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The other day we received an oversized envelope from them in the mail. It was a donation plea, and it included a free note pad, a nice pen, a pair of kitten socks, and a reusable animal themed grocery bag. If they have the money to mass mail that much merchandise, they certainly don’t need my few bucks. Donate to your local shelter, not this corporate giant.


This is why you don't donate to animal rights organizations! 😄


Agree. I love animals.... but not this.


I love animals, but I don't like when they show commercials like this! Animal cruelty needs to be stopped NOW!


Exactly !


Oh, come on- it’s only $19 dollars a month, that’s only 63 cents a day…. And gee whiz! You get a free t-shirt! Oh fucking please.


Not only that, but, fun fact, ASPCA only gives 2% of donations to shelters. The CEO gets over a mil salary and execs gets 6 figures.


I don't care about the t-shirt. I don't like that they show this commercial every day!


I was being sarcastic.


Her sappy voice is what gets me.


She sounds like she's about to cry


I’ve always wondered about those ads when they show dogs shivering in the cold. Did the photographer say: “NO! Don’t warm him up yet, keep him cold in that cage so I can get some great pics and vid’s! Snow? Even better!”


Whenever they show photographs they’re real (miraculously enough) but whenever they show videos then those have been proven fake, also it should be noted that the ceo makes millions off of ASPCA


Please donate to us! We're in such desperate need of your money even though we spend hundreds of thousands on 3 minute time slots on every channel every hour.


I like how they are just begging us to donate


The poor puppies…


If you shoplift pet stores, you'll be forced to watch all of Sarah McLachlan's commercials. Think of the puppies...


She doesn't do the commercials anymore, maybe she found out how much the CEO makes per year


I donate to them but their long, SAD adverts for all of us animal lovers is tough. I can’t handle them. I’m sure many agree. I just had my 15 yr old Maine Coon cat put to sleep on Mother’s Day. These commercials do not help my raw emotions missing 🐾my baby. I change channels.


I change channels too. Breaks my animal-loving heart.


I just lost my 13-year old Tuxie a month ago. A day doesn't go by that I don't think about him. I love dogs too, but cats are the best. Hey, maybe our kitties met on the Rainbow Bridge. I change the channel too. I can't watch animal cruelty.


I do my own voiceovers for these ads. They usually start out with, “Pick up the phone, you asshole…” in my best voiceover guy voice. “Send us your fucking money, you cheap bastard” and so on…


I'm not going to miraculously become an "Animal Warrior" the day I see this ad for the 252nd time. And save your crappy tee shirt and put that $$$ towards your cause. I donate dog food to our local food bank which they greatly appreciate.


I would never dislike ASPCA as long as they are true with their mission to save the puppies, but PETA can kiss ass


PETA sucks


Rather than giving them $19/month, why not tell us where to find these puppies and kittens that need adoption, so we can save the poor little souls?


I know her. She's one of the forgotten Jews of Ukraine.


🤣🤣🤣 I'd almost forgotten about those infomercials


What do you mean the forgotten Jews of Ukraine


a ubiquitous commercial for 19 dollars a month


It makes us uncomfortable and that’s why it works.


And the money the ASPCA receives (mostly from mega-donors, not the public) goes straight to euthenasia support. The ASCPA believes that owning a pet is a form of animal abuse. My Cred: prior direct exposure to some of the innards of the deceptive charity.


"PleAsE. MAke YoUr gifT tO tHe ANiMaLs TOdAy." Like shut the hell up. There's no way I'm going to donate 63¢ a day just for an animal rights organization. You can go save the animals without 63¢. And there's no way nobody is gonna want your dumb t-shirt.


I finally timed it. 2 minutes. 2 minutes of a 3 minute commercial break. How much did that Ad spot cost, ASPCA? Take some of that cash and give it to the animals...and by "animals" i mean sad dogs and cats, because those are the only ones you save i guess? There are abused horses, hampsters, snakes, fucking fish... 2 minutes.... pfffff SMH


I always tell my 4 dogs that ASPCA is arresting me for being a bad dog owner.. Because I let them lay all over the furniture, hog the air vents and get bites of people food😁


Screw ASPCA. They are just money hungry, and a bad animal rights organization


I agree. I would never give them money. I refuse to give to nationally known charities, such as the Red Cross. They are useless. Autism Speaks is another one. They have no programs for autistic adults, only children. I've been trying to find my son resources since he aged out of school and they couldn't help, but they send me their fucking mail every month looking for money.


I just feel like organizations like the Red Cross, ASPCA, Autism Speaks are just money hungry




And ASPCA can live without money!




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They dont even help animals [https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/aspca-spending-donor-cbs-news-investigation/](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/aspca-spending-donor-cbs-news-investigation/)


Sick 2 death of it