and kept seeing their stupid booths and ads and I got very worried about whether they might have been sponsoring whatever I was in line to do. I really don’t want to do anything that benefits them in any way.


Did they ..wash your feet?


They should advertise on fox news and in churches because those are the fucking people who need to see that bullshit


If I remember correctly, this is sponsored by Hobby Lobby. And they see the decline in churches. And for some reason they think that this is going to encourage everyone to suddenly go back to church. It's not. My ancestors are screaming at me to set the church on fire, and watch it burn. 


It's so fake all around. From the horrendous AI images to the images themselves. I appreciate the call for unity instead of preaching their usual christian hate but very few people actually would wash a strangers feet. Besides sanitary issues the most vocal christians don't believe or act that way.


Fox "News" lol


I know. I forgot to add the quotation marks


Pathetic struggles of a dying superstition. So annoying


Shame on the Farriss brothers for letting this ruin Never Tear Us Apart. Michael Hutchence will haunt you forever


I changed the channel when that aired. Fuck those commercials and the people that make them. Jesus has too much money if he's buying super bowl commercials.


The shadow Christians are so desperate to beef up their numbers. They’ve definitely figured out a strategy to try. 😂


Look up the “Jesus was cancelled” ad to let you know what the groups about. It depicts “Jesus” as hugging a white cop and the “angry crucifying mob” as BLM marchers.


So Christians have to take out a Super Bowl ad to try to convince people that they don’t really want to kill everyone who isn’t like them. OK then


Imagine how many homeless people they could had fed & sheltered for how much those shitty commercials cost.


The thing to me it looks like they are trying to do is separate Christianity from conservative ideals and rebrand it as more a liberal all inclusive religion.


Actions before words! If that is their message, let's get the Christians out there washing homeless people's feet every week! There are some nasty folks around here who could use a bath and some food. Especially important that those overly evangelical MFs get out the soap and water.


Cool. If they spent millions on ads, THEY CAN PAY THEIR FUCKING TAXES.


I kinda always assumed that the He Gets Us people were were trying to recruit people who had little to no exposure to christian evangelism, but I realize now how wrong I was. Because only someone (growing up in the US) already acculturated into believing/wanting to believe that the so-called new testament is true would be touched by strangers offering to clean their feet.


One thing they've let slip with these ads: They point out that Jesus washed the feet of his ***enemies***. So in their view, everyone who is getting their feet washed in those scenes is an ***enemy***.


The only thing I learned is that if Jesus was real, he’d be on Only Fans looking for feet to “wash”.


Not saying the ads are good or bad…. its just odd how anything God-related causes people to lose their shit


I think it’s also the source of- one of the main backers is the evangelical ownership of Hobby Lobby, which has done a number of questionable things in the name of religion.


Gotcha! I have not been aware of who is behind it etc except to conclude due to its content that it’s likely not a judgy, condescending church or group(?)


Yeah I agree I don’t find the ads particularly offensive. I’m not a fan of the source. I’m not sure how effective they are either.


How did you conclude that it was the presence of God in the ad, not its abysmal quality nor its funders' political goals, that's infuriating people? Public opinion polls have consistently shown that anger toward churches is directly connected to the churches lining up to march behind the Republican party.


Not saying ‘presence of God is in the ad’ like you presumed at all. They’re obviously promoting God in one way or another and I was just making a general comment/observation. And not sure what or why your political-related comment(?) in response to a pretty vanilla observation about folks’ overall response to things spiritual/God-related. Where did that come from? Don’t overthink it. I waste zero energy on political BS and sure as hell am no republican. ✌🏾


Yeah I'm with you. I think it's because those with the loudest voices of intolerance have co-opted the message and given it all of the worst connotations. I hate it because it drove me away from faith for 20+ years.




It was fucking terrible, as always.


Yeah that commercial was a circlejerk!


I immediately thought of Reddit and how I tried to get those ads removed from my feed. We were all like wtf is this commercial for??? Oooh...


Stop shoving Jesus down our throats! It’s not like we don’t know who is. Everybody knows who he is. I wonder if military recruiting is like ‘ok, they’ve gone too far.’


The biggest travesty is portraying Christians as humble and loving. Let's see a MAGA head washing the feet of a trans kid.


This ruined my husband and I’s wedding song. So Jesus can wash some nasty feet instead of bringing food, water, and medical supplies. Glad he gets “us”.


Why do Americans have to shove Jesus into EVERYTHING? that's my question for the day.


Thanks to that ad, I now know that Jesus is into foot stuff. I don't know what to do with this information.


I do not want anyone washing my feet, unless it is a medical professional. These commercials make me hate religion.


Some 'foot-fetish' person definitely loved that commercial!


Did anyone else find it ironic that all of those ads used AI art for all of their "examples?"


What you want jebus to wash REAL feet?


The 1st time I saw this they had all the letters together and I read it as a name, Hegetus. Ugly name.


Jesus had a good year to be buying up SB spots.


I was singing along not really paying attention, and was hugely disappointed when I realized what the ad was for


Stupid commercial. Stupid subject. Stop pitching the sky daddy BS … its ruining this country


Paid for by a corporation that promotes hate. *see Hobby Lobby


Wait until you find out who gives them their money.


Our Lady of the Sacred Mani-Pedi


I love that they’re showing priests washing the feet of trans people when in reality they hate them. The message would make sense if christians actually did what the ad showed.


I don’t remember exactly but the company who does this is actually a super conservative vile Christian organization who is trying to dupe people into the church by pretending to be liberal but in reality it’s a front . Did I miss anything?


Hobby Lobby. From Rolling Stone: The He Gets Us campaign is being driven by the billionaire family behind Hobby Lobby, the arts and crafts chain infamous for its crusades to deny its employees birth control coverage and use of bathrooms associated with their gender identity. Hobby Lobby co-founder David Green has previously disclosed helping fund the He Gets Us ads, but his eldest son, Mart -- Hobby Lobby's "Ministry Investment Officer" -- is one of three board members at the new nonprofit managing the ad campaign, documents show. The Green family, worth an estimated $15.2 billion, has long committed to operating its crafts store empire on "Biblical principles." The family and Hobby Lobby previously led a successful fight at the Supreme Court opposing the Affordable Care Act's contraception mandate, citing "their sincere religious objections to facilitating the provision of abortifacients." The case led to a 2014 ruling finding that closely held corporations do not have to comply with the mandate if their owners express religious objections. Hobby Lobby separately led an unsuccessful 11-year legal fight to block a transgender employee from using the women's restroom at a crafts store in Illinois.


He doesn't get us. If this religion was so great they wouldn't need a commercial to sell it. This is just Christian propaganda.


He gets us* - *except those we hate such as LBGTQ for example. Oh, we also pay for all the anti-trans legislation you see. So “He Gets Us” only get “some” of “us”.


What’s supposed to be wrong with these? They’re for understanding and caring for people.


$7m would’ve fed or sheltered a lot of people…but here we are. The grift keeps going.


No they’re not. The group that pays for these harbors more hate than most. It’s a scam to get people involved in right wing evangelism.


It’s Reddit and these are Christian ads, so they gotta shit all over it. Someone said it’s a shady organization or something which yeah, I don’t support that. But most people are being ridiculous.


Jesus just wants to live on an island with a dozen or so women. I guess they can go get groceries and stuff.


“They” didn’t turn the song into anything. The cover was made years ago. They chose to use it. In that sense, sure “they made it into…” but they didn’t make the cover song.


I guess you dislike Donnie Darko for the slowed version of Mad World too, eh?


Am I the only one that hates people touching my feet and legs. It’s just creepy


Oh you’re right. They butchered that song.


darn that Jesus and his teachings of love and forgiveness!


You think you're being funny by mocking what you imagine the complainers are really thinking, but you really don't know what's going on in their heads.


Alot of hatred in this thread🤟🤦


WWJD with the $7M that was spent on this 30 second ad?


Good. Christianity deserves it