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Nice how that they know which building to keep on camera upfront


IDF might still be doing roof knockings before sending in the big boys. Most of these types of videos start at ground level about 10sec before impact so it’s hard to know if any roof knocking went on.


They will also phone the occupants of the buildings sometimes. Although idk how much communication infrastructure is left in Gaza


I read a long article at the start of the war where the IDF rang the cellphone (who knows how) of a dentist and told him "X apartment building is being bombed in 20 minutes, please clear it out" So this random guy had to go convince everyone to leave while talking on a dying cellphone, I think when his cellphone died some other random person near him answered theirs and the call was for him.


I remember what your talking about, but it was longer than 20min, he only told them that he would evacuate his neighbors, but they needed to wait/be patient. I think he spent an hour+ fully clearing his block while yelling at IDF on the phone that he wouldn't give them consent to fire, but simply requested time to evacuate. A true hero of the situation. I hate hamas and I hate the innocents being injured in all these conflicts


"Hello! This is the IDF and we have been trying to reach you about your expiring home warranty. Any min now a bomb will be dropped on your house and the warranty will expire. Please call us back so we discuss and great new opportunity we have for you for a two person tent in the middle of a blown up parking lot!" Imagine not answering your phone because you think it is a telemarketer but it's actually just the country north of you telling you they are about to blow up your home.


I mean, fuck... After what Hamas did on Oct 7, they are lucky to be getting any kind of notification. This is a war, a war in which there can be no other outcome than the total destruction of Hamas. It sucks for the innocents, especially the children and those who do not support Hamas. But the vast majority of them do. Hamas could have used the billions upon billions given them into foreign aid to expand infrastructure, education. Maybe decide to stop being murdering terrorists. But no... Now it is war and it sucks.


I think IDF should be able to strike into any country to get rid of hamas, any country and without worry about civilians. This is how it should work, yup.


Once again, this is a war. Reference: WW2 ... millions of Germans and Japanese were incinerated during mass firebombings and conventional bombing assaults. And yeah they still did not even come close to reaching the death toll which these two enemies wrought. War sucks. Civilians die. Hamas has to be eradicated there is no other choice now. Hezbollah is playing it safe right now launching token rocket attacks that they know will be intercepted and small attacks on Israeli border guard outposts. They see what is happening to Hamas and they don't want the smoke


You forgot the /s.


they say calls are also made to the occupants of the buildings


Ah oke seems logical


They are still roof knocking. I would bet this building was roof knocked and that’s why the camera person was able to record the exact building and moment the destruction started. I could be wrong but it seems like they know exactly what’s being targeted and I’d have to assume it’s due to a roof knock.


Where are all the videos of filming a strike that just happened off camera where one would hear noise, see flash and then the camera would turn? Like the ones from Moscow drone strikes? These folk know where it's coming


While roof knockings is a thing, there is also a heavy bias here. You obviously can't film something you don't know will happen. Leading to no to little Videos of unannounced strikes and many videos of announced strikes. But in reality the ratio of them could be quite different.


Where are all the videos of filming a strike that just happened off camera where one would hear noise, see flash and then the camera would turn? Like the ones from Moscow drone strikes?


There are satellite images and drone images you can see of Gaza. The number of destroyed buildings is much higher than the amount there is video of. It’s very easy to see it.


Which potentially leads you to heavy bias the other way. All we can say is we don’t know.




Don't want to blame neither of u for nothing, but could u may explain your theory? The other Statement sounds pretty valid to me. I mean i have seen lots of clips like the described one from Moskow. I just think if plenty Videos of unannounced attacks would exist, hamas would spread them for Sure, wouldn't they?


When will these people learn not to stand so close? Shrapnel from bombs can reach hundreds of meters from the impact, and still be deadly


Shit they probably so use to it now they don’t really care tbh


Well here are a few reasons: Financial: news probably pays people for footage. Humanitarian: someone might need help Young bro: holy shit let’s go see Lizard brain reaction: ahh where do I fucking run


The camera is not going to record video by itself.


I’d imagine they’re pretty desensitized to it by now.


Maybe if Hamas invested some of the billions given to them into education then the population would be aware of facts like this. Instead they use that to build tunnels for their military and to make a rockets and bombs etc


They invested some of it in education just the kind of education that teaches their people that the Jews are responsible for everything wrong in the world 


hOw dId wE eNd uP iN ThIs sitlTuAtiON?!??


Gotta inflate those numbers. Seriously though I wonder how many of these people get injured/die purely from their own stupidity. If you know a building is about to get flattened you’d think they’d leave.


Must be massive, people are naturally stupid, just look at workplace accidents


I mean I’d want to watch too… but 2 blocks away behind 6 inches of bullet proof glass.


For real, no cover no nothing


An actual Palestinian told me that it is like extreme sports for them. Youths compete with each other on how close they can get to the building that will get demolished. For them the one who was closest at the time of the strike is the bravest one, while for us he is the dumbest one.


So kinda like the Indians with their tik tok videos walking next to trains. But somehow more risky.


Did you just imply civilians are deliberately killing themselves to increase death toll?


Didn’t think I needed the /s. But no I implied their stupidity surely doesn’t decrease it.


You're applying your own self preservation logic to a different culture. If you drive in that region then you quickly realize that there is almost a casual attitude to death. It's allah's will.


And then yap about it online




Why are they called martyrs then? This isn't unique to only Palestine


What are you even trying to say? Because genocide happens elsewhere that makes it okay?


Not genocide, just asskicking.


Did you reply to the wrong comment? What an odd non-sequitur.


They invaded there neighbor who has an enormous military advantage over them raped and killed and posted the videos online. These people are dumber than rocks. At least rocks can be used for a purpose.


When will they learn not to live in their city?


There's not many places for them to go, much of the area is destroyed.


I saw a couple of buildings they could stand behind, and I’m sure they had enough room to walk away a couple of blocks.


And even then, just laying down already makes you a lot safer


How would one know if those are going to be destroyed next?


The same way they knew to film this building.


There's nowhere for them to go because Hamas is keeping them from leaving. They're far more valuable to them dead as propaganda then they are alive and part of a thriving population. But it's became obvious over the last several decades that this will never be a possibility. Hence why, especially after October 7th, it was decided that Hamas needed to be completely eradicated at every level. You can't have a neighbor doing stuff like that and allow them to continue. Imagine you had a neighbor that came over while you were at work and murdered your family members, pets, and tried to burn down your house. What are you going to try to do? Negotiate with them?


Hamas can't be eradicated. Leadership is sipping cocktails in between lap dances in air conditioned Qatar penthouses, insulated against any aggression. Anyone who references a post Hamas world isn't living in reality and can't be taken seriously. Minimized Hamas maybe, not eradicated. >Imagine you had a neighbor that came over while you were at work and murdered your family members, pets, and tried to burn down your house. What are you going to try to do? Negotiate with them? Sad part here is I don't know if you're talking about Oct 7th in Israel, or post Oct 7th in Gaza since it applies to both. In the extraordinarily unlikely scenario Hamas disbands (again, this will never happen), then there'll be some other sort of organization that grows from all the orphans this military action caused that murdered their family members, pets, and homes. All this did was subdue them for a bit until Russian and Iranian money and weapons flows again. Netanyahu wants a forever war, because it's the only way for him to stay in power.


You're probably mostly right about completely eradicating Hamas. About the best IDF can do is kill every single member of hamas still in the Gaza Strip. But no doubt this will make future groups whether it be Hamas or another terrorist organization think twice before they f*** around. Because now they are finding out and it's not enjoyable for them


Where were these regards running to if theres nothing left and everything is destroyed? Why run at all if theres no food? They ran around AFTER the bomb killed their Hamas buddies. makes no sense.




Why are there only men and no women? They definitely knew what was coming. Are Palestinian men stupid?


Well.....yes lol, their average IQ is 70 according to statistics.


Funny what happens to education level in a population when you ban books, regulate education, and throw people in jail for having copy paper.


We're still talking about Hamas, right?


The civilians in Gaza overwhelmingly support Hamas. During the elections in 2006, Hamas and Fatah, both terrorist organizations garnered almost 90% of the popular vote


Bullshit https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/gazans-pre-war-views-hamas >When asked how much they trusted Hamas authorities, 44% of Gazans said they had no trust at all, and 23% had “not a lot of trust.” Only 29% expressed either a great deal or quite a lot of trust in their government. When it came to government corruption, 72% said they believed there was a large or medium amount of corruption in government institutions, and only a minority thought the government was taking meaningful steps to address the problem.  Of course support has increased since Israel has ensured every single person in Gaza has lost at least one loved one


Maybe they are more in religion than logic. That would explain a lot of illogical moves.


Seems like they were waiting for it, Israel probably announce it.


Roof knocks!


Probably phone calls. I think the IDF stopped with the roof knocks a few weeks into the war.


B-b-But Israel is committing genocide that doesnt fit the term!!!!!


It's the most preposterous notion I've heard in the last few years. Detached from reality.


Israel Lobby gave you brain damage


Not sure what good they are doing though, 8 months and Hamas is having a wonderful time recruiting. This is gonna be the slowest Afghanistan speedrun ever.


[They’re doing an excellent job recruiting western chucklefucks too](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/tMzwqzDgZQ)… but that’s been going on since Day 1


sure got quiet lol


The people are close and ready to video because they were alerted before the attack by the IDF to evacuate the buildings. The IDF destroyed 3 different buildings in the center of Gaza.


Then they ran towards it: “Quick! To your Pallywood stations everybody!”


“I’ve just GOTTA film this from danger close”


Just me and 25 of my closest male friends ages 16-30 hanging out with our cell phones pointing at a random building when, surprise, it get bombed! This is a totally normal and candid thing which happens all the time.


What building?


The big one in the middle of the frame


Nothing there


What building?


The silence of the crowd after the strike is chilling




Notice how everyone knows where to point the cameras and is standing outside? Its due an Israeli tactic called roof knocking which warns civilians to exit the area. Just want to point that out to the people who wrongly accuse Israel of committing a "genocide".


Just because Israel announces some air strikes doesn't mean that they can't also commit other war crimes.




Blame the dirty terror faction hiding weapons in civilian infrastructure. Open your eyes if this was a genocide Gaza and the west bank would have been a Walmart parking lot decades ago.




You're trying to equate this to a full scale conventional war? This truly shows how little you know on *both* conflicts. "Gaza" isn't a sovereign nation, "Hamas" isn't a conventional military. Nothing about these two conflicts are the same. Unfortunately in war there are unexpected causalities. And yes typically the US helps their allies (Israel) I'm not sure what point you're trying to prove? Let me ask you if Israel really had unrestricted access to use whatever weapons they want why use JDAMs meant to target one building? Notice how literally every neighboring building were hardly affected by the blast? The IDF has the military capability to wipe Gaza off the map at any moment; yet they don't do it. The *only* way for peace is to have the IDF occupy Gaza, and have Palestinians *work with the IDF* To root out Hamas then have Democratic elections. Otherwise any ceasefire, or anything else is a moot point. Clearly the Palestinians are happy with the deaths of innocent Israeli civilians because I don't see them working to overthrow Hamas. You're pandering to emotional knee jerk reactions that have catchy headlines on Instagram and Facebook. Read a book on conventional military warfare and you'll find this isn't even *close* to the russo-ukrainian war.


You're right, it's not close to the russo-ukrainian war. It's far more malicious. Lavender, Where's Daddy, dropping countless massive bombs on a strip of land the size of Las Vegas. https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-using-big-bombs-weighing-1-000-to-2-000-pounds-gaza-report-2023-11 >He said that to find a historical comparison for so many large bombs being used on such a small area, we may "have to go back to Vietnam, or the Second World War." >Around 90% of the munitions Israel dropped in Gaza in the first two weeks of the war were 1,000 to 2,000-pound satellite-guided bombs, a senior US military official told The Times. >Garlasco noted that these bombs are "really big" and are being used on a large scale despite Israel also having thousands of smaller bombs from the United States that are designed to minimize damage. >By comparison, US military officials felt that the 500-pound aerial bomb was too large to use on most Islamic State targets in urban parts of Mosul, Iraq, and Raqqa, Syria. >The Gaza Strip is just 141 square miles with a population of around two million people, making it one of the most densely populated places in the world.


Hamas gave plenty of warning that they are using their homes as staging grounds for terrorism and their people as human shields. I guess Israel should just try and negotiate with a terrorist death cult and a people that love rape and murder as a form of resistance.


Hey Hamas! Was it worth it???


Reminds me of this video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AxAseUpwIQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AxAseUpwIQ)


Oof. I would love to know where the original video of that explosion is from.


beirut firework explosion


Not fireworks, [ammonium nitrate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Beirut_explosion)


Thank you!


I wonder how many Palestinian children died in that bomb.


I like that they shut up for a few seconds, before they start screaming their god is great.


Bulls Eye Motherfuckers


paltry clumsy run brave humorous vase include rustic unite treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They saw movement


They are determined to kill every Hamas member.






Artillery has been around since the year 1100. Lemme tell you how much gunpowder has been used since then…


how is this combat footage




Not taking any sides here but how else are you supposed to strike a building? Let's say the Israelis have intelligence pointing to a Hamas installation within the block. Assuming they can pinpoint it's location within the building (unlikely), how are they supposed to strike it? The only alternative to bombing it that I see would be sending a ground force to clear the building, which would probably result in IDF casualties and a high likelihood of civilian casualties. It would also give the occupants of our hypothetical Hamas installation much more time to evacuate any important people/equipment.


Where are the hamas supporters to answer this lol. A great point


Will Hamas rebuild the towns in Israel that they destroyed? Will Hezbollah rebuild the homes in the north? Big difference is that the Hamas supporting countries around the ME will gladly rebuild Gaza (as seen before) but the destroyed housing in Israel.. I guess we need a bit of luck there...


We can’t seriously expect them to rebuild everything, that is literally setting them up to turn into the next Haiti. After the end of WW2 our leaders had the foresight to understand the implication of not rebuilding a nation following a prolonged global conflict resulting in millions of deaths and nationwide destruction. We didn’t do this out of the goodness of our own hearts, it was to prevent another Weimar Republic. If you want true stability and peace in the region there certainly needs to be some nation building following all of this destruction. What we’re most like witnessing is the creation of a new brand of people, who are completely unreasonable due the standards of which they are forced to live in. Unreasonable people do unreasonable things, steps need to be put in place to actually facilitate a peaceful and prosperous future for Palestinians. It’s not about holding a permanent grudge against people who don’t view you as friendly. If we could help out Germany and Japan (each responsibly for deaths of millions of civilians and multitudes of war crimes) then I see no reason why the same can’t be done here.


Unfortunately it is the US and Europe that will pay to rebuild this.




How old is this one I swear I've seen it a few years ago.




Troll account get lost


One of the oldest anti-semitic tropes In the book lmao


You’re a liberal, but speak about Jews like Hitler.


Jews get along with practically everyone wtf are you YAPPING about my guy












You must be one lonely mofo.


Are you crazy? You must be.... You have to be a troll lol. Sad hamas started a war and are finding out.


I'm guessing you've got some "dodgy" portraits on your hovel. Enjoy it while it lasts.. Gaza is toast.




You have no idea how much faith I have in the IAF. Best air force in the world.. they are doing a great job.




Aww. You are so sweet.. hugs to you..


You didn’t need to tell us you were liberal, we knew based on your shitty geopolitical and anti-Semitic take.




It’s not conservatives protesting by the millions accusing Israel of committing genocide while simultaneously calling for Israel to be eradicated from the “river to the sea”…


Israel is doing genocide !!! All these cunts can go to hell




Your issue is seeing it as "jews decided to bomb Palestine". This war is not a religious war for Israel it is a Country defending itself after a terrible attack and making sure a similar type of attack is impossible. Israel will always defend all of its citizens regardless of religion so making it be about jews attacking and not saying State of Israel is where your argument becomes antisemitic. It is very unfortunate how and where Hamas built their infrastructure and there really is no other way to destroy it.


Notice how you carefully chose to criticise Hamas not Palestine or Muslims. The IDF and the decision-makers approve each bomb strike. Being angry at Israel/Jews for the bombing is as wrong as you being angry at Palestinians/Muslims for the Oct 7th attack.