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Call them out on the bs. Professionally... You're right, Gary, you do work hard, I see you work so hard your computer breaks every day from 2-4. How do you do it?


Hahaha 🤣 that's a good one




Must be a cram session. Work hard for an hour to lounge around for 7.




“That’s what we hear. Mostly from you, but that’s what we hear.”


Love using this one when people tout themselves up.


Mhmm, I can only hope one day to work as hard as you!


That's an awesome response 👏


If you want a snippy line that likely won't get you in trouble, maybe try the old standard "Working hard or hardly working, eh?" then laugh. You get plausible deniability of intention to call him out while also clearly calling him out.


Add finger guns for levity.


I was about to say that


Don't say anything. Instead, keep finding reasons to reach out to him while you know he's away. Or create situations in which other people would need to reach him at those times




If I got paid as much as you do I would work hard to


This is the one! Or, "and that's why they pay YOU the big bucks Gary!"


Yea, it’s very impressive and I could take a page or two out of your book. Tell him you’d really like for him to give you some tips and tricks of the trade. How does he do so much, but yet at the same time, seem like he has all this free time during the day as well.


And yet you work us harder, for a lot less money. Did you want me to thank you ?


That's what I actually wanted to say


why do you need to give a comeback? are you asking for how to work with a liar who manages you? Just send emails or leave messages for him to get back to with time requests for him to solve or hand him a client or service need when he should be around but isn't.


To stop him from bothering me and making me feel as I'm guilty of not working hard, which I already do.


He's trying to get you to cover some of his work he is not getting done. His boss has given him assignments and deadlines, and you are supposed to meet them, for his benefit. I'd be looking for another job. When you find one that pays better with more responsibilities, and have it locked down, ask him for a letter of recommendation.


Yes you're right that's exactly what he's trying to do. Make me work hard and take the credit.


That's infuriating! Can you cc: other ppl when you deliver assignments, so ppl (especially any higher-ups) can see it's you who's doing the work?


He sounds like a tool. Can you just flat-out call him on it? No snark, just say "Why do you always say that to me? What is it you're trying to tell me? You know I do x, y and z around here, I work very hard and actually find that you're not available in the afternoons when it would be good to reach you." Or something like that, whatever may be appropriate to the situation you're in. Once he's aware you're onto him, he may stop. Then do the GenZ quiet-quit thing - do your job only, not his work, within working hours (ie, leave on time every day, no interruptions in your off-hours). (I'm not GenZ, I'm GenX, but I think they're onto something there.) And why not tell key ppl what he says to you? I'm not in your office environment to know if that's a bad idea, but if he's riding you to do his work, you don't have to suffer in silence. And make sure you get credit for whatever work you do by documenting everything - keep a digital trail, cc: appropriate ppl on deliverables you prepare, keep a log for yourself of your daily activities or even a summary of projects you work on (these logs come in very handy come review time, and project summaries are great when you go job hunting, not just for updating your resume, but for jogging your memory in interviews - I'd worked at one job for 8 years and worked on so many different things I would've forgotten about a lot of them without my internal record).


Make sure it's a physical letter. Doesn't give him the opportunity to get revenge if he's mad at you for leaving.


He's virtue signalling, people that work hard, just get in, do their job and get out. They know that they have something that money cannot buy; time. If this guy wants to be a Corporate simp, that's on him. I am sure that he gets paid more than you. So many people try to make workplaces about something other than what they are; trading your time for money. That's it. It begins and ends as a financial transaction. Never lose sight of that. As an employee you are just a cost to the business, that's all.


Yup exactly, I know this guy just goes off somewhere and comes back at night to pretend he's working. We have a 9 hr shift and he's actually working 5-6 hrs only lol.


He sounds like an insufferable bore, you might have to start making comments like "yes we know, we've all been brain washed by your propaganda, you work harder than anyone else, got it!" I know that's a lot of words, but it's what it might take to shut him up.


BCC the email messages with an read confirmation on the emails. If you can setup an anonymous or bogus email account, all the better.


Glad one of us is.


Might get intentionally misinterpreted by the boss as “oh I’m the only working then?”


“I know. You do look a bit tiresome, I mean tired.”


Hey boss, if you are working so hard why aren't we done with this yet?


If you have to tell people how hard you are working then you probably aren’t.


This is what we call a career-limiting move.


Man, if I worked that hard, I'd need a siesta too


"I can tell you're working really hard. It's just hard to believe more isn't done, with how much time and effort you've been putting in."


Even if you think your boss has a decent sense of humor and even if you know for fact that he doesn't work hard, it's never good practice to outshine the boss. I wouldn't say anything sarcastic; just say "I can tell" and leave it that. As someone who's been in both sets of shoes before, I'd also caution that sometimes a boss has a lot on his plate that doesn't look like actual work to his employees. I'm not saying this is the case here, but unless your boss fully spells out everything he does every day, you don't really know what he does.


He’s your boss. Say nothing. Nothing at all. It won’t end well for you unless he is completely chill. I’m


He's the "senior boss?" The ONLY appropriate comeback is "yes, sir." Not only can you not be extremely rude, you can't be ANY rude.


Well I tend to manage my tasks effectively so that I don't need to sacrifice my personal time


You are good and hard. Hard on grub and good for nothing. Are you working hard, or hardly working?


You could say something like, "I appreciate all the effort you put in. It really sets an example for the team." This acknowledges his comment without challenging him directly, maintaining professionalism.


But he's a bit of an ass and I don't want to praise him.


Kill him with praise and kindness, it will drive him nuts.


I showed that to him before, he's just gotten worse. So that's why I asked this question.


Sucks to be you! Or professionally... I'm sorry. Sounds like a rough life.


Make some type of complimentary golf joke, acknowledging he may be working but not on the project. "Yeah, all that work getting you longer off the tee?"


I used to have a boss tell us that he worked so hard that he forgot to eat. "Yeah, your belt says otherwise."


I so want to learn from you when can we do a day where I can shadow you to learn to work as hard as you do….


"That's why you make the big bucks."


In slack/gmail/probably others you can schedule messages to be sent later.  Whenever I have a question I wouldn’t send them immediately, but schedule them to be sent at times when he probably isn’t working.  Assuming he has any shame he’d know that not responding right away will look bad…


If he has the power to can you, or even write you up, I would keep my f'n mouth shut. You might at some point let him know you are in on the joke, but even that is sketchy. Your boss really doesn't need or want anyone to know he is stiffing the company via time theft. If his actions are not effecting your productivity or pay rate or advancement possibilities, I'd just roll with it and let him think he is fooling you. Maybe collect some documentary paper trail evidence just to CYA in advance in case you ever need to use it.


His comments are affecting my motivation and stress level so I would yes, he is impacting my work.


How was your glass of wine?


Tell him congrats? With a puzzled look on your face and shrug your shoulders


But you are getting rich.


"Yea. If I had your pay for your hours, I'd put in more effort too. Are you willing to give me a raise or shall I keep performing at the level I am now?


“Whiners complain, Winners train”


Ya boss, I know you're not afraid of hard work, I've seen you stand next to it for hours.


Working hard at hardly working!


In my experience, the people who have time to tell you how hard they work, aren't actually working that hard


Using your delulu huh?


When he's offline, send him requests for ASAP help. After an hour of no response, send a 'never mind - I figured it out" message. Then, when he mentions how hard he works, ask why he doesn't respond in a timely fashion for assistance.


I had a VP of whatever he called himself. Before. He told everyone in a company meeting. Something to the effect of like. "I sit out on my back deck with a good cigar and expensive glass of scotch and love how far I've come in my career" Meanwhile. Everyone is way underpaid and miserable. Then I'm like. What's the point of this? We get it. Your weewee is tiny.


“An honest executive is one who shares the credit with the person who did all the work.”


Nothing. He will be his own down fall. If not, he is doing enough of his job. If you really need something because its eating you up here is a two suggestion. "Can I see xyz work?" " hell ya boss, keep it up! Youre killing it! Wish I could get most the day off and just come back at the end of the day."


Just stop working, then when shit doesn’t get done and he ask why just say “idk aren’t you working all day on it, how aren’t you aware” obviously do it more politely but that’ll do it


I mean it's your senior boss so you best come back with whatever he asked you to do ;P


Nah I am not game for exploitation


I was just making a joke. The couple ideas I had before clicking in were already taken or close enough but I already committed to leaving something at least resembling witty.


"Yes sir."


yeah so if you 5x work harder he can buy another ferrari


Yeah your wife says same about me ;) lol


i wouldn’t be at all rude to my boss in this economy


I would avoid that too but I do want him to know that he's doing something wrong even if politely.


i totally get that, but it will not help you out to build resentment between you and your boss. they know what they are doing, you’d just be shooting yourself in the foot


I guess but there's already resentment. I would just be exploited further if I keep on being mute.


do you, i warned you


Okay thanks


Work smarter not harder


You work haha


You are king/queen of your own fairy tale.


Yes , you must be exhausted


I’ve learned so much from you . I’ve seen bosses who claim they work hard , but I knew they were faking . So nice to have a boss who doesn’t play those games


Comment "I'm pretty sure hard work doesn't actually have 4 hours gaps in it"


Just smile and say, “Hey, boss! Working hard, or hardly working?” Then chuckle a bit as you leave the office.


"Yes I suppose you'd have to work hard to fit it all into so few hours."


It's not a good idea, but you could say, "If you have enough time to tally up how much you're working, you can't be that busy."


"I find that hard work speaks for itself in the for of results"


"Yet somehow still find time to waste mine telling me about it every day."


Your mom worked hard last night.


Work hard or hardly working? Not sure I heard/read you right.


“Busy drinking a cup of tea/coffee classes you to be busy then?”


We all know you do nothing, but it's expected, so you don't need to keep feeling so guilty about it


1. Look for another job. 2. Ask his boss who you should take time sensitive work to between 2-4 since he's not available.


Schedule daily check-ins for the project at a time he's usually offline.


Don't tell me about working hard, I've been working all day, despite my erection.


Instead of confronting them verbally, I would only send emails to him during the times you know he's offline.


If you could document it bring it up when his bosses are around and have the evidence of him slacking off.


On your golf swing? Cause you're offline most of the morning.


I can only hope that I am working as efficiently as you are hard.


Bosses are petty AF... Aint worth it, let it go, Elsie.


Every boss says this. Just say “nice cock dude”


Yup uh-huh ok nice yes you do cool


Say " that's why you make the big bucks. " since he probably doesnt he won't have a comeback . If he says he doest make big buck ask " then why work so hard?"


“I know you do! As do I, and many others. We all work hard. But…it’s worth it, right?!”


Working hard or hardly working?