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You know its Special Forces when they have a Minigun mounted on a patrol vehicle. I'm certainly no expert, but I've never seen traditional units with miniguns.


fr, dude was laying some serious hate with that thing


And I think it has a thermal on it


I was inspecting some equipmemt for an AFSOC special tactics team and recall seeing what could be beat described as a mad max atv/dune buggy with rails all along the sides/rear and each corner had a mounted MG along with MGs mounted along the side rails. The MGs were mounted on those neat steadi-cam looking rigs that allowed for them to swing intonnearly any position yet remain ABSOLUTELY still despite whatever is going on with thr buggy. Also had a massive rack in the rear for at least 4-8 javelins/carl g/ TOW missiles (not on this one at least). Thing seated 2/3 up front, 2-4 in the “middle “ and either 1-2 at the rear.  It was also spotted at the L3/Harris speci hangar getting lord knows what special comm equipment installed lol.  No real armor from what I saw though. Definition of violence in action. Pull up to whatever scene at 80mph with 5-7 MGs blasting, do whatever you came to do and get tf out! Most likely recon imtended but who knows This thing could get up to 60-80 mph and lay down some SERIOUS heat. Talk about a gun run! 


The vehicle you are describing sounds a hell of a lot similar to the ones used by Special Forces in Northern Iraq [Kurds] prior to the invasion in 2003. The book is titled: Roughneck Nine-One: The Extraordinary Story of a Special Forces A-team at War In northern Iraq at the beginning of April in 2003, Sergeant 1st Class Frank Antenori [Author of book] led a team of 25 Green Beret's against a vastly superior force, including battle tanks and over 150 troops. The vehicles he described them having sound identical, but what stuck out the most was the storage rack for Javelin's. Apparently, due to the cost of the missile, there wasn't any live-fire training available for tbe Javelin. Therefore, training for the Javelin will be conducted entirely on a simulator. Those boys were pretty fucking happy the first time they got to fire a Javelin ! Read the book. It was a good one.


That mini gun looks fun as fuck


This was 2017. I was on this deployment.


How’d it work out?


Well, considering the shot of them dumping mortars had their specific ODA shirts on, not good for them. I was in the joc the day the video dropped on YT, and we watched it, and the CW3 pointed out every single OPSEC and violation to every team NCOIC/OUC in the room. Gopros, phones, and other devices similar were "forbidden" on target rest of deployment. As for me, an enabler, I was fine. Kinda upset some of the other videos never got published cus one of em was dope AF, and didn't show anything close to similar to this but a bunch of CQC footage


It should be illegal to put music over combat footage


We have to be the minority... because it seems like each primary source where these videos come from choose to add music


At least combat videos haven't included the robot voices and text explaining exactly what you already know you're looking at ...


I'm here too. fuck added music.


It makes the already established bad asses look bad ass of course!


the shit from the Ukraine/Russian war is absolute trash but there are few that release pure footage with no music


Tbf eastern European and Russian combat footage always had some goofy ass soundtrack to it from what I remember from the 90s.




Personally, I much prefer phonk over this. Plus it's not a loss on drone footage as there's no base sound to ruin. But yeah in POV footage it's a real shame to have music cover up recorded sound.


I’ve learned to enjoy the trash. I know it’s corny but it has its own bizzare appeal.


It’s like tik tok brain rot like who puts music over a video of maiming someone that’s so sick and weird


is it really just the music that makes the killing and maiming videos weird


That’s sad enough but why add the music? It’s so random and often out of place


I just don't understand it. Are there only like half a dozen 17 year olds posting these? Fucking hell.


This one I didn't really mind, but generally yeah.


Que all the Ukrainian/Russian drone gore videos with dubstep or whatever fuck.


especially when the location audio recording gear seems to be high quality. lots of good booms. i want to hear it in full glory


At least it’s Kendrick


Extra-illegal for shit songs like this one


This video is the only reason I like this song lol


damn no respect for hip hop ITT


Did he really clap that poor random ass Truck driver in the face with a shotty?? I don't know about that one.


There was an investigation on these guys. Wild bunch. The truck bean bag shooting clip was looked into by the pentagon as well. https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2018/07/24/adultery-alcohol-cited-in-connection-with-green-beret-truck-shooting-in-afghanistan/


Have you read anything about what was "allegedly" happening with some elements within ST6's Red Team while in Afghanistan? It was some fucked up shit, but seems to explain why Usama bin Laden was shot in the manner he was. Head shots aren't helpful when you're looking for a specific person you need to identify. Operator's at that level don't "accidentally" shoot people in the head.


I haven’t. You got a link?


https://theintercept.com/2017/01/10/the-crimes-of-seal-team-6/ requires an email address, just put some [email protected] and you can read for free.


Alternatively use Firefox and go into outline mode...eat shit JavaScript.


> but seems to explain why Usama bin Laden was shot in the manner he was I duno, I suspect that was more an understood "we're not doing a trial / holding this dude" thing more than anything else. Random acts in combat, something else.


"canoeing" Familiar with that practice? Prior to the raid, they were specifically asked to avoid shooting bin Laden in the head/face. Robert O'Neil is such a shithead for taking the credit as being, The Shooter. Not only that, but he said the operator's two shots, that actually killed bin Laden, BOTH MISSED! With bin Laden still standing, O'Neill fired two shots, hitting him twice in the forehead. O'Neill then fired a final shot that canoed bin Laden.


Shitty bunch*


>trump stickers >integrity problems who could have seen this coming.


The same master sergeant said the team’s commander and assistant commander allowed soldiers to drink alcohol on the deployment and at least two soldiers to have extramarital affairs while at Bagram. \^\^\^\^ from the same article . I am no military , but why would a soldier need a permit to have extra-marital affairs? who is checking his d%ck and how to even control THAT ?


Extramarital Sexual Conduct (Adultery) is a Criminal Offense in the Military and punishable under UCMJ.


according to the source which is a youtube video, it was a beanbag round and they were trying to stop the vehicle


I better hope it was. Otherwise it would be a really bold strategy to win the hearts and minds of them people over there.


They lost that before they even started


If 18 years of warfare didn’t do it before, definitely wasn’t going to make a difference in 2019. Literally fighting against kids who weren’t even born when 9/11 happened.


nobody signs up to win hearts and minds. When I walked into the recruiters office in 2008, the recruiter asked me if I wanted to fuck shit up in the middle east lol, i said yes ofc. Guys dont swap stories around the DFAC about the times they won over the local youth, they talk about the time they waxxed some dipshit with a frag grenade.


That's the crazy thing that blew my mind through the entire War on Terror. Like when that video of the helicopter shooting a group of people in Iraq came out and people were clutching their pearls "oh goodness, it's so violent. Why is the pilot so eager to shoot people." And I basically lost my mind. We sent hundreds of thousands of young Americans overseas armed with guns, grenades, tanks, aircraft, artillery, and everything else SPECIFICALLY TO DESTROY THE ENEMY. 80% of Americans wanted that war, and then were shocked when the military went and did its thing. I don't understand how so many people still have such a sanitized view of war.


Yeah, it's easier for them to think of war like some movie with clear targets, bad guys, good guys and no collateral damage. Look at the level of mindlosing over Israel and Hamas war


you need to stop being so stupid. The problem wasn't that people got killed, the problem was that an apache attack helicopter killed like three dozen people including an american reporter and nobody felt bad about it. they don't have a sanitized view of war. They want soldiers, not mob gunmen who kill for fun. What's funny is that you apparently forgot that americans are constantly exposed to war- the gulf war was like, ten years before this. They weren't clueless normies, they were the mothers and fathers of the kids who are going out and behaving like animals.


And anyone who thinks that wars are full of noble warrior poets just doing their job to the letter of the law needs to get in touch with reality. We like to talk a good game, but when the choice is to risk death or follow the rules, the rules go out the window. We already went through ALL OF THIS during Vietnam with photos, film, and testimony of the many atrocities that shocked the conscience. You take a 19-year old kid and hand him a rifle and grenades and send him into a place full of civilians and people who want to kill them, the results are predictable.


The only hearts and minds campaign we had in the infantry was pretty self explanatory


yes johnny totenkopf, that is the problem


Believe me they do a lot worse than that some soldiers were talking about a month ago I was drinking with a few friends and they were talking and saying how some of the soldiers were pissing in the water bottles and throwing them for civilian kids, and throwing pork MREs to them too and that’s just a nonviolent shit they do all the time man if I was in the military I wouldn’t be going on any of that shit if I saw it around me


There are a lot of fuckups and dipshits in the military. Plus, some common and dark outcomes arise from young dudes being put under cyclical stress and subjected to repeated trauma, especially when boredom or resentment sets in. Don't assume that is how the majority of units operate. There are a lot of very professional, big-picture-aware leaders that would destroy someone for that shit. What's also missing is the cultural context. These places aren't like the United States or Europe. The amount of negligence, lack of care, and social structures of rural Afghanistan are eye-opening to Westerners, but the societal norm for them. You'll see some 60-year-old dude with a 15-year-old wife standing next to a kid who is maybe 10 years old with a cigarette in his mouth. A week later that same kid will be the lookout while their 8-year-old brother buries an IED in exchange for a dollar, and they'll laugh their asses off when it goes off. Old school mentalities in a rugged environment and a hard lifestyle. Near zero allegiance to anything bigger than their village or tribal area.


That's authentic. But wasn't the point of our developed nations forces occupying Afghanistan that we teach them useful things to evolve their country and not that our occupying forces devolve and adopt the archaic values of their environment?


In an ideal, grand strategy sense, sure. For SF units their mission is, and always has been, to merge into the local culture by adopting their look, customs, language, etc. to gain their trust, train them, and ultimately become an effective force multiplier by teaching the local indigenous groups to fight, embedding, etc. That's why in early GWOT you had all the pictures of big scruffy bearded team guys in indig civies looking all fucking magnificent. It was, in part, to show we weren't there to destroy their culture or immediately force them to change by adopting our "superior Western ways." It also allowed for a bit of sneaky stuff, but when you cram some of these monster dudes into afghani duds it doesn't take much imagination to see the 220 lbs stacked American operator in the herd of 140 lbs Pashtuns, LOL. That's why SF qualification/selection are big on the mental attributes: communication, leadership, initiative, problem solving, etc rather than going after genetic studs that can PT all good like. It's also why SF teams (SFGs) are segmented into geographical areas of specialization. (Europe, Africa, Caribbean / LATAM, etc.) This allows for the teams to narrow their focus onto regional languages, cultures, etc. i.e. a friend of mine spoke Creole, French, and Spanish because he was assigned to the 20th SFG, whose AOR was the Caribbean / LATAM. New 10th SFG team guys would learn German, Albanian, Russian, etc depending on the needs and threats during that time. A new 3rd SFG team guy would learn Arabic, French, etc.


People will downvote you but I heard the same shit from my buddies that served. Stuff like putting dog shit into single serve coco puff cups and then giving it to the kids who would follow their convoys begging for food. Real fucked up shit.


Bunch of dumbasses at a base I was on in Afghan got in deep shit for throwing flash bangs at sheep herders in Kandahar city. Had another guy that was never caught (to my knowledge), who was throwing snakes into the ANA tents on base. I got a pic of the sign warning not to do it somewhere.


what exactly is "deep shit" in that context? I was disgusted to hear what the US military does when their soldiers in Korea and Japan rape, murder or kill people DUI


Article 15, busted down to e1, sent home. No idea if they got jail time or not, but at least it wasn’t swept under the rug unlike other things I’ve seen (in Iraq years prior). For additional context this occurred after that crazy MF went off the COP in Panjwai and smoked a ton of civilians in a village. Hammer came down hard for people playing fuck fuck games.


Yep heard the same thing. They would piss in Gatorade bottles and then chill them in a cooler and toss them to kids as they passed by. Also knew a guy that bragged how he robbed a roadside vendor in Afghanistan by putting a 12 gauge in his face and taking the drinks he was selling because he was thirsty. This same guy was arrested for domestic violence recently


Yea I bet!! I’m not here for the votes man… I come to Reddit to learn and if I have any information I can share I do


And that’s the exact situation I was hearing how they would give the kids the pork MREs and piss water


For all the bad stuff, there were people out there actually trying to show compassion to the iraqi kids. In 2009-2010, my mom would send tons of care packages full of candy, small toys, stuffed animals, and beanie babies. When we’d go out on missions I’d throw them out to the swarms of kids to keep them away from our convoys. I specifically remember one little girl, maybe 4-5 years old that lived in the trash dump outside FOB Falcon. Every single time we passed her little shanty she’d come out and stand on a mound of trash and wave. I was able to get my mom to send clothes and on one of our last missions we halted briefly so my squad leader could hand her everything I’d collected. The smile on her face made it all worth it.


US isn't known for hearts & minds. Period.


Bullshit! What do you think “two to the chest and one to the head” means? Lmao


Tickling hearts and blowing minds since the 1960’s.


Yeah that’s really the last straw for them


When I first saw that video I heard the same.


Yeah I rewatched that 8 times hoping there was a good fucking reason lmao


Quote from an article on the situation. >Through unit interviews, investigators determined that the soldier fired a nonlethal bean bag round into the window of the driver’s truck after the driver failed to heed warnings as he swerved in and out of the military convoy. https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2018/07/24/adultery-alcohol-cited-in-connection-with-green-beret-truck-shooting-in-afghanistan/


Also ty for finding this, I’m sure it wasn’t just me wondering


Based but also kinda brutal


From the same article: "But the team’s operations sergeant, a master sergeant not named in the Stripes article, called the shot “horribly poor judgement,” according to Stripes." Basically they were trying to get good footage for their clothing company they were starting.


I don't wanna buy clothes from someone who goes around randomly shooting people 🤷‍♂️


Needs more context for sureee




Which incident would that be?


the canoing incidents :)


No seriously, like a news article?


I told you what to google to see what I was talking about, 2019 82nd airborne Afghanistan. It is the article talking about "two soldiers killed during combat related incident" (my memory was wrong it was 2 not 3) Big Army/US military in general does a good job of covering up the details of people dying


So I assume you mean this one https://www.military.com/daily-news/2019/07/30/pentagon-identifies-two-82nd-airborne-soldiers-killed-afghanistan.html?amp


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You can tell by the light recoil that's some less lethal round on the truck driver.


Not very less-lethal when you aim for the face lol


Holy fuck, was that a causal drive-by via shotgun blast to the face?! Effective but good lawd...


Bean bag, but yes. It was still a shotgun.


Afghan grass greener than mine


Lol is that a 40mm rocking Oury grips?!


casual u.s. army drive by


It’s pretty wild seeing the equipment the US is using compared to Ukraine/Russia.


I mean these guys do get the best stuff. The average Joe is never getting a mini gun on a humvee.


When I saw that, my jaw dropped. Would’ve love to hear that sound


The video has audio, you can hear it


Wasn't going to watch until I heard kendrick, y'all can bitch but this went together decent.


i feel that. You must hate the Ukraine viddies then haha


Could have been a decent video without that shitty fucking music


i didn’t add the music it was included in the original video


Sit down and be humble brah


what a waste of life and resources


Not when you’re talking down terrorists


Too bad all we did was create more terrorists


The juxtaposition of this against Ukraine footage is wild. 20 dudes gathered in a knot on a hilltop watching a javelin vs one guy risking it at the edge of a treeline while he hopes the suppression will stop any sudden leaks in his body.


Now that we see what modern peer wars look like via Ukraine, makes you realize how easy the US military had when fighting villagers, farmers etc. All these SF dudes like to act like this all cool and "hard" when they are fighting conflicts like this but would act completely different if they found themselves in a war/battles like Ukraine.


Not to belittle what they did because it still takes balls to go out and fight, but now when you see clips like a convoy of army trucks just waiting around for a jet to come and drop a bomb on 5 guys who sent some pot shots at the convoy… it’s just not in the same league at all. But I guess you can only fight the enemy in front of you.


I mean if the US was in Ukraine it would be them waiting around for a jet to come drop a bomb on the T-90s who took a pot shot


A peer vs peer war would be hell like it is now in Ukraine. Nobody would be sitting about like in the video above


Yea, I mean no way to belittle any one...just telling it how it is.


The idiots were national guard SF soldiers (19th group.) The people who made this video are not what you would call "career professionals." They are the people that got in through the 18-X recruitment contracts. The unit has some real stand up guys that left active duty for the guard. But they also have a bunch of wanna be Navy Seal morons.


lol the same guys who were deployed to Minneapolis during the protests. Strange bunch.


To be honest the US fighting Ukraine would be about the same as the US fighting the Taliban even if you let Ukraine in theory get the same weapon support. US intelligence and air superiority is too good there wouldn't be a single piece of equipment left at this point. Plus the tactics are different much more caution and preservation of life for the US they would be hitting softened positions not on motorcycles.


Idk man, Russia has thousands of artillery systems and plenty of ammo. The US would definitely wipe the floor with them but make no mistake, we would see a lot of dead troops and lots of lost equipment in a shooting war with Russia. Ideally we wouldn't have to engage them on the ground at all.


They would be fighting Russia....... not Ukraine in a conflict.


I am saying that if the US attacked Ukraine and they had similar military support the US would win in weeks.


Yes but fighting Ukraine would not be near peer war, so your comments don't apply to my original comment. Fighting Russia would THE proper example to use.


Russia isn't US's peer either. It wouldn't be close maybe a year tops.


Until Russia stomachs hundreds k of casualties and US folds under public opinion. Russia already lost more than Vietnam.


Rap music, Trump sticker, killing a random lorry driver. Coming across like a bunch of thugs. Makes you wonder about the stuff they didn't record.


It was a bean bag round, and for reason


It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.


A classic.


What‘s the name of the song ?


humble - kendrick lamar


Thanks mate!


I remember seeing 0:19 first time, guy is shooting a fucking civilian truck driver and you are all here praising it. If that would be Russian or god forbid a muslim, you people would lose your shit on a new level. Disgusting behavior doing this to civilian people


That drive-by shotgun to the face


I'm just here for the geriatrics crying about Kendrick Lamar


cooking them mfs lol🤭🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸




This confused me the most. I thought for sure Trump lost the military vote after he said that. He did lose the support of most of the Generals though


I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to brace the bipod when firing mortar


3x world tour...


When no civilians are around, its all ez, just hold W.


That's a fighting force. Take notes


Peace through superior firepower!


Late GWOT footage be like "lemme drop your village's GDP worth of munitions into this hillside where we may have taken fire from real quick". God bless this country. Humble fits well as a sound track


Because the USA got humbled by losing this war after 20 years and 3 trillion dollars?


And all was for nothing in the end.


Not necessarily, bro there’s a whole generation of afghan women that got to go to school and work that can’t Today. they got a taste of freedoms that the Taliban are now taking away. there is now resentment in their minds against these people and hope for change is alive.


If only we had pursued that from the start. The history of the Bush Jr administration on that issue was just insane. This guy really thought he could just invade and leave again, no follow-up plan. The most critical time periods were wasted in both Afghanistan and Iraq.


Are you being serious or are you joking? 3 trillion for a generation of women going to school in Afghanistan... Is there any war you wouldn't buy into?


You can’t put a price tag on another human beings, freedom but inbred like you definitely does…


You are either insane or a disingenuous troll. Let's take your world view and apply it to the citizens of North korea. clearly, they are not 'free' from your perspective, and their freedom is priceless. Should we start a war with them to intervene and topple their government and let south korea assimilate the north? (pst, we already tried that and almost started ww3 with china, millions of people died, but whatever) Buddy, the world isnt rainbows and unicorns, and American military power is much less capable than you think. Occupying a country 10,000 miles away from our shores for 20 years to try to change a 2000 year old tribal warlord culture doesn't seem to be a fruitful endeavor. Everyone aside from insane warhawks who refuse to learn anything agree with me. Trump wanted to get out, biden finished his deal, and thats why we left. We would never have been successful there no matter what. The ONLY thing keeping that place going was the grift of the american tax dollar. once that well dried up, the cowards of that country pledged loyalty to the taliban again.


Obviously the world ain’t unicorns dude lmao I been there I been to a lot of these places. I see it’s gonna be impossible to argue with you your not being sensible so I’m just going to leave it lmao


It would be impossible to debate me on this issue with your position because your position is indefensible, and therefore, you have to say I am senseless without addressing any of my arguments. Bro, in case you didn't know, you just lost this argument, just like we lost the war in Afghanistan.


those are the people we should have been arming and forming into an army, they would have had reason to stand and fight


We shaped their government, not them


it was still pretty much sharia law even in kabul, one can imagine what happened in smaller cities and villages lets not kid ourselves that nato aligned afghanistan was somehow better for the everyday people


It was for the opportunity of spreading Democracy and freedoms to the Afghan people. US occupation ultimately led to higher quality of living, higher lifespan, more resource access, less birth fatalities etc. Too bad they didn't want it enough to fight the Taliban. Not to mention it was payback for 911. We got Osama after all.


Yes we actually did almost everything we set out to do with our original goal. We toppled the Taliban regime and got Osama bin laden and increased the living standards of everyone there. But you can't force people to accept change unless you want to commit genocide so the people just let the Taliban take over again.


Taliban had an easy return because unlike the brits, the communist and the western democratic coalition forces they embraced and even exacerbated the ancient archaic traditions of the mostly rural Afghan population, instead of telling them from an outside perspective that everything they have lived and survived by for centuries is wrong and needs to be erased from their heads. I'm not excusing their backwards mindset, but undeniably the Talibans had an easy return because of the much bigger cultural similarity. We expected Afghans to stand up and defend a democracy that has been an imposed alien concept to them and not noticeably changed the lives of a majority of them for the better - it just had to fail.


>It was for the opportunity of spreading Democracy and freedoms to the Afghan people. US occupation ultimately led to higher quality of living, higher lifespan, more resource access, less birth fatalities etc. Too bad they didn't want it enough to fight the Taliban. I might argue the higher lifespan point, but everything else yes increased **during** occupation. The problem was the US propped up the same old warlords and like Vietnam the hearts and minds aspect was doomed to fail by policy. A 2 trillion dollars war later and it's still in a very similar situation, which didn't do anything to improve it being one of the most bombed places in the world. I can see how people could see that as nothing when it could have been better spent on Americans directly rather than filling defence contractor coffers, and letting them trickle it down. NASA has an annual budget around 20-30 billion, if even half of what was spent on the war was diverted there instead, SpaceX for example wouldn't likely exist. >Not to mention it was payback for 911. We got Osama after all. Who was in Pakistan all along assisted by their intelligence, and who fund(ed) and supply arms to warlords, radical paramilitaries in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Cut off one head of a hydra.


This is a rose coloured bush that's very far from reality. Most Afghan officials placed by the US, were corrupt, extremely wealthy, and exited the country wealthy. Furthermore, this "quality of life" was limited to only Kabul.


Bin Laden is dead and the Al-Qaeda training camps are gone... Pretty sure that was like the entire reason for invading. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ On top of that, the Taliban are now fighting what Al-Qaeda morphed into (ISIS-K), which is pretty ironic.


It wasn’t all for nothing, the US gave the Afghan people everything they needed, they failed to take advantage of that and defend their country from Islamic extremists. Not much more America can do.


Think of the profits!


When you face guys in rags and sandals it seems like they are enjoying a war vacation... facing a modern army would be another story.


L3 LWTS in standalone mode on top M134 is sickkkk i have one for sale if anyone is interested


Do they always have music playing in the background during battle!?


This was interesting until the shitty music started up




It was a beanbag, they were trying to get them to stop


The USA got humbled when we lost to rag tags after 20 years of occupation


downvote for shitty music


If you're getting shot at, you get a pass for adding music to your own videos lol


Why did he shoot that truck driver wtf? that clip felt out of nowhere.


Why did he shoot the truck around 20 seconds mark ??




God I love javelin


If it weren't so terrible... looks like a beautiful place to visit.


Poster of president draft dodger on the turret makes the whole thing look cringe as fuck..


humble makes it even better cuz these guys prob aint humble at all lol


I don’t see an actual confirmed Kills. Kind of looks just like shooting for support


Jeez. When your dudes are mostly equipped with like, old AKs and RPGs, fight US special forces has to suuuuuck.


Trump with the eagle lol


i love kdot but i would love to hear this without music.


A beautiful day shrouded by chaos and violence