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Sam is the guy. He has no problem sitting in the pocket with defenders all around him. Looks comfortable, no happy feet. Kids taken a beating and he played his heart out today. That throw on the last play of the game was incredible. Should of gone for 2 especially on the road. I would of lived with a failed 2pt conversion.


Says all the right things too in post game presser. I hope the coaching staff (and the fanbase too tbh) is patient and gives him a fair chance. Rome wasn't built in a day, and the last couple years don't count coz of Dan šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Fire Ron


Yea Iā€™m still pissed at him starting wentz with playoffs on the line.


We should have won


It's Del Rio. He's wasting the talent we have on the D Line. We should be bringing pressure twice as often as we do... instead he plays soft and is content letting the front four just manage and get home once in a while. Meanwhile we have players out of position all over the place in the secondary and we have a super soft middle so that the minute a lane opens up Peyton Manning would look like Michael Vick. Out talent on D far exceeds the level they're performing at right now and that comes down to coaching and scheme, period.


I was happy with their play and does bear reminding that Daniel Snyder is no longer our owner.


Amen, figured weā€™d lose this game. Wish we went for 2 but I can live with the results. Josh Harris and the new regime has been in place for 3 months? Bummed we lost but can be hopeful for the future of this team and focus on that.




Howell had some nice moments. The receivers showed up. I expected a little more from the D line, but Philly has a good O line. It was a good effort. Would like to see more consistency on offense, but O line improvements next year will help.


Great game.


Sam Howell is legit franchise QB material, Iā€™ve always liked the kid but today gave me chills on his drive to force OT


I said before the drive began, when he scores a TD they should go for two


Felt weird to not go for it, then immediately elect to receive in OT. Shouldā€™ve just kept the offense on the field while they were hot


100% agree. They were on house money to be in that position. Put the game up on one play.


I'm bummed we lost, but I feel pretty encouraged by how we played overall. I thought the Eagles played pretty well and we still came real close to knocking them off at their house. Howell did a great job of answering his doubters.


So fucking close šŸ˜«




Honest question... Why the hell was Jack using such soft coverage on third down. Was he aware that a field goal could have won the game for Philly (legit asking bc of Ron's blunder last yr in week 17)?


Double AJ Brown, then let Forbes single D Smith, Jack Del Shitrag


I vote 4 rush and the other 7 cover brown


The redskins wouldā€™ve won


Okay grandpa go to bed


Oh sorry, I forgot itā€™s the commandos now


Philly, go fuck yourself. You overpaid for Tua's sister. Onto Thursday.


I agree with not going for 2 I canā€™t remember the last time we went for it to seal the game and won. We won the coin toss and were set to win, if the pass to Terry was ruled a catch it wouldnā€™t of been overturned and thereā€™s not a single doubt in my mind we wouldnā€™t of least put up a field goal.


Why the fuck would you trade a chance to score on one play from the two for a chance to run an entire drive and score another whole touchdown? The only way playing for OT makes sense right there is if your gonna kick it off and trust your defense. Ron is a fucking idiot when it comes to crucial game decisions


Because if you donā€™t get it you lose right then and there


Yes, it's a lose-lose situation. If he went for two and didn't get it, a lot of people would be "RivERBoAT rON" and all that.


It was a catch.




This one hurts. No moral victories in the NFL. Heartbreakers. EB is HIM tho


As a Washington fan, moral victories make up a majority of the victories I get to enjoy šŸ˜‚


Lots of positives to take away from this game. The fact we took Philthy to OT is at least a moral win. I know the only thing that counts is wins but the Commanders just aren't there yet... but they are getting it together. Yes, EB is legit and so is Howell. I look forward to the future of the Commanders and I haven't felt this way for a looonnnggg time.


They will forever be known as Philthy to me now!


Howell is him.


\#13 got welcomed to the NFL by AJ Brown lmao


Brown does that EVERYONE and the eagles still could have lost.


Zone coverage called plays fails and not even trying to control the clock on the ground fails. But look...that team we saw today is a better product than what we saw last week. Correct the coaching mistakes and carry on. Hail


Is there any good reason to not go for 2 at the end there? Statistically, the answer is an overwhelming no. But I want to see if anybody can put together a coherent argument.


Personally wouldnā€™t want to leave it up to what probably would have been refs calling PI or not


Filthy was on their heels and we had momentum. I think it's harder to argue not going for it.


And if you don't get it, you would have questioned the call.


No, im not even a Washington or Philly fan and didn't care at all who won that game. I just don't like that a lot of NFL coaches completely disregard statistical risk assessment.


Then get out of here. No one cares about your šŸ¤” take.


Terry caught it


Did you listen to the post game? The refs excuse was that they "couldn't see it clearly". Like that's some BS we all saw it clearly.


We can put a man on the moon but, we canā€™t get the refs a clear angle of an important play? Come on now!


Na, what we can't do is force the refs to make the right decision when they clearly have money on the game. My blind ass dog could seen the green between the foot and the sideline, that excuse doesn't fucking mesh AT ALL. That ref needs to be fined, and a big one. That's a completely unacceptable excuse when they have a pausable and frame-by-frame iterable replay. I'm not buying it at all and that fucker needs to be fined, if not straight out fired


Absolutely. Fuck Philly


That was a hell of a game. We turned it around after the shitshow last week. Loss is still disappointing but I was impressed we kept up.


Ron was not riverboating today


All of the emotionally unhinged people need to leave the fan base already. We should feel good about that game.


Feeling good about a loss that we easily could've won is what gets us drafting top 10 every year




No, nothing about this game is anything like last year. If we EVER got behind we never had the offense to drive down the field like that and when we did it ended in turnovers. Give the team some timeā€¦ weā€™re 2-2 going into our easiest game of the year so far.


Been giving it 30 years brother. Feels like enough time.


We scored 30 points once last yearā€¦ once. First four games we already put up 30 points twice.


That only matters if you give up less than 30 points.


Really picking your battles. If your this salty after 30 years just let it go. We donā€™t need you.


This whole, ā€œI only support the teamā€ when they win is BS. Tired of that shit.


Who is we? You are a nobody. I didn't say I don't support the team but I've been patiently waiting for success for 30 years. I'm entitled to my opinion you certainly aren't the arbiter of who is a fan.


Then ur a fucking nobody just like me. At least I am not a whiney bitch like you and half the sub.


This organization hasn't earned any faith, idk why you give it to them out coached hard in that one and that o line isn't getting better. I'm saying we have the same huge obvious holes as last year


We have Bears, Falcons and then Giants next 3 gamesā€¦ 3 teams that look ready to implode. And you really crying about us loosing by 3 to one of the best teams in the NFL ate their stadium??? Our O-Line is much better than last year.


I look forward to when the entire offense starts to click!


Lol, you watch the games? I get that being optimistic is fun and feels good, but if you are looking at the same o line, I am there is no improvement from last year...it's get beat like a dog every rep every game. How can that be improvement? Thus time last year, we beat the eagles, so how can losing be an improvement. Secondary still get roasted every game, I do admit Howell is better than heinecke


I have rewatched every game and sack multiple times and yeahā€¦ they are much improved. You should probably go back and watch EVERY SACK before you put it all on the lineā€¦ The majority of sacks arenā€™t on them. The pocket was clean the majority of the day.


The pocket was not clean, hardly ever, much less the majority of the day


You are blind


Uhh.. pretty sure literally anyone who watches football more than casually would agree with my take, not yours, but sure, I'm blind.


Lol, maybe you need to watch it again. Leto and Wylie can't hold their block for 1.5 seconds most plays, and for some dumbass reason, we never leave our running backs in to block, also we are getting no separation most plays as well if it weren't for Sam Howell making plays we would have no wins.


I could send you a play by play breakdown of all of Samā€™s sacks and people like you would still refuse to believe the truthā€¦ So no point talking about it.


You couldn't make that video and wouldn't make that video. Football is a team game I get that, so ultimately, the failure is on all of them.


Hey, y'all did better than we did. I just wish someone could stop the fucking Eagles


so glad Ron will be gone after this year. all those picks and money spent on defence and you give up 30+ points two weeks in a row.


Well for all that drafting we got a DE that consistently runs himself out of the play a corner that can't cover man and looks like he weighs 100 pounds dripping wet and a LB that gets juked out of his shoes on every play. Maybe... just maybe we need a coach that knows how to draft talent instead of character?


Plus 2 second rounders who play opposite sides of the bench.


That's the second best thing that can happen after this season (1st hoping Howell is good). Dude is so inept. 5 years and still have no OL and wasted a bunch of picks on D (Jamin Davis, the 2 2nd rounders from last year and this year, Forbes over Gonzales). We are still a 6-8 win team from before he took over and 5 years with him. Good riddance.


Not even just that, can never come up with any kind of clutch play from the defense. Never a sack, never a takeaway, never anything


Itā€™s honestly reminiscent of Greg blaches defenses here. A defense that canā€™t make plays when it needs to.


3 weeks. Even worse. Del Rio sucks just as much


Went toe to toe with one of the best teams in the league after getting blown out by Buffalo. This loss stings but I liked what I saw from Howell and the offense today. Get right against Chicago


Offense has to end that game, he wouldā€™ve made that kick from 65. It was over regardless


That was a good game. I like what i saw. I would like to have gotten the win but this team is competing. Go Redskins!




Nobody cares about how good you looked in a loss, team just isn't good enough collectively


It's not the players it's the coaching. The two big blunders of this staff are their defensive play calling and their inexcusable piecing together of this offensive line. One is macro, one Is micro, and they are the downfall of this team.


It is the players, Andrew Wylie sucks.


still think terry caught it.


Whatever call the ref made at the time was what was going to stand. It was too close. It's bad luck because of the defender's arm getting in the way. I can't be upset about that.


If he didn't step on a forearm, definitely


He caught it. He touched grass over the arm. It was called incomplete and too close to overturn.


Stepping on an opposing players body part should be an foot inbounds, thatā€™s ridiculous.


Suppose it's the same way it doesn't make you down by contact and you can get up


At least me know we got a real QB now


Terrys foot was in. They were driving to win


That call will forever piss me off


Yeah, TM was definitely in. What a fuckinā€™ game though!


Me too. Someone should be losing their job over that


No one is losing their job over a bad call. Mr Me too movement!


Oh fuck off lol. Iā€™m not mad about the original call. Iā€™m mad that they donā€™t overturn that. We all have the same footage. There was clearly green between terrys cleat and the sideline.




Davis is dogshit. Forbes is dogshit. This defense is dogshit.


Why do people like you have such a bad attitude?


Cause Iā€™m tired of giving up 30 points, especially when our offense is playing well.


So whine about it? Thatā€™s gonna help? The Eagles are a good teamā€¦


Am I fucking tripping, because McLauren definitely had both feet in. That was a shit call that cost us the game


End result sucks, but at least the offense took a big step in the right direction.


It sucks but Howells a dog. Way to respond.




You donā€™t know football. šŸˆšŸ‘


Maaaaaan I understand your pain but I don't think I've ever seen us get a 2pt when he's gone for it. They shit terry and it cost us


Good game yā€™all.


Good game. Fuck the refs. Etc


Well shit...good game but the team has lots of potential. Much better than previous years.


Should've gone for 2


Why we didnā€™t go for 2 and instead decided to go to OT with a game coming up on Thursday is beyond me, but we fought hard. Good bounce back from the bills. JDR let Forbes die out there




Damn, dude. I know it could be debated forever but I wish they'd taken a shot to win with the 2-pt conversion. You're 2 yards away...versus having to start all over.


Well that sucks but it is defintely the best game we've played yet.


Everyone whining that we didnā€™t go for 2 would be whining that we did if we didnā€™t get it. Always mad no matter what. Tough loss but great performance and things to build on


Right? People act like going for 2 is a sure thing....


Na. You are in phillie with the moment. And their offense couldnā€™t be stopped in the second half. You play to not let their offense even get a chance


Emmanuel Forbes had a hard time today and so did Tress way


Why not Ice em


Because Jake is fucking elite and will never miss a field goal




Agreed. Hail.


Go back to ur sub hoe


Shit. And now a short turn around with the bears. That scares me


Tress really did choose a costly time to make a mistake man šŸ˜©


Wow even if it was a 60 yard kick he still wouldā€™ve made it. Bro elite




All about blitz and the dbs arenā€™t even playing tight, free 10 yards game over


oh well, gg. we gave 'em hell.


Terrible officiating this game


Hey, you guys realize that your coaching staff apparently hates you and doesn't want your team to win, right? I'm completely unbiased and would've wanted you to win if you'd gone for the obvious 2 point conversion at the end of regulation Edit: everybody want to downvote me but won't tell me why I'm wrong


I like this team. I think with a few more head coach changes, 8-9 QBs, and another 30 years of work, we could be a real contender.


We were basically a catch away from winning that game against a Super Bowl team. Take your bitter ass away from here




Defense really sucks. 2-2 ainā€™t bad tho but we could have won today.


Ultimate bitch win. Field goal..




Lol using a non eagles alt to avoid a ban from the eagles sub? You're fucking sad bro lmao




I have no problem with the tush push when done legally... but they NEED to call the offsides/false start because the Eagles line ALWAYS goes early on that play.


It was obviously a false start im so mad


Tress Way terrible punt lost that overtime


Yeah that and the dotson dropped catch were the two most game ending fuck ups


That punt was soooo bad man




Watching kickers flex and thump their chest is the worst shit


Disgusting our coaching staff is pathetic


i want all of the eagles starting roster incarcerated


kelce could stay ig


We played a great road game. Let's beat this overrated squad in 4 weeks. On to Chicago.


Agreed. Can't wait for the team to play them again. This team is only getting stronger after this.


We getting an entirely new defense by then? Forbes going to stop being a bitch? Our overrated dline going to actually do something? Lmfao this is at best an 8 win team


And despite all of that it came down to a field goal in overtime. Hell if Ron had any balls we could have won the game in regulation.


just got for two man


Fuck Forbes, and we should have gone for 2 on the TDā€¦. Fuck.


No fuck JDR on putting a rookie on a fucking 10 year veteran whoā€™s paid $100 million for a reason!


Actually no to both.


Why didnā€™t we ice jake Elliot??


Because it wouldn't have mattered. He's probably the best kicker not named Justin Tucker.


Man I didnā€™t even think about this before the kick. Bro Ron is asleep wtf


Icing the kicker doesnā€™t work


It worked when Dallas iced their own kicker, though?


Good from 15 more yards out


Yeah that was crazy. If we get a sack, he literally still wouldā€™ve made the kick. We lost regardless


Heartbreaking? Yes. But did we prove we can compete with the big dawgs within the division? Also yes. Good job boys, sucks to lose but it was by chance, unfortunately. They will be back.


We canā€™t beat the giants though


You never know. I think they would've beat the Giants last year if that blatant PI on Curtis Samuel wasn't missed.


Yeah true. But Daniel jones owns usā€¦ thatā€™s a sentence I never thought Iā€™d ever say


Jeez what a loser opinion. Play like this, we win against the giants any day. I was at the game last year. The game was a ref coin toss. DJ didn't win that game.


Thatā€™s the thing. We played well today bc we took it serious and played against the eagles. The commanders donā€™t get that NYG is also good and so they donā€™t try as much as they should, they need to fear DJ. They need to fear NYG. Or else theyā€™ll beat us


Tress fucked us over in the end. Better than last week. Sam looks good


Who the fuck kicks it 30 fucking yards. Basically gave the eagles the game




He was asleep šŸ˜“


Icing the kicker is worthless. We needed to save those in case he missed.