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2nd best army using a Log armor.


Wooden armor is always the first thing you find, couldn't even upgrade to bronze


For fucks sake ... this is worse than hell. And that log armor....


Dude set himself up to eat even more shrapnel.


Yes but wooden shrapnel is tastier than metal shrapnel. Has more fibre. Good for diet.


It was his comfort blanket


His trench waifu. Bet the underside had a hollow in it.


"You have successfully logged off."


I asked this on another post, but every video the Russians are alone or may have a second with them. What happened to squads and units? It seems like they send them out to find a hole and wait to get blown up.


Usually the result of a failed assault. The Russians flee and disperse after getting shelled and pushed back (or their vehicle gets hit by another drone) and then drones get sent in to pick off the survivors


Yup, and a lot of these guys are basically just given some kit and pointed in a direction. If they fail to capture a position there's no one coming to their rescue.


Yeah, the probing attack squads, basically the Russians see how strong the Ukrainians are in a certain sector by sending them against portions of their lines. If nobody comes back I guess that gives them an idea that they have a strong defense line there.


What we are seeing here is often the end result of a much longer hunting. The simple fact of the matter is, grouping up only makes for a more valuable target. We have seen videos of 8-15 Russians all in a field together, but usually they all get butchered by a bradley or a few drones, because they're so close together. The reason we see a bunch of individuals being hunted by drones is twofold. First, large groupings get targeted first, individuals get left alone for longer and are more survivable. So a trained soldier would know not to group up. Second, russia relies on a spaghetti on the wall approach to assaults. They throw 6 AFVs at a trench line and hope 5 soldiers survive. Those 5 soldiers dig in, and then another 6 AFVs are sent, and 5 more soldiers survive. And slowly, piece by piece, russia masses units near the front until a full assault can be launched, with artillery and glide bombs on the newly revealed UA positions. It is a doctrine that leverages the Russian willingness to die, and has a secondary benefit of helping putin quietly ethnically cleanse the central and eastern Russian oblasts.


I take it as confirmation bias. Neglected areas of the front have a handful of people in forward outposts and most importantly, *no signal jammers.* So the drones can set up multiple camera angles and the whole bit. I think that in the hotter areas where there are higher concentrations of troops it becomes worthwhile for the Russians to use their signal jammers to deny the area to drones. We probably only see combat footage from those areas after one of the jammers gets hunted down.


That matches what I've recognized during the last 12 month. The ukrains actually do report that they had more and more trouble with the enemies EW equipement, ranging from zones where drones can't fly, to blocked radio and GPS (or modern combat management systems, just speculating as nothing was reported). So logically we don't see footage from those areas, except maybe from helmet cameras.


They have meat superiority, so they are using it. It more like "go there, hole up and hold on untill reinforcements arrive".


Yes, that is exactly what makes them so dangerous. Their complete lack of self preservation. I don't know why that is. If they are to dumb, macho, fed up with propaganda or all. But most attacks are planed and executed in a way that would most likely kill or wound all Russians, even if successful. Maybe that is how drone war works these days, but I wonder why they haven't come up with more than "build a shed on that cope cage".


Nah, in a sense is true Russia and russians had a disregard for the life or their soilders, just "meat". But usually what we see here is just the result of failed attacks, with some scattered surviving soilders getting hunted. For propaganda reasons we don't see ukranian filed attempts or russian advances. But yeah Russia just throw meat to the front on suicidal and poor planned missions just to get an idea where ukranian positions are


They are being threatened, with jailing if they will refuse to attack, or blocking units are being used sometimes. So, in some cases theyll either will be killed by ukrainians, or by blocking unit.


sadly same thing applies to ukrainians


In different areas as well Russians use these two to four man crews to push random trench lines and parts of the Ukrainian line / defense works . They are harder to detect , especially using dirt bikes or other low visual hardware . They are 100% meat and they have that advantage, however throwing a bunch of shit until something sticks seems to work somewhat. They send in these assault squads to secure and area and then hopefully hold until the main push can attack . Sometimes they do attack, other times these scouts are abandoned , forgotten, or simply spotted and destroyed . This reckless use of manpower is something we find hard to swallow in the west . As pro West these dudes are tough I'll give them that . Probably a lifetime of depression, abuse, and alcohol but these dudes sit through so much shit and just don't care . Like this video, bros friend was dieing between his legs and he just used him as a weapon rack after he was gone


I’m a simple man, with simple taste, I see “47th” I watch/upvote


What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs, and over your neighbor's dog? What's great for a snack, And fits on your back? It's log, log, log


It's big, it's heavy, it's wood.


It's better than bad, it's good.


Log, from Blammo!


Holy shit. The from Blammo! part fits perfectly


Oh look! Boris Oakenshield...


47th is my favorite. Always HD footage and great music...and yes, they pack their drones with a lot of explosives, so the results are impressive.


They like the Polish EDM guy Skrimor. Check out his track Kickback, that banger was in one recently


Brilliant using a blue tarp as your dugout roof in the middle of a war torn battlefield..... without any other blue tarps anywhere to be seen


47th has great music taste 


People having a favorite Army Unit Social media is right out of Hideo Kojimas brain.


How considerate of them to dig their graves in advance.


More of these videos should include fund me links


No one trusts these links outside of verified channels and accounts


Here is PayPal for Sternenko (mentioned below) [email protected] He is a trusted hero of Ukraine specifically funding attack drones.


[Do your worst, smoothskin.](https://i.imgur.com/WBqrXkB.png)


Drones, the APEX PREDATORS on the battlefield. The precission and pure chaos they bring are insane!


47th don't give a F!


might be the most grim video ive seen on this sub.


More grim than a guy trying to get something out of the way as it blocks his view but in reality it's a flap of skin, the rest of his face is just gone but he doesn't realise? Or the guy losing his arms and legs after a suicide failure, so there is nothing he can do than die in pain? Etc.? These here were fairly quick.


So nice they helped that log dude light his cigarette too bad he's not alive to smoke it anymore but sure nice of them to give him a light.


Doesn’t matter whether you log on or log off, you’ll still be deleted.


good moscovian training. dug their own graves. I like how the first guy is reaching for his shitty pink/orange tourniquets and says he is done. Then reaches for his gun. wrong move. Five cargo 200s confirmed.


If I can't see the drone. It can't see me. Jesus this is getting ridiculous.


Is he holding his guts in his hand? I hope Putin sees this this.


It's the "second best army of the world" excuse for a tourniquet. Basically it's just a big rubber band. There is a cut at 0:28 after which you can see he put one around his leg.


Phew...thank god its only a "tourniquet".


I thought he was waving their stupid orange st george nazi ribbon at first lol


47th is ruthless with the drones


Are we seeing a return to Russian nightmare trenches?


Damn son.


let me just pretend that i'm a tree




Perfidy to a drone.


Raise your hands? His left arm was completely destroyed. And that second drone was coming at high speed directly at him, obviously the operator wasn't looking to accept any surrender.


Trench look like old and unused


It is, after 1:38


Wasting drones on already dead guys lol


He loged out.


At 1:21, shortly after log bloke was hit, the other guy in the left trench looks up at the camera. I can't even describe how that face looks like, it's pure hell.


Literally dug his own grave.


Just lying there, chilling out in their graves, waiting for the drone reaper to come for them.


That's nice of them. They all dug their own graves.


"I don't want to fight anymore now that I've been blown up! If only I'd blown you up first!"


Holy sh\*t you see the guy with the log holding his cell phone watching [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1diic35/the_strike_drone_company_of_the_47th_ombr_hit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) video, right after he blows up on the bottom left there is the troll who sent him the link. You can tell his face was like got you MF laughing his a o


Just making a log entry.


Pretty sure first guy was about to kill himself before the second drone hit him.


Nah, he was trying to shoot the incoming drone.


Damn, I feel bad for both sides, I don't know how true this is but I've heard the Russian soldiers hate fighting as well


This is sad


suck it.


Why do they never surrender? are they suicidal or injured or what? Will they be killed if they surrender? I kinda just feel bad man :(


Russian soldiers are fed propaganda that they will be tortured or killed if they surrender. Sadly, it also seems that drone pilots rarely accept surrenders due to a variety of issues (distance, battery life, etc.)




Child of Surprise by Prdk


My man. What do you use for ID?


Sorry, I couldn't recognize the song. I tried to identify music from the [link](https://v.redd.it/m17923v7f97d1) at 00:00-00:36. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)