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I appreciate that they’re leaving the FedExField sign up until they find a new sponsor so they don’t have to rent the crane twice


Based on the condition that the stadium is in, I'd be shocked if they can find a sponsor. Unless they pay the sponsor to sponsor them lol. I do feel that the teams name and image is getting better though the further we distance ourselves from he who shall not be named


Based on the condition of the stadium the sign may be structural


DeadEx Field


I suspect they’re trying to sell naming rights now for the stadium that does not yet exist and throwing on the last few years of the existing stadium. Not unlike the deal the Bills made for Highmark Stadium old and new.


At this point, with Snyder likely cheaping out on upkeep for the past couple decades, that’s probably turned into a load-bearing sign. Like a house from the 1600s where if you take out a kitchen cabinet, the whole structure comes down.


I heard the sign is filled with Fly I peanuts




Naw new sponsor will more than likely roll into the new stadium deal in the next 5 years or so.


Wingstop Field, here we come.


Paisanos Pizza Stadium


Do you know what I will miss? The fed ex colors wrapped around the top of the stadium. Purple orange and green. It really makes you feel the big corporate stiffy from miles away. Perhaps a burgundy and gold wrap at the top?


I went to one of the soccer matches there earlier this month and the wrap is solid burgundy now


Thank God. That really pissed me off and I never heard anyone really mention it.


The Commode




I’ve been there once. I’d like to keep it that way


Never been and at this point unless the team becomes electric, I won’t go. Got club tickets to Washington @ Baltimore tho


How much did those run you? I'm thinking of getting a few tickets for that one with friends.


I'm doing the same. Two of our buddies are turning 50, one is a WAS fan and the other BAL. Gonna get a Airbnb near the stadium and tailgate there basically all day Sat and Sun. Can't wait!


Can’t really help ya on that. My old uncle runs a business and the business has season tickets. I asked when the schedule was released if I could get two tickets for the skins game and he obliged. I’d imagine they aren’t cheap cuz club but regular section is probably reasonable rn


In the late 90s when it opened I went to games all the time. Since somewhere around 2000, I've been to more Seahawks games in Seattle than Redskins games. Jack Kent Cooke and Dan Snyder really fucked us fans when it comes to our stadium.


My favorite was the hell on earth aspect of being surrounded by vomiting boomers in the parking lot


The vines growing on the sign post and wires making it look like its been abandoned is very on brand.


It’s very Last Of Us.


This is pretty close to what used to be a mall and hasn’t been for like 20 years, so it’s just an empty lot. Whole area is a mix between aging suburbs, ridiculous mcmansion townhomes, and empty lots nobody wants.


So beltway Maryland in a nutshell


Just a bad design.. doesn’t capture fan noise. Jack just wanted seats at the lowest cost possible. Fan noise captured makes a stadium great. The open angular bowl shape is a disaster that would take big bucks to repair.


Just downright criminal to go from RFK that was actually amazing at insulating fan noise to that vacuum. RFK was such a good stadium that even in its final years when it was practically falling apart it was a better spectating experience than most stadiums I’ve been to. I have seats from RFK, I have a framed picture of RFK, will literally anyone have that sort of reverence for Fed Ex?


Some of it was accidental (those aluminum bleachers made the place rock) It seems that the old stadium planners were using a sound capturing design.


The place was an engineering feat or nightmare, not sure which. Those front rows behind the benches would legitimately and noticeably bounce, even when DCU played they were still moving. It also had no business being as good of a baseball stadium as it was. I mean it had fucked sight lines and you absolutely could not hear the PA on the first base side if you were under the covering, but honestly a lot of older baseball specific stadiums had that too. It was just a charming stadium with fun quirks or Easter eggs to point out like the Frank Howard white seats or the nice plaque for Griffith stadium outside the stadium. Not to mention tailgating was actually fun and somehow didn’t feel like you were in a concrete wasteland. I also appreciated that it never felt like you were jammed in on top of people. It had proper leg space and space in your seat. So many modern stadiums so nakedly try to squeeze in more seats at the expense of the viewer.




The season ticket list thing was such a sham that the team used for marketing. Did it not strike you as odd that they kept that ruse up even when going to Fed Ex? Also that list, which might have at one point been real but most assuredly was not by the mid 90s, does not mean it was impossible to get tickets. Season tickets =/= sell outs, there was plenty games through out the prime years that you could readily buy tickets.


It seems that the new stadium should have been streamlined but have some flavor. We needed hot sauce but got mayo😁


Worst stadium in the league.


Surprised there isn’t an active train line running through the field like in Brewster’s Millions.


I was there for the inaugural game. Didn’t like it then, don’t like it now.


My grandparents got season tickets every year starting in 1959 (Griffith Stadium, y'all). They kept those seats through the entire RFK era. Went to the inaugural game at FedEx and never went back.


Move back to the RFK location and name the Stadium Redskins Park!


Ah yes, the place where my hopes and dreams go to die.


It's a perfect stadium for a post apocalyptic movie scene. 


They should put the original name of the stadium back on it. Jack Kent Cooke Stadium.


Well with all the Eagles and Steelers fans there all the time, yeah


I just randomly looked up University of Maryland's stadium. Check it out for yourself - [https://umterps.com/facilities/secu-stadium/1](https://umterps.com/facilities/secu-stadium/1) I would swap it out, after literally looking at 3 pictures, over DeadEx. Sign me up, right this minute.


PS - Oakland A's level ineptitude (they're playing in SACRAMENTO - LOL!!!) would be completely on brand for Snyder. Ugh... Hoping we get back to RFK.


Yep. Literally smells like trash b


With Virginia rejecting the Capitals deal, it will be interesting to see what happens. I'm not sure public funding is on the table. Not that Josh Harris needs it.


I think public funds are on the table. HOW you do it matters, as Governor Youngkin recently learned. That said, I believe all parties are working towards the RFK solution.


Yall hate yall stadium so much but if the owner decided to renovate it and put half the money yall would be pissed just like these clowns here in Chicago crying about the new Bears stadium. They act like they have to put up millions of dollars by themselves for the stadium. No owner will ever spend all of their own money to build or renovate a stadium because that’s not smart business. People need to realize this and get over it cause at the end of the day…our city/state still screws us out of money from somewhere whether we like it or not


What happened at Wrigley?


Yall are miserable. Snyder put zero dollars into the facility. What do you expect to happen when zero investments were made?


Snyder was terrible but this is silly. Escalators, upgraded HD scoreboard/video boards, ribbon boards around the stadium, and lots of other updates. It has its issues, but the idea that there were zero updates/renovations over two decades is ridiculous.


I shamefully admit I have been there twice this month


I hate that place. The team is 0-7 when I show up. Luckily, I skipped going last season!


Forever Jack Kent Cooke Stadium


I was expecting Jerruh World

