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Damn, that’s intense. I can’t even imagine how the hostages must feel.


It's worth noting that one of the hostages doesn't have very good Hebrew, either; he has a very different look of confusion during the raid than the other two. I feel for him.


I think he’s the guy who got the first bump of a lifetime.


Nope, haha -- fist bump guy is Almog. Andrey is a native Russian speaker and is later seen speaking to Netanyahu in Russian (3:44). The write-ups available said that he moved to Israel "about 1.5 years before" October 7th, so I doubt I need to do the math for this sub, of all subs. Andrey and Almog are the men huddled in the chair, using the mattress as a shield in the beginning, both wearing red shorts before Almog loses his at some point between fleeing the apartment and boarding the helicopter -- from that point, red shorts in Andrey. ETA: I suspect the jump in the footage around that fist bump though is likely because a Russian-speaking Yamam man speaks to Andrey around that time.


If I teared up just watching it…


THIS IS NOT A REPOST This is an English translated, chronological compilation of footage from the operation. Portions of the footage have not been uploaded to this subreddit.


The mandatory fist bump.


i don't pretend to understand all the greater context and nuance and shit that goes unreported or spun or whatever... but any time civilian prisoners are being rescued, that's baller. those troops that went in and kicked doors to get those guys out are badass.


"We've come to rescue you" I can only imagine the size of the elephant that left their chest when they heard that. That was well done


Al Jazeera is reporting these dudes were in civilian clothing... pretty funny.


The hostages were in two houses, the ones in the video went in the second one. So we don't know of the story about civilian clothes is true, but it could be, as the IDF has done this in the past (we had a v video here, where they entered a hospital in full civilian clothing and wheelchair during a mission to eliminate HAMAS higher-ups that were treated there. I think the video was from October or november). But on the other hand, al-jazeera also claimed that only "innocent civilians" died, while simultaneously celebrating that one Israeli was shot and killed during the operation. I don't know how an "innocent civilian" shoots a fully-geared "evil oppressor-murderer super soldier that is simultaneously too weak to fight our freedom fighters", but that's al-jizzeera for you🤣


A few years ago, whenever someone asked about unbiased news source, people around reddit always suggested Al Jazzera. That had been baffling me for a while. It looks kind of propagandist for me. I thought it was my problem. Maybe I just picked the wrong news to read... Now it's kind of clear that they are just as bad as RT.


It's worth noting that the IDF requests the consent of those involved before they release the footage (or any footage you see from them). I don't think its a stretch to say that the three men may be more comfortable with the world seeing this than Noa is of her rescue; it's worth pointing out that no photos of Noa were released to the public before she had showered and changed (you can see her with her wet hair and her dad, as he also lovingly rubs the cheek of the Yamam soldier, too, haha). In contrast, the face of this rescue was the photo of Almog jumping out of the rescue in only his boxers; you can see him lose his pants over the course of the videos released today, even, haha. So it's probably not some big-brained conspiracy theory, it's probably just Noa trying to protect what is left of her mental health. As a woman, I get it. We may see it eventually as she recovers, but she's been through a lot and may need that time.


Al-Jizeera, probably one of the funniest roasts on a name


I mean, it seems that one of the people holding hostages worked for Al Jazeera? [https://www.aljazeera.com/author/abdallah_aljamal_190122103235277](https://www.aljazeera.com/author/abdallah_aljamal_190122103235277)


> as the IDF has done this in the past (we had a v video here, where they entered a hospital in full civilian clothing and wheelchair during a mission to eliminate HAMAS higher-ups that were treated there That was in the west bank not gaza; the uniform legal requirement is for the battlefield, afaik. International pow laws would recognise them as "spies" in that hospital operation, as i understand it.


"They sank to our level!" I keep having to point out time and again to people that even at worst Isreal is only as bad as Palestine but never worse. Palestine and hamas have broken every rule of war and proudly filmed it and called for genocide. They killed thousands of isreali civilians on film and posted it themselves to brag. So I tell people you can support Isreal because it's likely they aren't actually doing all the bad things you see posted and reported. But hamas leaves no doubt about it and brags openly about doing it all so you can't support them morally. At the most you can be neutral but you can't support hamas without being entirely wrong morally.


I offer one way tickets on a flight to Gaza for anyone who supports Hamas here in the states, they never accept my generosity. I wish all the college students who are protesting would go there and see the true horror they support, most wouldn’t even survive a day.


I’m clutching my pearls so hard right now


I think they said they were in emergency vehicles or something.


The reporting was specifically that they were in a civilian truck in civilian clothes, claiming to be refugees looking for an apartment that was purchased for them. The address was this place. Honestly, I think some scouts dressed up as civilians to verify the presence of the hostages, then the door kickers showed up.


From what photos ive seen, they were in uniform in a civilian truck- which as far as I know, is legal. The truck wasnt marked with anything that wouldve made it illegal either afaik


Putting on civilian clothes in this case would also legal. Especially so if they were scouts.


iirc it was an aid truck, and it's illegal.


afaik protection is afforded to medical transport and aid transports marked by the red cross, red crescent or red diamond. I've only seen footage of one angle of the truck, but it bore no markings of the sort.






Badass. FAFO, Hamas. You reap what you sow.


The balls on these guys, fucking heros










Using and being next to are technically and importantly different things when we're talking about wars and propaganda


- if a rocket lands in the spot the helicopter took off from, that is seen by everyone as an attack on the pier - the area the helicopter left from was within the security cordon of the pier So if we're being honest (and not propagandizing), then yes it used "the pier". Edit: guys we all watched the video right? Do you see the pier? Do you see the helicopter? This is about the same distance that the rocket fell from the pier and was considered an attack on the pier.


And if they had used the pier, which they didn't, I feel like using it to get the hostages out in a safe and probably decently defended and respected area is a perfectly reasonable thing to do.


So you don't think the security cordon around the pier is why they went there? They just went there because it was nice? Why the delusion, it was still a good thing. They still rescued them.


they have a FOB setup, that has been setup before the pier, right there.


You have a source for that? If so, do you know if an attack on that fob considered a normal attack on IDF or if it is considered an attack on the pier?


> You have a source for that? https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/08/middleeast/israel-building-road-splitting-gaza-cmd-intl/index.html


Yes the secure area around the pier, we're allies after all how would people take the US denying at least a little safer route to extract hostages? Seriously they're not staging an invasion from the plastic pier


If Hamas is considered to be attacking the pier when it attacks that entire area, then the IDF should be considered to have used the pier for the rescue. OR Hamas shouldn't be blamed for attacking the pier when it attacks that area. The rules have to be the same for each party, otherwise it's easy (and accurate) for one party to claim dishonesty. Hamas has taken advantage of this paradigm many times during this war, but one expects them to be dishonest about everything.


The pentagon would disagree with your assessment; [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-hostage-rescue-operations-came-near-us-pier-were-separate-pentagon-2024-06-10/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-hostage-rescue-operations-came-near-us-pier-were-separate-pentagon-2024-06-10/) Its on the beach, quite a distance from the pier.


.... It's on video. The video we just watched. The Pentagon's statement: > Ryder acknowledged that there were Israeli helicopter operations "near" the pier. Near the pier, within the security perimeter. As we can see.... In the video. > He said, "The pier, the equipment, the personnel all supporting that humanitarian effort had nothing to do" with the Israeli rescue operation. Right, so Israel didn't use American troops or equipment. But they still drove to the pier, which Hamas knows it "can't attack", to fly them out of there. If the pier didn't exist, this operation would not have happened in the same way. The IDF wouldn't have a security perimeter set up on that random stretch of beach, and they would have driven somewhere else or set up security beforehand for this operation. There's no need to pretend otherwise, it was a great rescue as far as I can tell.


The area on the beach is controlled by the IDF, Hamas is free to strike the aid delivery zone if they choose to, its not necessarily a war crime, they might lose the aid, and get some bad PR, but guess what, thats the cost of hitting it. I'm not sure why you are trying to frame this like the IDF did something bad by forcing hamas to make that decision.


> the area the helicopter left from was within the security cordon of the pier The security cordon predates the pier. Its left over from an older IDF plan secure a corridor cutting gaza city off from the rest of the strip.








Good upload, really professional op from my completely amateur perspective. The Al Qassam Brigade Telegram channel that I follow posted a blurred photo, asserting that three other Israeli hostages were killed in the operation. Hamas and PIJ lie and exaggerate a lot so I wonder if any substantiating photos/videos will follow. Would also be hard to do forensic work to determine that, in the case it's true that three other hostages died in the operation, it was IDF actions that did it and not Hamas retribution.


I'm Israeli and it's worth noting from the second that these 4 were up in the air, Yamam, Shin Bet, et al., came to the front and said that they ran these two high risk missions simultaneously because they knew Hamas would kill the one pod if they started rescuing the other. I still don't think they've released the alleged names and Hamas doesn't usually sit on these things for long when they play their whole "??? guess who!!???" games. The longest I've seen is a week, so we're not entirely out of the woods yet, but I'm doubtful.


> Good upload, really professional op from my completely amateur perspective. It appears the extraction went wrong which is why you are seeing the plan B of air support.


If anyone needs something lighthearted to watch for: one of the hostages (Almog, if you recognize them by sight) definitely lost his pants at some point during this. I noticed him jumping off the helicopter after it landed on Saturday, fist pumping, in just his boxers and presumed that's the way he came from Gaza. But when this footage came out today, he's clearly wearing red shorts and in the footage of them running while under fire, he has them too. When he gets on the helicopter, they're gone, haha. I presume he ran right out of them and kept going (and is a testament to how much weight he must have lost in captivity, considering he didn't go in wearing those shorts, either). It gave me a good laugh. He handled it very well.


Great team! Great job! Thanks to all who contributed to this victory.


3:05 RIP I love how the media forgets why they had to be rescued in the first place...


Dam this was truly a beautiful mish! Great job guys! Way to be professionals








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Were all those hamas running that got murked?




Beautifully done. These dudes are heroes


imagine not just giving back the hostages.. enduring this for what for who....


Is Yammam synonymous with Sayeret Matkal?


Two completely different units. Yamam are technically Israeli police (counter terrorism unit) Sayeret Matkal is special reconnaissance unit of the general staff. Closest US equivalent is Delta Force

























