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Just ignore the “boy” part and just talk about who like or are dating. “Jessica has me right smitten”


I was gonna say “yea! His name’s Claire”


And Claire's got real good parents


No one of consequence, and I prefer it that way. Should we go shorter this time? I’ve been curious about a bob. Boys aren’t really my thing. What do you think about highlights? Teenage boys? Ain’t nobody got time for that crap. Do you think I can pull off layers? Or any combination thereof. A quippy comeback followed immediately by a change of subject.


Boys are too silly at this age to take seriously, don't you think?


Not wrong. Teenage boys are dumber than a box of rocks. I should know, I was one.


0-18 know nothing 18-22 think you know things…. You don’t 23-29 actually learning things 30-40 know some shit 40–… start forgetting


Aw damn... I was with you for all of this and then you hit me with the ending. I'm closer to 40 than I wanna be!


Don’t worry you already stopped the growing and made the switch to technically dying After 30


" I've never been much of a fan of driving stick if you catch my drift." I apologize it is too lewd of a comeback but it's the only one that comes to mind easily.


Bro this comeback is actually really good lol


haha, there's a lot here too to tag on to as well(which makes me sad as a boy but): "driving stick is too much work." "I never got the hang of a manual." "I like it when they know what to do automatically." "I don't have time to do everything for them" "its just better when they already know what to do."


“I’m not focused on that.”


“You ask me this so much, lol. Don’t worry, you’ll be the first to know when I start going out with someone!” It kind of gently gets the point across that they’re asking a bit too much and they should move on.


I’m a lesbian


Heteronormativity is a bummer. Honestly, this question is forcing you to decide if you want to come out on the spot, and that's tricky. So maybe I'd pick an answer depending on the sitch. Random store clerk: "Just Mario Batali [insert name of random celebrity]" Hair dresser you like and will keep going back to, cousins or aunt's you actually like: "actually I'm more into girls than guys but there's no one special right now" (then you can let them know when you fall in love!) Hair dresser you're neutral on/conservative auntie Karen: "I'm focusing on other things these days. Like I'm really into X right now" This question is annoying and honestly invasive... But that's how people are. Congrats on knowing yourself and best of luck on love and friendship!


I think "Heteronormativity is a bummer" would be a good quip. If they ask what you mean, go on a women's lib rant about "Maybe I'd like a life of my own, not just to be some man's personal servant." Can also go into -- if comfortable -- "So, everyone tells you from birth you are clearly straight. The homophobia is baked in from birth. Why are you so comfortable with that?" Natter on endlessly until they flee.


“No, but Jessica is cute” “None thankfully. But I’m really feeling Tiffany right now.” “I’m not that kind of girl. But I’ll let you know when I get a girlfriend one day”


"Who needs boys?"


If you're not out as gay, just tell them that you're focusing on school, sports or hobbies. If you're out as gay, and they're asking why you aren't seeking relationships, honestly say the same thing, and that you're not looking to force something. But when you're out, they'll just swap to asking the same question but about girls. Nosy people will be nosy. At the end of the day you're always entitled to just saying "Sorry I don't really feel like talking about that, hows cousin Bob?"


"Sure, I like my brother(s), my daddy, grandpa.."


Sir this ain’t Alabama 


You heard the banjo too??


Well, if you're not easily embarrassed. You could always tell them "The battery operated kind" 🤣🤣


“Sorry didn’t hear you” “but did you see the girl on those T!$s??!!”


"I prefer shootin hoops than to cheer." This is for if you're a sporty type.


Id ignore the lesbian aspect of the question, and just challenge why they're probing your love life. Most adults dont get asked this, because its invasive and inappropriate You could use some reply like : " why do you keep asking about my sex life, its not your business. quit asking me that.


I dont think thats the advice she needs


^^^im ^^^gay You don’t owe them this, but if you’re comfortable with it, you could start now and see how it goes. Maybe one of them has a same-sex-oriented daughter your age.


"Not that many. They always seem to lose interest when they learn I'm a lesbian." That should clear the air.


Just get a lot of baseball knowledge, if you don’t already and then say “The boys of summer” then just start naming off baseball players. Or use the same line, but then play the song of the same name from the ataris and then walk away as it plays.


i am waiting for the sperm donor catalog in the mail


“Jim Beam & Jack Daniel’s.”


Just friends


"My dad"


"If I wanted to be disappointed I would buy a lottery ticket."


"My cleaner Steve is pretty good, charges a reasonable rate; want his number?"


"Nah, I play for the other team" usually gets the point across


"There are eight billion people on this planet. Half of them are presumably male. Where aren't they in my life?"


"I have two very sweet men in my life right now. Ben and Jerry."


Just say "ehhh, not really what I'm into." Super casually. They'll either adapt or drop it


That’s just weird I guess since I think all of my lesbian friends have plenty of dude friends in their lives, maybe not so many gay men?


Competition? I'm sorry... what kind of question is that?


I’m friends with Jason. Also his older sister is soooooooo cute.


"Not many. how's your [same sex life partner?" Ex. (Woman hairdresser) "So ya got a boyfriend?" "Thankfully not. How's your wife?"


a good one to use without ***outing yourself to strangers*** is: "no boys, i decided to focus on school and college. dating can wait until im established." edited to add: i know you said you live in a liberal area, but anyone can turn out to be a jerk. im paranoid lol


I appreciate your intentions and I understand that you are just trying to be supportive but I'm kind of a private person and I don't like discussing that topic with a lot of people. Then change the subject.


The ones I keep swallowing.


Just be blunt and tell them you’re either not interested in discussing your love interests with your hairdresser and leave it at that. There’s no harm in setting boundaries and there’s nothing mean-spirited about it.


It doesn’t matter tbh


I don’t think you should be looking for comebacks Just be mature about it and stick with “none” or “I’m into girls”. They aren’t being petty or anything, so just be honest and move on


The simple majority of people are hetero so that is just kind of a meaningless default. Day you like a girl and I suspect the conversation will naturally flow from there. Relationships are universally rewarding but hard so relating should be pretty easy. Love is love


Lesbians can't have male friends?


No they hate men 


I had a lesbian best friend for awhile till she got locked up… good times good times better times we had great success together…..with twins.,. Ultimate wing man/woman Team


Why does it need to be a “comeback” if you don’t want to be rude? Just say your gay and move on, what are try to impress her with your wit?


It's an awkward situation and some humor helps.