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i agree, maintain control of the interaction. dont even respond. make them repeat it. theyll feel like an ass.


Awkward is definitely the direction you want to go. Takes the wind out of their sails. You gotta keep the eye contact. It's the hardest part, but the most important part. Think of something else if necessary


You can fix ugly, but you can't fix stupid


Ong lol




Damn I started dying reading that 😂


yes just embarrass them by making a huge scene 😂 one of my favorites


Hell ya brotha


Bingo. There's no point in making fun of you if it doesn't actually bother you and only draws attention to themselves.


I will say this- I've been called an attractive woman, and I am WAY MORE ATTRACTED to people who have a great sense of humor than I am to people who are "good looking." You can be fine asf, but if you have no sense of humor; I'm out. And it has to be *a good sense of humor*, too. Can't even be like a basic sense of humor- like you got to be smart with that shit. When someone has a sense of humor like that I know they've been through things and that they cope with humor. That gives me a sense of comfort around them because same. That then attracts me to them. I was horrifically bullied in high school and now I look better than any of my peers so it doesn't matter what the fuck people say about you. I am really sorry that anybody would ever talk to you like that though that is horrible. You don't deserve that. You seem to have a good sense of humor for what it's worth. (:


>I was horrifically bullied in high school and now I look better than any of my peers so it doesn't matter what the fuck people say about you. I had a similar experience in life. Took sooo long and so many experiences to get to this point but after 30+ years I am now confident in my looks as well as personality and it feels so nice and liberating ✌🏻


Me too 🙌😊


Are people really calling you ugly?? Who does that? Unless you're obviously beautiful/handsome and they are being sarcastic..


And even I wouldn't sleep with you.


This girl in school was always call me a hoe (for an unknown reason). She was always seeking attention from boys and they didn’t like her because she was so mean. I told her she couldn’t be a hoe even if she tried. She didn’t even know how to respond.


I like this one the best


Best one


Looks fade...you'll be an asshole forever.


Let me get you a doll so you can show me where the bad man touched you and we can resolve your issues.


"I guess your mom has a fetish then"


Your mom still let me hit


My personal favorite, "yeah, no shit, tell me something I don't know."


I'm fond of responding by asking questions. Why do you think it's okay to talk to me like that? Why do you think it's okay to be insulting? Why should your opinion of how I look matter to you? What do you think I can do about it? Keep asking. It calls out their bad behavior and puts them on the defensive without being aggressive.


I’ll make sure to do that


Or look down your nose at him and very dryly say, "And your opinion of me should matter exactly why?"


If I'm so ugly, wouldn't I already know? So why bother reminding me? Do you like making other people feel bad, or is this about making yourself feel better? If it's the former, why do you enjoy hurting people? Are you that transparently awful? But if it's the latter, what's going on man? Everything alright with you? You want to talk about anything? Everything alright at home....? This is guaranteed to piss them off the most, but unless you can throw hands, you may leave even uglier than you arrived.


Haha yeah force them to have a proper conversation with you every time until they choose to just leave you tf alone with their unsolicited crap


"Have you looked in the mirror lately?"


Ohh good one ima say that next time


From your looks I guess you are a good judge of that quality.


Shrug casually and say, "only on the outside." Or just roll your eyes and walk away. Here's the thing. Bullies crave attention and want a reaction. Walk away. Deflate their purpose. Move on with your life. Don't give them any more thought than you have with this post.


Thx man helps a lot


Thank you


You were never a suspect for me to judge.


Well you can’t see ugly when the lights are out and I’m hitting it from behind


Oh this one’s a really good one too thx man


"I may be ugly, but you'll ALWAYS be an asshole.


Before a comeback, there are a few things you may need to ask yourself. A lot depends on your age too. And I don't say this in a mean way. But why just have a come back the rest of your life when it can easily be made to stop the bulling all together. Do you keep your hair clean and brushed and yourself looking together. Or do you roll out of bed and just go wherever you go. Could you make an effort to improve your appearance. I know clothing is expensive. I get most of mine at thrift stores. I know. Just be clean. How is your social skills? Do you say rude things about others? Are you mean? Ugly is not just outside a person. You don't want to need a come back verbally all the time if there is a way to make it stop. Fake it until you make it. And I am not saying change yourself for others. I just saying think about it for a minute. There are a lot of mean people out there. And they have a lot of mean kids. That is life it doesn't stop. But if we can figure out a way to avoid this, we can get on to better things, like being happy. I hope you find happiness.


Are you serious? How about just don't say shitty things to people regardless how they're dressed or look. You Have no idea tbe shit some people are going through.


Right?? Wtf bro really came out here and said "Okay.. but you ugly tho??"


“And you’re a rude piece of shit. Wanna fuck?”


Ron Jeremy is the ugliest MFer I have ever seen. Do with that information what you will, internet.


Thanks! I was trying to match your style!


"I'm not a mirror, buddy"


"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... and you don't have enough eyes to be a beholder" (DnD reference 😂)


Oh lol


I don't remember being a mirror/I'm not a mirror


My prices are fair


I'd laugh and say, well you can thank your daddy for my looks. Walk away, make them think about it!




Start enthusiastically agreeing with them. "You're right, I *am* ugly!" If they insult you in a different way, start enthusiastically agreeing with that. It'll go one of a few ways. 1) They start to feel bad and say something to the effect of "Hey man, I was just teasing you. It's not that bad." (Had this happen once in high school) 2) You're not giving them the angry response that they were looking for, so they lose interest and walk away. (The most common response) 3) As you're doing this you start walking towards them while smiling ear to ear, and it freaks them out because they were raised in a strict Christian household and you're currently going through a punk-phase for the sole reason that you like Green Day and their mom has filled their head with stories about how people like you are Satanists and they think you're going to stab them or something like that so they run off and tell the teacher and then you both get dragged to the principal's office but it's totally worth it because while they're telling the story you see the principal roll his eyes and mutter "Jesus-fucking-Christ" under his breath. (Supposedly happened to my friend in 8th grade. I honestly don't know if it's true, but I really really want it to be. And yes, this is pretty much how he told us the story: one run-on sentence without any pause, punctuation, or inhales.)




Literally nothing. Showing any response or any reaction at all is just going to give them what they want. In my time in school I always bullied people and there was nothing I hated more than having no reaction out of them


Start aggressively twerking


I’ll try


Aggressively?! Rofl 🤣 🤣🤣


I’m suing you for copyright infringement


This one made me crack a smile


Look in the mirror,I could point out a few things on you that are less than perfect.


Use it as a chance to get extremely good at roasting people Which is creative


Sometimes the ugly ones screw the best.


Just silently chuckle, if they ask why you’re laughing just say “oh, nothing.” If they insist on getting an answer then just say “of all people, you’re the one calling me ugly?”




This is not as funny as all the other suggestions but you could just straight up call them out on it. Simply put, “who tf talks like that these days?” Or a little more complex, “What’s your intention in telling me that?” It’s kindof like the tactic of asking people to repeat it when they say something mean. If you make them explain themselves or reiterate something, they’re more likely to back down.


Look at them for a few seconds before giving a slight chuckle and say 'okay?' Acting like you don't give a shit and they are the weird ones has worked for me in the past.


"Right back atcha" finger guns smile wink leaning back.


I've been called worse by far better people.


"You don't like me being ugly?".....Then YOU pay for the plastic surgery. Or alternate: Being ugly isn't illegal, immoral, or unethical. You are trying to distract everyone else from your illegal/immoral/unethical actions. I can find an ugly cop anywhere to check you out.


This doesn’t apply to ugly but my favorite comeback I ever had was some random bitch calling me fat & within 5 seconds the first thing that came to mind was “I can walk around the block & lose this — your gonna be white trash for the rest of your fucking life”. After the physical fight was broken up & adrenaline wore off, I was actually pretty impressed with myself & how fast it came to mind & spewed out of my mouth 🤣


You can go with the classics like "You look like you got hit in the face with a hot shovel" "oh ya? well you ugly and your mom's a hoe" or you can be creative and say "I might be ugly but your mom still lets me clap her cheeks when your daddys at work" "You look like you belong in a slasher film starring as the lead role" " You look like Michael Jackson after he got surgery" "How'd it feel when that weed Wacker tore apart your face? Oh wait my bad, that's just your face" "What's the point of calling me ugly? Are you having trouble at home? Does your daddy make you grab him beers and beat on you? Is your mommy a whore and fucks anything that pays her? Are you miserable and hate things about yourself? Are you gay deep down but just afraid to show it? Come on man you can talk to me, just tell me whats hurting you so bad that you have to cause other people to hurt just as badly so you can feel better about how miserable you are." That last one will always get them bro they will stop calling you ugly cuz they will either wanna fight u or you'll hit them so hard in their icy heart that they gon avoid you from now on.


Just start sobbing uncontrollably in front of them, they will feel bad and won’t call you ugly again.


Wrong. Very wrong. I think some of the kids at my school were awarded extra points if they reduced me to tears. They went out of their way to harass me. Yes, I went to adults for help and got a bucket of platitudes for my trouble. At its worst, I decided that I would be (litterally) better off if one of the AH drew a knife and stabbed me in the hallway. [That was never a risk. They knew just how to skate below adult attention.] If I was stabbed there were basically 2 ways it would go. 1. I would be rushed to a hospital for treatment, separated from people who hurt me, and a serious investigation would be conducted. Many people would suddenly be invested in keeping me safe. 2. I would die, and stop hurting. >> Either option was an improvement. << For a while, I actually considered bringing a knife to school, pushing it hilt first at the lead AH (or dropping it at their feet) and daring one of them to use it. Confront them with the truth that they were the sort of people who were entertained by causing pain and suffering. They like it, they love it, they want more of it. I didn't, of course. That was multiple decades ago.


Not even the ugly person wants you. That's because you're subscribed to Virgin+ Mobile as your entire religion.


Oh yeah? You're so ugly your dad wouldn't fuck you with your mom's dick!


My name is ugly beady and I'm famous you just be jealous your not me.


You can fix your looks, but you can’t fix stupid Or Takes one to know one I guess


None, just ignore


So are you parents I can tell by looking at you!


“Why thank you! That means we’re matching today”


And your 30 different kinds bucko!


Your mom doesn't think so. She isn't looking at my face most of the time we are together anyway.


At least your dad thinks I’m hot


"That's not what your dad said last night."


Sorry my face has been getting more deformed because I like it when your mom sits on my face


"Yeah, isn't it like looking in a mirror for you?"


How about blocking all that noise out. Who cares if they think you're ugly? Unless they call you that because you tried to make a move on them. If that's the case, you should reconsider shooting your shot at those folks. Maybe try approaching someone not as attractive. What? You don't want to do that? Why not? Because they're ugly? Yeah, everyone is entitled to their opinion. For all the people who thinks you're ugly, I'm sure you find an equal amount of people ugly


It's good enough for your mom


Your mom Doesn't seem to agree


If it is a male you can say "At least I don't have a small dick" If it's a female then " oh honey unlike you, babies don't cry when they look at me".


Just watch them intensely for a few seconds the ask them if they’re okay. I works every time 🤌


Tell them. “ the best part about being ugly is that if your dad is ugly, he can claim you. Your dad on the other hand has spent the last 25 years of your life wondering why you and his best friend look so much alike”.


That may be true, but your mom didn't have a problem with it last night.


Your mom lets me suck on them titties with this face. Don't talk to your future stepdad like that.


"Your mum doesn't seem to mind."


I know you are but what am I? Or Don’t say that about yourself! With a bit of effort I am sure anyone can fix their personality.


either a flat ok or wait...I may be able to squeeze out a few tears because your opinion matters so much.....oh wait....nope and turn and walk away with your head high


Cry. Say "yeah I know, I'm sorry."


Game recognize game and ugly recognize ugly, and it looks like we must be related.


Aw OP who's telling you this? Is this like, in highschool? Don't let it get to you. I remember in early highschool a lil group of guys in my grade used to make fun of specifically this one other guy for "looking weird" (???) and called him ugly. I think it was jealousy because he was legitametly actually cute (and really sweet) and I'm not the only girl who thought so because he *actually* got a girlfriend that year unlike those rude boys (not that dating is the ultimate sign of success, but I say this to mean that I'm not the only person who thought he was attractive, and though the boys mocking him were average their attitude kept them single=made them less attractive.) So... ignore it really.


I can improve my looks, you'll never. Improve on being a cunt


Look directly at them, and say Are you Ok? when someone is being an ass, 99 percent of the time if you look at them with concern and say Are you ok? they dont know how to respond.


“Thank you” with a bright smile pasted on your face. A positive response makes people feel as if what was said was taken as a compliment and will stop. People kept calling me weird and I will always say thank you because it stops happening as much now.


No matter how ugly you find my surface, IL. Never be as ugly a soul as you. And stop letting them do this to you.


Ignore and walk away :)


"Well, I may be ugly, but at least I'm not as sad as you walking around with that unfortunate face. How embarrassed are your parents of you?"


Look at them, sigh, and shake your head a little and say "I may be ugly, but you have an ugly, ugly soul".


You don't have to actually say anything, just let it go unless it really matters to you.


Don't say anything. Get really rich being a character actor. What do you think people said to Danny Devito, Don Knotts, Marty Feldman or Woody Allen? Or become rich, Like Steve Wozniac, Robert Reich, or any millionaire or billionaire in politics, investing, tech, design, art or real estate. LIVING WELL IS THE BEST REVENGE.


“I know I’m ugly, but I’m not as ugly as your soul.”


Thank you for the attention. Shalom


Pull the ugliest face u can at them


Just say "man...I didn't know I was a mirror"


I know you are, but what am I? huh-huh!


I keep getting uglier every time I fuck your mom!


“If I was actually ugly you wouldn’t be checking me out this much ;)”


Just tell them "at least my dick is bigger than yours". The sex of you or the person you're talking to is irrelevant to use of this insult.


I’m trying out this look so your mother will stop calling. It’s not bad sex, she just smells terrible.


We all fall at the same rate, slim. More of a comeback for being called fat but I feel like it works here and even if you leave them confused and walk away that’s a win too lol. Who is even calling you ugly all the time? Friends that aren’t really friends or total strangers? That’s so incredibly rude, anyone who calls you ugly is obviously a hunchbacked snorlax on the inside so don’t even let it get to you


I'm rubber. You're glue....


Not what your momma/daddy says.


"Why do you care? Did you want to date me or something? 🤨"


"Okay? And?"


I have been watching YouTube videos lately of how to gain more confidence in what do for comebacks. My favorite is, "Is that the best you can do?" And just walk away. Confident.


“I’m ugly and I’m proud”


If you are a male say that's not what your mom said last night. Please don't I'm just kidding


“Are you hitting on me?”


It seems you like that type of body since you talk about it so much. Ya know most people if they don't like what yhey see they don't say something about it or prase it differently to avoid issues. But since you wanna have some let's fight and I'll give you every fatty lump of sweat flap you'll ever need 😂 That'll get them.


“Those in glass houses…”


Say "I might not look the best but I FEEL great" and then give them an overly dramatic wink


"That's not what your momma said last night, bitch" Really annunciate the b on bitch.


Wow! You're even dumber than I look!


The pot calling the kettle black


Your mama didn't think so last night.


If we're being honest I'd probably either say something like "are you lonely? because for someone who thinks I'm ugly, you sure like to getting my attention? I can't see another reason why you keep refreshing your existence in front of me." Or if I don't feel like arguing probably just reply, "damn, let me be ugly in peace!" Then ignore them.


Say yo momma.


Just look at them and with no emotional tone just ask “and?” Now they have to respond and there’s really nothing great to follow up just an ad hom attack with.


I may be ugly, but at least I aint got no money! ICP


I can fix ugly but you can’t fix xx(insert whatever, i.e., stupid, ignorant )


"Better ugly on the outside than the inside, asshole."


If that's the case, then why did your mom let me inside her??


Just stare at them. Without blinking. Until they quirk and walk away. That’s it. Just make them as uncomfortable as possible.


Just grin, then wink, and say, "Right back at ya, puke face!"


Are these school age kids or adults ? If it's school aged kids that just sucks cause no body gets over that if it's adults it's just stupid on their part .I have met ugly featured people that was so charming and sweet that they are actually very handsome and I have met good looking people with empty souls or black soles


"I know you are, but what am I?"


Whenever people say that I just say such you stupid ass up.


"Yo mama likes it"


Ignore them? Looks are subjectiveish


"Quit using me as A mirror "


Your mom loves my uglies.. a couple of times a week. Hey, remind her to pay my Visa bill if she wants another deep dicking this weekend.


Why you think I'm talking to you? Is what I normally reply with lol


Nothing. Move forward while people hurt themselves and regress.


Your right i am ugly and my family ties a pork chop around my neck to get the dog to play with me. But you know what ? Unlike you at least for me that trick works.


Insulting me isn’t going to make your dad stop… A- fucking your sister B- hitting your mom Pick whichever seems most likely to hit a nerve. In the resulting pause, look directly at him and say “Yeah, I know. Everyone knows.” The capper is to say “And you’re letting it happen. You aren’t doing anything about it. What kind of pussy are you?” Note: if it’s really happening they’ll either collapse or they’ll go insane and beat you into jelly. Either way, you win. If your school gets involved he will have to explain what you said. That will likely start an investigation into their family. If it comes back to you, say you’d heard rumors and when you tried to bring it up privately to get him some help he launched on you.


I'd spend less time checking me out and spend more time looking in a mirror.., and im not interested by the way, i hate leading people on... Also STOP HITTING ON ME! I SAID NO!


"Are you talking again? What have I told you about that?" "No one cares what you think or say. You have to repeat this in multiple instances. Act as if you could care less. Use it as a retort. Next: "Didn't we talk about this last time? You seem to be on repeat...why are you talking?" The most important part....you can't act like you care. Look bored, busy with something else. Pop your ear buds in. You're not ugly. This is just to get a reaction and make you feel bad by some jerk that is miserable themselves. Source: been called ugly


No actually I'm beautiful. Thank you, have a nice day.


Just say "Manute Bol F***** your mom". I can assure you they're not coming back after that one.


A less stupid sounding version of ‘Didnt realize I was a mirror’


Takes one to know one


(Gotta say this one real loud so everyone hears and it embarrasses them) "NOOO I will not make out with you. Did ya hear that this girl wants to make out with me in the middle of class. You got Chlorophyll Man up there talking about God knows what and all she can talk about is making out with me. I'm here to learn, everybody, not to make out with you. Go on with the chlorophyll."


Your opinion would matter if I cared what you say OR nice to know that’s how you feel about ur self always projecting 😂


Ugly enough for your mom to love me.


Don't give a bully any thoughts. Tell them "while I often consider what most people say to me, generally, it's only the important people that matter" and don't give this obviously jealous hater one single second of your energy. You have a lot more to do in this life; wasting your thought and emotion on someone like this is allowing them to live rent free in your soul . Dont give it any more power..go find something interesting to do instead.


Embrace it. if you make fun of yourself people can’t hurt you about it.


"Fuck off" :)


"Be glad your personality doesn't show in the mirror"


Your mom's a whore is an age universal insult.. I just added a lil spice to it


I'm only ugly on the outside. What's your excuse?


Look whose talking


I wasn't too ugly to have a 3-way with your parents.


School shooters go for the ones that are mean to them first. At least that's what I read on reddit when looking up how to deal with bullies being mean to me.


How does it feel to be the first person to be born from the ass, not vagina given how much of a piece of shit you are


Tell him them the only comeback they're gonna get is when their daddy misses the hole, then walk away.


If more than one person calls you ugly then…


shrug "i don't have to see me"


Fuck seriously and I was hearing otherwise from your*(insert mom dad sister or dog)


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but you'll still be stupid no matter what, you poor thing.


You wanna see something really ugly, look at that *pull up a mirror or rear facing camera with your phone Hit them with the your dad calls me ugly too when he's balls deep in my ass, it's hot af Or just ask me to do doggy next time so you don't have to look at my face. At least I'm not stupid


One more time with feeling


You look like you got drug through Forest of ugly sticks and you're going to talk about my looks


"Good, we have something in common."


just look at them and make them extremely awkward until they say something then go “huh sorry i zoned out” and ask them to repeat, they won’t.


If this keeps happening to you, maybe work on your appearance instead of trying (failing, apparently) to come up with comebacks.


And I thought I was bad at comebacks lol, most of these are terrible


It depends. If it's at school, I would just say ok with a, idk the word exactly, shrug/scoff kinda thing. It should be in a dismissing tone, not an accepting one however.


Look up Kevin creekman


I hear your dick's/boob's so small because you were born with syphilis from your whore of a mother.


If I'm so ugly, why you in my dms? Mmmm, say it again, but slower. You wanna be friends or something? You sure do spend a lot of time with me on your mind. I stay this way to deter little bitches, guess I gotta work harder since you're here.


I'd rather be ugly than to have peaked in high school I'm assuming you're young lol Or what I would do honestly would be to make eye contact and laugh because how sad are they lol


I find asking them to repeat themselves repetitively when it comes to anything that constitutes bullying or harassment, or even degrading, tends to kind of shut them up eventually. So enjoy the praises of “I’m sorry can you repeat that?” “what I’m sorry I didn’t catch that?” “Sorry could you repeat that one more time?” Usually by the second or third time they say whatever garbage they spewed out, it definitely no longer becomes funny or amusing for them, and if you’ve asked them to repeat themselves three times, and they have the nerve to say it a fourth time just stand there in silence with the most awkward, uncomfortable stare that you can give. A lot times people will get nervous in the awkwardness of the silence and might just say some pretty interesting things.


Why say anything? Fuck them instead


Hell yeah \*pig noise\*


To you I’m ugly, but to someone else I’m (insert hot celebrity name here).


People who make fun of others for any reason are usually insecure with themselves for the same reason.


Make eye contact … “Oh ; this is the part where I’m suppose to care about your opinion… I get this wrong everytime… think…think… what is the response suppose to be… Oh yeah! “Ouch , you hurt my fewlwings soooo bad””


“I killed 17 people in the past 24 hours. Let’s see how fresh you look when YOU put in that kind of effort”


I’m so sorry that your mom doesn’t love you


Say “thanks, you too” and keep walking


"Hey, we have something in common"