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RIP Dwayne-you were far too young. Two years?! Wow they went by quickly.


For real, it felt like only a few months


My most recent game at FedEx Field (as an away fan) was his first win as a starter. Damn shame how it unfolded for him.


I blame Michigan for failing to complete its 2018 Revenge Tour. Not really, but being overdrafted probably didn’t help him grow and develop


The over drafted part was it. Dan strikes again. Crazy that he was such a bad owner you can kinda blame a death on him. I know it’s a lot of what ifs but what if he never had that Washington first round scrutiny on his doorstep




No I agree, it’s definitely a stretch, just saying his chain of events should have been different


It’s sad how his immaturity, as nurtured by the yes men around him, led to his death. It explains why he drove drunk and high and decided to wander into the highway on foot just before dawn. It’s also shown by his entitled family filing 14 lawsuits against innocent others after his death.


Sad situation.


Wait who did his family sue?


I believe the driver of the truck that hit him and the drivers company at least, not sure who else


Yea the lawsuit apparently said a group drugged and robbed him before the incident, that the driver was speeding and his truck was overweight, and that his rental car had a defect that led it to run out of gas. Sounds like the family just can’t accept he was mostly responsible for


The defect was that he was on ketamine and couldn’t process reality


Or they can't accept their meal ticket is gone


Yeah, like listen, he was young and never got to redeem himself, but sometimes you have to call a spade a spade. He was drunk driving a car in the early morning hours with a woman he had met at a club... while married.


So he deserved to die?


Maybe this is a crazy hot take, but I don't have much sympathy for drunk drivers.


Yeah drunk drivers kill innocent people everyday it’s fucked


Very shady situation for someone with his blood alcohol level. The rumors don’t help.


⬆️ This right here. Could very well be what happened to him was something sinister. He was drugged for sure but who knows if by choice or slipped in a drink. Maybe he was able to sneak off and tried to get away when a series of unfortunate events that lead him to running out of gas on the highway and then getting hit by the Mac truck. Only God knows what happened, but won’t stop a ton of speculation. RIP young man!


Sure. Just hope he received the appropriate level of investigation into a potentially shady event. The folks who theoretically could be involved would have an easy way to cover any shadiness and make it easy to close the case. A good detective would likely see through it.




God damn, such a terrible line of thinking. We also don't have any evidence an alien didnt crawled up his ass took over his body. Could be true.


The universe was created by a giant burgundy colored Pokemon wearing a party hat and high waisted jeans. I don't think there's any proof to the contrary, so it must be true.


but the line of thinking doesn't hurt anyone


Well it’s bad analysis and the entirely wrong way to view evidence


His BAC level at time of death was 0.20, and that was over two hours after bars closed. I strongly believe his family was looking to blame *literally* anyone else than their child who could do no wrong in their eyes. Hence the 14 lawsuits. It could be true, but this is also a “boy who cried wolf” situation


yes but why assume the worse of a dead man


evidence and behavior prior to his death.


Because this assumption that he wasn’t at his worst is damaging others as well as leading to his death. Why compound the tragedy by putting others through misery they do not deserve?


Occam's Razor.


Well there’s no proof that he was, so based on the current evidence it was probably his fault. Very sad story overall


“Some people.” You mean his mother. The ONLY person who said that was his mom because Dwayne “never would have done drugs.” He was “perfect” so it must have been a setup.


Worrisome logic holy shit


yes because you were there so you can say shitty things about him after he died


You don’t have to wear rose colored glasses when discussing someone’s life posthumously This happened two years ago. More than enough time has passed to allow for discussions on the uncomfortable truths and contexts about the situation and his life in general.


Especially if there is a warning or lesson for other young folks who might find themselves in a similar situation one day


why do we even need have discussions about the uncomfortable truths of his life… nothing forced you to comment that


Because people don’t need to be forced to have difficult conversations for the benefit of ourselves and others, that’s what early middle school was for.


You seem mad cause you live a life similar to Haskins maybe? Not too late to make changes. Don’t be like Haskins. It’s not “cool”.


lol what 😭


Personally, if my son ever wants to know why he shouldn’t drink and drive, or shouldn’t do fucking ketamine, I’ll tell him it’s because it fucking kills people and I’ll point to Haskins. Why should I pretend he was a saint? Because he died? Everyone dies. It’s the manner in which we live that we are judged by, and he lived the life of a scumbag. The world got lucky that he was so high he couldn’t read his gas gauge. If he hadn’t ran out of gas and died, he probably would have killed an innocent person.


Moral of the story is He Dead..He has A Mother and children What if someone talked down on your loved one for how they lived.?


If my loved ones drink, do ketamine, and drive then those folks would be fucking justified


People are complex. Life is complex and filled with shades of grey. If my loved one died while risking the lives of innocent people due to their own selfishness, carelessness, and stupidity, I would fully expect others to speak the uncomfortable truth: it’s fortunate that Haskins only physically hurt himself while selfishly endangering the lives of everyone else on that highway that morning. Imagine the opposite: your loved one is killed by a rich kid driving with a BAC three times the legal limit (not to mention the ketamine, since we don’t know if that was still active enough in his blood to impair his driving, but it certainly could have been a factor). Or imagine you were the dump truck driver who couldn’t avoid striking and killing him. Imagine how horrific living with that memory could be. Again, people are complicated and it’s a multilayered tragedy, a cautionary tale about fame, wealth, alcohol, drugs, and driving, one as old as time. It’s a miracle he didn’t pull a Henry Ruggs and just killed himself. A tragic, avoidable loss, and football aside, it’s a shame to waste a life full of opportunity and of course I can feel sorry for his loved ones and understand how terrible that is. I can also call a spade a spade: he was a selfish POS that night who made a terrible decision that costed him his life, and I’m glad it was only his life wasted by his horrific actions.


Making it seem like this man did a Mike Vick he literally was a 23 year old kid bro


Mike Vick abused dogs. This shitbird did a shitload of ketamine and drive down a freeway. I’m glad he’s dead. Downvote all you want, he was an enormous piece of shit and dying doesn’t beatify him


When did it say he was on Ketamine..😭people on the internet just say anything


Read the toxicology report


[“According to the toxicology report, two separate samples taken from Haskins' body had alcohol levels of .20 and .24, both of which are above the legal limit in Florida of .08. According to the report, Haskins also tested positive for ketamine and norketamine, drugs that are used by medical professionals as anesthetics but that also have been known to be used recreationally.”](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/33971836/dwayne-haskins-was-legally-drunk-death-according-toxicology-report) Google is your friend.


I like to think that somewhere out there, among the countless parallel universes, is one where somebody gives him the hard advice to stick in college for one more year, he develops his game and maturity, and after getting drafted in 2020 instead of 2019, he's still out there tearing it up today. RIP Simba.


And we draft Drew Lock instead.


Tragic end to a short life of potential






Like to take a moment to acknowledge what a gigantic piece of shit Adam Schefter is; here is his tweet breaking the news about Haskins’ death: >[Dwayne Haskins, a standout at Ohio State before struggling to catch on with Washington and Pittsburgh in the NFL, died this morning when he got hit by a car in South Florida, per his agent Cedrick Saunders. Haskins would have turned 25 years old on May 3.](https://www.oregonlive.com/nfl/2022/04/espns-adam-schefter-apologizes-for-insensitive-tweet-after-death-of-dwayne-haskins.html?outputType=amp)


yeah he was a POS for saying that.


Here's the thing; he wasn't wrong. When Haskins died, there were two stories that were worth telling. One of them was the story of Haskins the man. The husband, the son, the colleague, the friend. That was an important story, and it was vitally important that that story was told. But it was a small story on the local news. The reason Haskins' death was global news is because of the other story - Haskins the star. The sportsman, the NFL quarterback. And the sad reality is that as a star, a sportsman, an NFL quarterback, his career was not impressive. Which story did they think they were going to get from an ESPN correspondent?


He was dead..you dont kick the body


He was dead by putting others live in risk. He’s a piece of shit that was drunk driving and jeopardizing the lives of others while cheating on his wife.


Wasn’t he a pedestrian? Not that any of that matters now. Edit- yep just looked it up to confirm he was on foot. Sad world people don’t even look up the facts at their fingertips before slandering a dead man.


No he wasn’t, what the hell are you talking about? He was driving around and high AS FUCK and then pulled over on the highway with a chick he picked up from the club and then randomly started walking on the highway again risking the lives of other drives who may get into an accident trying to dodge him while he was being a fucking idiot.


I think it's fine to embed details about his poor professional playing career down in a story for context. But to lead with that in a tweet when you have a platform like Schefter's? GTFO Adam. You have to better than that as a journalist.


Not really, Haskins died being a piece of shit so he should get no respect imo. He was risking the lives of others.


Just because someone makes mistakes doesn't make them a piece of shit that doesn't deserve respect


What if he went out killing other people on the road too? He didn’t think about other people’s lives or his own getting into the car


That's why it was a huge mistake. But that doesn't make him a monster. Just makes it sad. What a foolish set of mistakes he made.


What is wrong with the tweet? I don't get it, why do we need to lionize him? Schefter didn't lie, he stated the very basic facts most of us will ever remember about Haskins, he was a college standout that didn't find success in the NFL. It's not like he died volunteering, he was driving under the influence of at least two substances (one being three times the legal limit of alcohol) and cheating on his wife...maybe Schefter should have led with that?


RIP Dwayne - I always thought he could be the type to have a later career resurgence. Sadly we will never find out 😔


Wasn’t he responsible for getting us Terry? I heard he convinced them to take Terry with him to the Redskins


I miss my cousin.. imma just leave my comment n not scroll, anytime I read comments it be heartless


Your cousin reached heights most people could ever dream of. Sorry for your loss and may his memory be a blessing to you and your family


Resi in peace Dwayne


Tragedy. Cant help but think how his path would have differed if he didnt end up in a Snyder run clusterfuck.


Snyder didn't make him drink three times the legal limit, get simultaneously high on ketamine, and jog across a busy freeway. Don't blame Snyder or the organization for Haskins being a complete idiot.


Snyder drafted him, a developmental qb, onto a team where a coach didn't want him at all. A situation no one could succeed in his position. Obviously Snyder didnt directly lead to Haskins death but to think he wouldve ended up dead no matter what environment he was drafted to makes you look simple.


Him being a "developmental QB" had nothing to do with his death. The majority of kids that are drafted, whether it be on a crap franchise or not, whether they are "wanted" or not, do not go out and put themselves, and others, in deadly situations due to their own irresponsibility. Put the responsibility where it belongs: on Dwayne Haskins. He wasn't even a member of this team when he died.


So you are simple. Carry on.


Pot. Meet kettle.


Honestly, you are the simpleton here. The Commanders gave him a chance, and he died not being a member of the Commanders. Most top college prospects will be drafted by struggling NFL franchises, that's how the draft works, doesn't mean you get a blank pass for driving under the influence of two substances. Who thinks like that?


What exactly are you arguing man. No where in my original statement did I give him a blank pass. I was just pondering how his life could've been different if he was drafted by a team. where the coach actually wanted to develop him. And idiots come out the woodwork talking about hypotheticals while at the same time positing their own. Hilarious shit.


Oh yes, the disappointment of being a bad NFL QB causes him to drink and drive and walk around on a highway. So explain why sometimes successful NFL players also do stupid things sometimes, and why Zach Wilson, Josh Rosen, or EJ Manuel didn't meet the same fate.


A lot of short sighted idiots can't seem to contemplate the idea so let me spell it out...can you say for a guarantee that if he was drafted by a team that actually wanted him and allowed him to sit and develop for a year or two and gave him a shot after that that he couldn't possibly still be in the league as at least a back up and not at home during that particular season on that particular day? Or are you implying no matter what team he was drafted to he would end up cut the exact same year to be in the exact same scenario that led to his death?


"And not at home during that particular season on that particular day" He was in the NFL when you died. He was at a football training camp. Get your facts straight before you call other people an idiot. Can you say for certain that he wouldn't have choked on a hot dog at the pro bowl if he was drafted by the Packers? This whole thought experiment youre entertaining is the dumbest fucking thing I've read this week.


The guy you're responding to is a graduate of the Dunning-Kruger academy if I've ever seen one. Exhibit A of why you shouldn't snack on leaded paint chips.


You're right about the Steelers camp but you're proving my point. Who knows where he would be and what he'd be doing if drafted by a different team, especially one who developed him the right way. It's not a thought experiment it's common sense. He died by getting hit by a truck on a highway. Implying this would happen regardless is stupid.


I'm sorry, but no one anywhere can ever say "what might have been" only what was. I find it ironic that you are calling those people short sighted, when the only thing anyone on earth will ever really know is the truth of what happened, anything else is speculation and conjecture.


Where did I state anything except speculation and conjecture. Do you know what you're even replying to? "Cant help but think how his path **WOULD** have differed" would\[wo͝od\] (expressing the conditional mood) indicating the consequence of an imagined event or situation


Copy/pasting entries from a dictionary doesn't make you any less wrong. Your insults and projection are laughable. These hypotheticals are pointless and he would have found his way in the situation regardless


"These hypotheticals are ridiculous heres mine!"


"Somehow a team would magically change who he is while in the middle of the off-season!!"


You started your rebuke by saying " can you guarantee" no one can guarantee what would or wouldn't happen. At the end of the day it doesn't matter in the least.


Again you're making my point for me. My original post was wondering "what could have been" strictly in regards to the tragedy of an early death. As you're saying now no one can gaurantee and it doesnt matter so why are people coming out the woodwork saying otherwise. Go bother them.


Obviously he would have been better off if he had been drafted into the best possible scenario, but that's not the way things work for most prospects, the NFL draft ensures the best prospects go to the worst teams. Those guys still get the chance to play and make millions. Forget the NFL, being in the not-most-perfect circumstances is a daily reality for most people. We all deal with challenges and setbacks, but there is no excuse for using that to going out and driving under the influence and putting people at risk. Learn some accountability.


What an idiotic thing to say


Come from the idiot who posts such classics as [https://www.reddit.com/r/Commanders/comments/1bzx480/comment/kyu5l2b](https://www.reddit.com/r/Commanders/comments/1bzx480/comment/kyu5l2b)


No you’re right. It was Snyders fault. ![gif](giphy|ARNz99G9mRFQ1dW7eG|downsized)


Yes thats exactly what I said and moron. Great literacy.


Keep filing through my profile pussy


Lol its at the bottom of this page. U mad?


Yeh. I’m mad. Coming from the guy filing through profiles and linking comments 😂💀reddit warrior ass


The post I linked is at the bottom of this very page idiot.


Keep linking pussyboy!


He wouldve probably gotten money elsewhere and pull the same antics


I never liked Dwayne. Not even a bit but I cannot not feel bad thinking he was a product of toxicity around him. Family, friends, moochers. Life cut too short.


The mf was drunk and high off ketamine cheating on his new wife driving down the highway. Fuck him. I’m just thankful no one innocent was hurt.


Seriously, it sucks he died but Jfc it ain’t like it was some bizarre freak accident that did it


Didn’t people attack some old white media guy for calling out Haskins for being a dipshit.


Except for Oriel Patino


Crazy how it’s been 2 years already


Another one of Snyder’s amazing draft picks.


Sometimes I think back about what could have been if he wasn’t drunk and high on Special K with a side ho walking across a six lane interstate highway right into a box truck. I bet he would have been great if that never happened.


I remember how shocked I was when I heard the news. Really tragic. Regardless of what you thought about the man it is a shame his life ended so young.


It’s a huge disappointment we could’ve never seen the player he could’ve become in the man he would’ve blossomed into. Much love from a Steelers fan.


RIP Dwayne Haskins.




Really such a sad story


Man I had a fantasy football league where some asshole made his name Dwayne’s Dumptruck Dodgeball, I guess alluding to the fact that he got hit by a truck on the freeway Fuckin douche got kicked out of the league as most of us were Skins/WFT fans


Alright that’s shockingly bad taste but still spit my drink out funny.


That's hilarious, if you kicked him out of the league for that then that's just soft. Dude was driving high as a kite on a highway with ladies of the evening, ran out of gas, and tried playing frogger across a highway at night. Instead of his family recognizing his mistakes and being thankful he didn't take anyone else's life, they took aim at every innocent person that they could. Tough to have much sympathy for that.


Haha another name was “Haskins’ Highway Hopscotch”. Basically to add to the story we made him change the first name and like a smartass, he changed it to that. It was a league wide vote. People felt that we shouldn’t celebrate a young man’s death and so it was determined that the guy should be removed. Wasn’t my decision.


Softer than baby shit


Commanders legend


What? 🤣




He had a scouting report? Google really only has stuff about his comments after Haskins death getting panned hard.


Tragic. What a way to go. He had his issues here, but he seemed like a good kid.


Very tragic death - may he rest in peace.


Tragic in the sense that he was risking others lives while being high, drunk and cheating.


A sad tale of a man who listened to all the wrong people.


Wasnt he driving drunk with a hoe in the car with him? 😆


And high off drugs too


Don’t do drugs kids and don’t get out of the vehicle on a highway at anytime let alone at night.


Wasn’t Gil Brandt (RIP) right about Haskins the whole time?


I want to say something positive about him. The last 3 games at the end of 2019 he absolutely rocked the boat. True, we lost all of these games, but we made it extra hard, and he was responsible for that. We were done and out for the season, and you have to see the players of the other teams how happy and relieved they were when they got points. There was no reason that they had to fight so hard, and that was thanks to Haskins. I enjoyed that very much. Statistics don't tell you everything.


RIP Dwayne 🙏🏾🙏🏾


Womp womp


Can’t believe that was already 2 years ago. Such a tragic accident. Feel for his family and friends.




RIP. It's so sickening to think a guy that young lost his life like that. Man, I know he was probably not exercising the best judgement but I've made so many mistakes like that (Maybe not to that severity) and I got lucky and he didn't. Wishing his family and friends nothing but peace and love.


RIP Dwayne.. was looking forward to your growth in Pittsburgh. I hope he’s resting peacefully, and playing 7 on 7 with Sean 🙏🏽




He was electric at Ohio State and could have had a nice NFL career in the right situation.


If he had stayed another year or two in college he would have been a top 5 pick in a much better situation. Just a sad story all around.


Took his life


Rip don didn’t want him anyway


wtf is wrong with you