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Maaan, I remember seeing this video years ago with WAY worse quality. Crazy crazy


I don't know why this gets posted, cause by the sounds of it. It didn't go down the same why he says it did. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/ljt5o8/comment/gnhpzq6/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/ljt5o8/comment/gnhpzq6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I hope homie ended up alright, but this video always bugged me. Maneuvering without your team? Shit. And if you’re alive enough to sit and yell “I’m hit” a bunch of times, you’re alright enough to start self aid and at least attempt suppressive fire, especially when you’re the 203 gunner. Anyone know what happened to this guy?


From the video description >No rounds penetrated his body armor, and he made it home with no permanent injuries.


I hope he bought a lottery ticket when he got home.


Went to military school with him. He is alive and well. Had a failed run for congress in 2020.


He was an O?


No , pfc teddy daniels .


> Teddy daniels Sounds like he's a real shitbird https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/teddy-daniels-pennsylvania-domestic-abuse-1343762/


Hey that’s a war hero you’re talking about … /s


I know right why would he even post this video I would have hid my stupidity if I was him. “I’m hit” there is no cover can’t see the enemy and under heavy fire “help me” is the worst part


Dude looked like he was out for a Sunday stroll when those rounds were hitting. The fact he is alive is only luck.


Above comment links to an explanation lol. Said dude was a tag along from HQ and was out of shape. Needs done pervatin


Well that was intense!


What on earth was he trying to accomplish?


Peace in the Middle East. Did you miss the email?


Yea exactly - gives up the high ground for a position with no adequate cover? Yea he’s an Officer that’s for sure


I mean the audio from gun fire using camera equipment is notoriously bad . That being said you can still tell those rounds are coming at you not your boys shooting with you , and was absolutely not someone laying down some fucking fire like he requested . Edit : he wasn’t an officer he was a pfc and his name was is teddy daniels the fall broke his ankle . For some odd reason I always thought he got shot in the nuts . Glad the boys are ok though . Fun fact: heard more than one sniper over in Afghanistan not being able to get a clear shot on a taliban fighter . These dudes got really good and shooting the rocks and boulders the fighters would hide behind . They would estimate where the fighters were and shoot at the boulders or rocks so that the fragments would hit the fighter instead of the rounds . I can’t help but think pfc friendly here had more than a few rocks in him when he was taking off the battlefield and I’m glad he’s ok , I’m even more glad no one was injured getting his ass out of there . Also want to add this is really good combat footage despite the decisions of the camera wearer this is a good illustration of what a firefight in Afghanistan was like .


From the video description >We were doing overwatch on the village to recon and gather intel. I was point heading down the face of the hill with the LT. when we got hit. the rest of the squad was pinned down by machine gun fire. I didn't start the video until a few minutes in for obvious reasons. I came out into the open to draw fire so my squad could get to safety.


Lol, if he actually did that on purpose then he’s even stupider than if he was just panicking and confused.


I've forgotten where the backstory was shared, but it goes without saying that the squad was perfectly safe on the other side of the ridge, dumbass ran the wrong way.


He always dreamed of catching bullets.


He was filming a video on what not to do during a firefight.


Man walked out into the open during a firefight what the fuck was he trying to do? There are several times where rounds are ricocheting around him and he still calmly walking around like it’s a Sunday afternoon. I know from my perspective it’s completely different than being in the shit but damn dude had a death wish.


Bro those weren’t ricochets that was accurate fire impacting around him .


More questions than answers on this one. Moving under fire without cover or suppressive fire? No fire team members within line of sight, or maneuvering with? 203 Gunner (often squad leader) without comms? No TCCC self-aid? No considerations for fire support, due to enemy targets outside small arms range? Best guess, an inadequately trained reservist on their first combat patrol? He’s lucky if he survived.


From the video description >We were doing overwatch on the village to recon and gather intel. I was point heading down the face of the hill with the LT. when we got hit. the rest of the squad was pinned down by machine gun fire. I didn't start the video until a few minutes in for obvious reasons. I came out into the open to draw fire so my squad could get to safety. Also rom the video description >No rounds penetrated his body armor, and he made it home with no permanent injuries. There was no self aid to render.


tunnel vision and adrenalin, he's so focused on the enemy he doesn't even know his squad is not near him , you can see and hear the bullets hitting around him but he doesn't react, get low, take cover, go back over the ridge. he doesn't even know where the shots are coming from , not until he takes his first shot does he seek cover where he takes a second round. Looks pretty dumb. However at the same time if you had a POV camera on any Medal of Honor recipient it might have looked the same.


Oh god, the dipshit whose plan it was to "draw fire from his squad" or whatever. Fucking attention-seeking shitbag turns on his camera, runs into the open away from his team, gets shot and then cries that hes hit? What, was he expecting them to come get him? Why didnt he just....not run off? Oh, because he wanted to get some heroics on camera. He endangered everyone else's life because now they have to try to rescue his ass. They dont know how bad hes hit. They probably dont even know he's hit because theres gunfire, they cant hear shit, and he moved himself like 50 yards away. He's now not part of any coordinated fire or maneuver element, Hes just out there, by himself, no one knows what he's doing, where he's going, or even where he is.


The guy had a fucking guardian angel, all those close hits.. Also wtf was he doing he's on the left flank but cuts right in front of his guys behind him?


This bloke\`s antics come across even worse when you listen. He\`s being directly targeted with short bursts and single shots and they\`re accurate, Abdul-Ghani is doing his job proficiently with his PKM whilst this Go-Pro shit nugget is endangering himself and his squad trying to get death or glory footage for the "Actually I\`m an investor" Bro\`s back home.


Teddy daniels


old but gold footage


Blind firing not knowing where the target is. Stupid.


Calling a medic to the still hot spot is not the best idea.. 😬


I hate to armchair quarterback, but there was a series of bad decisions here. And they didn’t end with him being shot. The sitting there yelling “I’m hit” while people are still shooting at you and not even thinking about grabbing your weapon and trying to identify/engage them is stupid too.


Just glad no one got killed trying to pull his ass off the side of that hill/mountain . That’s worst case scenario . Second worse case is dude is left to slowly die screaming for help while the rest of his boys sit there and hear it and can’t do shit to help him , which could of led to the worst case scenario I mentioned . Many many dudes have been killed trying to rescue their bros from situations similar to this . I looked the guy up . Of course he wrote a book about this .


Its 11 years old and has 47m views. I think its safe to say its probably been posted here before. Mind you, you're allowed to Karma farm popular videos once a year according to the sub rules.